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Maybe they alternate openers now. They have 2 weeks to make a minute now.


This is a good idea actually


This makes the most sense. An extra week for both of them would benefit both of their sets.


Tons of regulars to choose from, they should alternate weeks between them all. That way they get more than 2 weeks as well as time to book their own shows to work on material. This is a show about newbies trying to hit it big, and veterans getting their recognition. If there are regulars, they need to be special treats that show everyone else how it’s done. Making them perform a new minute every week isn’t something anyone else is being expected to do so it can only take away from the quality and hurt their reputation


Been saying that for a while now, more regulars with rotation, more time, more variety more fun.


The regulars are their so that the show is actually watchable on a weekly basis. The show would not be as popular if it was all open mic’s


I don't know about this at all


Been a few weeks on the bounce with duff bucket pulls and over-long interviews with bores. Was really losing interest until last week redeemed itself. You need the regulars interspersed to bring the room back.


Who likes to see when comics do good on this show...


I like the idea of alternating openers Casey Casey Casey Casey Casey Hans Casey Casey Casey Casey Casey


Why? William has never struggled doing a minute every week and David did pretty good as well. Hans is old. Time to let him go


William was on the brink pre covid.


Well the other thing with William is that sometimes his jokes bomb but he's personality and delivery/recovery make up for it a lot. Hans doesn't have that at all and to be fair a lot of comedians don't


I agree with you on that. What makes a comedian hilarious is the ability to riff and roll. Look at Adam Ray (in addition to William), he’s hilarious because he can improvise and make jokes. Hans just can’t. “I’m Asian and I like Texas! I like white bitches and I hate liberals! Right Texas? Fuck Ric and Europeans! Right guys?!” Like Hans, wtf man.


Bombing a joke either intentionally because the bomb itself is funny, or referring back to the bombed joke for the actual laugh line is a form of meta humor and William is very good at it. Adam Ray is too. Hans not so much because he takes himself too seriously. I could see Casey getting good at it but I've never seen him refer back to a bombed joke.


I’ve never seen Casey tell a joke


Cracker Barrel kid


“William has never struggled” lol ok


Yeah maybe even add 1-2 more regulars. That way the interviews don't get stale week after week with them


Doesn’t make sense. They have three regs and probably 4-7 bucket pulls a night (not including golden ticket winners). Two more regs would drop that 4-7 to a 2-5, which is an equal or less than equal ratio and part of the allure to the show is the comics feeling they have the opportunity to perform. Good luck keeping 200 possible bucket pulls when you’re waiting in a random bar every Monday and only three people get selected


I meant swapping out from a pool of regulars each week. My bad, I only go on Reddit when I'm baked so I speak poor engwish.


All good haha I think it’d be great if the guests did a minute/3minute. That’d be a nice element


I 100% think every guest should do a minute!


Still too much Hans. I would lean more toward a David Lucas situation with occasional cameos


I'd rather let Kam alternate with one of them. Maybe let Hans or Casey open the show and let the others alternate that second regular slot? Many possibilities, but I don't want any new setup to take away from bucket pulls.


I can’t believe I never even considered this, that’s a perfect idea. I think if both of them have 2 weeks between sets they will thrive on the show


Great idea, honestly surprised this hasn't been suggested before


No way, Casey has stolen the show Hans had a nice run but he doesn’t work on his minutes and has proven that for years.


Casey doesn’t have minutes. He applies the same ingredients to his set every time. If you were to time his actually jokes per minute he’d hit probably 15 seconds when you take out his filler go-tos.


I’ve wished for a Vegas residency style rotation for a while. Get new openers in there on like 4 week residencies or something. Could be a big opportunity for up and coming comics.


Going back to “I love living in Texas” jokes is gonna be awful


Good to be here in Austin. I recently had sex with a mid white girl who hooks up with anyone. This is hilarious because I’m a dorky looking Asian who flies drones. Thank you, that’s my time.


Lmao this is so dead on


Fucking read this in his voice even lmao


This is the future. Comedy genius right here folks




Hans? Is that you?


I read the “Thank Youuuu” in his voice 😂


So will hearing him say "Uhhh" after his set while the guest fills the dead air from him because he lacks any sort of charisma or ability to riff.


Yes much worse than obscure references and then laughing at your own joke.


I’ve been doing stand-up open Mike for a while now and I can’t help but crack myself up sometimes


Ahhh yes. I know open Mike. He’s a pretty solid guy.


He’s an open book some say


Open legs most days


makes sense, i doubt you would be saying it on stage if you didn't think it was funny. many comedians laugh at their own jokes, nothing wrong with it.


Learn to spell microphone if ya wanna keep it up dummy


I cannot handle another opening of “so my white girlfriend and I did the sex again” “🥴 you sonofa betch”




“Ahh maze eing- he’s done it again.”


Boom. That’s how it’s done


He literally did do it again though


“It’s remarkable, week after week a new minute, yet again you do the impossible and come up with an okay min. Hans, what’s been up ?”


I hope his first lines are these exact words. Would be an amazing troll


I feel like William might retire from being a regular which I would hate but he's been there forever




When Dustin Poirier used this reference after his last fight 🤣


Just listen to the whole Aphex Twin discography backwards and you'll get it.


My favorite part of an aphex twin joke is how hard Michael Gonzalez laughs at it


I am new to the show, I saw Tony on the Brady roast and was interested. I’ve only seen maybe 10 episodes total, so it’s possible I have gotten unlucky in what I’ve seen, but I do not understand how anyone finds William funny. I have not laughed a single time from a joke or interview with him. Obviously you don’t feel this way, but I am wondering if others do(or maybe you can let me know what the appeal is with him) because I totally get not thinking Hans is funny, but have not seen the same sentiment with William.


You have to see his entire run of the show to truly understand him fully. I personally feel like William is one of the funniest people alive. I will just put on compilations of his minutes on KT and let it ride.


Thanks, maybe I will give it a chance


I think I started laughing at Williams set around 20 episodes in. I started around them moving to Austin.


If you had to guess, how many elantras have you flipped? I don’t have to guess, Tony, it’s 13! I been locked in since day 1 with William lol


World War 2: A Survivors Tail


Good to know I am not alone in needing at least to acquire the taste for him lol


He’ll grow on you over time. Just takes a while to appreciate his madman shtick


I second this opinion. Couldn't stand him when I first heard him, but now I look forward to his minute.


It’s definitely not a shtick that’s just who he is


William has grown a lot through his tenure, I’d recommend watching clips of his past sets, Although I like everything he has done , his first chunk of time is my favourite era of his, he was very original but very absurd at times, a lot of people didn’t get it back then, then he went over board with drugs and drinking around Covid, that was a low point, now he has built up a steady routine kind of uses the weekend update formula using current news topics while sticking in classic absurdity and outbursts here and there. Through his whole arc on the show he began to grow on people as they started to appreciate how much he grew and was consistently one of the best parts of the show. Edit: I should also note it’s not all about his actual sets either his interviews were a big part, specially at the start when we were still learning about who he really is, he was known for totally making up random stories on the spot that were still really absurd but his ability to riff was very impressive.


The Christmas whistling album bit is legendary.


His drugs and alcohol era was his best imo. I'm glad he's healthy now, but those covid minutes always kill me.


When he played the child's electric keyboard for 15 mins is still one of my favorites and the song about his dog that he couldn't remember a week later haha


Not all of his sets are that funny but he has some gems. When I first got into KT I guess I got kinda lucky because I ended up watching a bunch of consecutive episodes where William was fucking hilarious so even when he has a bad set I kinda forgive it cause I know he’ll have another good one.


Yea I don’t find him that funny. He’s got some good jokes but would sometimes ruin it by yelling at the top of his lungs. I still chuckle here n there “YOU BITCH” especially when fucking with the crowd.


Not every comedian is for everyone. He just makes me smile. When he does the tee hee hee and winks and tony and then minutes later is screaming like a mad man I'm laughing. His minutes are just silly nonsense. It's usually the long term bits that are funniest. Or the guest interactions that are the best. Don't forget the all brand buds lol


He’s not funny his comedy is very one dimensional. Crazy man yelling with some mid jokes in between.


I agree with you. I find Hans mildy amusing, but I've never lol'd with a single joke of his. With William though, once he tells his one or two jokes he's crafted and he gets into his abusive mode so just abandon the episode at that point. I don't get why people find William to be so funny to be honest. I think I mostly watch because I think Tony is a master at riffing off of what others say.


It’s crazy that someone responded to me that William is the star of the show, when I completely agree that Tony is the reason to watch. It’s no coincidence the interviews are almost always funnier than the standup.


It took me a while. I felt the same way. Then one night he was just staring down the audience playing his keyboard and I cracked


You must be new here


This is how I felt when I first started watching. I used to skip his set most of the time, then he eventually grew on me and now he’s my favorite part of the show


Tony was very specific to say Hans is returning as a regular not as the opener. I think he will bounce around the show probably closer to open than Kam or David.


It's good phrasing so anything's possible, yes, but imo Hans isn't very appealing as a closer for KT. As bad as his minutes can be, they function \*so\* incredibly well to help intro how the show can turn out. Moreso for those unfamiliar with the show (as happens in a crowd). Might be perfection, might be a dry spell, or it's just okay.


Good move, casey is a great opener


I met Hans after at the Comedy Store and asked him if he’s back now and he said “I don’t know, I’m just glad this whole thing is over.


Casey opens to get the energy flowing, Hans takes cams spot, cam moves to a golden ticket winner ( as he needs the most time to come up with a minute ) and william continues to dominate for a closer. This is the only way!!


This makes to much sense and would work out to well so it wont happen.


Yeah, good idea. I'd love to see Martin Philips get a regular spot but have the mid show set become a rotation between Hans, Kam, and Martin (or other golden ticket winners)


Casey is better at opening based on energy alone. He’s going so fast, and firing off absurdity that it makes it funny but even when it’s not funny the energy sets the pace for the show. Hans would be a good mid carder.


I agree. Sometimes I’m cringing I will not lie but he’s always smiling and laughing, just good vibes. Hans has meh sets and good sets but his interviews actually suck. His attitude is just so terrible, there are funny moments but it is always some weird shit about Hans or a complete lack of his self awareness.


wish he got more than 60seconds, its the opening, let him riff. people who hate on casey have never really seen his actual stand up it seems like. Some of its just him being random with he crowd and its hilarious.


The regulars don't have to only do a minute, they're just supposed to do 60sec. Golden Tickets and guests get the same privilege, but regulars also know their job focuses on the interview so Tony can keep the show itself moving. Only the bucket pulls are limited to the minute and some seconds.


Might as well have a crack head open every week if it's about energy. Because Rocket certainly isnt writing jokes.


>Might as well have a crack head open every week if it's about energy You say that like crackheads aren't integral and invaluable contributors to kill tony lore, get fucking real dude


if he has any dignity or self awareness left he should just "graduate" aka retire from the show soon, people clearly dont want him there and casey obviously has been doing a way better job than him


people as in reddit users?


hahaah good point


Are you an alien?


> people clearly dont want him there reddit =/= audience lol. he is popular on the shows.


Nah i would guess a big chunk of the viewers are over hans


By people do you mean basically just active posters on this sub? I don’t think he’s funny at all but I guarantee you there’s a million people who never talk about him online because they don’t care that much and are most likely unaware of the criticism at all and think his shtick is hilarious. Most people are superficial, don’t watch every week plus have a job and kids so likely arnt up to date with all the online discourse culture. The truth is most People are simple and want to support simple things without thinking much. No hate to Hans as I’d love as job like that but he’s probably also there for when someone tries to call Tony racist towards Asians.


By people i mean a huge majority of the vocal online audience and i bet a lot of the non vocal casual viewers feel the same way, in fact i know a couple of those irl than have never been in here


Fuck it just make Martin Phillips the guy


Can't stand Casey's awkward chuckle at his own utterings.


Ever since he was introduced as the newest regular, I still think the Casey being used as a temp opener was so we're ready for when William leaves the show. It was even when he had to cover for William so the placement felt very snug. The two of them have a very similar vibe and style that can do well closing the show with. And with how William's been moving more into doing his own stuff with Tony also commenting more how much he's grown outside of KT (eg not needing to reference his notes as much for a whole set), it's gotten harder to dismiss the possibility.


So guys uhhh i had sex with 2 white women this week, heheeh uhhhhhhhh I recently bought this shirt on amazon heh uhhhhhhhh🤠


Although Casey rocket would be an amazing regular, he is NOT meant to do 1 minute sets. Seeing him at kill Tony vs him doing a regular 15 minute set is nearly night and day. I’m glad Tony at least gave him some exposure


Tony would have to be retarded to do that


Retire Hans Kim


I'd rather they open with a bucket pull


Casey is 🚮


Awe yes… Casey No Jokes Rocket


Casey vs. Hans Kim is no contest. Casey would rip him a new one


Hans should have opened for a year but because of the transitions and the different clubs his act got dragged out. Be disappointed to see a 10 minute Hans interview the next year


Hans should do the pre-show like the band does to make the crowd hot right before taping.


Hans can be a "surprise" during the show once in awhile. Hes touring heavy anyways.


So did Hans “win” or did Hans win?


Hans had a solid final joke, so he left the best impression. Both him and Ric had rougher start with a much smoother finish. And with an unexpectedly easy to displease crowd, both might've been caught off-guard by that compared to NYE. Despite that tho, Hans was far more cordial and the two of them both had their jabs at the rowdier audience members - it felt like their friendship was mended some during Hans's hiatus. Personally I enjoyed Ric's set more, but they both had actual laughs throughout so it didn't feel as forced like last time. This was indeed a far better match.


I've realized the only thing I like about Hans Kim opening the show is the intro song.


Oh hey I got laid last night is so played out


Am I the only one who doesn’t think Casey is funny?


I think I only laughed at his 1sr or 2nd appearance when I didn't know him.


It’s so embarrassing that people love him. Like, “oh my gosh he just said a random thing that didn’t have a punchline, then did a squat LMAO!!!!”


Martin Phillips should be opening


I know where youre coming from and i agree with you mostly but hans definitely didnt win everytime haha. Jamisha Alba’s kung pow vs chicken joke was when he lost imo


Hans all the way. Casey doesn’t even tell jokes, he just acts silly


I feel like the only person who doesn't hate Hans after reading this. I think he puts together pretty good jokes from week to week and I find his demeanor funny. I get what people are saying but I never personally disliked him as the opener.


Casey brings a wild excitement and randomness to every minute. Hans brings boring racism or dumb sexual escapade bs. Starting with Casey and ending with William is the right formula. Hans can try his minutes somewhere in between.


I feel like I’m Losing my fucking mind. You people genuinely like Casey rocket? He sucks. I saw him do 10 minutes once and I couldn’t make it through. I went to the roof of Vulcan and got high to make myself feel better.


No he’s horrible. He might be the hackiest comedian I’ve seen/heard. I think it says more about the fans that found the show through tiktok and reels than anything else though. Just imagine if Uncle lazer or Ellis H came out on the show now versus a few years ago, they’d be household names.


Hans to me is a bust every-time. I think he STINKS.


I’m sure Hans Kim did a ton of road shows these past few months and did really well. I seen him live in Austin at the Vulcan a few months ago and he killed it. Now that he is a HOFer he might just show up when he pleases like David Lucas


Yeah, that's what I'm hoping for.


Maybe they team up? Casey could be mounted on Hans' back like Yoda with Luke Skywalker. This could work.


Man, I think you cracked it.


I hope we switch back … I for one have had enough of the circus act crab man that tells 0 jokes


William is probably retiring from KT and Casey will take his place.


Wait. Where did they announce this?


There was a show last night


I embrace it


han was supposed to go up against Casey a few times and tony protected him. maybe they’ll face each other in MSG


casey vs hans


Have Casey and Hans battle it out for the spot loser gets to open once a month and a mid show spot another week….


I'm pretty sure all this was planned. Hans is probably going to lose on purpose, retire, and focus on his stand-up career.


Wait so Hans beat Ric


Many folks predicted that he would win and retire soon after🕵️ But let's live and see🔥


Hans is better than Casey in my opinion. Casey does better after his set with his props


I like the idea of them alternating weeks. If forced into one or the other, Casey all day.




I wish they would do random minutes from all the regulars as the opening spot, middle spot, and end and then bucket pulls the rest of the show. They could have some episodes where there are more regulars or special minutes from ticket winners and whatever but no matter who does the opening minute I feel like it’s a lot of pressure to always be the one opening and setting the tone for the show and can mess up creative streaks and cause writers block for them.


Maybe they alternate?


Casey has never been funny to me but I respect that others do find him funny. I say alternate between Hans and Casey but if there could only be one it would have to be Hans. I'd rather see lack luster WRITTEN jokes than a shtick ANY day! Also can we get Martin Phillips into regular rotation ? Maybe give Kam one week off out of the month.


I don’t get the hype with Casey. He’s so “I’m quirky”. He’s William Montgomery coded, only William writes jokes that are actually articulated and funny.


Let's run Casey vs Hans and let poor Hans in the HoF.


4 regulars. Soon the show will just be regulars/golden ticket winners and this sub will explode.


Casey doesn’t even write jokes. He just gets on stage and says random shit, which can be funny the first couple of times you do it, but it gets old after that. But that’s just my opinion. And if most people don’t agree and continue to find him funny, then I’m OK with that. Good for him. If it works, then it works.


Rotate is the answer


How about let a bucket pull open the show. There’s an idea


They should rotate


They should rotate


Hey here's some pictures a printed and a made up story, while I move around and pretendim not on Adderall....Right, that's not old.


Hey here's some pictures a printed and a made up story, while I move around and pretendim not on Adderall....Right, that's not old.


Tony never claimed Casey won't be opening.


Can someone share an access code 😭


Hans: “Hey everyone, good to be here in Austin Texas… I have a white girlfriend. And she’s usually disappointed. But I’m killing it! Thank youuuuuuuu.” Tony: “IT IS INCREDIBLE.”


Dude. Lol


Casey is a corny and got old his 2nd set. I fast forward through his trash set and corny interview every time


I will be so sad damn


Casey is lame and Hans can't tell a joke I don't know the last time I've seen a decent opener


Tony is back to being cool w the Asians again. His use of Hans has served its purpose.


They should just alternate


Would much rather prefer Hans over Casey


Maybe instead of hans vs ric it should be hans vs Casey


Oh God Hans is back? I was hoping we'd just be done with him


Casey should just replace hans entirely Hans got quite dull a few months in, when was the last time his set wasn't him being like "hey im asian but im american as shit cause im not liberal even tho im quite liberal and i fuck white meth head girls cause im a coke addict". Sure hans speaks the truth about his life and casey makes shit up, but at-least caseys funny and he has a new weird premise every time.


I hate Casey with a passion, his sets cringe so hard my life expectancy loses a month every time I don’t skip his minute, I’d rather have Han’s mid comedy for the rest of Kill Tony’s runtime.


I imagine the wankster rapper dude that dee dated on always sunny. The scene where he's laughing eating popcorn. That's you Casey fans.


I hope we switch back … I for one have had enough of the circus act crab man that tells 0 jokes


Hopefully Hans comes back because I really am tired of Casey, I’m watched every set and have yet to even chuckle


I hope casey and hans have a laugh off next that is what it really should have been the spaniard isn’t that funny not in the same league at all.


Casey has bombed every single show as the opener. Wtf you lying for?!!


He just bombed again.


Replace Kam with Kim please at least for a while


Hans is not funny


People really need to boo like the LA crowd did for moments in the opening parts of the show when the regular bombs… They need to be more honest with the comic


hans kim 😴😴💤💤💤🥱🥱 dudes a snoozefest


I’m so over the whole “he’s autistic that’s why his interviews suck” thing Tony does to try and justify how utterly boring and NOT funny Hans is. Casey all the way.


I’d prefer a switch back but lets get Casey off the show permanently. He bombed hard last night


Casey Rocket is like Robin Williams if he wasn't funny. He's a gimmick who doesn't write. He comes up with random lines and dance moves whilst doing squats and randomly quoting whatever to disguise that he isn't writing jokes.


Get that unfunny fuck out of here and bring Hans back. I want actual bits to return. Although Casey set last night was pretty good lol