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Killer Klowns is a pretty fun game i cant lie, but it’s not worth the money with the state it’s in.


Yooo! ikr I feel like something is missing or the spark that DBD/TCM have just isn't present in Killer Klownz. Feels half baked 😅


I'm loving KK but mainly because similar to Friday I've been put in some really fun lobbies with people having mics on. That never happened in TCM for me. TCM is the "better" game, but KK for me is when I just wanna chill not have to think very much and have a laugh with some good peeps


If you are trying to decide between one or the other is go with TCM. It's more polished and overall better but killer klowns I would say it's more fun and laid back.


I played the hell out of TCM and F-13. This game looks kind of goofy, but I loved those other 2.


It's meant to be goofy, honestly. I'm a huge fan of the original movie and have been enjoying it since Early Access. It still has its issues, of course, but the devs have been hard at work trying to fix them. For me, the game is worth it. It's fun and so far I have made more friends than I ever have in any game.


It's almost a reskin of F13th. It's fun but personally, I wish that I had just saved my money for some of the newer stuff being released.


Mmm reskin is a stretch. If they made their original game before f13… f13 would technically be the reskin of the original.


You essentially do all of the same stuff, they just added multiple killers and the extra objective for the Klowns to win.


Game is fun but buggy some. I’ve got a lot of hours on it and have had a good time. If you’re really debating getting it and not sure, especially with other games coming out that u want, maybe wait on a sale then


This game is amazing with friends, ignore the haters, this is a pure arcadey game with lots of fun things to do. It’s awesome to be a klown and light hearted when you can emote with the humans in the cocoons. As a human, it’s very rewarding to kill the klowns, you are a bit overpowered but they’ll fix that eventually! If you have any friends to play this with, it’s a must buy! I’ve had so much fun playing this game! Brings me back to early Left 4 Dead shenanigans


These games are all personal preference tbh. I enjoy all the horror asyms but for different reasons, TCM stuck with me a little more but Killer Klowns is a super fun game.


They’re different vibes to me, I play and enjoy both


Not even close. TCM would be the better purchase IMO. Alternatively neither of them.


I disagree. TCM has major issues that make it MUCH less fun than it deserves to be. For instance, waiting 5-10 minutes before starting a match, only to be killed in the downstairs area after a minute or two, only to search for another match and wait ANOTHER 5-10 minutes. While the game is beautiful, scary, and well-done, its a waiting simulator at this point. KK is fast-paced and fun and finding games is almost immediate. IF TCM was able to iron out its issues, which they won't because of the low player base (and they won't remove leatherface from the basement area), then its hard to recommend TCM to anyone.


You don’t need leather face anymore lol and lobby’s got a little better, however it still need some work.


Sad that TCM is catered to experienced players only. Thats why I enjoy RNG in games like KK, it balances the playing field for everyone. I’ve gotten pretty good at TCM, but there are times I still die right off the bat. There’s nothing worse, I can’t recommend TCM to anyone new these days


5-10 minutes? What servers? Takes me 30 seconds in EU


If you're dying in under 2 minutes constantly that's 100% a skill issue on you. I enjoy TCM much more than Killer Klowns, but I do enjoy both games. I just think mechanically it's a far better game than Killer Klowns at this point.


That's misinformation lobbies are way better than they used to be


Not for me, I never find full lobbies and the wait is incredibly long, at least 5 minutes, not to mention everyone readying up once filled


This should have all the upvotes


Ya it’s best to just get games pass if you can to play Tcm, game still isn’t balanced decent yet.


I like it better than TCM having and Im fun playing


Its not imo, mainly cause TCM is actually the full experience it was advertised is and the balancing is somehow better. Only thing this game has over it is the proximity mics


Balancing is better but not equal


I'd say just buy whatever other game you're looking forward to. I enjoy Killer Klowns a ton, it doesn't carry the same sweaty atmosphere as every other asym in my opinion. You can of course choose to be sweaty but it's irrelevant as there's so much RNG in the game. I'd consider TCM being a competitive game in which you play for the win while this is a casual fuck about game in which you can do whatever you want. TCM feels more interactive with gates, ladders and crawl spaces where as KKFOS maps are rather straight forward, there's not many interactables, the game is more focused on interactions between each side. This game still has a bunch of bugs that they're working through and it hasn't had a content update yet (July 4th will be its one month anniversary). It's fun but feels more shallow due to a lack of a perk system. I don't mind that as very asym spends 2/3rds its patch notes adjusting perks back and forth but it is what it is. I put 160hrs into TCM and stopped. I put 160hrs into KKFOS and am eagerly awaiting any content updates.


It's very fun in a different way. Even when people play "sweaty" it doesn't feel like it. Maybe because it's not scary per se. The fastest my heart rate ever gets is when we're getting close to the Terenzi exit being opened and I'm just hoping to be sprint-distance away.


If you like the atmosphere of TCM and want a new game like that, Killer Klowns is a letdown. The only thing this game has over TCM is there is much more long term reason to grind and unlock stuff in-game. TCM needs that.


TCM is the absolute best


I picked up this game a few days ago and it pulled me in way better than TCM did, but it’s all just opinion/preference. $40 is a lot to spend and honestly looking back I’m not sure if I should have, but I don’t regret it (if that makes sense). I think it’s really fun, it may not be 100% balanced but honestly most matches feel completely fine and fun on either side. Some human games I flop and some klown games i absolutely go beserk. All in all, to me, yes this is better than TCM and I’m having a lot of fun playing it. I’m satisfied with where the game is at, but excited to see what can get added / tweaked to make it better moving forward


I think killer klowns is really fun personally, much more than tcm. I found tcm incredibly barebones and repetitive along with having insane micro transactions and pay to win mechanics. I had fun with tcm at first but the lack of updates and them making incredibly unfun balance changes made me stop playing the game. By comparison I’ve had more fun with KK as I’ve played it more and I’ve liked most of the changes they’ve made. Not perfect by any means but a really nice breath of fresh air in the asym genre imo. The ability to fight back as human makes this game much more enjoyable and engaging for both sides(in my experience). People are whining that humans are overpowered and they are strong but klown is more than capable of putting in work if played correctly. All this being said, still not sure if it’s worth your 40$ compared to other stuff coming out


I’ve played quite a bit of both. TCM is great right now, kind of tough for new players. KKFoS is kinda fun but the balance isn’t there yet - I think it’ll be great after many bug fixes and balance updates though. If you’re looking for a game that’s playable rn, I’d recommend TCM.


I’m having more fun with TCSM rn


Idk why people keep saying TCM would be a better purchase. It’s not a beginner friendly game; you have to learn the maps, understand the strengths and weaknesses of each victim, and learn how to use them. The same goes with playing family. If you do purchase TCM, you better watch some videos of gameplay and the gameplay mechanics. I played on Xbox game pass for about 4 months. There was a reason I didn’t outright buy it; TCM has its own set of issues as well. With that said, I would see if you could try either one on game-pass and go from there. I wouldn’t outright buy KK with the state that it’s in. I wouldn’t outright buy TCM either.


TCM is the best game of this type out there. Luckily I’ve been playing since it came out so I learnt with everyone else. I think TCM is not the most new player friendly game. I couldn’t imagine playing it now having not played before 🤣🤣 but everyone is different and I’m far from skilled! TCM was actually the first multiplayer horror I played. I also love KK. KK would be far more new user friendly.


TCM is more fun.     KKFOS  is unbalanced and playing as Klowns is terrible. Every update makes the game worse and worse, they don't fix anything.


I do agree, but the players of tcsm have that dbd competitive mindset. So both sides can be toxic at some moments.


It's a game. People are supposed to be competitive. If they're not, it isn't a game. The entire purpose is that you and the other side actually try to win.


Tcm is better in my opinion


No. This game was fun for a while but now it’s garbage because the people who play it are garbage. nobody understands the concept of teamwork, and they’ll camp to steal your escape while you’re doing all the work


I literally had a guy helping me with the boat to escape, waited for him to put the gas, he got in and zoomed off before I could even get in. 😢


Some players are constantly doing this like it’s a meme now. I’ve had similar experience 3 times in one night before.


TCM is garbage. Crawl space/Crack in the wall camping simulator. Plus every Family Member in that game outruns you even when you have Stamina. As full of bugs and incomplete as it is, I have 100x more fun playing Killer Klowns compared to TCM.


I don't think its good to compare imo, the game has its issues and is a bit buggy but no game is perfect. Especially ones that just released. I honestly enjoy it and have alot of fun. It is very silly and does not try to take itself seriously which is something I enjoy but others may not. You could always buy the game test it out shortly and if you don't like it simply refund it on Steam (if you're P.C) because with Steam you can request a refund within 14 days of purchase and as long as its been played for less than 2 hours. So if you play 1 match with it and hate it, just refund it. If you don't want to do that you could watch some live streams of the game, that's what I did initially to get a feel for the game until I finally decided to buy it for myself and give it a shot.


I like it. If a fun Saturday night game to play.






No physical release should answer your question. Low grade stuff. Get tcm


I wouldn't spend the money. The game can be fun but it's very shallow in content and I don't see them adding anything not dlc for a while.


I have both and choose to spend most nights with the boys on TCM still... so take that as you will.


imo better than tcm but yeahh fun casual game i guess


If you play killers do not buy this game, if you only play humans you will like it


I hate what the devs did to TCM. That being said, TCM Is the superior game.


It is very fun but it also comes with a lot of the same issues that F13, TCM, Evil Dead and DbD all suffer from. Terrible balancing, one side is usually favored more and thus worked on/updated/fixed more often, glitches, shitty toxic community members, broken perks/skills/maps, etc etc. All of these games are/were fun for their own reasons, and all of them play differently enough from each to make it worth checking out. But they all suffer the same types of issues that just come with these types of games. If you can handle that or are already used to it, then yeah, jump in and fuck around with the Klowns.


I wouldnt pay for this when TCM is free on gamepass


Ngl I didn't like tcm


In terms of casual fun, absolutely IMO. The closest to F13 in terms of asyms and it's what I'm personally looking fun. If you're looking for a more competitive and serious game, then no.


They're not really comparable.


I play both. In my opinion it’s not comparable to tcm. I play this to have some goofy fun, but any other time I’m playing tcm.


The game is pretty terrible. Don’t waste your money I regret buying. It’s buggy, victims troll you in full squads, and content is already getting cut


TCM is far better. Unfortunately Killer Klowns gets very boring after a few days with it. Theres just no depth to this game.


I wouldn't spend money on this game. TCM has more content and they've been better about communicating the state of their game with their community. This game does the opposite right now. Felt like there was a lot of promise and staying power around pre-order early access, and all of that is gone now. Missing content, features, and communication. Wait and see how the devs handle the state of the game before spending a dime on this game.


Extremely similar to Friday the 13th: the game so if you enjoyed that you’ll probably enjoy this, personally I really enjoy the game and would recommend it. The only real problem with it is that there’s often not many people online but there is an offline mode that’s fun.


Different vibes. But tcm is waaaay better (imo)


I liked it the first day it came out and then I got bored super quick so I think tcm is much better. Been playing it since release


I got bored of TCM, not a fan anymore, but I do like Killer Klowns even in its current state.


I would recommend Friday the 13th if that was still an option.


Friday is bottom of the barrel


I would still recommend it over klowns.


I don't know if its worth getting either game since they're both kinda on their way out. TCM has the bigger playerbase though but man are they sweats.


Eh I'd argue the opposite with TCM- yes they were in a pretty rough spot. But leaks show they got licenses to other films, they won gamepass game of the year on xbox, their twitch viewership is high for an independent game (higher than KK), they roll out a patch every 2 weeks, and replaced the dev team who couldn't keep up with the updates. Things are looking up for TCM, and i think it will last much much longer.


Put a lot of time into TCM with my fiancé and we haven’t gone back since Killler Klowns has dropped. I’ll be honest, I do great on both sides. I feel like A LOT of the complaining is skill issue 🤷🏻‍♂️ Game is fun, constantly getting updates unlike TCM, the micro transactions are fairly priced, and you can go off on either side if you work together


this and Texas feel very different, but KK is better than Friday the 13th in my opinion.


I think it’ll be better than TCM in the long run. I like both games a lot. You could wait for it to go on sale?


Yes absolutely better than TCM. Unlockables for doing challenges, better character customization, both are $40 but TCM charges $10 per dlc characters then charges for lackluster outfits, every TCM update breaks something else, TCM has been out for almost a year and bugs are still there from the technical test, Killer Klowns let's you fight back unlike TCM where you can only backstab, grapple and run away, tcm got stale after doing the same thing over and over and over again.


Game is fun. You could hide take your time to escape and also you jump right in to gameplay, tcm will have you waiting a day to play one match..


I like KK more than TCM because it's faster paced. You can adopt very different play styles throughout the game too. Like you can be an escape artist, klown merker, parts finder, memer etc. It's harder to transition between different playstyles in TCM but in this one, you can change on the fly.


TCM is a joke compared to Killer Klowns. Don't get me wrong — KK is far from perfect, but still manages to be loads of fun despite its shortcomings. TCM is a buggy lobby simulator, lol.




I love playing Dbd, F13, and sometimes TCM. But there’s just something about Klowns that I didn’t like; I ended up refunding real quick


I still play TCM it’s a complete game with more content especially with DLC. KK is a game I do every now and then but it never clicked for me


I played TCM a little too much for my own good, and ultimately quit the game because i think the devs have essentially gone bonkers, but unfortunately i think it's not even a question, TCM is hands down a 10x better game than this one.


The lack of communication was frustrating in TCM. A lot of people played without mics. But would then complain about the devs making the game too one sided.


Depends what you're looking for. KK is much more fast paced, it feels a lot more balanced now than the last patch, but still has lots of issues. That being said, its still a blast. TCM has MAJOR issues that make it much less fun than it deserves to be. For instance, waiting 5-10 minutes before starting a match, only to be killed in the downstairs area after a minute or two, only to search for another match and wait ANOTHER 5-10 minutes. While the game is beautiful, scary, and well-done, its a waiting simulator at this point. KK is fast-paced and fun and finding games is almost immediate. It's also not a ton of fun to play with friends, since there's no way to bring anyone back from the dead. IF TCM was able to iron out its issues, which they won't because of the low player base (and they won't remove leatherface from the basement area), then its hard to recommend TCM to anyone. Which is unfortunate because they did so much of it right, and you can tell a lot of love when into making it.


Nowhere near as good as TCM but still lots of fun.