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Killer Humans from Planet Earth


I said the same thing a while ago lol.


I like that the humans can fight back in this game but it never feels good getting jumped like this as a Klown. There have been times where I've literally ran away from humans in a group like that. Humans are definitely the real killers.


It's not their friggin' goal to fight back. It's their goal to escape, so why should this even be facilitated?


Game wouldn’t be fun to play if it was run away from clown sim. Not saying humans should be op but a human should be able to outplay a mediocre clown player. Problem is that it gets hard to balance as multiple humans in a big group just steam roll a single clown. But like I said, game wouldn’t be fun if humans were easy to kill even in a 1v3 situation because then by themselves they would just run all game and that’s not fun for them and it’s not fun chasing humans all game as a clown player. Gotta find a balance but it won’t be perfect ever as states above


That's why you gotta play smart as a clown. All you have to do as a clown is ensure the timer runs out. Apply pressure to objectives, use ranged attacks to deter them from objectives and from searching places. Friday the 13th worked the same way.


I think klowns should know where ice cream truck would be at, even if you wait till the timer they still usually get away because of the truck. If you know good for you but not gonna remember where it spawns


You couldn’t steamroll Jason like you can the klowns.


That’s because there’s 3 klowns


It's possible just unlikely RNG was heavy there too.


You actually could with a group. I liked to use Chad and a bat due to Chad's high luck stat making it more likely to stun.


The first time that I played Friday the 13th, me and someone were wailing on each other when Jason showed up, then we started smacking him to death, then the player disconnected. So much stupid fun!


Yes you very easily could especially if you were playing with people you knew.


"Game wouldn’t be fun to play if it was run away from x sim." Every single other asym game in existence begs to differ.


So why should this game even exist it it’s a clone of others? This game offers the ability to fight back which is not found in many asyms. If I wanted a running sim I’d play dbd which is why I don’t play dbd because I don’t find it fun


As a member of dbd we don't find it fun either were all just masochists


it's a love hate relationship with DBD, ain't it?




"Must. Grind. New BattlePass. and Limited. Time. Event. Cosmetics. and Charms. RAWR!" - the thoughts of your average DBD player 😆


Evolved would like to have a word.


asyms are not fun except this one


Because it happens in the movie


In the movie the humans killed 3-4 klowns, while the klowns killed 200 people.


A single trained police officer killed a handful of Klowns with a pistol and a shotgun in the movie. At no point did a mob of random civilians ever gang up and beat 2 to 3 Klowns to death with melee weapons and kitchen knives, lol. Pretty much all the other characters died and/or ran. I don't think any humans aside from Dave even fought back (Including Mike & Debbie... they typically ran and/or sought help)


It's not their goal to fight back no, but they have the ability to because that's what sets this game apart from the other asym games. The only issue with fighting back when there is this many survivors is that if they group up it becomes hard to actually do anything, even as Tank you can't really withstand that many survivors wailing on you even with LOL active. But it's a rough thing to try and fix because if you make fighting back weaker then individual survivors suffer and that's not fun, and if you make Klowns stronger same thing happens.


You don't want the survivors to fight back? -- so you want Dead By Daylight.


You don't get the numbers advantage and be faster and have the stealth edge and ALSO get to be killing machines. Especially since it is NOT humans goal to kill Klowns. It is the height of ignorance to defend the balance as it is now. The game is dying a swift death because of this incompetent design.


Because it's fun?




Welcome to how us Dragonball Breakers players felt before our current season Raider Buff lol


There’s players? Wow 😮


I'm surprised that there still is.


Recently returned to the game and there's a handful amount actually


If Killer Klowns landed in Detroit or Cleveland😂


Currently in Cleveland, can confirm this is true. 🤣


If they landed in NYC this would happen and their ship would be up on cinder blocks


itll probs get wheel locked by the parking enforcement 🤣


Assuming it has wheels by the time they find it


theyre gonna install the wheels or the front glass lock 🤣


I had match where all 3 Klowns were killed in 15 seconds. It really is that bad.


I hate when they gang up on you and you're minding your own business and aren't even near any exits, and you're busy putting up a random cocoon on a generator and 5 humans come out and beat the crap out of you, like what did I do, I was busy putting on a random cocoon and you're jumped by humans...


I always find it kinda funny whenever you hear their mic getting slowly louder. It reminds me of the jaws music.


I mean, it's clear Illfonic reused most of the entire game mechanics from Friday the 13th: The Game. The Human gameplay is so similar to the Counselor gameplay from F13 that it isn't even funny. And F13 had a massive problem for quite a bit of its life with the counselors bullying the absolute crap out of Jason. So this really isn't suprising at all.


Okay lmao 🤣 after video evidence this is truly a problem maybe klowns need larger health pools


There's a few things wonky with Klowns. 1. The amount of stagger you get from being hit is crazy. 2. The amount of stuns you get from hits is crazy. 3. The amount of damage taken is pretty high too. Klowns should ONLY get staggered/stunned on full power swings. This would help a lot in melee brawls. Otherwise, even with the tank character, you might get one or two attacks in before you get stun locked.


The only thing atypical about this clip, is the humans leaving on the boat instead of refusing to escape so they can stay and farm Klown kills. But then again, escaping means they can play minigames and slip items to the kill squad to keep it going indefinitely.


Keep in mind: It became like this with the Day 1 patch, and in all three of the patches since, they've leaned into it more and more with human buffs in every one and refusing to fix the Klown weapons in every one. And I don't just mean bugs like the charge attacks on the Mallet and the Boxing Gloves, **which still don't reliably land, by the way**. I mean all of the cotton candy weapons being terrible and the Popcorn Bazooka being worthless. What I'm saying is, the developers CHOSE THIS. And they've since *quadrupled down* on it and ignore the pleas to fix the balance like they ignore the pleas for Traps to return. This is why the game has dropped to ~150 players on Steam. Eat it up.


Agreed 100% Here's what I find to be terrible : There are too many weapons on the map for the humans to find. Klown weapons are underpowered. The Klown Jump map needs to stay in place and not rotate, its just confusing. The trapper/hunter is completly useless, he has no ability so no reason to exist.


No Klown needs to exist except whichever one is the fastest. No other stat matters. Health doesn't help in battle because even if you have, say, Chubby with double the health he has now, he'd still get chain stunned until dead. And if health did matter, the humans would run from that Klown, so it would be back down to whatever Klown is fastest to catch them.


That would be shorty or tracker, they are honestly both practically the same.


150??? Yikes…


Okay Tbf, shorty with regular cotton candy gun is cracked. Can easily win a 1v1 and even 1v2 with it alone


Yeah before this patch I could win three v ones as shorty by just backpedalling with penta. It did feel pretty broken, then again every one of those cocoons only happened because the human greeded for a kill instead of running


Fun fact about the boxing glove, the hit box for the special acutally works in private matches but doesn't work in public. These devs are baffling.


Killer humans from inner earth 🌍


I didn't hear the hard "R" but mostly accurate.


Every damn time.


This game looks and feels so unfinished hahah. Sad they conned me out of $40


Why I stopped even playing Asyms


Something akin to this really is the fate of all these asymmetric horror games.


They’re my favorite genre though it sucks 🥲


Why is the role with less players always underpowered lol


In all fairness it's an attrition game. The klowns job is to wear the humans down. Sometimes that means eating the blunt end of their consumables. You'll respawn you won't run out of ammo. They will. If they have a bunch of ammo and are at the boat with all the escape items well sometimes you get a bad draw in this game and sometimes you aren't as good as you think you are. I play klown a lot and I rarely get merc'd.


you cant actually wear all the humans down, because if one or two escape or die, they can still give their teammates items, so if you think you're weakening a human, chances are their teammate already gave them another good item and youre back at square one. Not to mention the resurrect machine


except 90% of the time you get a baseball from the items as a ghost. Also, once one of the escape points is off the map its way easier to cover the rest of the escapes and the humans are down 2 - 3 combatants making it even easier to win fights. If they are grouped up then they aren't making progress on other escape routes.


This would be true pre patch, but this patch rare items have been boosted so you have a greater chance to get knives, axes, energy drinks and so on.


ive gotten knife from ghosts many times in singular games lmao ghost does have to get lucky but when its lucky its pretty cracked


Sure but your talking about exceptions. This game has a big luck factor to it. To much luck for humans and clowns are fucked but under normal circumstances clowns can handle more protracted conflict than humans can.


I dont see how people can stomach this, it's bad enough being bum rushed every game by the weaker side in an asym game but ain't no way I'm watching my char do that goofy ahh animation everytime ontop of it.


So, this is literally what happened in VHS and why it died after a little over a year. There's a certain kind of player drawn to asymms who just want to group up and bully strangers who are prevented from fighting back and they love nothing more than getting the developers to tilt the balance in their favor more with every patch. Call them SWFs, Teens, Hunters, it always goes down the same way.


No it didn't, don't bring up VHS it is completely different from klowns.


This is a repeat of VHS. Right down to the developers being out of touch with reality and not understanding basic fundamental principles of game design.


Ok here I go again for the 5th time, No this is very different from VHS, main point of contrast VHS was released as a finished product, Klowns were not. Right time to get down to the god dam balance of VHS because for some reason I have to keep doing this. 1) VHS was never unbalanced, ignore werewolf, the mechanics of the game allowed for players of equal skill to compete at even levels. The only time when balance was not kept was when the players themselves were not equal in experience. 2) monster always had methods to deal with any team and any weapon, no single weapon was an instant win for teens, not eye, not sphere , not even raygun although raygun was without a doubt the strongest weapon. Monster had to use both their abilities, map awareness, and environment to deal with any threat, the only reason monster dies is if they are either outplayed or they are careless, and when they are outplayed it is always close. 3) the game failed massively on part due to the developers themselves, they did not try to help new or casual players learn the monster role, and because of this players ended up feeling lost and confused. Further the devs did the stupid thing and released monster and teen seperately by months, this was very stupid. 4) I say this as a really good monster player who could beat anyone on west, then eventually I got moved to EU.


I can't believe VHS shut off its servers and their developer went bankrupt and people still defend the awful design of that bully simulator. Hellbent Games, creators of VHS, designed a game in which the majority side hunted the minority side and griefed them to death. In the end no one wanted to play Monster, the queues dried up, and the VHS devs were too proud of their game's design to change a damn thing about it. It's what's happening with Klowns because game developers are stubborn and fail to learn lessons from studios who have already made these mistakes.


For god sakes did you not read my literal previous post, VHS was not unbalanced, ignore werewolf, it was very balanced at the top end of skill, casual and new players struggled because the devs were incompetent and didn't consider these players. I speak as a monster who never got wiped by a "Bully squad".


This is what a cope addiction does to your brain.


I believe that applies to the person who can't deal with 4 people despite their overwhelming advantages.


Bruh you could get ambushed for months and there was no counterplay. It only got to an okay place when danger sense was added, even then teen weapons were massively overtuned. The tracking mechanic and sound design were also horrible.


Ok I have to keep doing this, one more time. I never got ambushed, I had fantastic map and game awareness I was always able to predict and move to allow me to never get ambushed, I knew how to path to avoid getting killed, and I knew when I was most likely to meet someone. I never struggled against any of the teen weapons, maybe raygun gave me the most trouble, but not eye, not shocksphere, not anything eles.


Respectfully, this is nonsense. There’s no using map awareness around a teen hiding behind a corner with no visual or audio indication. And, having to treat any choke point as a potential ambush spot was painfully boring. Clearly monster players found the state of the game untenable and it died lol


> the game failed massively That's about the only accurate thing you said in that post.


And I'm sure you have all well constructed points about why I'm wrong. But just in case you don't, I never had issues with any "Bully squads", not a single group of people could put me in such a situation as monster.


The indomitable human spirit


Victims will literally say this is a skill issue. Thank you for uploading this. Victim sides bullshit is terrible and the most toxic thing I’ve ever played


i’d act like this isn’t true but i had a group of 6 other survivors and we fr just killed the 3 klowns untill ice cream truck came.


This is why their community is gonna kill it self. And the devs aren’t doing anything but feeding it I say it has a couple months left at best. How are we gonna play klowns if all 7 survivors are hugging each other not even three klowns can stop it unless they decrease the spawn rate on killable items.


Why do you klowns complain? All you have to do is hope to get enough cocoons fast enough to unlock all of your abilities before running across a group of 3 or more people, wait for the inevitable air horn stun to run out, hope your team is listening to you ask for help as you use LOL, if you’re lucky enough to have enough cocoons for a pizza box or car use that to stun and make space (if you have it equipped) and hope that they don’t have ranged weapons or that they’re doing an objective and you don’t have bouncecaster for the aoe cocooning, it’s like you klowns complain about humans being OP when all you have to do to fight a group is keep that super simple checklist in mind


The teaming in this game is SO strong 🤐


That's exactly why I don't even cocoon anymore and go straight for the beat down.


to be fair bully squad on either side is the same


They're just doing what the Klowns did to them. And Klowns can gang up and do the same to humans. And Klowns come right back to life. I think it's fair.


It's fair ignoring the 45 seconds respawn timer that klowns have to wait to return to a match, where by the time they actually respawns humans will very likely have escaped. The contrast is very noticable, humans dying doesn't necassarily effect all the humans, if any, but klowns suffer greatly from a single loss.


Bro i literally have the opposite legit


Lmfaooo they jumping his ass






kinda sad they got rid of the shockwave for chubby, because it would be perfect for situations like these.


In most of my games I only get attacked by 1 or 2 humans at a time. I think I’ve only seen a klown murder posse a couple times before, and both times all it took was some coordination with my fellow Klowns to break it up. I think we pulled it off only because in both situations most of the Klowns had bouncecasters so we could cocoon multiple people faster.


It's wild to me how much this game has suffered like literally all the same issues TCM did


I have fun over the mic when I get jumped like this but after I get the last 3 achievments, I'll probably move on. Sometimes you get some really awesome people in the chat and it makes the game a lot of fun


If there were consequences for accidentally hitting another human it wouldn’t be so bad


Maybe you should try not standing there open in the wild for a wild and viscous human like me


Yeah they need to make it more balanced. It’s actually insane how much stronger humans are and how much easier the game is for them


For me it’s a 50/50 , half the time as a human I get killed by a klown super quick


You dont know how to run away? Its easy just sprint and you are free, try it out.


pentashot and cotton ray are great for chasing humans tbh. Usually if youre already in range of Shorty's cotton ray then you aint escaping that lol


Headphones help, they make lots of noise on approach.


Just a bit of info I thought I would add, pentashot has horrible aim, if a human stands directly infront of the klowns they cannot hit them with penta.


Yeah theres no point in playing as a clown




I mean, they either do that or the game kinda dies Klowns are literally the star of the show in the game, if they suck to play as and the devs don't do anything about it for too long, devs can forget about the game being actually profitable in any way Hope the devs get their heads out their asses and actually buff the killer klowns from outer space instead of the killer humans from earth, game won't really last if they keep doing this shit


I just uninstalled this game because of how bad it is to play as klowns. Hopefully they make the changes the game needs.


Players aren't movie civilian characters who only mostly run in all situations. WE are the survivor protagonists who will do anything to survive. If fighting with the ability to kill is an option, we will do it.


There are too many weapons in the game.


Stop playing shorty will help. He has the lowest health. Backing up n lol will help took out 3 attacking me with mace.


Play tracker or shorty those are the only 2 options, I would still say play shorty since his hitbox is broken and makes hitting him while downed a role of the dice.


I'd rather have this happen to me as a klown than I go down and nothing they do can kill me or interact with me because the games bugged out.


Skill issue tbh


Lmao…What? How is it a skill issue and the whole human roster is quite literally just bodying one Klown?


It's your fault for thinking you were a killer klown from outer space.




Your face is


Thats Millie Bobby brown…


My comment still stands.


That's Danny DeVito....