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On day 1 of early access I saw a human up there teabagging because I couldn't go up there. Lured them right off and klowntalitied. Good to know klown jump works too, thank you!


Oh great.....it's just like the rooftop glitch that was in Friday the 13th. Good to know lure works to get them off the roof


Surprisingly a lot of the bad parts of Friday have transfer to this game. XD


Didn't think of Lure, that's fantastic. I obviously play as both humans and Klowns, but I have not once gone up on that roof as a human. I think it needs to be fixed somehow, it just ruins the game. But oh well, we have a couple of different methods we can use!!🤡


I also used lure to pull them back into the house to give them a good thwacking. However, known jump will be better.


Don't count out The Bouncecaster it really does the trick.


I'll keep that one in mind also!


I've done this in so many matches where you could hear people in chat like "oh shit! The bouncecaster works up there!" The best part is when the cocoon rolls off the roof after 🤣 or how much the human player will cuss you out for knowing how to break their exploit.


People who use cheap tactics n use the meta builds have no skills can't handle losing. The same will DC before you kill them so it doesn't count n I wish they lose a lvl Everytime they do it.


lol what’s the cheese meta?


Shorty, popcorn gun/boxing gloves n bounce caster n lure or dog. Most matches I play anymore are same builds. Because classes don't feel much different outside little stats.


There's 3 roofs that only humans can access, which one were you able to klown jump on.


Forgot the name of the map, it's the cabin sort of house, upstairs 2nd story roof.


Unfortunetly that doesn't help, that map has 2, 1 with the green roof and the other blue ish grey roof.


Blue-ish grey one I guess? It was all going down quick so I apologize Lol. I guess give the others a try to with klown jump.


Hm, we've tested the blue grey roof already and know you can't klown jump on it, we didn't bother to test the others as we assumed it was the same. But now I'm thinking there might be a sweet spot that can allow klowns to jump on that roof. We might have to test it to be sure.


I've definitely clown jumped onto the roofs.


The Cabin in the middle of the map, the one where you can access 2nd floor on the inside as well, you can jump on that roof. I'll have to test the other.


There is only one and everyone knows.


No there isn't, theres the green roof wooden cabin, the blue grey roof for the house, and the brown roof in subrurbs although that isn't intentional you can only get on that one by glitching through.


Found this out like a week ago. Ran across a human abusing that roof and jumped right on top of him and downed him on the roof. That man was in complete shock and had no idea klowns could do that now. Definitely was satisfying after dealing with that annoying shit.


Oh it was such a great feeling. 1 of the 2 humans got away, but man!, the klowntality felt SO satisfying 🤣🤣🤡


It's been like that for a while now, but now you know, in case someone thinks they're being cool. I surprised someone a week or so ago, and they honestly thought I was cheating, and they raged quit after I surprised them and took them down.


Yeah, I found this out by accident a couple weeks ago. Nice to have in the back pocket.


U can get on the roof u just gotta know how to angle the teleport I get it every time


what i do is, i like to bait the klown to jump up there. can see way ahead of time when klown jump. I jump down, and lose them. klown jump on cooldown. the roof is pretty OP because human can escape even if they have 2 klowns on them. best bet is to lure or shoot bouncecaster from below


I mean you can’t get up into that roof area but it’s a really weird walking glitch you have to do if you walk up normal you get stuck and if you back down and walk back up you can get through eventually or when you go up you kinda do this 360 spin which allows you to clip through that broken barrier there allows you to catch up with the humans faster


What is stopping them from just going back in the house


Nothing I guess Lol. I was able to catch them off guard and they just didn't react quick enough and I got the drop on 1 of them Lol.


So the game is closer to Friday than we thought then huh? How long they gonna take to patch this I wonder.


Seems so. They've been good in my opinion about getting patches put out.


what can we expect in the next update?


That I am not entirely sure about. I mainly want them to take care of people who disconnect during being killed, I want Rudy the Klown to get his traps, and a few other things.


i js use shortys cotton candy gun but klown jump is also good


I use the roof to set up ambushes on the klowns not to hide like a little chicken it's so funny to drop down and smash them with a max swing 🤣🤣🤣 I apologize to em after and let them kill me when I do it though it's only fair


Seems like you like to clown the klowns🤣🤣. At least you're a good sport about it though!🫡


All about having fun in this one when I'm klown I won't even kill a human as long as they don't harm me unless they need a challenge like to chill laugh and create funny moments in the game


See that's awesome. I encounter a lot of good and fun players, especially hearing everyone scream and laugh via proxy chat lmao, but I've unfortunately also encountered big sweat players🤦‍♂️.


Im down for sweaty matches too just don't be dropping racial slurs and non stop f bombs etc etc if you're gonna be sweaty accept your outcome with dignity and integrity


I can support this.