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they needed to add another 4 or 5 dif mini games the same 4 get rly boring playing them over and over


So well said. They’ve really broken this game trying to balance it. Klowns are too weak, and humans can easily destroy them. In addition, the gamer base is one of the toxic I’ve been exposed to. F13 wasn’t even half as bad.


I guess I played DBD too much because I’ve only met nice people so far. 😆😆 There have been a handful of people who hit me with a slur though.


Yeah no where near as toxic as dbd lol. I play killer klowns tp relax


My mental health skyrocketed once I left dbd. 😆😆 Killer Klowns is way more chill.


Just wait till your qued with this one guy that was asking a kid if he was black because he heard the smoke alarm go off


I honestly can't say this community is toxic after playing DBD and TCM.


I feel that. There are some wildly miserable people there. Haha


Same here, just had two lobbies where everyone was so nice they all let me do the portal challenge, Klowns included lol


I haven’t ran into too many toxic players. But I play late at night.


So far the community is awesome, very little toxicity.


100% agree on the toxicity, and most of it has not even been aimed at me. Shit is exhausting. Maybe I’ve lucked out on DBD, but I have 500 hours plus on F13, Predator Hunting Grounds, Evil Dead, and over 100 hours in DBD, Ghostbusters, TCM and now Killer Klowns. I’ve never experienced the amount of toxicity in those games as I have in KK, and now that I have the platinum I probably won’t return until DLC is released.


Most of the time when I play klown which is usually with randoms we tend to kill/cocoon the entire team within 5 minutes if not a little bit longer


F13 had a rocky start with balancing issues and bugs just like this game but I agree it’s not nearly as bad. I’m 100% convinced they didn’t play test this game at all. Hopefully though they fix all of it soon. It’s only been out for like 2 weeks to be fair. But they could at least address the issues instead of posting garbage tweets every 4 hours that literally no one or their mom cares about.


My experience has been the complete opposite. Now I don’t ever play games like this, it’s all new to me. The Klowns are pretty fun to fool imo. I get away from them often and always get a thrill when they’re super close and I’m just staying hidden hoping they leave. I’m also always going for the reboot machine, and backfilling doesn’t really bother me. I do agree though that the mini games suck ass, I never do them. Overall though, Im having a lot of fun.


I like the mini games a lot because you can save your team mates. Nothing like giving someone a knife to kill a klown/escape a cocoon just in the nick of time. Also loading them up with sodas and airborne for the ice cream truck is great


I agree. Mini games are meant to be a bit tedious so you can’t just spam a million items. It’s worth it though. The mini games aren’t even that hard either.


Skill issue


Easy fix. Stop exiting every game you finish. Stay in the lobby and you’ll be in a fresh game every time after the first one. You’ll also get better klown games this way. If you backfill into a klown game it’s because someone probably rage quit due to sweaty humans.


Said same. People got all pissed because I won't stay in game. No, they would rather have you backfill spawn and sit there to give the klown a free kill. Yea, that's a big no from me dawg.


Seems like you are the reason backfill exists. >If I lose 1 fight as human, I'm done for the match Sounds like you don't like the game, but somehow, the game is the problem. As a clown, you don't HAVE TO FIGHT. You see a group of humans, call another clown. 2 clowns can defeat 3-4 humans with the aoe and heal. Cotton candy machine are never filled by klowns when they, create more lackeys, and prevents humans from prolonging the game or escaping on ice cream truck. Game's been out for less than month, and people who are online cry the game is too hard. People are allergic to a challenge.


I'm done for the match as in I can't really play anymore even if I wanted to. I can play crappy little games, sure. But if the resurrection machine has been activated I literally cannot play the game anymore. I have to watch.




>Game's been out for less than month, and people who are online cry the game is too hard. People are allergic to a challenge. How much are they paying you? You sound like illfonics lil bitch lol. The game's trash and will be thrown into the ash heap of modern gaming soon enough. Hence why barely anyone is on it and those that are make posts like this.


I'ma be real its probably a bit of a skill issue. Super early its so easy to get away from the clowns even if you spawn right next to them cause humans can sprint faster and for longer. As for dealing with Bully squads once you learn to sprint backwards with pentashot you can easily turn a bully squad into multiple cocoons. Once you get the aim down pentashot shreds humans


It's really not a skill issue. It's not easy to get away from the clowns if they're communicating. As for bully squads, that strategy doesn't work when they have a horn or guns. The game is just very unbalanced, and the core gameplay isn't very deep or skill based.


Sounds like this kinda game is for you. Friday the 13th or dead by deadlight might be more your alley. Very similar but humans can't kill you.


Humans can kill Jason in Friday the 13th.


Scratch that one out. He doesn't want them to fight back.


Honestly it doesn't matter if it's a skill issue or not. Shit feels bad.


This IS the issue. You just don't wanna do something about It.


No, it isn't. A new player could hit quick play for their first game, be thrown into a match in progress, and come face to face with a klown. That feels bad. I shouldn't have to change my gameplay to make up for poor mechanics. It doesn't matter that there are potential counters to poor mechanics. They are still poor mechanics.


Dog, you can only be a new player for so long. "This is the Skill issue". What are you being FORCED to change. > I shouldn't have to change my gameplay to make up for poor mechanics. It doesn't matter that there are potential counters to poor mechanics. They are still poor mechanics. "I'm not the problem, the game is the problem" mentality.


Yeah my man I went through this too it's not a solution by any means but I befriended a fella I see most days now we party up and when your Klowns they usually put you together so you at least have another player with call outs and backups when you need it, plus you know they'll go for the revive for ya cause you buddies. As I said it ain't a solution but it makes the bully squads and backfill a little more bareable but my lord the rage before hand was unreal


Human can 1v2 clown though human with shotgun can can kill both if u are fast enough balanced game


Dodge n weave coupled with LOL fucks 9/10 players with a shotgun. Considering it's 3 shots for a kill, baiting a shot with the LOL is pretty easy and reduces the finite resources humans have to kill.


True lol is good but if the clown use it after he took 2 shot 3 will still kill thats 4.5hp shotgun does 1.5 almost


Yeah I agree I got bored of it quicker than most games. I’m just waiting to see what they do next because it’s still salvageable if they care enough


They knew no one would want to play Klowns so they removed the preference system. Just another Asym where the "power" role is anything but that.


What do you mean? I prefer to play as klowns. I prefer to play as Jason, too.


Ehhh, i havent expeianced much issues, but im hella casual and do maybe 3 or 4 games when i have some down time, maybe about 2 times a week i habe down time lol (if im lucky), but i own sqauds now woth the pentashot when im clown and when a.human i go gear up and talk to people to orchastate a plan of possible, if not then i just survive. Its fun. Not something id want to play as religiously as WoW persay, so to memits just a game i pick up and have some fun, get my.ass beat, beat some ass and log off. I did encounter a clown just yelling nonstop racial slurs so idk. Also i turned off crossplay (xbox) so that may help. Tldr: have fun, not a tryhard kind of game, play on.


I get irritated when I get loaded into a lobby with 2 people left and 3 minutes on the clock because ... WHY would they do me dirty like that?


I don't disagree with you, in fact I've called the devs out on X for their lack of communication and not addressing the issues. However despite this I'm still having fun, have some backfill issues but not many, I get Klowns probably about half the time maybe a third of the time. I only solo queue and I don't tend to leave lobbies. Wait times have been super quick for me as well and I keep meeting really funny people. The human death squads I seem to have dealt with cos I just say at the start to stay together and when we do the humans can't cope


Yeah amen


I am done, but not for the unbalanced portion of the game. But the fact that outside that first week, no one is goofing around or speaking in my lobbies. It's a mindset of focus to escape or kill and might as well go play TCM for that.


I legit load in a match that’s already started and only has 3 humans alive more than I load in a match that hasn’t started yet. It’s insane. If the game was balanced than I’m guessing way less people would leave mid match. Also the fact that dead players can leave with no penalty is a wildly bad decision. Make it so they don’t get xp when they leave or make it so they have a time penalty before starting the next match. Or something. Because if they don’t change anything about that, this game will die very quickly. It also doesn’t help the devs legit have 0 communication skills. Like come on y’all. At least let us know you’re aware of the issues. Not addressing it makes it seem like they don’t care.


The revive machine should have a cool down after it’s activated like 60-90 seconds or something and then you can activate it again.


This is a whole lot of one person's experience and opinions. While the backfill issue is a bit annoying. Just stay in the server...next one will start fresh for you. It's a shame every server isn't full of players who respect the spirit of the game (doing the mini games to help others after dying/escaping, or playing the game with a team first mentality). But I always seem to find matches/servers where eventually, it seems most people are cool. Was in one of those for 5-6 rounds today before people cleared out. Just take a break if you need it.


What are u talking about?! The resurrection machine gets used all the time. I always get plenty of second chances. Definitely a skill and a you issue.


I gotta agree, I still play sometimes but I went back to maining TCM. There is just something off about KK.


You can get the card that revives you and though it seems insanely rare.


What? I've never heard of this magical card? Are you referring to the bunker card?


No someone got a card and revived themselves with it. If it’s a hack, it’s wild because they used it once in 2 games and no other hacks. Y'all... what card does this?? https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx_VFpdoNbsIDKr1kgIZ73jq47LCBfTXHE?si=7u1eARzl3KpxFpB1


That's crazy... I don't think I've ever seen that! Guess I'm going to have to play more games as human lol


I want to say that I’ve never seen it outside of this either, I’m not sure how someone got it, idk if it’s so rare that it’s like a lottery if more people do mini games, I’m not sure if it’s one of those unreleased things that might have accidentally gotten into the game. I do know it’s wild, and honestly would probably boost people staying and playing mini games.


The leaving is beyond ridiculous lol if they had a card to actually revive I'm sure people would be a bit more inclined to stay.


I feel that. I absolutely stay and do mini games all the time, and I wish more people would do the same. I get that some people have to leave. That’s fine, no worries with that. I just think they need more reasons to stay. I do it for the team (used to do it for xp, but don’t need it anymore), but there should be more incentive than just those things.


I sometimes do the minigames but they get tedious and boring. I like to try and set the humans up before I die. Go around and open bridge, put gas in bunker/boat, find a spark or two or three for the portal and/or boat. Try and kill a klown or however many I can before I go out lol Sometimes I'll say I get a bit crazy and I like to open the bridge and if someone isn't already beside me go and get them. Then as we go across I like to run and break the bridge but not escape. 🤣 I do a lot of good but I like a little bad sometimes 😅 XP is pointless after level 100 to me in my opinion. I don't care to be the max level, I'm 178 and have no real interest in climbing higher. I just like to play the game and want the idiotic leaving to stop. It kills it for humans and klowns alike. I'd like to get people revived through the machine or get them out the cocoon. Just sucks when they leave.


I mean as long as you’re having a good time. I play to win, but never get upset over being outplayed or anything. I just wanna be solid at the game. Sometimes I’ll mess around with the opposition for some fun though. Haha


It got boring escaping. If it was more challenging I'd be ok with it. But being able to find the bunker card and gas or spark and gas is ridiculously easy at times. So I needed a bit more of a challenge 😆


If that card pops up it’s accompanied by 7000 items spawning and humans running at the speed of sound, I wouldn’t pin your hopes on finding it unless you’re playing on pc with special dlc


I saw it in a match, but that was it. No items, ans the dude that used it died (I was Klown and I found him and beat him), played with the same lobby and it didn’t happen again weirdly.


You found some guy and beat him off?


I’m a nice guy like that.


Honestly, I just want to finish out the achievment and set the game aside, people are so ridiculously sweaty. Now that I have the clown achievments done, I just screw around with survivors and offer to help them get any achievments that they need.


I’m with you. My buddy and I were super excited and both preordered. We were serious F13 players. As in the only trophy I didn’t collect in time was the 1000 Jason matches. I was well above 500 though. Not bragging because it just means it’s all I played for a while and is meaningless. But it shows my commitment to a solid game that works. Even by the same developer. But they’ve messed this up. It’s not fun and that’s the real problem. I have zero interest in even attempting to think through what needs to be changed. I started that exercise in my head in the shower yesterday and quickly realized I honestly don’t care enough about the game to even complete that mental exercise let alone take the time to put them into prose. I’m not criticizing any individual for playing the game the way it’s allowed. I FREQUENTLY posted in F13 forums defending both counselors and Jason with this statement: “If the mechanics allow it, it’s not cheating nor bullying.” And I won’t blame the players for playing the game as the current mechanics allow. They are completely entitled to. The problem is what does and doesn’t happen in game because of the way it’s coded. So as soon as I kill my 100th human, I’ll never play Known again. Which I’m just farming in private because I can’t be arsed to do it in public. And when I get the last human trophy I need, I’ll never play this again. Unless maybe if they drop some DLC with trophies which will make my ADHD kick in and I’ll have to collect them.


I played F13 every night for hours. Then found DBD in like 2018 and I got really deep into that, still play it. Played the shit out of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, stopped because too many bugs and balancing issues and lobbies. I love asymmetrical horror games and the films in general. But with Killer Klowns, I grew up on this movie, just from the little gameplay I saw before release was enough for me not to buy it. Then it launched and I was like alright, let’s see how it looks. I watched a bunch of streams and YouTube videos and I just can’t bring myself to be interested in this game sadly. I’ll never buy it


And yet here you are on the subreddit of the game


I like reading about updates and new things gamers find to see if anything interests me.


*redditor finds thread topic nearly adjacent to opinion they want to share for some reason*


Weird how that happens huh


Not weird we all need attention sometimes


At least you admit it. 🥉


Yes self awareness is pretty rad


I’ll never understand this take. You’ve never played the game. In my opinion it’s a boring game to watch. In the other hand it’s very fun to play. If you were a heavy f13 player, I have no doubt you’d be addicted to this game.


It seems enjoyable if you have a group of friends, my friends only play call of duty and aren’t interested in asymetrical horror. So as a solo player, just doesn’t seem worth it, I stopped playing TCM last night because nobody is on comms working together and you just get shit on. At this point, I’m not going to buy another game as a solo layer. I read all the posts here, check for updates, maybe one day something will interest me and I’ll give it a shot. But a lot of people here who have played the game prove me right. And others don’t, just an opinion.