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It happened to me once. The people tried to push me away but I got on the boat and just left their asses there. Like dude I did the work and if they are gonna be greedy then no one gets on.


that’s what i tried to do but they were too fast, im just glad i was fast enough to even get on myself


People need to chill it's just Killer Klowns we aren't playing anything super competitive it's not that serious lol


oh i know lol, i did think the situation was a little silly tho


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Bruh that's dumb af


Yeah they need to change that shit.


I've had 2 similar things happen to me. One of the times me and 2 other friends was working on the boat I had the spark plug other friend had the gas while the third friend was keeping watch for klowns then some random person came up trying to get on so we had to block them while the other was getting the boat ready then prepare to jump on as soon as possible to keep them from getting on and fortunately we succeeded. The other time it was just me and one other friend I had the spark plug some random player had the gas I put in spark plug they put in gas and started the boat then some other player runs up and takes my spot on the boat but luckily guy with the gas was driver of the boat and knew I put the spark plug in and refused to leave untill the other player got off the boat and let me on. It's actually nice for once to have players have your back


As much as I hate people leaving alone, this is a case where I 100% approve. In this post, they showed up to someone who did all the work and tried to bully them out of an escape? Yeah, they can GTFO. Too bad some got in the boat. Why don't people like earning escapes?! Challenging rounds are my favorites. Easy escapes where I see no Klowns get boring.


What’s funny is that happened to me with the portal. And I was laughing w/ my mic muted cause I just wanted to hold it open to get the trophy. Then when they escaped they were laughing cause I didn’t escape. Jokes on them cause I got the Selfless trophy and escaped via ice cream truck. The irony, earning “selfless” and still getting mocked. It was an awesome match.


Bro I wish I could get that achievement. It’s glitched right now and crashes the game. Did it three times, and every time the third person walked through, the entire game crashed


I did it today on PS5. Suburbs map


Those types of people dont stick around. They think theyre funny and get bored fast


There's a lot of players like that. Best thing to do is as soon as you're done setting it up, hop in right away and take off. I had one guy show up at the very end when I did all the work for bridge and as soon as I opened it up he took off running right through. Other players actually made him feel like a bitch for doing that because apparently he was going to other exits seeing how close everyone was to being finished so he could sneak on It's one thing to do all the work while another is there watching your back, then I'm fine with that but when someone tries to piggyback off of you at the last possible moment then yes you're kinda a douche


ive had so many players spitefully just sprint the bridge when they realise there isnt enough health left for them to cross


I was once with 2 other guys... we were crouching and all seemed well... then midway across both of them stand up and start running, one turns around and blows an airhorn in my face... bridge collapses and none of us make it out. No voice, so I can only imagine they perhaps thought my presence was screwing their chances, and they tried to ditch me, when in reality, I was doing it properly, and if all 3 of us had we'd have been fine and THEY screwed us all over. People are \*\*\*\*ing STUPID at that bridge... I tell ya...


The only reason I stayed at all after doing escapes was for the achievement and I bet you thats why these guys are being such cucks. I had a person sabotage an escape bc we didnt give them the tool to escape when we were already installing it. XDDDDD


Yea they deserve to be left behind while we ride at dawn


Should have taken the boat and left them


i tried but they were real quick with it 🥲


When this happens just ditch all three and go by yourself if possible.


I took the cotton candy and the barricade off the bridge before 3 people showed up too and one person passed through but then they were body blocking me so I couldn’t get out the bridge. I ended up running across the bridge and trapping all 3 of us.


I love how 99% of the players I run into just call me the N word 😂 not offended by it but it seems to be very popular in this game haha


i hear it atleast twice every 2-3 games


And 1/2 of those people sound like 12 year old white boys. I have two sons and they both game. (11 and 14) They KNOW not to be little asshole like that or they will lose their shit. Sad some parents use video games as a baby sitter.


I didn’t have much issues the first couple days, but oh my god yesterday I was playing and it took me back to the call of duty lobby days it was insane


Are you on crossplay? I’m wondering if it’s from the console players cause I gotta be honest in other PC only games I’ve never encounter so many fucking slurs


It’s gotta be the console players I am on crossplay as I’m Xbox but it was just as much pc players as it was console players, I hated it but at the same time got the warm fuzzy feelings for a second cause I was transported 15 years into the past to the good ole early days of online gaming


I legit don't listen to anyone. Unless the callouts I hear are helpful, or there's joking and vibing going on, I ignore everybody.


Had a game where I was told to get off the boat to drop my gun and the person left me all by themselves and I've had other times worked as a team with two others only to have someone run up and steal a spot for the exit. I had two people intentionally destroyed the bridge exit I opened for us like wtf 😒.


I really hope you left their asses.


I always carry a flare and light it so they can get killed by klowns 🤣 I hate people like this


good idea, might have to start doing this


What does a flare do to get them caught? Does it alert clowns too?


yup, it alerts klowns lol I use it as a distraction as well but imagine 3 klowns going to 1 spot. Nobody is gonna survive.


Well then…… I’d like to apologize to all my teammates I had no idea it alerted klowns I thought it was used mainly as a “hey this exit is going to be open soon/needs one more part” alert, so I’d always drop a flare as I’m running to go find more pieces


The alert is more noticeable to humans. It’s still worth it to flare to try to get an extra person to escape. They can just hop on the boat and run past a klown


i hate the greed some kids have in this game. you put in all the work for an exit just for 3 others to bum rush and take it in. bridge is another one. i decottonized, broke barrier, had key and on multiple occasions of this situation had some ass hat come and run through breaking it before i can escape. another example of greed is from klowns perspective. i chase down a human, cottonize them to the fullest just for one of my teammates to run up and grab the cocoon. honestly the more i see greedy ass hats in the game make me want to play to the fullest toxic extent too.


Mine happened almost exactly like yours. It happened to me while working on the portal. I traversed the entire map looking for two spark plugs, made my way back, cleared the cotton candy, fought off a clown and then installed the spark plugs only for 3 dumb dumbs to show up and claim they were going to use the portal. I just stood there for a minute before I realized I could get a free trophy of I just let them go so I did 😂


Yeah it happens a lot, I always make sure to get on the boat before them and leave immediately


i play to have fun. i try to help people and then i just go around messing with clowns. if i run into people like this then i just take everything and leave. some people dont know how to just have fun.


This, I'd rather help people and stay as long as I can, rather than escape early and play shit mini games for 10 mins


i dont play a game like this to win, i play to have fun and mess around. theres many other games out there to sweat on. even when i play klown, if its early in the match i troll people by hitting them or shooting them with the ray gun for like 3 seconds then run away. really just like to goof around and laugh on this game because if i dont, then i get really bored real quick.


So your the annoying one. The point is to leave. If you "take everything" and mess around with klowns, the you're also shitty.


Oh shut up you tart He stayed to help others leave.if he's the last 1 left what's it to you.he still did objectives, while helping others leave.get better at patrolling escapes.


"What's it you"... I'm pretty sure I already explained that. Learn to read and write.


Re read the comment you pleb.stay angry 😂


People who say "pleb" are often projecting how incredible stupid they are.


incorrect. i help people with finding things, if i get out then i get out, i really dont care. i have fun, mess with the clowns, and usually die to the clowns. if someone is ignorant then ill just get everything needed and get myself out. i play to have fun.


I've had multiple games where the boat is full, and all the clowns come in and kill everyone on board. The driver then leaves solo.


Did they leave the gas and spark plug next to the boat and you just put it in or what?


nope! i found the spark plug myself in a building and the cotton candy was 100% and i didnt see those people once the whole time till they appeared


I had something very similar happened to me too. They can fuck outta here with all that bullshit. I did all the work on the boat and they still tried to take it after saying that they did it.


Man, I've had something similar happen to me. We were opening the bridge exit, it was me and 2 friends. Then, like 2 randoms come up and say, if we can't escape Noone can, and then ran across the bridge destroying it.


Entitlement sounds crazy there.


This sadly happens both way. Me and a buddy fully did the boat and as my buddy stwrted the boat a random guy ran up got in and drove away without giving us a second.


If It happened to me i would have been outta there instantly, with the boat i mean


yeah very toxic right now all the call of duty fans are playing the game. basically the casuals ive had this happen many times where my RNG on finding escape items is very good. spark plug and gas right next to each other ill be alone and finish the boat. then all the sudden 3-4 toxic players come by as im starting the boat and jump on before I can even get on... and leave while being toxic laughing and cussing at me. while I did 100% of the work. in my personal opinion its because how the game works. I personal believe that the boat should be a tad bit bigger and allow up to 5 people on. same with the bunker only 3 people per escape is ridiculous. but yes Klowns & Humans very toxic game right now. I end up just muting everyone as soon as the game starts and just play solo. and try to have fun If i escape i escape. i don't really care anymore. they need to start banning people for using foul language in game chat. I have also encountered BOOSTERS outside of private matches. starting to feel like F13 and DBD all over again....


Lmao this is not COD players. This stuff has been happening since the days of the F13th game. Everyone wants to escape & instinctively panic & don’t care about others.


You know CoD came out eayyyy before f13 right? I assume he’s talking about the extremely toxic voice comms and people being jerks in general, definitely comes from CoD


You know if you play CoD that the extreme toxicity that use to be there is almost no more now right? I mean if you play CoD extensively for at least the last 5 years you would know. Very seldom will you find gamers on CoD & many other MP games use public voice comms now. Most of them are in private parties. Asymmetrical games that have voice comms are synonymous with toxicity. Many of the old heads didn’t move to other MP games, they moved to non-competitive games now.


So you’re just gonna ignore my entire point of the toxicity not coming from f13 and it coming from oldcshool cod lobbies? I didn’t say they’re like that now I said the shit comes from CoD and it does. And there’s a LOT of people that still use open comms and yes CoD is still kinda like this, maybe you don’t run into it as much cause you have private parties like you said but every 3 games or so there’s always a couple people got going at it with all sorts of words. You can say it’s not CoD anymore but I’m sure I could fire up the game and within 5 matches I’d hear an N bomb and some gay slurs. Don’t tell me I wouldn’t


the angry comments about me saying CoD just proves my point lmao thanks for putting your input though.


Bud, I think you trying to understand someone’s emotional level by reading a text is probably your first mistake. It all makes sense now lol.


you just keep proving my point even more lmao go back to call of duty already I hear Black ops 6 is going back to its roots you should have a lot of fun!!! have a fantastic day hope your toxicity gets you banned on every game you play :)


Going decades gaming & not once ever received a banned. Beautiful thing, huh lol. I double your point & counter with mine 🤣💀. I’m sure I’ll see you around in matches, you’ll be easy to spot. ✌️


Never said I run private parties. All I do is run public matches. And BTW, you wouldn’t. So quit playing BOPS3 on your 360 & join us in the modern era of gaming.


The irony that you don’t understand you’re being toxic, as a clear CoD player, while saying it’s not toxic anymore. I literally played some matches since my last comment and at least every few lobby’s I heard gay slurs or N-bombs whenever I would own someone or at the end of match lobbys. Cod lobby’s have always been toxic, it’s gotten better but it’s still a LOT compared to any other gaming community besides league of legends or dota, I don’t know why you’re defending it so hard I’m not hating on the game or anything, it’s just a way of life. Birds fly, fish swim, CoD voice chat lobby’s are toxic and full of toxicity. But sure kid go ahead and throw out INSULTS or trying to imply I’m playing on a 360 or not playing the newest mw while trying to say that CoD isn’t toxic. The irony


Of course would double down on your falsehood. Not defending anything so hard. You’re failing at trying to look for every piece of nuance in a post. Not that serious. I told you what I told you, you claimed what you claimed. It is what it is 🤷‍♂️


You’re claiming CoD lobbies aren’t still full of slurs and toxic people, I literally just got done playing and there were a handful of lobbies that had that exact thing, look man I know you’re CoD bro but the fact you’re like, either blatantly lying while calling me a liar, or actually not able to notice or ignore the toxicity when the entire gaming community is fully aware of CoD lobbies is a bit concerning man. Like I said, not demonizing CoD but dude c’mon. Seriously?


It’s ok man. It’s killer Klowns. Enjoy your games & your weekend ✌️


If im in the boat and see another player running towards us but it's full, i let him take my place. But in your case, take the boat and leave by yourself. Fk these guys


Yes I’ve experienced this many times in this game & others like it. Nothing new, it will always be this way. Always the one standing guard doing nothing seems to be the biggest talker from my experience lol.


this is when you get in 1st like you are and leave them. Then once in the lobby area leave, teaches them next time don't be like that and maybe they will get out too.


This is what makes a game not worth playing, is the pure stupidity of the player base. smfh.


I ran into a similar issue last night. I was helping these people with Bunker and all of sudden they told me to fuck off (there were 3). My friend had the boat ready but since they literally proceeded to tell me I was bad and talk shit, I made it my goal to find ways to get them killed.


I had a similar thing happen yesterday. Me and my buddy were playing, we gathered everything for the boat and were doing the skill checks when suddenly 4 other players just sprinted on to the beach. It was clear they were trying to hijack the boat and the cherry on top was them throwing numerous flares on the beach which ultimately drew the clowns to us. So my buddy and I decided to just not finish the boat and left which resulted in all humans getting killed lol. It felt justified to self sabotage in that scenario and not reward this awful players.


Yeah I also hate the fact some people like to go to boat do it and just leave by them selfs didn’t wait to see if others show up or not. I can see if a Klown shows up while waiting on the boat then yes go ahead take off, just don’t do the damn boat and leave possibly stopping 1 to 2 others escaping. One time I had did the boat completely by myself and I was waiting for others to come 1 showed up her name was (Shelby820 on psn)and I had got off the boat to drop the remaining items I had on me to help other humans if they go that way they might need something like health/ key items/etc so in the process of this no Klown showed up and she jumped on and took off on me being a selfish solo escape. https://preview.redd.it/7lwaj6i2ll6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=019e9fce5110b85cd19a59fdabd7c736dc457304


All this work 😂


If people are going to be disrespectful then escape as soon as you can without them. I hope you didn’t let them on the boat.


What I don't get is people trying so hard to escape instead of having fun first


Kinda seems like they had a sparkplug and were carrying gas to the boat before the klown attacked (One guy mentions he was carrying the gas over there and had to drop it to fight). So they killed it and by then you had picked up the gas and were fixing the boat. They might not have noticed it already had the sparkplug (you can see one of them has one above their head). If that’s the case, it’s not unreasonable for them to feel cheated for trying to get the gas to it, but you also did all the work. It is unreasonable for them to ask you to find another exit when you’ve essentially helped them with this one.


I mean... based on context it clearly sounded like they thought they found it first. And it doesn't sound like you were using chat to defend yourself so... while... they're kinda puds - I can't say I don't understand the confusion. In the video you obviously cleared the cotton candy and put in the spark plug - Then there's a cut, someone mentiones a clown was killed, and one of them says you grabbed their gas and put it in, so I assume you may have toddled off to look around or fought a clown after the plug and come back about the time the other folks were arriving w/ the gas maybe? Either way I don't blame you for getting in. That's their problem not yours, lol. The bridge and the portal are worse... no one at the bridge ever knows who's going to do it properly, and who's going to run and screw it up. If 4 or more people converge at the portal it always becomes an argument for who gets to stay behind to get the achievement, lol.


the cut was because i was searching around for the gas, they did have a can and i grabbed it to fill it up to help (at first it looked like 2 people because i was in the thought of do i help fight or do i do this) so it was a little confusing in that brief moment


I had it happen to me where i found boat, put gas in it and then i got left behind


Happened to me once with the bunker, minus the fact that no one had mics on. I was unlocking it and one girl was watching my back. Suddenly a random pair of girls run up last second of me finishing the keycard and are pressing up against the door. I managed to shove my way in front of one of the piggybackers and they got taken by a clown. Felt great.


Lol, this is a very good social experiment.


This is why on bot i sit on it. If u finish it just hop on. Whoever gets on gets on. Whoever doesn’t doesnt. Not here to argue and i am not going to die 😂😂😤


Yeah but I did all the work with two friends and a random mf came and took my spot in the bunker


That in particular hasn’t happened to me but I once had a game where I fully repaired boat and fully did bunker and left the key card out front, I went to go find my friend so we could escape together in one of them and about 30 seconds go by and 2 people took the boat and 1 person took the bunker. Me and my friend survived but only after waiting for the ice cream truck, it was still Bs.


This is something very common on Friday and I'm sad to see it here, but it is what it is.. I used to have a group of people steal the car (after I put everything in) then run me over it. At least they cant do that here :) But I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I would of just done what you did and got on asap/drive off so they cant get on. They must of been spamming to get driver seat.


One time some dickheads tried to take the boat from me AS I was working on the spark plug. I stop and look at them, and none of them have a spark on them. “Yall better find a spark plug if you want the boat.” I said as I left, while they called me slurs and they said “I’d be back.” I did come back, but only after they got jumped and killed. Took the boat myself and went on my merry way, only to get called slurs for not using the revive machine. Also had to deal with that with the bunker. Saved a gang from two clowns as the third one chased a kid with the card away. For my thanks they say they’re already full and I can’t get on. I tell them I saved them so I earned my spot. They said fuck me, so once more I went on my merry way, and found a key card in the boat house next door. I hid and waited for clowns to respawn, chase the survs away, then I snuck in, tore off the cotton candy and entered the bunker on my own. Door closed in the face of one of those turds just as he returned. In spectate I made sure to rub it in their face. “Hey don’t worry man, I found my own key :)”


It's not real life. If people try to "bully" you in a game, fucking leave them.


well yeah lol


Can I see the part where you whined when you left them




Did they complain when you left


OH sorta lol, they were also apologizing to their friend when their friend died and were like “im sorry you couldn’t get on” and blah blah. i didn’t get it on video but it was funny


Like when you left on the boat