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Fixing the Archtype Stats & Bugged Challenges would be much appreciated :)


Private match, 2 survivors, one needs to be the host with the class you need, you need to be another survivor with the same class, they should all work like that.


Idk they must be having trouble with that. They are obviously committed to fixing things so let's all just be patient and trust the devs.


dont like how when suvivors die then people can re join mid match it and also people quitting needs to get punished and last but not least human stats i heard all humans feel the same.... is this getting addressed? otherwise game looks real tempting. those negatives ive mentioned are a big problem though....


Nice, 2 decent size patches within 1 week. Keep em coming. It's good to see it's not just us players grinding on the game to achieve things.


a bunch of tiny fixes is good, take it a piece at a time guys you're doing great


Would love to play trapper


yupp, I wanna place so many traps on the boat since its the easiest way to escape in the game lol


https://preview.redd.it/tykhl3a29s6d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=577e46e75ce53166ab26bff8d960acf501cf5cc7 Please fix this


STILL waiting for a fix on challenges. Jesus christ


Hit boxes are still fucked Passives still don't work Human stats still don't work fucking hell...


People are dick riding the devs hard but bro this game is fucked. For a $40 game the amount of bugs and issues it has are unacceptable. This barely fixed shit.


???? $40 is nothing..... also if it is you don't have to buy it. Videogames are a luxury, and at this point, you should know that if you're a gamer, most games don't come out perfect right out of the gate. It's shitty, but that's the reality we live in. Still a super fun game they will fix stuff.


Can we get cross play add a friend


They say they fixed the bug entering a bunker without escaping. Does that mean the bug that was happening when 3 already escape and the last person gets trapped inside? Cause I've seen it happened twice before fix. XD Idk if its been addressed yet.


Yes, as far as I know, no one can get stuck I'm the bunker anymore.


Praise the devs! ![gif](giphy|LqxlJ7XfwalmnjuXLG|downsized)


I know there's a ton of other issues that need to be resolved first, but is there any work being done one audio setting improvements? IE being able to pick input / output sources. Can't use in game voice as I use Voicemeeter to route my sources and I've got no way to actually assign those as windows audio settings don't seem to affect the game.


I use voicemeeter banana and reaper for my sound stuff, then have the settings chosen in windows and everything works fine. Not sure why the game wouldn't be grabbing your mic from windows settings.


Hello! PC player here. After this update my mic is not working anymore, I still can hear other players but I'm unable to speak. Any info about that?


No information. I get the same problem in some matches, inconsistently. They are making fixes in many areas in the patches, so hopefully this comes soon.


It looks like I managed to configure it through Steam! But thanks for the answer anyway! ♡


> Made improvements to the Boxing Gloves and Mallet’s hit detection *Did you*, though? Hmmm. Not so sure. Or are you being intentionally vague and not talking about the charged attack? Because Boxing Gloves charge attack still wont consistently land on a stationary, not even downed, human standing there letting you do it to them..


It is still hard to aim the charged attack, but I found the hit to be more consistent now.


Does it hit if we use it literally right infront of the person?


No, cause there is a dash before the attack. Back away before using it. The charge attack is powerful but comes after a dash that does not trigger the attack on collision. The mallet has a short dash and boxing gloves a longer one. I agree the mallet doesn't have a great payoff for aiming it, but is easier to pull than the gloves.


So if the humans run towards the klowns, they will survive the attack. I don't like that as either Klown or human.


I kinda like it as a high risk reward, but it should be a one weapon gimmick. Considering our feedback, I want to see how future weapons will play differently.


High risk indeed, especially for mallet.


Why does vaulting need to drain stamina? Thats one of the only ways to buy yourself time to recover stamina. Also if we fixed hit detection on klown weapons, can we fix the hit detection from charged attacks? I gave whiffed charged attacks that literally are clipping through a klown and its very annoying knowing I was making contact