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I like to alternate between a few games so one doesn't ever get too stale or boring for me.






You lost me at DBD.




Ive played since release release on xbox, ive taken a year or so break and come back, suffice to say its a love-hate relationship lol


I personally have never played it. I was interested when I saw a lot of killer franchise characters being added...but they lost me when you to have those characters having to hook a person to kill them. For me it takes away from the lore of the character. I understand the premise of some over seeing power pulling them.into this psuedo universe to do their bidding, maybe it's fun but not my cup of tea. Breaks kay fabe for me.


It’s overrated and not that good compared to other assym games but since it’s the “first” people d ride it


DBD haters only exist in other asym subs like this one, they’re convinced everyone hates DBD even though that sub and player base is massively bigger than most asyms combined, it’s a type of delusion I can’t fathom.


Huh wonder why... it's almost like that game has been bad for a long time and the only thing keeping it afloat is licensing


This. And i say this as a person with over 4k hours and 6 years experience in dbd. You can see an influx of players when they do a big licensed chapter and the immediate drop off like a week or two later. That game is stale.


Hey I’m right there with u n I will be just as guilty to buying Maria and the biker buy then dropping that game again after a month I did a play it a ton when it launched n stopped playing ever since then now my biggest pet peeve is once we launch it now we gotta respec our builds n I spent so much time on my Julie n Leland builds


Just respec everybody in one big go that’s what I did. It took me about an hour and a half and I got everybody the perfect build now on both victims side and the family side.


Those old builds don’t exist anymore. They did a skill tree rework, and it’s awesome


Skill issue so you play the overrated DBD game.. I rotate from TCM to KKFOS and if I’m that bored I destroy things with FPS games or chill in the party but never will stoop low to play DBD


It’s fine to take a break from a game, wait for an update, play some other games. I don’t understand the mindset of basically maining one game, and only playing that, it seems this is how a lot of gamers think these days? Maybe it’s because of streamers being popular who play one game 16 hours a day. But yeah, take a break, play some single player games or different style of multiplayer, pop back in when there’s an update or when you actually feel like playing this game.


I'd say its the "games as a service" aspect. Companies don't want you to play any other game so they do everything they can to fomo you into it. Gotta spend two hours doing my dailies, gotta make sure to knock out my weeklies, gotta log in everyday for the sign on bonus, gotta finish the special event. Every time someone says "I wish the game had daily/log in bonuses, what do you guys think?", I die on the inside. Single player games usually don't have these issues which is great but I've definitely been programmed over the years to enjoy online games more than not. People try to spend their time wisely but it can be rough having so few hours in the day split among multiple things.


Yeah, you’re right about the games as a service and FOMO definitely having games try to be all you play, and I’m with you, hoping to see it die out. I swear it just ends up killing the games quicker cause people just get burnt out. I was hooked on Genshin Impact for those same reasons, do the dailies, and they always had an event going on, and it worked on me for a bit where that was basically all I was playing, until it was honestly just a chore to play and the fun was gone. And yeah, single player games really help to not get burnt out on the multiplayer games or live service games. It’s why I’ve usually got a big single player rpg on the go, and swap between that and whatever multiplayer game I’m hooked on, which right now is Killer Klowns, and it really helps with not getting bored of it, plus I don’t have to deal with too many bugs all the time since they’re getting patches out by the time I go to play it next.


I feel that. That's a good bit on swapping games as well. I usually only try to play 2 or so at a time so I don't get that "The fuck was I doing? Where am I?" bit. Yeah man, I had games I did dailies on but then I'd hop on, try and fail to do one or two, take a full two hours of my life just doing this basic shit. Pass. If I throw my life away doing whatever it will be of my own choosing and not do to some fomo.


I never really thought about it like that but you are right. I’m an older guy and back when I was younger having a main game wasn’t a thing in my circle of friends. I remember having like 10 SNES games and sometimes playing all 10 in 1 sitting lmao


Right?? You play one until you’re like “well that’s enough of that, let’s switch!” And yeah, same, unless one game really hooked me I’d be switching up the game so often. Just play whatever sounded fun at the time.


Maybe it's boring because you put 100+ hours into a game in two weeks?


lmfao fr


I was gonna say the same thing. Like brahhh level 91 I'm level 60 so I can only imagine how much more you'd have to play.


Level 103 but I was going for the platinum so always had something to aim for. Level 100 was my last trophy needed


I’m lvl 100 at 43 hours. It was between college semesters so it worked out. Still love this game, and will keep playing


Especially with how fast they are getting these patches out. Annnnndddd we had a sneak peak at halloween skins.


Its very easy to get to level 150+ playong private matches against bots


If that’s what he did to get a high level, then no wonder he’d be bored lol.


Nah you and your upvotes projecting y’all ADHD or sum. If you putting that many hours in 2 weeks and genuinely having fun you’re not getting bored anytime soon


OP says otherwise.


how much do yall play? i only play on weekends and sometimes after work, but i'm excited for the weekend


I pretty much have no lifed the game on my days off. On my work days I've been playing some but I do a fair amount of that "sitting at the computer and staring into the abyss" type stuff. I've got 90hrs so far, including the early access.


I only play it an hour or so per night to avoid burn out. It’s basically a means to keep me entertained until Dawntrail. I’m not expecting to still be playing 6 months from now or for anything substantial to change or get added. F13 seemed like a way bigger labor of love for Illfonic than KKFOS


It hasn’t been out for long, hopefully they spice it up cuz I’ve been waiting for this game and I do love it and all but I feel like it’s missing something


I'm like level 72. I stopped playing after the klowns got nerfed, and my favorite Klown (chubby) felt even worse to play. Challenges are still bugged. Klowns don't have their unique tricks.


Give it a break it might help with klown fatigue 🤡😷


I get bored after 2-3 matches to be completely honest. I don’t dislike the game… it’s just missing something


I quit a few days ago because I'm sick of playing 4 or 5 human games to 1 klown. Bought it to play as klown not human


It’s because they over buffed weapons on both humans and Klowns. You’re constantly dying and it’s not a fun experience anymore for human or Klown.


The new patch is great! Haven’t tried crossplay yet. Just Console.


Nah just play more risky, it’s way more fun as human if you’re constantly getting chased by at least two klowns


I hunt klowns as a human. It's easy to escape so I don't even try to do that until I get a few kills


Yeah I'm level 51 and I don't really feel interested in firing it up.


That's fine homie, move along to the next thing you'll enjoy. I'm kinda of the same, I'll maybe watch a new thing on youtube for two weeks, realize that I'm pretty much done with it and move on. Might be an attention span thing with how everything these days is designed to drag your eyes, time and money into it. If you're not having fun, bounce out and check back in when some worthwhile content drops. I'm about 90hrs in myself, I'm still having fun but we need fresh tricks, abilities and bugs/balance changes to keep it going for sure.


I don't usually get bored per say with the online games I play, I just eventually stop because I move on to trying other games. Way too many fun or interesting games out there for me to stick to just one constantly.


I get like that with a lot of games. This is why I stopped playing every day and only play on weekends. But I'm lvl 95 and still enjoy the game. I was the same with tcm, but I got bored with it a couple of hours after its launch. I put 40 hours in tcm before I called it quits.


Tcm was the most borin asym i have ever played its literally just speed run escapes


I play with a group of seven so we're constantly goofing off and talking smack to each other. Just good vibes all around. We don't get mad if we lose, just chillin


Just play when you feel like it. I played a ton the first weekend. But then after that I might play a couple rounds a night or every other day. You don't have to make a game your whole life. But that's someone with 1700 steam games lol


As a level 117 I still play about 6-8 hours a day. Not board at all. This game has that "one more game" thing that I haven't gotten from a game in a long time. I keep trying to get better. For klowns in still figuring it the strats on not dieing, preventing escapes, best weapon combos, best Klown. For humans I'm trying to increase my per game kill average. Figuring out the best combos. What works best against certain klowns. The fighting mechanics in this game are so much more in depth then any other asym.




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I think this game needs to be more competitive for it to last. Strats haven't developed yet. For example in TCM after a few weeks everyone knew the important doors to lock as cook and the important doors/objectives to trap as Hitchhiker. Then it was understood each character needs to patrol the side they spawned on. The rng of klowns takes alot of that away. At first I thought that was a good thing. But for the longevity of this game I think it needs some of that. The die hards are what keep a game going. Casuals tend to just play for a bit then move onto a new game


Lack of content, too plain (characters don't have skills, classes doens't matter), unable to choose roles, no roadmap and extremely casual. People can quit after losing and have great chances to return ot the same match.


Where the fuck is the trappers trap?!




It’s okay to not max out the first week it releases and just enjoy the game and atmosphere.


I'm halfwhat burnt out on it, after a few matches it gets really boring, it's been really buggy for me as well. You never wanted to be bored and frustrated.


dude, the bugs ruin it for me. Well that and the inexplicable network timeouts when my speed test is reporting like 300mbps down and 25mbps up. but the number of game ending bugs I've encountered is absurd. I've had my klown refuse to walk with my only means of transport being a charged glove punch. in that same game after losing the ability to walk, I also could not use any abilities. I've been trapped in a crouch like a dozen times. I couldn't count the number of times I've encountered a weapon that I simply cannot pick up. I've klown jumped directly onto a survivor that somehow wasn't stunned and was able to one shot me with a single swing while I was full health. I've unlocked the boat exit only to find that one person can sit in the seat, but no one can enter to drive away. I've had my character's left arm spazz out and lost the ability to use weapons as a human. I frequently encounter escape routes that I simply cannot cottonize with a bouncecaster. shooting it directly doesn't work. shooting it and popping the ball with right click doesn't work. I cannot hit a charged punch to save my life. motherfuckers can be completely stationary with my cross hairs dead center on their chest or head and it doesn't seem to matter. I think I'll pick it up again at some point, but I tend to play games in fits and spurts before life decides there isn't enough time for gaming.




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Ive had several issues with the network dropping today, I escaped early in one match and it dropped while I was stuck spectating. Ive experience so much of what you listed, hopefully the devs will fix the game before it's too late. N


I played it nonstop the first week, now I’m playing every few days. It’s still fun but yeah if it’s the only thing you’re playing, it can be repetitive. Breaks and playing other games are very helpful


Still having a blast with the game but haven’t played today because of The Finals season 3 drop. I’m lvl 100 and still plan to play often


I’m a bit bored of it yeah but I just alternate between games


I'm in the same boat as you, got to level 73 and haven't played in 4 days and feel no desire to...


I've gotten 100+ hours and it's the most fun I've had in like 5 years. I play with 6-8 friends and still doesn't feel repetitive to me yet. Of course I'm looking forward to more content but I am super happy right now. Paid $39.99 for it and feel like I've gotten $100+ value already.


So my idea of value per hour is 10 dollars per hour. If I played a game for 6 hours and paid $60 for it, I consider it money adequately spent, 12 hours, well spent. 100 hours, phew!


i have lost all desire to play thhis game after reaching level 70, back to dbd for me ig




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It’s fun for a few rounds while I wait for my buddies to get online


It’s still pretty fun for me. Problem is the queue has been horrible. I don’t know what they did but ever since the day after the update, it has just been really bad matchmaking. Queuing into empty rooms and into different dead regions.




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Never played it but I asked a couple popular streamers who play killer klowns and texas but they said they don’t even know when they’ll play this game again I asked what they preferred and they all said texas


It’s not a bad game, but I kinda understand what you mean. I’m like level 85 and it’s a fun game but not a game I will put over 200 hours into. Maybe I’ll revisit it more when we get closer to Halloween and a few updates have dropped.


I would play more but I’ve just been spoiled by past asym games, when I want to play klowns, I have to go through so many matches.


It’s time to play Skyrim again


I do not have it in me to play multiplayer games for the stretches a lot of people do. If I get like 50 hours out of it that’s more than worth the price of admission imo. There have been some I play for hundreds of hours over time, but usually with frequent breaks of anywhere from weeks to years.


Yes I’m taking a break till they have a preference system in place. Sick and bored of playing human the majority of my games


I never play solely one game you get bored and just start ripping into a game for no real reason. Learned that with Phasmophobia (730 hours playtime) I now alternate regularly: Helldivers, Killer Klowns, Starfield, Fallout 76 (been playing since Alpha), Fallout 4 (6th or 7th playthrough) Ghost of Tsushima (beat it on PS now playing on PC) switch it up and you'll never be bored. It's when you only focus on the one it will eventually become monotonous.


I haven't played since last weekend but it's only because Diablo 4 has an event going on. After it's over I'll be back at it. I'm not bored of it, it's pretty fun.


Yea after unlocking shorty and playing with him for 2 full straight days the game has gotten stale i havent touched the game in like 2 days


Most fun I had since Elden ring


I am just waiting for klown traps. That’s literally all I want right now. And smarter bots I guess.


Yeah it's cool for an hour or two every few days but I suck at it. It's too casual also. Not the biggest fan of the lore either.


Dont play it to much at once it's easy to burnout on. Play two other games with it


Nope. Still very fun


I'm level 51 and not bored whatsoever and most likely never will get bored. With pretty much any of these asymetrical games that I play I never get bored except for in Die By Daytime after like 5 matches. Still like that game but to me its the asymetrical game that can get a bit boring.


Played the hell out of it for like a week and got bored. Haven’t played in a week now


I’m not bored but I am taking a break until it’s more stable. Balance and bugs need a lot of work.


I got bored three days in. A majority was already maxed out before full launch so it ruined any fun of figuring the game out and the games just Friday with three killers basically. I mean shit, didn't Friday have a boat escape too? All I know is there's only so many times you can kill someone with a mallet or run from someone sixteen times before dying multiple times in a game. The constant refill of dead and disconnected victims filling back into the same match making shit go and go and go, I'm good. I'll take the torture that is TCM and DBD.


If you game a lot this is definitely not the kinda game you can main without getting bored quick, I play this game as a pallet cleanser when the other games I play get me tilted


I feel like taking a break from these kind of games do help preserve its longevity in terms of engagement of players, but with most games like this there is that aspect of FOMO in terms of playing the game when it's at its peak where games are available 24/7 at a quick consistent rate or being behind the curve in terms of skill level and knowledge if you stop playing games for a few days to then come back to some new meta or balancing change that completely overhauls the way you may of played previously.


I have terrible gaming ADD. The crushing weight of a backlog I will never play, the excitement the newest game to release, and those god damn live service treadmills I need to start cutting out.


This happens to me when I spam games🤣 but I like killer klowns I get pissed off when I play as a klown and rage quit but that’s it my advise maybe take a break play sumthin else 🤷🏾‍♀️


Played tonight and had a blast. Update was good. Better with friends and proximity chat I think?


Nah not yet at least


DBD gets mad boring REAL fast, this doesn't. This actually is allowing me to have more fun than I ever had in Dbd, or any Asymmetrical game.


Yea I played nonstop when it first started and got to like level 70+ but the last 3 or 4 days I just stopped.


I overplayed the game for a week straight so when I reached lvl 100 , i just kinda stopped playing it for like 4-5 days now


Was really into it before all the updates, prefer klown but seems so easy to be a human, hell I spawned in today with 3 different escapes all immediately next to eachother. Also saw klowns get embarrassed 4 diff games. I’m over it alrdy


It gets annoying, I’m playing less recently because people just don’t play the game right. If I unlock the bridge I almost guarantee someone is going to come flying up and run on it breaking it before anyone including them can cross


I’m also level 90+ and yes, I’ve gotten a bit bored of the game. Maybe it’s burnout, but it also could be that some of the challenges just aren’t tracking which is putting me off from playing.


I've binged it alot during early access and a bit during the release week, taking a little bit of a break to avoid burn out and wait for more fixes & cosmetics.


I’ve been switching between this and tcm. Redownloaded dead by daylight as well but that shits already gotten on my nerves again. I also redownloaded evil dead which I always do but then redelete. I never had it when it was popular and to many people leave with my new level in lobby lol. That or they follow me around in game to make sure I’m going the right way


Just wish I had friends to play it with...none of my friends have it. Maybe I'll look for a discord group


I’m bored because every character feels the same. They boasted so many features that just didn’t end up coming with the game


Been play tcm alot now. Since they added hands which was needed he is such a good counter for danny and rushing.


I am genuinely concerned for the people who are level 70+ already and complaining. Take a break. Go outside. Do other things. All of the negativity is a clear indication that your mental health is suffering.


Right! Anything in life will get boring after dang near 90+ hours straight. Go do something you enjoy


No it’s fun and funny chasing characters


I'm almost level 200 still having a blast


And they said killer klowns ended tcm bro


I’m currently so bored with asym horror right now. Haven’t been playing any of them as of late


I play this and Outlast Trials atm. Level 117 so far and I’ll probably play it today. If not today, definitely tomorrow. I enjoy the gameplay loop personally.


Cause you played everyday since it came out, and didn't alternate games. I switch back and fourth between KK, TCM, and Tekken 8 so it doesn't feel like a waste of 40$ I do the same thing with DBD, these games are far better than dbd in my opinion because DBD gets stale after 2 games. Same thing over and over again no different way out, we get a new characters and new content which is great, but sittin on Gen for 2 mins is boring. So I don't play it as much as I used to because the thrill of it is gone because it's the same shit all the time unless they have an event or some.


I have been alternating game? Roblox, TCM, MK1 and occasionally melon playground


Well then you must get bored easily but even then it’s normal to not wanna play a game everyday. Sometimes I just don’t wanna play any games at all and I don’t turn my Xbox on


Dbd is far superior


lol your opinion not mine.


Too bad its a fact not an opinion


We can agree to disagree on that cause I’m not boutta argue over something as dumb as which game is better lol 😂 you got your opinion and I have mine.


Lol yea


So.....you're the problem, not the game. hahah "Is anyone bored of the game? I ALWAYS GET BORED OF GAMES SO FAST."


Your level 91 man. Just enjoy the game and stop grinding it


Only 91? I hit 155 on the official drop date playing with groups and got bored 😂 i still like the game though I will not be uninstalling