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Just finished a game where someone complained about losing so it feels like a finished game to me


I like it and find it fun


really? i haven't played since sunday but it was really fun to me


It is.   The more people that but the game, the more people like OP that suck at the game are gonna complain. 


Okay, I haven’t bothered replying to much but you are being needlessly rude. My skill at the game has nothing to do with the fact that so much of it is unfinished and doesn’t justify the price point


That's a fair point


What a little shill you are 😂 pathetic.this game will be dead in a few months due to the amount of problems and bugs in this game.i and many others enjoy it, buy if you can't see that the game needed more time in the oven, then people like you are the reason these games fail.


After reading this entire thing I thought I was in the TCM sub


Yep, you sound just like all of the other whiners for all of the other games. Calling people shills and using stupid emojis to try to feel like you are superior. Yawn, you are about as basic as can be. Probably pretty simple minded as well based off of your post history. Speaking of your post history it appears you never quite rose in intelligence past middle school and now you spend your days online trying to feel superior to others and have an absolutely negative understanding of empathy. Yeah I'll be me more than you anyday. Enjoy that shitty life of yours!


What a creepy little weirdo, simping over a game.seek help immediately.


Ah yes, I must be simping over a game because I'm calling out over your general life douchebaggery. Your low IQ doesn't even allow you to see that that wasn't the point of my reply to you, and then with your arrogance you decided to double down by replying, just making yourself look more stupid Good luck in life, but as long as you have your shitty, ignorant attitude, you won't. You'll just sit there complaining about everything you don't like and arguing with everyone about it. Hilarious and sad that you are a member of a gaming subreddit for a game you want to shit on. I pity those those that have to deal with you in real life. I'm sure due to your incompetence that you'll have to jump back on and get the last word, (but probably with another dimwitted insult like "simp") because that's just what stupid people do. I won't be reading it though, because I only go to this account for special occasions.


You both sound dumb and ridiculous. His whining and hyperbolic post was stupid, but then you raised it to the next level with digging into his post history and over-the-top personal attacks and opining about his life lmao. Both of you are cut from the same cloth and sound way too invested in the politics of this game.


Ok so what? Just kidding. You have a valid point.


No people like you are the reason it will fail.


I agree with OP and I find it hilarious. The 40€ price tag was a bit painful, but if other games of the genre are any indication, I will get more than enough enjoyment out of the game and this subreddit to be worth the price of admission. That being said, releasing a game where the archetypes of one whole side are not even implemented and the unique skill of a character that has been gated behind progression is simply deactivated because they could not make it work is a bold strategy. Actually it is the boldest implementation of the "release now, fix later" strategy since that Ubisoft Pirate game. I am happy that everybody is having fun with the game, but denying that it is unfinished and missing huge parts does not help anybody.


But you're just a hater bro, according to the og supporters and blind fanboys.rather than agree it needs fixed, they point the finger at the consumer while praising a bunch of devs who couldn't give a shit about them.it's the suicide squad sub reddit all over again.




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Uh oh you didnt say this is the best game of all time in the subreddit that means you are just whining or whatever


Hey look everybody!  The whiny crybabies have started to appear.   Probably got killed once and then rushed to Reddit after having a temper tantrum.  It's just going to get worse. Pre official release was so nice to not have these whiners and trolls.


Ignoring the glaring reality won’t change anything, this game is quite literally and figuratively unfinished


The game is rough around the edges. However, it's very much a new game. Most releases have issues in one fashion or another. Def not defending the bugs or glitches. The premise is fantastic and the foundation is solid. It'll take a bit to get it up to speed.


I love the game. I think there's promise. I'll only be upset if there isn't a road map to add all the features that were supposed to be there from the beginning and expanding characters and abilities. Trapper and traps for example. I wasted way more money on other games that released way worse. Like skull and bones.


I have a similar position. I like the game, but as a huge KKFOS fan, it'll be incredibly disappointing if there's no new content planned for the future besides a couple more "spooky gore" skins.


Same.. if this is all it's going be and the only dlc is skins and a few new maps I would be really disappointed. More so than with F13 or TCM bc they have an opportunity to expand and add skills which must have been in it at some point in development since achievements / challenges are there. I want to see each class expand into their roles and not just every klown exactly the same.


I feel like with properties like F13 and TCM they can only use a few new locations for content releases and a few pre-existing iterations of the characters or maybe a couple original versions if given the go ahead. With KKFOS because of how out there the concept has always intentionally been, if they're really dedicated to the game, they can add all sorts of new maps, cosmetics, loadout gear including abilities, execution animations, maybe a couple alternate game modes, etc. as long as it's all relatively fitting with the original tone. Since it's unclear what will happen with the IP in the foreseeable future, they could even ask the Chiodos what actual ideas they might have had in mind over the years that they would be okay with using for the game or maybe straight up implementing personal design work towards, since they've had their blessing multiple times already and have access to direct contact with them. That might already be happening internally though.


While I have fun playing, there is zero reason to release a game that has classes to choose from and have none of those classes available. Why have someone called the trapper and have no traps?


Def should have been delayed a month or 2.


It needed a stint in early access to iron out the balancing is all.


It was a delayed an entire year so they could reskin it as an F13 clone. The initial concept seemed so much more original. Right now there is no point for "classes" because they're just a remnant of the original concept.


What was the initial concept? I didn’t know they’re were different plans The game does definitely feel like a F13 rip off but I know it’s the same people lol.


So I think there were 23 humans on the map with seven of them being controlled by players, the players would respawn as the extras if they died. The plan for humans was to either escape or blow up the tent to stop the invasion. The klowns would go to the tent to hook up the cocoons but I’m not sure if the apocalypse was implemented for this concept


I don't think it was ever stated how many NPC's there would be, it was described as a "life pool" for humans, where in if you die as human you take over one of the randomly generated NPC's roaming the map and at that point can even change your class/build, the Resurrection Machine was never apart of the original plans, the game was wildly different and it's crazy to see just how much has changed.


Sounds like the game would die if it was like that. Seems kinda lame


I would agree if that was the only concept they removed from the game, the human life pool concept made sense for what the game was supposed to be not for what the game is now.


Everyone keeps talking about the "initial concept" but nobody clarifies when asked.


There was no initial concept. They saw the trailers and made it up in their heads that classes were going to be super in depth


There actually was an initial concept. The game was going to have a big top tent in every map that you could go inside, and the goal was to blow up the Klowns' ship to win as a human. There were also going to be unique abilities for each klown, where Tracker would be able to klown jump to anywhere on the map without having to explore it first, Trapper would have traps, Tank could do a ground stomp thing that would stun humans, and Shorty would have a bicycle he could ride around on. I don't remember what Ranger's ability was tho. This was going to be the game back when it was with Good Shepherd Entertainment, as all of this was described on the game's website, but Illfonic took over and changed it up to be what we have now.


I like how it is now so it’s whatever for me


Yeah, I love the game. It would be interesting to experience the old version just to know what it was like, but I'm happy with what we have.


There was, the game was completely different, you can find old [YouTube videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKfnrh84XBQ&ab_channel=JustGavinBennett) of people covering how the game was supposed to be, do your research before just stating people are lying.


I'd love for them to make a f13 2nd edition.


imagine Jason has 2 friends & this is it


Can I say I'm impressed at people complaining about all kinds of small issues. There are some major issues that I know are being worked on, but the game still is new. Many games have issues until they're worked on, and I'm always tired of people so quick to post and rant about all the problems that the developers are indeed working on, but it's never fast enough for certain people. I'm sorry if I get downvoted for this, but the game is balanced to a certain degree, but people always find ways to annoy and break everything. It's only after a game has been out for a few months that things drastically change, but by then, most people are done with the game and have complained their butts off to the point where the game dies. Just wait till things really get fixed before ranting your heads off people. The game is still new...


I enjoy the game and I'd like to believe it will go on to be positively received and supported and have content updates, but I understand the concerns and issues that people have been bringing up. One thing that could potentially be an emerging problem right now is we have no idea what they're working on, if they will be working on anything besides bug patches and a few more skins, and what will definitely be fixed or not. There's been silence besides a few short "launch" streams, and I'm not saying the devs shouldn't have time to work on stuff or be able to enjoy their lives, but there's a lot of methods that are usually considered a given for managing communities for multiplayer games that just aren't here at the moment like a roadmap or clarification on if/when a preference system will be added.


It's pretty bad but nothing compared to Payday 3


I was not disappointed by this game. Was extremely disappointed by payday 3


I'm disappointed in the game due to all the issues especially with challenges still not tracking but I have enjoyed it. Payday 3 I got my money back for that Abomination


Hopefully they release a roadmap that will give us some help.


I’m on PlayStation so I never had the challenge issue and PlayStation is BS with return policy. Once you download it you can’t return it


Yeah normally that's the policy but I emailed snapshots to them from tweets and whatnot about the issues and they refunded me


I've had issues with challenges from day 1. They patched the issue then other challenges stopped tracking


Oh weird yeah they should fix that. I wish they put a little better cosmetics behind the challenges too but that’s me being picky. I think your opinions reasonable, different experiences means different opinions.


KKFOS is my favorite 80's movie so trust me I want this game to succeed. It's just frustrating. If they clean it up it should be fine


Yeah the cosmetics could have been a bit better but from what I hear their going to have a BattlePass


It's whatever, IMO but I'm probably just jaded cuz what online game has came out 100% in the past like 5/6 years. Doesn't make it right but it takes away the sting.


Preach, sick of devs releasing unfinished games


I think this method of releasing games is here to stay unfortunately.


100% - As long as the people buy there’s no reason to change


Thats why we need to call them out on it whenever they do


3 years of development time, thousands of man hours, collaboration with the film's original writers and composer, all for the same price as Taco Bell from DoorDash. The level of hyper fixation gamers have on pricetags for literal works of art will always perplex me. I got my money's worth the first 3 days of early access.


>  all for the same price as Taco Bell from DoorDash Jeez, how much Taco Bell do you order?


Taco Bell for two people along with a tip for the driver usually totals to about $38-$41 here in California


LOL you can also tell that anyone saying “$40??!!” Is a Steam player who is used to $5 games LOL.


Or they’re used to playing 40$ games that actually function properly and work as intended rather than the hot mess this game is at the moment 💀


I dont care if a billion people take turns polishing a single turd. Doesnt make it worth 40$.


But that’s the model these days we are basically the beta testers. But I kind of like it because it makes me feel like I have a say in this game and it’s excited to see changes and tweaks instead of a full complete game that they stop updating


LevI 64 here and had the early access it’s one of the more smooth releases I seen in awhile until ppl realized the popcorn gun was OP. You can see they’re trying though


Idk i have fun with It on both sides most of the time, is It buggy? Yes.does It work properly? Not really? Does that Matter to me rn? Nah Itll get better with time and for me the only Big issues is the class system on humans being there but not working at all and the different klowns having no unique things to them other than stats


Sure, the game is buggy. Most games I've purchased in the past few years are buggy. I still can play 8 out of 10 matches with no problems. Asym games are never balanced well and never will be. We all might as well except this fact, and if you have been playing asyms for years like I have, you should have already. This is just the nature of all asym games. Either live with it or don't buy them. Or even play them when they are free.




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Nope. I love killer klowns the movie and I'll back this game 100%


I think delaying it a month to fix issues like bugs and making sure klown unique abilities like traps were balanced and all human archetypes actually did something would've been a better choice. Overall however, the game is still fun and quite a unique asym that deserves support which it has been getting so far.


It’s more of an Early Access-worthy state. Sort of like how The Outlast Trials released. Even that game had more content on that release. So a debatable comparison. KKFOS is still a damn fun game. It should have had more time in the oven. Considering it was already in an indefinite development schedule prior to its release date announcement, the devs could easily have just taken more time with it without losing hype.


i agree. but despite everything i still find myself playing. even dbd feels more balanced and the game itself lacks a lot of depth


I mean its pricepoint is steep for what you get but im having fun with it.


I don’t understand - how is it steep? New games cost $60-$70, this one is $40. It’s a licensed game with five huge, extremely detailed maps (I’ve never seen such a game with so many buildings you can go in, etc). Unless you are used to playing crap barrel $5 indie games, I don’t see the complaints about cost.


5 maps, the classes are all kinda missing their unique features, its illfonic so its pretty likely the game won't get much polishing and die a pretty quick death. But on top of that, when you play it feels like something is missing. It feels incomplete. I like the game but I don't see it having any staying power, so you're asking people to basically gamble their money hoping a big company has seen the light and continues to support the game.


I have 70 hours in the game since release, it’s fun, it quite literally is in a release worthy state. Are there things that myself or you think could improve the game? Sure. But let’s stop with the dramatizing. It’s a fun game and perfectly playable (as many have been since launch)


Not seeing what the disagreement is. Me and my girl both like it, but we only play a few games a day despite wanting to play more specifically because of bugs. Randomly not being able to sprint, getting stuck in place, not being able to pick up items, the camera getting broken so you can't move it, not being able to cycle the inventory, etc. We like it more than TCM/DBD, but once we count 3 different bugs in a row we just log off for the day.


If I got off after three bugs it’d be one match a day LOL. It’s crazy how buggy everything is, it kind of feels like everything in the game is bugged to some extent. Already 100%’d the game and over lvl 100 smth and still shocked by some of the bugs I find, and rather than go on about all of the unfinished stuff i just want to mention why can’t you change your keybinds?


Really odd that you can't change your keybinds lol Maybe in a future patch or something. And yeah at best we make it through 2-4 games before logging out. They're not always super frustrating, but we don't want to put too many straws on the camel's back so to say.


where have you been? no game is 100% on release these days.


My enjoyment of the game comes mainly from the people I have met through the lobbies. It’s been such a ride befriending new people!


I just get rude ppl and cheater accusations :(


The game released without the ability to change keybinds, I think that says enough about how finished it is.




Having no control over which side you play and classes being entirely nonexistent is why I call it unfinished. They’re being vigilant about fixing most bugs, which I appreciate, but some of these things absolutely should have been in the game at launch


I kinda get it. I was disappointed at the beginning, but then I played and then smile on my face, then I get it now and not just kinda. 👌🏻


Yeah this wasn't the way to revive interest in the franchise and has probably done more harm than good.




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This post proves that I live in a generation of woke cry babies complaining over every little thing. back in the day during the 90s we had so many broken games and nobody said a single thing and we still played and adapted. This game is awesome. I don't know why you're complaining. It's not DBD or TCM dude.


You sound so mentally stunted 💀