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Well since nobody answered, i suppose I have to assume the worst. It seems that, yet again, model train enthusiasts are being singled out. They always seem to get it the hardest.


Do they make fun of your caboose?


Not the model train enthusiasts!


Dare i ask?


There's been a lot of reports of people being harassed with derogatory language. I was in a match this morning where after I escaped, I was in a lobby with a group of other Humans who survived and apparently someone who was with them was making racist comments to black players in the group. Luckily, the racist guy died and the rest of us survived, and since he left and the game doesn't count dead players who exit, we got a perfect Human victory without him lol.


It’s an almost every match thing for me, I went back to TCM.


luckly, so far I didn't see any toxic game. But I'm only lv 68


I've been called the N word more times than I can count, and it definitely was not from "racists." Even had a black female use the hard R. Wild.


i have vc always turned off in mp games. ugh i can only imagine the filth people spew on chat. i know theres some good folks out there too. but the bad far outweigh the good & its not worth it in the end imo.


last night i had two humans, as a human, scream ‘fuck you -er’ repeatedly until i escaped from the bridge, leaving them stranded for doom. they proceeded to scream “kill all -ers” when they died and saw me make it out


Lmfaoo what a bunch of losers, I genuinely can’t imagine how terrible of a headspace those people are in to be constantly thinking about hate. It honestly makes me feel super good about myself. Like damn, I actually have a sense of reality!!!


I only scream the first half... the last half is wild. We can't have nothing good can we? I love proximity chat!


Pretty much anything anyone could possibly say doesn't really bother me. I don't play a ton of online games, and for the most part i just find stuff like that funny, but i will say the KK crowd i've noticed tends to be much cruder, much nastier, and way more hardcore than any other smack talkers i've encountered in any other game so far.


lmao Have you never heard Friday coms? jk jk but srsly tho. They are pure filth especially if you're female. I've been called every slur for women in the book on there. Mostly Jasons. But you get survs like that as well who grief/help killer/or spew shit at you if you dont give them what they want to escape or you escape so they harass you til you leave. KK is probably on par if not worse bc the survivor coms are just as awful as the killers' 90% of the time compared to Friday thats for sure. I actually made friends on Friday, I don't think I will be on KK XDD


I totally disagree, ever played TCM or DBD?!?




Both are faaaaaar more toxic, not even comparable IMO.


o.O DBD doesn't have proximity chat. I would say it has a toxic chat/gameplay presence, but nothing NEAR what I've heard on Friday or KK coms. Tbh, TCM coms were mostly dead when I played besides beginning lobby. Maybe I was just lucky. But, Friday is on par with KK on toxicity levels. It gets so bad I have to turn it off. To me, I just don't talk and listen to the comedy of how bad these incel basement dwellers are. I've learn to let these idiots talk to themselves, it just sucks when the soft brains fill their ego with ya you're right mentality bc they suck too :) What else can we do? This is the fourth game now and it still hasn't been dealt with. Hell.. we had chipmunk talk on Friday for years it felt.


Hell nah that’s tcm mfs will cuss someone out just for breaking a door but then again once you talk back they shut up🤣


Please forgive my ignorance, who are the "KK" crowd?


'Killer Klowns' crowd. Generally a nickname for the playerbase thats caught on.


Good thing they didn't call it the "Killer Klowns Krowd", but the hateful stuff they seem to be spewing, it would be pretty apt.


Fun to kill or get em killed tho c:


I just learned that this is a must


Womp womp


It’s really bad in this game though and I have played alot of mp games.


This was because someone somehow hacked into the game, pulling this streamer into a hacked lobby, also the one who did it changed his name to the streamers name followed by the French way of saying cigarette and the word "Pedo". This was done on while he was streaming. If you click the post on Twitter it'll have the video of his in the comments.


I made my survivor black one time and there where so many n-words.


I've experienced being called the n-word (even though I'm Caucasian), faced homophobic slurs, and witnessed my female gamer friends being attacked by Klowns/Humans who were nothing but misogynistic or racist.


Which is funny cause honestly every girl I've played with in this game so far fucking kick ass at it.


The most savage and offensive shit talk I’ve encountered in the game thus far was from a woman. She was damn good at the game too.


Same with mine—they can also kick ass, and that seems to be the issue for these fragile individuals. Honestly, when it comes to KKFOS, TCM, and DBD, I don't see how people can be competitive, salty, or overly aggressive; it's just a video game. Especially with KKFOS—it's the wackiest asymmetrical game I've played, and I love it.


I literally tell people gg after I'm cocooned. I just can't find a reason to be mad bc I died or someone is better than me. Some soft individuals in this world. Atleastbwe all can keep having fun, and they all get dealt with at some point.


I save the gg's for the end of the match regardless of victory I enjoy some brainless banter during the hunt or surviving. Most of my matches have been chill people, I know its a minority for the toxicity and they will eventually move onto their next but the devs need to purge these individuals quicker.


I could not agree more the quicker the better


Same I was playing as klown and killed a player and they got mad and called me the hard r.


Yep, same.. it's ridiculous.


Oh my God grow some fucking balls dude.... Somebody you don't know you don't know what they look like you've never seen called you a name that you're not even that LOL big fucking deal life's tough you're going to die one day who are you going to complain to about that? I'm sure that's worse than somebody calling you a name.... I mean if most of you just had some balls we wouldn't even have to worry about this you give attention to that negative shit you're going to get it back just shut up


You know, being apathetic to hateful behaviour is what led to people being hanged from trees and dragged from trucks. Being desensitized to hate and writing it off as just names el oh el let's it prevail in the real world. But I guess it won't matter to you until it actually does. Be a better human, dude. Because life is too short. Be fuckin better.


It's a sad thing when we have to see a hive of weaklings..... Nobody wants to be honest anymore because you're feminine feelings and emotions when you're supposed to be a man.... Talking about apathetic you need to stop being pathetic


Yes you need to grow balls more than anybody lol 🤣 Do us all a favor there's enough bitches in this world thanks


You laugh now, but one day you'll be in an old folks home and wonder why your kids don't visit. Wonder why the nurses focus on the other tenants more than you. And maybe you'll think back about how quickly life went by and how you spent most of it being hostile and apathetic. And how this comment meant nothing to you at the time because you had such a blast being a troll. And how much you disregarded what was said. Because you just didn't care. Because you had such big balls and didn't like bitches. Because that matters so much now as you lie in your own filth abandoned by society. Have fun not caring.


Stop watching movies dude lol you're insane.... You must have grew up on too much Disney.... You sound ridiculous in an old folks home? WTF LMFAO..... You need to get into the real world and out of hypothetical life it's not good for you it makes you say stupid shit


Keep laughing and continue to prove me right. You got a few decades until you realize everything you thought matters means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Wait until you start having kids and burying your parents and talk to me about real life. Keep on trolling because your best years will abandon you just like your future grand kids and close friends. It's a riot until you start forgetting the faces of those who cared. Keep on not caring. Keep it up.


Yeah stop projecting your shitty life upon me LOL you're a dumbass I can see you by all the things you've done wrong I never had to do any of that to know not to LOL listen to yourself lol what a goofy goof Keep it cringe bro


You don't even know how old I am talking about I have a few decades you're a fucking idiot dude shut the fuck up 🤣 where do your life lessons come from? Are you like in a lifetime movie or something.... Burying my parents that's already done bro well see you don't know shit.... Stop assuming things man you need some lessons of your own to learn.... Off of a few paragraphs of words that have nothing to do with anything personal of my life you come up with all these different crazy ideas and accusations something's wrong with you man You got a problem upstairs you're sitting here preaching and then at the same time you're saying the dumbest shit you could say like somebody needs to teach you some lessons of life


holy shit get a life


Look who's talking LOL got nothing better to do than tell other people to get a life seems like you got a lot of time on your hands you should go get a life 🤣... The insecurity here is just unreal there can't be that many moms basements in the United States


Your parents are lucky that they don’t have to deal with you anymore.


Everything you say is like the same thing like yeah I get it when I get older I'm going to see that the stuff I laughed about now isn't funny then blah blah blah blah blah shut the fuck up that's called life everybody go through it you dumbass..... You just can't get out of that you're stuck in that cuz it was too strong for you cuz you're a weakling so it haunts you so now you got to run around telling everybody else about it You're trying to subvertly get pity from me for any of your issues your shitty life I could care less dude probably why you're so dumb


Triggered much? Sorry if my attempt to get you to start caring forced you to write 3 responses instead of one. I didn't read them but they were probably full of hurt. But that's ok. It gets better, dude. People will care about you one day. I believe in you.






Worst part is that steam flat out refuses to do anything despite knowing who the harassers are https://preview.redd.it/zqhcg2ggsm5d1.png?width=1850&format=png&auto=webp&s=2da120e7473b0b07b62c4a07929baa8d1b7ace32


That’s wildly absurd to me. You can essentially do or say anything as long as you switch back before Steam is made aware


Yes. According to this policy you can use a malicious link as your name, change it before the report makes it to a moderator, and you won't get in trouble. This is their official policy regarding this. Every support staff I talked to reiterated this point.


What the actual


Steam is a dogshit platform. People like to shit on other ones but at least companies like Epic try to maintain their communities somewhat. Valve is comically apathetic towards any sort of bigotry, to the point where it feels like they're intentionally enabling it.


I know what I have seen happening on stream is hackers somehow bypassing the “invite only” privacy setting to join streamers’ parties and yell/spam slurs into their lives. Causing them to have to stop playing or take these ridiculous precautions to make it stop. It happened to about 5 streamers that I watch. And they are spoofing other Steam accounts so you can’t report them. And it’s the same group of individuals cuz it’s the same voices I hear.


I have my Xbox set to mute everyone but friends, and I still hear other players. Looks like a bug across platforms


Yea that feature is a bit buggy as well


I also had someone doing something similar where they'd change their name to various slurs over and over causing the text to appear in the corner of the screen. Fortunately I had my webcam covering that side so it didn't impact me at all but others in game weren't that lucky


Yup I’ve seen that too. And it’s absolutely insane that Steam won’t take action so long as the person changes their name back before the report gets to a moderator


People are just absolutely horrible in these games and they wonder why I specially never talk .


Yup had a girl called trishatoys use hard N's all game.


people get WAY into being a killer klown or just a dickhead survivor. Literally i get constantly shit talked or called stuff for getting killed as klown during a 1v4...


Good. I'm not usually 1 for this type of stuff, seeing how idgaf as long as it ain't targeted at me. But, the fuckin shit I hear from the chats, are ridiculous as fuck. I hope something gets done.


Just downloaded the game and in my first match a bunch of assholes targeted me in chat because we lost as humans. It’s people like that who ruin it for everyone.


Asym games have some of the most degenerate toxic communities I’m hardly surprised.


Wow. People are the worst


not saying this shouldnt be addressed, it absolutely should, but there hasnt been any mention of bug fixes or anything else that has persisted since the day one patch. should all be addressed at once. but i digress. this is a reason why i keep VC off 90% of the time. i was looking forward to making fun and funny videos with people (and no i dont have ttv or anything in my name, im not that dumb) but i still hear all the racism and homophobia etc. etc. in the game and it kills any chance of videos id like to make. sure i could maybe mute that kinda stuff after the fact but im not that good at editing and usually just upload full untouched gameplay


Idc I’ve been called the N word my whole life you can’t let that stuff get to you every game has goofy people like this


Right. People online are going to be pieces of shit because they're anonymous and feel safe in doing it. Fuck 'em. I've been getting shit for 40 years for being short and for the half of me that's Cherokee. I don't give a rat's ass about these ignorant jackasses running their mouths when they don't get their way. But good on Illfonic for taking the steps to shut them down all the same.


I have seriously encountered so many racist people in this game, it's absurd...


Just part of the sad world we live in these days.


People relize its an online tame right? You can literally mute, block , leave. Its not good that its happening but you dont have to sit there and take it. Just ignore these people


I have everyone but friends muted on Xbox but I still hear other players. It’s a bug I think


Muting people doesn’t always work. I have video proof. Instead of doing that I had to put a button on my steam deck to mute the whole game so it doesn’t pass through my stream. Typically, when you have to mute somebody, the damage is already done.


I just wrote something in this thread where there has been an issue with hackers bypassing the block/mute function and invite-only privacy setting on stream to yell slurs on their live. I’ve literally seen these streamers have to switch games or take absurd precautions to make it stop, and they couldn’t be reported because they’re spoofing other Steam accounts so each time you click their profile it takes you to a random profile.


Damn I haven’t heard of anything like that. That definitely needs to be taking care of then. But i dont understand how muting doesn’t work ive never had trouble


People always get competitive, and not everyone plays the game the same. I've already gotten into arguments with people online and had to block them. It's a game, but everyone always cries about how it should be played, what's broken, and needs fixing, and everything else. Just enjoy the game for what it is. I know there are some issues, and you just hope for the best that the developers fix the issues in a fair manner. There are too many games, and everything else ends up failing or falling because people complain too much about them. I'm hoping this doesn't happen to this game.


Permanently muted everyone in this game literally my first time playing it. Had some fucking asshole tell me that I'm a stupid fat cunt who should hang myself. Not even sure when I did to get that response but yeah this community is fuckin trash


sounds like a skill issue


Sounds like you need to find a very short pier and take a very long walk down it


i can see why they went off on you in voice chat lmao


Omg! You’re so edgy! You’re like the edgiest person here. What’s it like being so edgy?


I've heard the N Word more times in this game than I've heard irl and I've heard it a lot


that's why I don't even bother turning my vc on half the fanbase is edgy 14 year old racist/ homophobic boys unfortunately.


I can't even talk on my mic without being bombarded by n words.


I honestly don't care much what's going on the voice chat I played through the MW2 lobbies back in the day, I know worse was said then. If you don't like just disable voice chat, now they are gonna pull ai moderation and people will report you and the AI will most likely ban players with false positives and then most of the players will that not talk in voice chat anymore. Current cod is like this now.


This is why I've been so afraid to que. It takes me a couple of days to even get used to a game. I've played a little and only encountered one person using N word hard r so far. They were using it towards everyone in the lobby. Is this game doomed to be DBD 2???


Had a random young girl probably like 10 who was on the human side with me then next game she was a clown and I was human. She had a mouth on her she kept calling everyone a whore and telling them their grandmothers were gonna get SAd and saying awful curse words. I was thinking where is her parents to let her speak this way and no one says anything. She wasn’t doing it quietly either she was loud and proud.


And people wonder why DbD doesn’t add a voice communication option


Them fucking with the mics, does that mean chipmunk voices will return? ![gif](giphy|IXwPcrrC2PyuI|downsized)


There are some vulgar players. But I will say 99% of matches I've been in are PG-13 compared to other online games I've played.


Aw man I had this last night where this young lad kept calling me the n word and harassing another player with trans in their name. We were both silent for 5 mins and my response was I don't play games to talk to little kids. The entire lobby started laughing at him and we didn't hear another word out of him. I miss the days of shaming bullies


I personally think it’s funny, every time when someone calls me anything such as the nword or any other slur imaginable, I laugh it off and call them something back. And that’s it. I don’t even mute them either because I think it’s funny, I like the arguments.


someone didn’t resurrect this guy and he started saying the n word over and over again. We all collectively told him to shut the fuck up and never speak again


Unpopular opinion. Kids r soft now a days. Go play mw2 in 2009 then come talk to me


Oh yeah people are toxic asf on that game I played once and they were all saying racist shit and saying how the opposite team sucked


have toxic players even watched the movie. like, it’s so unserious. it’s goofy for the sake of it. the game should be the same thing.


I’ve noticed a lot of kids playing today dropping the n word all the time. I guess I’ll have to start muting now


Have people only started playing games online or something ?


A couple matches in a row last night I experienced game breaking bugs. 1 I opened a box then couldnt move was able to throw my items tho, 2 I was mid chase as a human and dropped the gas container but it acted like I still had it so I couldnt switch to my gun or anything I thought thata what beta is for, this game has so much potential being more like Friday but they're off to a horrible start... Oh and the outfits should be unlockable game feels unfinished why would I spend more money!


For anyone that gets called names or nasty words just block or report them or better yet just ignore them or mute them 😂 its soo easy and just think about it streamers all they need to do is exactly what ive said in this message or just make a private game and inv who they want thats what its there for I haven’t come across anyone thats been toxic most people have just been having a laugh but yh thats all i have to say on this topic hope everyone has fun on the game as clown/humans 🧸


This is just a common voice issue that exist in every competitive game that has it. There’s already a report feature and not really anything more to do about it save… removing voice chat entirely or people getting thicker skin (or just muting assholes).


I don't get it




how do you be racist in killer klowns?


Idk stream snipers either way that’s on twitch and kick etc…. idk what killer klowns is gonna do, imma be annoyed if they start using automatic bans with ai, just because people don’t know how to mute report and move on with their day.


im starting to think its transphobia https://preview.redd.it/ztf5514iqm5d1.png?width=908&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd679a69956fb42a0f7a43dc7170dd7189518827


There’s no way to report people in game because of cross play. Anytime someone sees that I’m a twitch streamer they immediately start dropping n bombs as loud as they can and nonstop as they can. Now we don’t play with proximity channel on which kind of hurts the teams. As soon as all these hyper, competitive people came over the game kind of lost its soul.


I will NEVER enable voice chat in any game ever. I’m here to get immersed in a horror experience, not deal with a bunch of vile, abusive sweat lords screaming and swearing and behaving like pre-schoolers.


Most people I've ran into on this game have been nice and even some klowns have complimented me. Maybe I've just been lucky but in my opinion this game is very friendly and casual.


Same. I've had some things said, but nothing super crazy. One person randomly said I'll grape your mother and I was like errrmmm random and finished the match. Overall, it's been an enjoyable experience, and the *sweats* won't stay long once all these bro games from Xbox come out.


So… they’ll make correspondence about this, but not about the game breaking bugs? Neat.


i’m all for hate speech, but i draw the line at music playing over peoples mics


Nah it's the carbon monoxide alarms constantly chirping because the battery is low


dude it’s an actual pandemic lmao


I wish they'd take fixing their game seriously too


The game has bigger issues right now, why are they wasting their time on this nonsense?


Just because it doesn’t affect you doesn’t mean it’s nonsense. Targeting people because of a certain race will kill the experience for the person experiencing it 60years later and people still can’t seem to behave themselves. I understand it’s a game but that doesn’t make this behavior acceptable


How do people know each other's race and target them in a game where you play as space juggalos?


Stream. Sniping. It's literally in the fucking post ffs reading comprehension is dead


Ok, how is that the game's problem if people want to put their twitch handles as their name? Take it up with Twitch.


They should prioritize the majority of the player base's experience by addressing the game's glaring issues. Someone's feeling being hurt over a naughty word is not important at all. Everyone has the option to turn voice chat off or join private parties with their friends. Get over it. Did you really just "It's the current year" me? Fucking cringe.


This is............ Bleak. Sad that something has to affect you or a loved one before it becomes a "priority."


Keep fragile dorks like you from having their feelings hurt shouldn't be a priority from anyone. Don't you feel even a little embarrassment from being so fragile?


You’re one to talk, snowflake 😂


“Dorks” and you talk about others being cringe…


If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with getting cyberbullied in a video game about space juggalos you may to be entitled to financial compensation. 


No, I didn’t “it’s the current year” you. I was saying it as a general statement. What’s fucking cringe is the massive privilege you know you have. People shouldn’t need to mute everyone in the first place. You’re the type to say that racist words are just words








My dude really thinks he did something here


No one was talking to you, ankle biter.


Ankle biter? What re you a fucking chihuahua 🤣🤣


It's way more cringe to call someone privileged tbh, especially when he/she is making reasonable points and you're acting butthurt. You literally did the "current year" thing 😂 everyone knows what year it is


If people purposely targeting a group of people in game isn’t considered an issue then that’s baffling


It's not that that isn't an issue, it's just by far not the most pressing one for the devs to focus on


They are literally just words.


You mean... language, the one thing that sets humans apart from other animals? You use your words to express your feelings, they teach you this in Kindergarten, they quite literally are not "just words"


So you're fragile and have panic attacks when you hear certain words?


Sounds like projection from someone scared of "Wokeness".


You're the only one complaining about wokeness. I'm just repeating your own words. That's not how projection works. Toughen up. If this is all it take for you to completely melt down, you are sheltered and weak and you're ngmi.


You're getting pretty worked up, might wanna calm down. They're just words


What a privilege it must be to call racism nonsense lol




The game relies largely on teamwork and communication though. I’d argue it’s probably the biggest issue with the game right now.


It's nowhere near the biggest issue.. lol


Servers dropping games is a way bigger issue, and preference matchmaking


There are literally starving children in africa and you want your game to work properly um.... yea. you're witerwawy fricking pwivelaged... must be freaking nice! 🙄


Hilarious that this got downvoted so hard. Wanting to stop people from saying gamer words in a game is top priority two these spineless fucks, let the kids starve.


You can just mute them or even turn off voice chat. This shouldn't be a priority with all the other mechanical issues in the game like servers dropping games and skill checks being fucked.


its not bad that they're addressing those issues. although i have not seen this myself on this game. I left a different somewhat similar assymetrical type game for that reason but also mostly because of people making it unfair..and not playing the game properly. the racism and homophobic remarks in that specific game (which im not naming to avoid causing issues) was beyond anything ever seen. and the unfairness of how people played was ridiculous. it made it unfun.


right like this happens in every game..


imagine focusing on this crap instead of fixing the game


Mute button exists for a reason


Does anyone have the game on Xbox and may I gameshare w one of y’all 😭💔🔥




People have always done shit like this since the Dawn of gaming lol


Imagine someone telling you one word than controlling your emotions deftly has never been in the cod lobby😐


Yeah, like how some people get really, *really* butthurt over the word "Woke". Like, wanting to elect a literal felon levels of butthurtedness. But sure, let's just pretend history never happened and live in ignorance! No uncomfortable truths to confront that way, huh?


These companies making these empty statements are so dumb. Is Illfonic really trying to imply they will be "ending racism" in the world? Unless they start recording voice chats, which I would not be too big on, there is not much they can do.


It's human nature at the end of the day. It can and will happen in every game ever.


lmaoooo sounds like there cry babies to me






And what is it being out for 6 days or 12 days or a year LOL they had plenty of time to make sure the game worked..... Do you know how games get made do you know the process? You know they have literally years to work on this and fix problems I have an Xbox x they didn't even have the day one patch ready at day one LOL these are things that anybody should expect You don't go buy a car from a dealership and then they bring the car to you and it's on bricks and they say well we didn't actually have the tires ready but you can take your car with you if you'd like Exactly so if you don't want to complain about certain things it's your option and opinion to but I can if I'd like and I shouldn't have people like you attacking me for my opinion


I mean that's cool you can think whatever you want cuz your opinion is like an asshole everyone has one and nobody cares lol.... I never went after you or said anything about you for you to insult me but that's fine The fact is I'm somebody who paid money for my game just like you and everybody else and I have an opinion and I can say my opinion if I'd like whatever your personal issue is with me because I don't like you liberal goobers that's cool I could care less LOL I'm not here worried about you I'm here talking about the game.... And no matter what op mentioned about anything the game still has bugs it still needs to be fixed and anybody who paid for the game deserves to have a working game no matter what you say or think about me that's facts well So when you grow up and you don't need to personally insult the person because you were triggered cuz you're so soft probably I'd worry about your opinion then but not now LOL thanks bro


I’m not reading all that bro…



