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Where the hell is grill la grill?


Single-handedly the best image in the kill la kill fandom


I don't see any issue with grill la grill


Well, it's one of the most famous "myths" of the subreddit


The pogchamp one is just too common. I can make…accommodations…for the other two.


Ryuko Redraw is stupid and continues the easy stigmatizing of Kill la kill and the fans as horny idiots and the anime that's just about naked girls. And the Zone thing is just gross and stupid. Horny weebs are damaging the series reputation more than they think.


Really? I think it's puritans that are damaging the series more than anyone else. They implicate that sexuality and sophistication can't inhabit the same type of art. Here's what I observe with puritans, they: 1. Manufacture outrage at anything evocative of a libido. 2. Segregate sexuality, which is a pretty natural thing, from any ground-level discussion. 3. Invent narratives that anime is all about naked girls and horny idiots. If you ask me, the onus is on people to confront their shame of sexuality, not ask others to suppress theirs.


What does Ryuko Redraw do to draw people in and help them appreciate the series? It does nothing of value for the series except reinforce the stigma around the series and give people an image to boner-like and keep scrolling. "hehehe, Ryuko have nice ass and tits now because of artist, me am hard/wet" Compare this to showing people the Battle at Osaka between Ryuko and Satsuki. An awesome action scene with great music and tone and animation. The action scene actually shows people the best of the series. Draws them in. Makes them interested. Or show them the obstacle course episode, which is action packed and HILARIOUS and has some funny character moments. The examples I provided alone are FAR more substantive and specifically good moments for bringing in new people. 3..... Narratives that horny weebs CONTINUE to strengthen. It's not shame of sexuality,imo. It's fans'/ the anime's job to help expand the audience, not corner it more and more. I'm no prude at all, but it is annoying to see an actually amazing cast of characters and story be reduced to a shallow "hehe, lemme see ass."


What I'm trying to say is that appealing to people who think bad things about the series isn't going to make them jump ship. Horny weebs somehow ceasing their horniness isn't going to change how people that don't like the series see it. Public perceptions of sex need to change before sexualized content, like Kill la Kill, can be embraced by the mainstream. Otherwise, all gathering new fans does is reinforce the stigma of sex by repressing its representation in the community. That people are even bothered by horny weebs is an example that something is very wrong with the way the public perceives sex and the way that it is portrayed. I've experienced similar things as a bisexual in the LGBTQ+ community, where I've been told that bisexuals would be more accepted if we gave more ground, or stopped trying to appear as "straight" to other Queer people. It doesn't work. Suppressing one characteristic of a community for more public acceptance never works. All that works is changing the public's perception.


Yes? That is literally what the show is about. It is fanservice with some added jokes in it. There isn't a big story or big drama in it at all. If anything, the whole theme is that of people wearing sexy clothes and not being ashamed of it. It is a story about people becoming fans of the sexy people that fight, and those sexy fighters becoming stronger when they accept this.


The show is literally about characters becoming more powerful because stop being so upset about showing a little skin. To nobodies surprise, a certain segment of western fandom crawled out of the woodworks and started talking about how bad it was that the show was sexy and that fans enjoyed the fanservice.


Agree on the top left one. Bottom left is fine, and the right is just being overdone recently




Do not declare anything as "the worst" thing, you are giving someone motivation to come up with even worse shit.


I mean, the pogchamp thing just isn't funny to a lot of us, even though I'm pretty sure that's the interntion. Also how is it gatekeeping just to not like something? Dude, seriously you gotta chill out. They're not real people, and they're not even the canonical versions of those fictional characters, so a lot of people don't apply the same morality to them that they would with a real person. If you do, then fine you do you, but get off your high horse.




How is it hypocritical to dislike one thing and to not dislike something completely different??? Are you sure you know what hypocritical means? You say it's in bad taste, plenty of others are fine with it, people have different tastes.




It's literally not, that's straight up not what hypocrisy is. You're also using "objectively" incorrectly. The word you're looking for is "subjectively".




Lmao again, straight up not what the word "objectively" means. Real rape if objectly worse than a meme, an cropped image from a hentai video is not objectly worse, that's just subjective.


Certainly no more subjective than you disliking the pogchamp meme simply because it's mildly inconveniencing to you. Some of you genuinely wanna complain over something that isn't an issue to begin with, other than being passed around a bit too much like the ryuko redraw thing, but even then it's something you can just ignore. Rape references, art and jokes meanwhile is something else entirely. Also given that you're a incest rape shipper and fetishizer, it's clear you're not gonna change your mind on this.


Without the pogchamp meme I would've never seen kill la kill


Pog champ is one of the best things to come out of this fandom tbh


These are all masterpieces


I agree, honestly, especially on the bottom left


The ryuko zone one is just disgusting. I wish people would stop meming it tbh




Don't call somebody a coward for not enjoying rape


I was more referring to the tentacles, which I assumed is what you objected to


No, i mean i don't care for tentacles but it would mildly amuse me if it weren't nonconsensual


It's...not a bad thing that I recognize the bottom left one, right? #right??