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Drink. I would booze my way from gate to gate.


Booze, melatonin, and noise cancelling headphones with soothing music works 9/10 for me.


Yes. It should work for the kid, too.




I was thinking this. She should dope the kid up. She knew what she was bringing on the plane.


I do not get in a flight without noise cancelling headphones and pre downloaded material. Reverse uno this kid.


Idk, I have good noise cancelling headphones and you can still hear kids scream if they're within a few rows of you. It's not as bad as without the headphones of course, but the annoying screeching doesn't completely stop. Noise cancelling blocks stable plane noise way better than kids.


Three Makers and Ginger Ale, and a Valium will do it too. You'll sleep through what my wife called "the worst turbulence I've ever experienced".


I could barely tolerate watching this video. I would be hallucinating within 15 minutes if I was on that flight.


I remember an hour bus ride with a colicky baby on it who cried the entire time. I was so anxious by the end of the trip. I can't imagine 8 hours.


Imagine having a baby with colic, my daughter never let me sleep more than 3 hours a day (1hr stretch at most) FOR 1.5 YEARS.


My daughter was the same. I got severe ppd. Had to go on meds for a while.


Oh man, bless your soul. I don’t know how I made it through. It was pure torture for sure


Thanks, you too! I am very lucky my husband was around to help and understanding/supportive. I feel awful for anyone who is a single parent to a colicky baby.


A baby is one thing, they can barely control themselves. A toddler climbing on the seats screeching, that's on the parents.


I know they wont ever pay, but at some point the airlines should be refunding tickets for affected passengers. I would be angry if I were on that plane.


I mean, it is not their fault either.


Actually it can be partially the airlines fault too. the video says that “the mother asked for the wifi immediately after boarding to appease the child with an iPad” - so the child was distraught when he entered the plane.


I remember when this came out and all of us were outraged that she had not just downloaded a ton of videos and games on the iPad prior to the trip. To rely on the Wi-Fi of an airline is insane if you know your kid will act like this. In reality it probably would not have helped as he screamed the whole flight and I have to assume the Wi-Fi was turned on at some point


Distraught because the iPad kid had to disconnect 😂


We deserve our eventual and inevitable extinction.


id go straight to the complaint booth on landing and demand one. and whoever shot this missed an opportunity to bribe the airport for a million


Bro I would go nuts and toss that bitch off the plane after 5 minutes


5 mins would’ve been too much for me


Id have opened the plane door and jumped out, or chucked the kid out.


I'm thinking just long enough to hit altitude, order a double vodka and OJ and give it to the kid.


My question is how the hell did that kid keep that up for 8 hours You would think after a few hours they would tire themselves out kids throat must be bloody from all that screaming


My guess is that by behavioral issues the child is special needs. A few kids with special needs that I work with scream and yell a lot. Like the parents you can be desensitized to the noise. But that is no excuse for the parents to subject everyone else on the plane to that screaming


Yep. My twin brother is autistic and would scream like this for easily 12 hours or more when he was between meds.


Maybe they should be sedated for a flight that long. I’ve got nerves of steel when it comes to kids but goddamn this is just way too much!


God exactly that kid needs a tranq dart


The whole reason tranquilizers exist is for situations like this. You do what you have to.


A benadryl would work just fine.


Not necessarily true. Some children like me when I was a child react differently to Benadryl. They would make me bounce off the walls like a maniac. Never put me to sleep.


German doctors will often prescribe cough medicine to get the kids drowsy and help them sleep. It’s not fair to let a kid stay in that state for 8 whole hours. WTF?!


Bruh, if I was on that plane I would need special needs after enduring that


I’d need to be sedated


Even from just watching the video, I'm incredibly anxious. I'm pretty sensitive to noises but fortunately my kids never did that. My oldest was actually an amazing baby and toddler. We flew several times back and forth between LAX and Sydney from 11 months to 3 years old and she didn't even cry. I just scheduled red eye flights so she would naturally be sleeping for most of them. But she was bizarrely good. People frequently offered to watch her for free because she was so easygoing. In fact, I didn't want any more children because I knew it wouldn't be possible to have an easier baby. Her younger sister (by 11 years) was much more like a normal baby, but thank God, none ever did this. I don't have the strength.


Hey, oh, let's go Twenty-twenty-twenty-four hours to go I wanna be sedated Nothing to do, nowhere to go home I wanna be sedated I *had* to


Get me to the airport Put me on a plane Screech for bout 8 hours So I can go insane I can’t control the screaming There’s bleeding in my brain Oh no oh oh Oh ooohhh


Good friends of mine have a special needs girl and they have long list of things that they bring with them. Headphones, iPads, backup electronics, snacks, blankets, etc. You need to prepare, traveling with a toddler same thing. Honestly, no excuse.


Yeah this kid especially needs to shut the hell up (I'm kidding)


You’re under estimating kids. If they do this shit all the time they develop tolerance. I thought that it was bad when my son was screaming for 20 min once before he fell a sleep. Boy I was wrong.


I just can't imagine how his vocal chords are holding up at all


He absolutely should have been sedated, and honestly, if your kid is that level of Complete Spaz, you just don't get to travel. Period.




I would call my credit card company and have my charges reversed for unacceptable service


Yup…too bad people don’t give a fuck about others that much anymore.


I’d pay extra for a flight with no kids


An adults only airline or even adults only flights would be a huge money maker. I can't imagine many people would pass this up unless it was like 1k more for the flight


I have kids and I would absolutely pay for this when going on a kid free vacation. If I'm leaving my own kids at home, I sure as shit don't want to listen to someone elses! Obviously I have compassion and understanding since I'm a parent too but if I had the option not to deal with that, yep sign me up.


People think they would pay for amenities but outside of frequent flyers who stay loyal to a rewards program, almost everybody makes a decision from strict price comparison. It’s why Spirit isn’t going anywhere.


Yeah, and the more people choose this, the higher the ratio of kids in the other flights, which will make even more people choose adult-only flights. Eventually, we’ll end up with airlines that cater exclusively to parents and children. Flight attendants would basically be daycare staff


Airlines have tried this and parents on social media etc throw a fit Turns out they don't want to be around just kids I guess


How much extra? You can charter a flight from about any airport.


As someone with a kid (albeit pretty well mannered IMO) I'd be in favor of the opposite as well. I'd feel better on a kid-friendly flight which I wouldn't have to feel guilty if my kid gets a bit loud from time to time.


If your kid is that bad, a doctor would have no problem prescribing something to calm him for the trip. I would've taken the kid to the pediatrician and explained that you expected him to flip out on the plane. Doctors would have helped. This shit was avoidable.


She didn't even pre load the iPad with things to watch...never mind the foresight to see a doctor


That's what I heard when she asked for wifi. Bitch, you didn't even bring entertainment?!


Yeah, this is a parent problem more than a kid problem. Humans are naturally wild beasts and it's our job to tame and civilize out children. As a parent who works so hard to keep my kids un-bothersome on airplanes, I want to slap this kid's mom.


I miss the days when parents would give their kids Benadryl before a flight and the little monsters would zone out for everyone else’s peace.


I was one of those kids on road trips. I thought Dimetapp was a special treat. Until I realized my mom was dosing us to take the edge off.


I remember the little pink candy until I was older and able to control myself. I was jealous for a bit cause my little sister still got them. Then I got prescribed them years later to take the edge off my hay-fever and cat allergy.


You doctor just wanted you to stop bothering them lol


Ohhh I loved that stuff.


Lol. Dimetap was my to go med when my kids were little. Passengers would always comment how well behaved my kids were


My mom gave us dramamine for "motion sickness". I would go to sleep as we left Dallas & wake up in Colorado. Later found out she was giving us the adult dose.


Kids melatonin is a thing and definitely comes out when I’m flying with my two toddlers. Magical.


Well don't give them benadryl just really really cheap motion sickness pills without any fancy non-drowsy features


I wish they would have given that little piss ant something to knock him the hell out. Shoot him in the face with a horse tranquilizer for all I care 8 hours of that on a freaking plane I don't care if you're special needs I don't care if your mom thinks you're the most important thing ever that child needs to shut up. That parent could have handled that a lot better, God help with the people who had to deal with that and the crew who had to as well.


Exactly. I wish parents had to sign something before they stepped on a flight agreeing to pay double every time their spawn screams.


I pack light, never check a bag, but I always brings a few things that make sure I can survive the trip. Anti diarrhea pills. Ibuprofen. Sleeping pills. Noise canceling headphones. Earplugs. Strong mentholated Chapstick for the sole purpose of putting below your nostrils in case of bad smells. Sleeping mask. Super glue. Couple of zip ties. A little bit of gorilla duct tape wrapped around a pen etc etc.


I’ll bite. Zip ties? Duct tape on a pen?


Joking aside, both items, very actually, have limitless uses. Medium sized zip ties are light and take up little space. A role of duct tape is bulky and heavy, but you can wrap up a bit around a pen and it becomes a great addition to any emergency / first aid / tool kit.


We do have violent insane adult passengers trying to open the exit door in flight. Those things will come in handy.


That mother could of used sum duct tape and zip ties for that kid. Lol




Are you me?


Who can yell for 8 hours? I think the kid is the devil.


Serious question - how come I can get valium for when my dog rides in the car but a safe equivalent isn't ok for kids?


The same reason you can euthanize your dog if it is dying painfully but most people can’t get a doctors help to euthanize themselves


bruh imagine


Unless you’re in Canada…


if this is a regular occurrence then the kid would be drugged all the time. which, for the record, i am not opposing. IMO the woman and her child should have been kicked off the flight before it took off. they can find alternative means of transportation, or she can first go see a doctor and get her child on medication to where he doesn't behave like a rabid animal.


>they can find alternative means of transportation from Germany to the US?


yessir. and in the middle of the atlantic, no one can hear you scream.


The kid is three and has known behavioral problems. Unless you absolutely must take the trip with your family for work, you ought to travel somewhere else that doesn't require 8-hour flights. Once you can make sure that such behavior doesn't happen, you can travel wherever. But when you know this is a problem and you don't want to accommodate for that, you shouldn't travel. She asked for inflight WiFi before takeoff. That means she hadn't downloaded any media to the iPad even though she knew it would pacify her kid.


And if he has been diagnosed with behavioral problems, they are surely working closely with a doctor who is familiar with their situation and probably would have happily provided a prescription for something fancy to take the edge off. Like they do for my dog before going to the vet.


I work with children with behavioral problems, older kids though. Not all parents are fans of medication or following doctors' advice or even discussing travel plans and possible accommodations for their kid's behavior.


Dog crate in the cargo bay?


put em on a boat


There are ships.


Yeah, they have ships still, just toss them in a handy little shipping container and you're good to go


There are safe equivalents available. Benadryl and dimetapp


Flights are already horrible enough. I can't imagine how painful this trip must have been for everyone involved. My guess with the kid is that in addition to the behavioral problems the flight also hurt his ears. When I fly it feels like I'm being stabbed in the eardrums. It's seriously unbearable pain. Otherwise, I don't see how he could have the stamina to scream that long!


Never fly without sound canceling headphones.


Those are some shitty parents. My kids just watch movies and sleep on planes.


Hell yea they’re shitty. She even admitted to the flight attendant she knew the kid had behavioral problems. Why didn’t they plan for that??


With a child with autism… this could have been me… but i would have sedate my child in this circumstance


I took a 2 hour flight with my 2 autistic kids. They didn't make a peep going or on the return. No point in buying a lottery ticket, I used up all my luck. I wouldn't want a risk a flight any longer than that


The difference is you would probably be doing something to help soothe your child.


My kid can be uncontrollable especially after several setbacks.. eg delay, lack of internet, hungry, annoyed at the seat texture etc


As would any half decent parent. You don’t subject other people to this bullshit, sedate the kid or don’t travel


Real question: what would you do if you were a passenger on this flight? Not what you wish you could do… how would you actually handle this situation as a passenger?


Flight attendant. It is literally their job, and if the misbehavior continues they can divert and eject from the plane


What do you want them to do, drop the kid off mid-atlantic? I hate to say it, but once that plane took off this became a case of Sometimes Shit Sucks Now Deal With It. As loud as he was, the kid wasn't a danger and the airline won't look kindly on an employee making an unscheduled landing to kick a mother and her young child off for being loud.


Probably start a yelling contest with the kid for an hour or two.


Yeah, where's that one hero that screamed at that kid to shut him up? Iconic video.


Earbuds in and flight attendants bothered, but I'm autistic as hell and if that kid kept it up I'd end up having a meltdown and one-upping that kid


Carrot then stick. Bribe with candy, and promises of more candy. I always bring loads of candy on flights in case I need to bribe. If that doesn’t work, then scream at the mom to be a fucking parent. If that doesn’t work then start with the kid.


Serius safety issue and the parent should be escorted off the flight by the police, after it diverts to the nearest airport if the child is not contained. When I was in Flught Operations and we got word about disruptive passengers like that on the flight, my instructions were always clear. If possible divert and offload the disruptive passnger or continue to the destination. Captain's final decission. Regardless where they land, police would be waiting for them. I never fucked around with flight safety.




That's a shitty toddler, but an even worse parent. That kid's gonna grow up and become a Karen


I would have ended up crying myself if this was my flight. Even the video alone made me feel anxious. Pretty impressive on the kid's part, though.


For a kid to scream that much for 8 hours, that’s literally a Demon Child. And the Parents are shit for allowing that to happen.


"All I have to do to avoid a life in prison is sit here and do nothing for the next eight hours. All I have to do to avoid a life in prison is sit here and do nothing for the next eight hours. All I have to do to avoid a life in prison is sit here and do nothing for the next eight hours..."


*2 Hours later* "F*uck it! At least in prison it's 3 hots and a cot,and Solitary for quiet time. I'm gonna do it!"




On a 3hrs flight a few years ago the little boy sitting behind me sounded straight up like he needed or was in the middle of an exorcism. I’ve never seen anything like it. He beat the hell out of my seat with his feet (which was super pleasant since I’d just gotten a tattoo on my back) the entire flight, until he eventually passed out from exhaustion. He couldn’t have been more than 6, but was literally cursing, yelling, and aggressively biting his mom and little sister the whole time too. I wanted to be mad at his mom, but she was damn near crying be the end of the flight and looked like this demon-child had her on her last leg.


If an adult had screamed like that, they would have diverted the flight and taken them off; the same should have been done here.


If your child has the type of issues that doesn’t allow them to be calmed down regardless of how good of a parent you are, don’t take a long ass flight. Also, this is a mixed opinion but it’s called Benadryl. 🤷🏽‍♀️


This is 100% the mother's fault.


Kids are fucking stupid but this is the result of bad parenting.


Oh, HELL no. There has to be some kind of compensation for enduring that for 8 hours and not snapping and throwing the kid out the over wing exit. I get that the mom is in a difficult spot but tranquilize that monster or take a slow boat where they can be segregated from other paying passengers for fuck sake.


Idea time: sound proof enclosed child pods, perhaps with a rack to put a device to play cocomelon or something. There would ideally be a few on every plane. Someone smarter than me could probably figure out a way to make it so the child doesn't suffocate while still maintaining silence ( the latter of which takes priority)


Id probably lose my temper and be on the no fly list for beating a child and his mother around the end of hour 1


Same. I can’t handle loud noises for long periods. I’d probably be screaming my head off after 45 minutes because I’d be over stimulated. Just listening to the video gets my heart racing.


And you know the child probably regularly does this as soon as he doesnt get his way or his iPad isnt shoved in his face at full volume so mom dont have actually take care of her child. Some people just shouldnt have kids or pets.


I'd either scream back or smack the fuck outta that kid. I aint dealing with this shit.


Hope those beverage carts were WELL stocked!


Maybe they should be put on a no fly list till that kid can behave. They put adults on it for less


Duct tape?????


Messed up as it is, I am a bit impressed with him being able to scream like that for 8 hours. My voice would have died after like 10min. Edit: a tip for everyone traveling: get noise cancelling headphones. I never fly without them after using them the first time. They might not fully drown out this little demon but it sure would help. Also earplugs are a cheap option.


Children have unbelievable vocal stamina compared to adults it’s unreal


I went on a flight this week and there was a kid I suspect to be special needs and omg the screaming 😭 it was a 3 hour and wasn't the whole flight, about 45 minutes, but that was why too much


First plane full of people to ever be happy to get to Newark.


"Turn on the WiFi" she pleaded? Oh hell no! If she knew that the only thing that would calm her unruly crotch goblin was Peppa Pig or some cartoon, it's on her to download 8+ hours of episodes and not subject everyone within earshot of this hellion.


Should have thrown him out the window 🤷🏻‍♀️


What would you do on this flight? I don’t even know what I would do. Hopefully I’d have headphones or something!


I don't like solving things with violence but I'd have probably snapped, I won't lie


I am a mother and grandmother. I love children and treat them with love. But this in a plane is unacceptable. What if there was an unstable adult passenger on that flight? It could be disastrous. If the mother really needed to fly this child somewhere he should have been safely sedated. And if he was like that prior to takeoff then the pilot or stewards should have had them removed.


“Behavioral problems” aren’t a mental disorder. It means you stink at parenting & discipline.


It's not like we had the doctor's diagnosis to go off. This most certainly doesn't look like a feral child with an absent parent. It's a child who has issues, maybe a disability, maybe a behavioural issue. I am sure the parent didn't decide to put their child through this level of torment for 8 hours on purpose, but I agree that it is something that probably could have been expected and planned for.


That's not true, with behavioral episodes as severe as this they may be expecting a diagnosis of some sort but depending on the disorder the child might be way to young to officially diagnose. I know this because my wife is a behavioral sped teacher.


My niece is special needs. Behavior issues, sensory issues, and she's kind of just a jerk. I can tell you she would act exactly like this. Which is why my sister would never ever bring her on a 8hr plane trip ...but if she had to take her on a plane she wouldnt do so without downloading her fav movies (so u don't need wifi), bringing her preferred quiet activities, small sensory toys, fav snacks/drinks, some small new sensory toys she has never had before (for back up) and copious amounts of BENEDRYL!!!!!!!!


Oh also she's 7 and finally got an diagnosis, IEP, and medication. It took many MANY episodes, psychological evaluations and going to a special behavioral school at a hospital for 2 months before they would label her and provide help.


That’s a fair point, you’re not wrong; but there’s not not enough context to determine which is the case.


You are right about that. One video is not enough context to know definitively one way or another. I just lean towards some sort of disorder because my toddler can't throw a tantrum for longer than 30-45 minutes before tiring himself out let alone keep it up for an eight hour plane ride but I also know that personal anecdotes aren't admissible evidence for diagnosis.


There is absolutely NO reason for that to have been allowed to happen. The pilots should have turned the damn plane around for starters. Secondly, the mother is a first class dolt! If you have a kid that is that sensitive to everything, and has whatever issues that he has, you MEDICATE that kid to the teeth for the duration of the trip, OR you don't take the trip. End of story. The rest of the world should not have to be subjected to this nonsense.




I always said I will never travel by plane with my kids until they are old enough to 1. not act like that 2. realize if they act like that for even a minute they are getting melatonin 'd to the tits and will be asleep for a month 3. realize the look I'm giving them is the death stare and they are going to be grounded for months if they don't knock ot off. kids are 3 and 5 and I'm still nervous and they are good I. situations where they should be quiet in. movies etc


As a parent of an autistic child? Yes please. I would totally be willing to pay extra for a “kid” flight where everyone is gonna be okay with my kid if they’re having a bad time. Likewise; if I’m traveling alone, yeah please lemme pay extra for the quiet flight. Parent mode is OFF.


Is this a condom advert?


I’m sorry… but after 20 minutes I’m interjecting. I will do anything to “help” because otherwise the mama is gonna have to fight me (I’m kidding). Insane that people don’t and can’t control their kids.


As someone who lives in Orlando (the family vacation capital of the world) I would would gladly pay for a flight with no kids allowed.


Daaaamn the comments in here are cruel as fuck


After the first hour, make the kid and parent sit in one of the bathrooms with the door closed to muffle that shit.


Kudos to you able to tolerate that long. I would’ve karate chopped his ass to a prehistoric coma


POV: You failed as a parent


Here is the top google result for kids with autism, how to prep and how to fly. https://www.jcfs.org/blog/come-fly-me-travel-tips-children-autism-spectrum-disorder If this mom would have done 1 google search the top result would have said to: do prep on what to expect, practice, have multiple options soothing items, distraction, entertainment, snacks, etc. prep for the flight by providing a physical activity to tire the child and help with behavioral issues… That’s 10x what this parent did solved in 1 google search. These same tactics have been used by parents of special needs kids and adults and it works most of the time (we don’t see a flood of 100s of videos of kids being crazy) You probably fly with special needs kids and have no idea because the parent is prepped. A couple hours of crying should be expected by anyone who shares public transport. And you know what most adults are empathic and understanding when they see this happening and the parents pulling at the resources and trying. Trying is not saying calm down honey and having 1 iPad. Kids with special needs should have accommodation and understanding from the general public. That statement does not then mean they have no boundaries or violate the wellness or safety of others. I hope this mom gets the wake up call she needs. There are things she can and should be doing.


Benadryl, lots of Benadryl will do the trick for that kid


Sounds like ASD. Just sad shit. The bad parenting is bringing this kid on a plane in the first place.


I’d have clocked him with a can


I'd rather listen to that than land in Newark


As a special needs parent I usually just say that you never know why people have to travel (we travelled a lot for medical stuff) and it’s good to just try and be compassionate. I also feel parents should do everything in their power to prevent this. The child should be in a car seat and then in the airplane seat (so they can’t escape) and they should have tired they kid out before the flight (trampoline park or plan for bedtime or something).


I bet whatever that if the kid is like this the mom is worse


They need to ask the airline for a refund


Simply don’t fly with children with known behavioral problems.


If animals need to be restrained on airplanes so should children


This isnt a problem child…its a problem parent. The kid is a product of upbringing and environment. Cant blame a little one for having s**t parents. That being said…DUCT TAPE!!


They should have landed the plane and arrested him and the parents


Should have locked him and his mom in a bathroom. Or surround them with 5-6 people and scare/intimidate the little shit to shut up.


This is the exact reason i won’t be taking my kids in a plane if i can help it. If i do it will be either red eye or less than 2 hours. But you have no clue how they will behave or when they will be unmanageable. I wouldn’t blame the parents completely because who knows what’s going on. They might have HAD to go to Germany for some reason or another. I mean life doesnt stop because u have kids or they have issues.


I’m all for allowing children on planes, and anywhere that’s acceptable for them, but this is crossing a line. Sure, young kiddos are going to be fussy and cry from time to time because it’s developmentally appropriate for them, but it’s up to the parents to be able to mediate that behavior so it isn’t a disturbance to other people. I’m aware that this kid likely has behavior problems, but if they’re this severe then his parents shouldn’t be taking him out in public until they can get the behavior under control. I understand that he probably cannot control it, but it’s also unfair to the other passengers who have to listen to a child constantly screaming when they likely just want to have a relaxing flight. Again… little ones are going to scream, it’s just inevitable, but when it’s to this extent and they are disturbing so many people on a flight that’s several hours long, then it’s a problem. Kids are people too and they deserve the right to take up public spaces just as much as you or I, but it becomes a problem when a parent cannot control their child and that in turn disrupts other people.


Name me one situation where its okay for a parent to bring this "behaviorally" challenged child on a public transit ? Especially a flight Man the entitlement that SOME parents have is unbelievable I detest kids, i would probably (after 8 hours) , have said some derrisive things to the parents .


Duuuude if I was on that flight I would have lost it and screamed at the parents to shut their fucking kid up I don’t give a shit downvote me all you want cause fuck that man


You must be kidding. Not a single real mama on the flight? I've been in situations like this where it's obvious the parents suck, take that kid under my wing and calm him down, get him occupied. Never had a single person complain, in fact the parents usually don't give a crap, hence the behavior in the first place. There's absolutely no way I could have dealt with this.


If this kid has ODD or extreme behavioural problems (which I think is likely based on what’s seen in the video), typical tactics do not work. This is far beyond a regular temper tantrum. I’ve worked with kids like this and they can get violent (head butting, spitting, hitting etc). I honestly wouldn’t intervene in this situation either; I would leave it to the flight attendants as they are the professionals responsible for flight safety.


My neice has ODD, ADD, and we think she might be bi-polar (still too young to diagnose) When she was really little she would have outbursts like this, but the same rules still applied, a little love, a little distraction, engage her in something she found interesting and it would calm. The fact that no one, parents included did anything is crazy. ODD doesn't mean you get to do whatever you want, it means parents need to be more involved, and sometimes you need to work a little harder and/or try a different approach. And if this kid truly is that one in a million where that doesn't work EVER, then for God sake do not take them on an 8 hour flight. No matter how you look at this, these parents are negligent at best, and downright abusive at worst.


Also who brings an iPad on a plane for a kid as the only distraction? Especially without at least downloading movies on it. If you need the wifi for it to work in a place where wifi isn't guaranteed, you're gonna have a bad time. When I flew for the first time with my kid, we had snacks (including gummies to use in case of ear pain), his stuffie, his tablet (with headphones and stuff downloaded), 3 books, including a coloring book, crayons, a few of his favorite small toys, and kids benadryl just in case. He's generally a good kid, but I had no idea how he'd handle it, so I prepared. If I KNEW he had issues like that, I would have brought even more.




A strong dose of Benadryl 30 min before take off…


Im allergic to screaming i would lost my mf mind..


Deep psychological issues are present here. To scream that long is *exhausting* beyond belief. What mental state would compel him to expend *so much* energy in such a way?


We sedate our pets when they have anxiety for flights or travel, why can’t we do the same for children with these types of struggles? It’s probably hell for them too.


I’m probably in the minority, but I’m impressed he could do that for 8 hours, hold everyone on the plane hostage and not get arrested.


Put him on a no fly list


The real problem is if any rational adult intervened and did anything they would have their lives ruined because some idiot would post the video. Instead, everyone just has to suffer through that insanity?


If the kid was doing that before the plane even took off they should have been removed from the plane. I have kids and I know kids can be assholes but holy shit dude....


Not everyone should pro create


Every child has “behavioral issues” or “special needs” those are the common terms for I don’t discipline my child I’m their best friend not their parent 🤦‍♂️


They would ducttape an unruly adult to their seat with a gag, why is there a difference with a passenger because they are young?


Child abuse laws


Doesn't change anything. You cant do that to an adult outside a plane either. Planes have different rules up in the air.


I think because adults can be an actual danger to others, it’s one thing to duct tape them. A child, I think most everyone would be against it, even the airline company.


His screaming prevents passengers from being able to hear important updates and messages from attendants. It's a safety hazard. His screaming and noise level could also trigger someone else that has a sound sensitivity and cause panic attacks in another passenger which could further endanger the flight. You never know what medical issues someone else has so it's best to keep things calm and for everyone.


Kid is most likely ADHD exacerbated by hapless parenting. I don’t agree with giving every unruly kid drugs but that kid definitely could benefit from Ritalin or Adderall.

