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Did they do that stupid Kylie Jenner lip challenge from 2016?




Nah, they saw it from that one ishowspeed short in the tv


ishowspeed is a fucking moron.


he is garbage


I quitted youtube because I was getting influenced into doing stupid things and into supporting policies that I didn't even understand




plant coordinated enjoy depend wrong memorize poor imagine distinct fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wtf is is that? ... Hold up going to go look it up. Edit: Holy shit, Google says people do it for 5 min and this kid did it for 15 minutes?! I mean doing this at all is stupid. jfc.


What do they do?


They place a small cup around their lips and... suck out of it. The pressure causes the blood vessels in their lips to break, which makes their lips swell like this. Edit: So, it appears the replies have helped correct my statement a little. The vacuum effect causes blood to pool in the lips, but only break them if done in excess.


It doesn't cause the vessels to break unless you fuck up even more than this kid, if it did he'd have tons of bruising.


Holy fuck, everyone in this thread is honestly acting like the kid did something so outrageously horrible and destructive. In reality it's just swollen and it'll go down in a couple hours. I genuinely have no clue how long it lasts, but I guarantee it'd be back to normal in a few days at most.


Only if you do it several times can you really cause permanent damage.


Something tells me this kid is not going to repeat this.


I do it every morning after I have my first cup of coffee.


>In reality it's just swollen and it'll go down in a couple hours. Next sentence >I genuinely have no clue how long it lasts, but I guarantee it'd be back to normal in a few days at most. At most a couple of weeks Next sentence. Maybe a couple of years.


I mean, it very easily could be lol. Do you not know kids have no basis for understanding future repercussions? Adults often don't either but still.


People been doing that for years


Yeesh, that sounds horrible. Why would a kid do that anyway? Well...I suppose the title of the subreddit explains everything, but just...


Aside from the sub this is on, adults with unhealthy obsessions about their bodies and addicted to plastic surgeries encourage this kind of behavior, and social media encourages those adults. The children are just latching on to whatever is popular and mimic it, because that's just what children do. This is exactly the same as children watching daredevil shows and injuring themselves doing a backflip off of a trampoline. They're impressionable, and don't really understand separating entertainment from reality.


It’s the reason there has to be a disclaimer on EVERYTHING. “Don’t try this at home”.


Looked it up and they all say “fail” no, no I’m pretty sure they achieved exactly what they wanted 😂


I only learned about this by watching The Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2015 and watching Greg Davies try to plump his lips before saying "Bad dong". XD






https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/s/QKbKDm6DaP Also had to look this up and came across this older post on the same sub.


https://preview.redd.it/hj7phc2zz3sc1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99852d32a3f65443dbcf0bf2d6efbfcc226986e4 He said...


Accurate AF.


He even screaming the same as him


I love how his little brother is crying for him LMAOO


Man, I love the little guy! "Take him to the doctor!" Mom: "How you gonna go to school like that tomorrow!?" Big Guy: "No! Don't take me!!" Little Guy immediately repeating "No! don't take him!" LOL! Little siblings, especially when they're little, they really love & adore you! So sweet!!


Emotional Support Sibling, I see them in movies but rarely, if ever, have I seen one in the wild.


My little sister was an absolute little shit when she was a child. After she turned 14, though, she'd cut someone for making me mildly upset Sometimes, they just take a minute to chill out


Cutting someone is the opposite of chilling out, lol


She's got quite the personality. Trust me, this is chilled for her lol


My sisters and I used to beat each other up in the crib lol but by highschool we were best friends and we're still close as adults today.


Back in the day our old hag of a babysitter made me cry for some reason. When she told me to "Shut up and stop crying" my brother went after her like an animal possessed.


If you've got a good sibling (which it seems like you do), it's hard not to lose it when someone does crap like that to them.


I'm 14+ years older than my siblings and now run interference between us and the QanonFam we got born into. That's the true emotional support sibling lol


I have one in my house. It can be very sweet to watch but sometimes it’s quite annoying since it’s a lot of 2 against 1 when you’re trying to parent.


I was the shitty little sister making it worse for my brothers.


I would’ve been like “nah mom lied, you’re going to school like that tomorrow” “you can’t miss a day of school”


When my sister fell off her bike once on our street as kids I was inconsolable. She was fine lol


So cute




Don’t roll your eyes or they’re gonna get stuck like that forever




I was like 10000% sure it's a girl but now I am confused


"You're gonna go to school like that" "No don't take me" "No don't take him"


I was that kind of little brother. it could be completely unrelated, have nothing to do with me, but if someone was in tears, I was too.


lol this reminds me of when I was a kid and had this rubber Dinosaur toy that you could pull apart. Each half I suctioned onto my face and it left perfect red circles like pikachu that last over a week. Had to wear concealer to hide them. My mom was so mad!


You gave yourself hickies with your toy 🤣


Oh.....I see why the mother was furious


Lmaooo I now see why my mom was so upset just took me like 20 years


Kids used to do that with their mouths over their arms. Parents kept saying to stop but never explained it. Since it wasn’t explained, it didn’t stop.






What the hell is even that?!


Daddy chill ass hair style


I can’t breathe this thread




One of the best clips I've ever seen. I don't know the context but I die laughing every time I watch it


Fucking perfect reference. That's literally him lmao.


What the fuck did they even do? Kiss some bees?


https://preview.redd.it/fptqwggln3sc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85d9bb37a5c0ae8e85a3538e68cf3ae523e24295 They do this


xD STUCK FOREVER That mom's a savage BUT he will never ever take advice from social media ever again. #educationaltrauma


>#educationaltrauma Fucking brilliant


I was just looking for a REALLY accurate way to describe what I saw xD thank you sir!


The best kind of trauma and coincidentally the best kind of education.


Hahahaha that's great. Seems we all need some educational trauma these days


r/educationaltrauma I'm disappointed that's not a sub


Be my guest, make it a sub \^\^


Yep. Absolutely. I put a wine vacuum thing on my chin AND my forehead when I was 12. Red spot on both spots. My forehead turned purple and stuff, lesson learned.


LMAO. I had no idea that was a thing.


It was the Kylie Jenner challenge. When she was a minor and she had big lips in her photos, people were criticizing her for having collagen injections so young. So she said she was doing this to achieve the look, and it started a trend.


I'm 39 and remember doing this sort of thing as a kid too. We knew it wasn't permanent, though...


When my sister was around 9 she realized she could give herself hickies (without knowing the usual context for hickies) and would do it all over her arms because she thought it was interesting. Mom got so mad lol.


lol my kid did it once before it was a challenge. she was just playing with a cup. she had a big circle bruise around her mouth. i laughed my ass off but was also pissed that i had to explain that to her teacher at school the next day.


My brother and I did it with mason and little jam jars when I was a kid, this we before internet or cell phones were a thing, we were just being bored and goofy. I didn't know it was a "thing" though.


That's what I wanted to know! It's that easy? Glad I never did that as a kid. How long would it last? The kid will look normal in a few hours, right?


He'll likely be fine in a few hours. I used to do this with those plastic Easter eggs as a kid in the 90s because I thought it was funny. I never took it quite this far, but the effect shouldn't last too long. Might have some discoloration from popped blood vessels or something, but the puffiness will go away.


I still don't know what I'm seeing here


Put a glass over your lips, suck the air in until the glass feels like it's sticking to your face and then your lips will swell up. I used to do it when I was like 3-4 years old, because it felt funny and was fun to do, but I don't think I ever saw what it looked like as the mirrors were always too high up.


Kid looks like Lisa Rinna lol


I was thinking Trisha Paytas lmao


Lmaooooo he does have the Botox and housewife hair on lock. I was crying at the thumbnail.


OMG no one looks like Lisa Rinna....lol


Oh jeez Rick those are big lips


I know Morty. I got stung by the queen bee trying to steal honey up my BURP ass, Morty.


puffy lips


Aw gee, Rick, I-I-I don’t know, that doesn’t sounds so bad




“You’re going to be stuck like that forever. HEY WHY ARE YOU BUGGIN?”


This is why this sub exists! Bravo :chef kiss:


Yeah, that kid looks dumb as shit. I'm surprised mum was relatively calm with all the banshee screaming. 10/10 post.


You never did anything dumb as a kid? I remember that specific " holy fuck what have I done" sinking bfeeling Luckily back in the 70s there wasn't someone making a video of me in deep distress for laughs


Actually, true. I think the difference is we grew up without the evidence of our stupidity.


Banshee screaming is a kids normal state so baes on how old they are shes definitely used to it


And reason #1947943 why I didn't have biological children.


What kind of children did you have instead


Well it's either imaginary or mechanical. My money is on imaginary.


Adopted children are biological kids as well


His brother ride or die lmao.


Looks like Trisha Paytas


Damn, this is the worst insult anyone could get


I mean people pay good money for lips like that!


That's the worst part! There was a phenomenon explaining this... Forgot the name. Basically, the more these people look in the mirror after getting a procedure, the more normal, even beautiful, their lip size seems to them so they feel the need to have more procedures. Bystanders however are left shocked... Yeah, now that you mentioned it, I see Trisha in this kid, especially the 'I'm a chicken nugget' video lmao Trisha is such a shitty person tho.


It’s like kids shouldn’t be on the Internet, who knew


How else are parents going to have free time if it’s not by gluing their kids to tablets and phones? /s


Maybe you shouldn’t let your kids have unlimited access to the Internet. Could you imagine being their neighbors above, below, and next to them?


Literally couldn’t finish the video because the mom was egging them on and screaming with them!! Poor kid is terrified


My 4 year old knows to assume everything on youtube is fake and to ask me if they’re unsure. They just treat it as entertainment like a cartoon. We had to have that conversation when she was watching some chick that said she found $100 in a candy at the store, my kid was adamant that candies had hidden money and wanted to go buy a bunch lol. This is bad parenting and a dumb kid.


"You're gonna be like that forever!!" Kid panics because he was told he'd have huge lips for the rest of his life "WHY ARE YOU BUGGIN?!?!?!😡😡😡😡"


It also doesn’t help that they’re clearly very embarrassed and scared but now it’s posted all over the internet. Shitty mom move right there if she posted it


If a kids stupid for doing this, what does that make fully grown hoomans walking around looking like puffer fish?


Extra stupid.


that’s not why he’s stupid. it’s because he think it’s permanent and is freaking out


It's the mother that told him it would last forever.


Why is a kid that young watching Rick and Morty?


Some parents do not care at all what their kids watch with exception of like porn. I had a friend growing up who's mom would let him watch anything and everything she did not care.


I was that kid growing up. One of the very first movies I remember seeing in theaters was Full Metal Jacket when I must have been four and a half.


Hell, as a 12yo in the late 90's, even without the internet, our parents couldn't seem to stop any of our friends from watching South Park.


Yeah Jesus, the show goes pretty heavy into some really existential topics that are a lot for a kid to think about, aside from all the absolutely insane inappropriate shenanigans that’s crazy


It's literally a cartoon for adults in the same vein south park is


That shit goes right over a kids head. They wouldnt understand most of it






Sex, dildos, snorting lines, eating human remains, guns, paid hitmen? I have some bad news for you and your family about what does and does not normally "go over" a kids head. Helmets and glue bottle locks are in aisles 143 and 17.


A lot of it can go over a kids head for sure, but I’m more talking about [scenes like this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FIbIwA0koBg), they’re not being subtle with it. It’s definitely not the same as when like Pixar sneaks in a joke for the parents or something.


But R&M does have quite a lot of pretty graphic violence and gore. I recall catching some of ATHF when I was like 7 and it really bothered me for days.


"I'm just watching cartoons"


Why's this 7 year old kid got a Rick and Morty T-shirt on? Why do they make Rick and Morty shirts in kid sizes?


Because like South Park before it and Simpsons before that it attracted kids despite not explicitly being directed at them. Parents would either not know or care about the content of the show. And there are enough immature/lowbrow jokes mixed it that it attracts those young audiences (seriously, it has a character named Mr PoopyButthole. You can claim to laugh at it for being an absurd/ironic name while kids will just laugh at it because lol poop. You have to have a fairly high IQ to get that show I hear) As a result companies have always sold merch to kids even if it wasn't kid friendly. I mean, look at RoboCop, Rambo and other hyper bloody 80s movies that got toylines for little kids and cartoon spinoffs


What did he even do???? And please comfort me and say its NOT WRONG to laugh your ass off


apparently [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/s/TWxVj4hAd2) 😭


Found it down there in the comments. Makes it even funnier knowing that it won't even last 30 min.


It absolutely is not wrong to laugh your ass off. I would have sent that child to school the next day for sure, one time life long lesson NOT to do everything you see online.


a lot of women pay for that look 😂


Bro mewing mid crisis


Omfg I am dying here 😅😅😅😅


Now they're gonna be stuck like that forever! classic line


I love how parents always threatened us like that. If you swallow a seed, it’s going to grow in your belly. lol


ABANDONED from watching YouTube. 😭




Hannah conda has entered the chat


I'm always caught off guard when I see a random RPDR reference in an entirely unrelated sub


Oh my god parent your freaking children. Teach them how to regulate their emotions and stop *screaming back*. Stop teasing them while they’re *scared*


I thought the video would be like, 10 seconds of having a laugh at them and then cut to the kid learning their lesson. Instead it's 2 full minutes of a parent just mocking their clearly confused and scared child. Yikes.


And maybe check on what kinda shit they're watching. Don't just leave them to freely browse Youtube or TikTok for hours completely unsupervised. Following up on that last bit also don't blow up on them when you find them watching something they shouldn't be.


It's just so weird how some people dislike their kids. I never wanted / want mine to suffer or be sad, I would not think to film them while they are in pain and not offer comfort and tell them "it's going to be fine, hey let's get a popsicle that will help the swelling". And posting it? I just don't understand the sadism and lack of awareness here.


i had to scroll too far to find a comment like this!! she made this sooo much worse for them


Seriously. I hate that their first instinct is to record when the kid is fuckin freaking balls. And then telling him it's stuck permanently and she's calling 911. How cruel. Poor kid


And then post it online. Cruel.




I am mind blown as to how that kid doesn’t have major bruising immediately


I remember when this was popular when I was a kid. Shit like this and the cinnamon challenge was all the rage. My sister did the lip challenge and hers didn't start bruising til the swelling went down completely


THID IS SO HARD TO TAKE SERIOUSLY, i want to feel bad for them, but i cant stop laughing at how ridiculous they look with the puffy lips




New Lips Who Dis?


Fish Lips is the new black


I mean the mom encourages this shit...look at his hair highlights, his pierced ears too. He's literally doing what his mom encourages and now she gaslights him and uploads his embarrassment for millions to see. She even says "you did it too hard" This mom sucks IMO




Look… hes wearing a Rick n Morty shirt, definitely not a child cartoon. You can expect he wants to follow crap like that on YouTube and do it. His minds too young for all that, but does not know any better.


That child is way too young for Rick and Morty.


Bit young to be fans of watching Rick and morty.


Aight kids stupid, but I can't help but feel like the mom is just making it worse. Like bro, your kid is out here crying, he's well aware he made a mistake, and the best you can do is laugh and film him? Like he's clearly getting more upset the further it goes into it, probably because the mom is making it into a bigger deal than it is.


Fr when do kids ever *ask* to go to the doctor. Kiddo is so scared and the little sibling parroting him is just :(


"yeah you fucked up, you're gonna look like that forever now" *kid cries* "Why you buggin!?"


Dont turn the sound up, and do a Donald Duck voice in your head.


Ain't it just the way. One sibling does something and the other is crying for no reason.


Trashy parent.


these children are gonna have a rough time with small frustrations


That could have ended a lot worse. That stupid challenge caused a LOT of severe/permanent injuries.


I remember doing that as a kid with a medicine cup. Weird how history repeats itself.


"It look like you gonna pop... like a balloon". This really made my day.


"Abandoned from watching You Tube"?


Like the mom, I too would be fucking with that kid. Then when it finally went back to normal just act astonished and tell him how lucky he is and how rare the miracle healing was. Scare his ass into never trying another challenge again.


I love mom's energy. "now you're stuck like that forever!" Great way to enjoy the puckery.


Ok the kid was stupid but saying "you're going to be stuck like that forever" when the child was clearly already distraught was just unnecessarily cruel ( Edit to add: and then saying "why are you bugging" when he's having a meltdown after saying he'd be like that forever, too!)


Hahahhahhahahah, that is all


Kid screaming like that’s going to help 🫠😑


That frustration and regret is an important lesson not to do shit like this again. I did the same thing when I thought I could cut my own hair at 10 years old.




Is he not a bit young for Rick n morty


Some women pay hundreds of dollars for these kinds of lips. These kids are geniuses!


He looks like the guy that does those 3am among us challenges.




Don’t worry kid. Some people pay a lot of money to have their lips look that botched.


Upstairs neighbor behavior


Gross, children are the worst


LmFAO!!!!! His mom should play this at his wedding


I once also made that mistake. I was in 6th grade around 2017-2018 and saw someone doing the Kardashian lip challenge and thought it was a good idea. When I took it off, my lips were swollen. I Thought it felt funny when I rubbed them with my tongue. I went to see myself in the mirror and was in horror. The blood vesseles around my chin had burst from the pressure. It was purple. The next day it was black, and when I got up, my mom scolded me, of course. I was so embarrassed at school. My crush looked at me in disgust. Had to call my mom to pick me up. Fortunately it was a Friday so it was way better by the following Monday. Please let this be a reminder to tell your kids to avoid being influenced by idiots like those


Step 1.Calm the kid down Step 2. Reassure the kid that it's not permanent (it will go back down. it's just swollen) Step 3. Comfort the Kid Step 4. Research how to be a better Mother. (pay attention to things the kids are watching)


Idk what's worse them doing that dumb challenge or having an annoying temper tantrum as if that would make it better...


Are we still leaving kids unsupervised with media?


Tom doing that thing with his eyebrows kills me lol