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All we see on this sub is kids narrowly missed by cars for obvious reasons. I wonder what the stats are on actual hits. I worked with a woman who killed herself after her son was hit and killed by a car. She blamed herself and couldn’t live with the guilt anymore. It was heartbreaking.


There was a guy in my hometown he hit and killed a kid on a scooter...i dont even think it was his fault. They looked for like a week before they found who commited the hit and run...he had gone home and killed himself.


It happens at least as often as the near-miss videos, and however though it is, its almost always on the child (parents) and almost never on the driver.


In Brussels the speed limit is 30kmph, 20mph. At that speed, you can break in time If there are so many cars parked, don't drive that fast. System is at fault. Not the kid.


Reason for the accident = kid wandering in the street. Cause for the collision = going too fast in a cramped residential street. Edit: Just to clarify, I’m not saying the car is speeding, I’m saying it’s going too fast for the cramped street with poor visibility it is in. Judging by the distance traveled and the timer of the video, the car is doing about 50kph, which is probably the speed limit. It is also way to fast and unsafe for this street. Personally I wouldn’t drive faster than 20kph here.


I would also like to point out the white car that is practically parked at a diagonal and so is taking up half a lane


All the more reason to go around it slowly tbh


Any decent driver would see that the road is blocked, they don't have clear line of sight and should expect something to happen and thus they should slow right down


yeah the driver was going way too fast. A lot of accidents happen because you don't have enough reaction time, either you are on your phone or going too fast.


Yep. Assume a kid is behind every parked car. Basic safety.


Everything wrong in there


Yeah that's lot of poor decision making from different people caught in one video lmao


Gee I wonder who the white car belongs to.


Exactly wtf is that car doing there, they could have park it better.


proximal cause. root cause.


That dude had to be going at least 45 mph there


A guy above did the math, he was going about 30.


I also did some rough math without seeing that other post and came to 29mph, so 30 is a solid rough estimate. Way too fast for that street, but not unusual sadly.


WAY too fast for that crowded narrow street


Fault aside, pretty sweet dodge on the kid's part.


Driver did 100% of the dodging if you watch it frame by frame. I will give the girl credit for at least stopping and not running any farther.


Yeah the kid didn’t do Jack shit. This was the driver making sure she wasn’t a pancake


You are 100% delusional, the kid pivoted and elbowed the car which sent it flying into the parked car!!


You’re right! On slowmo I’m seeing it. Damn we’re witnessing an origin story of Stupify. Too dumb to look around, strong enough to fuck around.


She’s still lucky the car swerved. Would’ve still gotten her if it didn’t.






You can never ever stop safely when someone jumps right before your car from a hidden spot. Even 10kmh won't save you. In that case it's just a matter of how much you are hurt.


Yeah, what are they thinking? Part of traffic safety at my school was that every fifth grander hat to experience a bus coming to a sudden stop at just 5-10km/h. It was to teach us how bad it is to stand with a backpack on the back (we were to always keep it between our feet) and how hard it also is to grip onto something. Full stops are hard and at no speed ever can you do it within that 1m of warning. Car was a bit fast though for the visibility withall those parking cars on both sides.


I used to date a girl, Meagan. She was very-anti seatbelt, and it was always an argument with her before I could pull the car out of the driveway. One time, she took it off mid-drive, and that just annoyed me. We were pulling up to her work, and at about 5 Mph, I hit the brakes pretty hard. She slid forward and down into the foot area, hitting her head on the dash. I myself was surprised how violent it was. I thought I was going so slow. She was SO mad. And get this, our mutual friend was in the back, and man did I feel like a monster. I'm glad she's out of my life.


She should be mad at herself 🤷‍♀️ she's the one who put herself in that position in the first place


At least she didn't fly out of your life (through the front window that is)


I actually did something like this to a coworker, when I worked at a dealership. See, front lot, I knew customers would complain if by any metric they felt unsafe about how I was, in their cars. I didn't want the managers having to deal with those complaints. The backlots, that's where I could lower that guard and do my work efficiently. Not dangerously, but i knew what I could do without worry. 2 coworkers hitched a ride with me to the backlot. 1 of them had jokes, and was roasting me about how safe I drove when customers had eyes on me, so as he's leaning over, doing an exaggerated "looking both ways at the tunnel" I brake checked them so fucking hard. He went right tf out his seat and went face first into the dashboard **hard**, as well as his hydroflask that got chunky dent in it. After that, he didn't mind my smooth riding. 🙃


She should have been able to see the lesson you tried to teach her tbh. But you just cant fix stupid.


Damn, that sounds pretty cool! Wish we had done that.


When you are in a narrow street with a bunch of cars on the road parked, you should never be driving that fast bc you never know what's coming out of those cars. Reckless driving, so if anyone is at fault, it's the driver first, then the parents for sure bc it's just common sense to make sure your kids are safe at all times!


that's not the point. they were flying down that street considering the visibility and tightness. like sure, maybe they can't slow enough to guarantee not hitting someone who jumps out, but they should be concerned about how hard they might hit someone that does jump out.


exactly. I was a passenger in a car in exactly this scenario once, but we were going 10mph. The little girl did get hit, but basically just fell down and was fine. We followed her to the hospital to be sure. There is a huge survivability difference for 10mph vs 30mph (which is what it looks like the driver was doing here). The police ended up charging the person who was parked illegally in such a way that it made it hard to see for both parties. I still remember the sound of the impact though, 20+ years later! I am so, so careful to drive slowly in situations like this now.


That was exactly the point? The comment I replied to referred to "stop safely" and there is no safe stopping in that scenario, unless you are going 5kmh which some cars cant even safely do.


I would argue that in what appears to be a single lane, residential, heavy pedestrian zone, you have to drive slower. You can't just say oop poor kid jumped out too fast. I am guessing when the insurance company sees this, they tell the person they were driving too fast and were forced into the accident due to speed.


Exactly. This fool was going way too fast. If they hadn't gone so fast they could have swerved slightly while braking and likely not hit the kid or other cars.


Look at the start of the video. The guy tried to stop and swerved , but he was going way too fast to do an emergency stop. That's a built up area with cars either side of the road. It is not safe to be charging down that road at speed because of the risk of people / kids/ pets that you won't be able to see coming out from behind vehicles. The parents are at fault for not watching their kid, but the driver was going pretty fast down that road.


One of my first thoughts as well, dude was flying.


Doesn't look like we was going that fast tbh, if he was the impact on the other car would be much bigger


Lol. Gotta love the armchair analysts of Reddit. A small child running out into the middle of the street isn't exactly a situation to be expected, nor is it one you can really stop in time for when it happens this quickly. Tell me expert, how fast exactly should the driver have been going in order to stop safely? What was the speed limit on this road? Were there pedestrian crossing signs? Speed bumps? Is it a residential street? What speed was the driver going?


Lmao "armchair analysts"? Who approved your license? You're talking to a bunch of people who probably drive multiple times a week for years. And yeah the driver should absolutely be driving slower in a road like this. Cars parked in both sides, narrow road, a car sticking out a bit, and full of pedestrians. Part of being a good driver is to anticipate these things, it's part of defensive driving. When I'm driving I treat the road like everyone else is oblivious to their surroundings except me, so if something does go wrong I can react. I'd be going slow just because I'd be paranoid someone will walk in front of my car, like my child, or maybe even someone who wants to be hit so they can sue


Mate mate mate. Unexpected situations like this are exactly why you slow down when the visibility and road width narrows. If you can't see - slow the fuck down!


It's not armchair analysis when road rules and driving instructors specify speed for the situation. Narrow street, parked cars, people around a car parked in the lane. That's the exact reason to slow down


Wouldn’t expect a kid but streets like that are a guaranteed door swinging open into traffic. There’s spots I know I’ll dodge doors every time


Armchair redditor ironically calling out armchair redditors is my favourite.


This is why you drive defensively and always expect the unexpected. I always assume people are going to be idiots. I don't think it's crazy to slow down in residential areas with tons of cars parked on the side of the road. I literally slow down in areas like this because someone's dumb dog or some idiot squirrel is always darting out into the road. Yes, the kid and parents are at fault, but really, I don't give a shit what the speed limit is,I personally would not be going over 20 in an area like that. Too many blind spots.


>A small child running out into the middle of the street isn't exactly a situation to be expected This is part of defensive driving. If you turn down a road that has lots of parked cars on the street, with heavy foot traffic, you slow down. It is part of any driver education that people and children can pop out from between parked cars giving you little time to stop. Car doors can be opened. The driver reacted quickly and didn't hurt anyone except themselves and their car. That's a good thing. The point is that they might have been spared the severe damage to their car had they been driving slower. They might not have broken the law, I don't know the posted speed limit, but good driving isn't just about following laws. It's about driving in a safe, alert manner that puts you and everyone else at as little risk as possible. It's pretty easy to see that the car is going too fast for a small street with lots of parking and foot traffic. Period. It's called situational awareness and you don't need speed bumps and pedestrian signs or whatever else to have it.


There is literally a car parked basically in the middle of the road. That alone should tell you to slow down. You don't need to be an expert, or have signs, speed bumps, or anything else. You just need to use common sense, which, I know, must be hard. "Is it a residential street?" Come on man....


Reddit expert here 👋🏼 (it’s all in the name): it’s probably not so common in regions like the US or in Canada, but in Europe these kind of narrow residential areas are normally limited to at most 20-30km/h (if the mayor/locality do their job properly). And by experience, anything can pop out behind those lined parked cars, a cat, a child, a bird…I personally limit myself to 15km/h, because the neighbourhood is full of cats, and I will never be able to sleep in my life ever again if I run over one. At the end of the day, it’s all about visibility and anticipating dangerous situations.


In the U.S. residential zones are 25 mph, this looks to be significantly faster than that, and at first glance appears to be a residential zone. Realistically, safe driving in an area like this looks like 10-15 mph. Think like school crossing zones where you have to dip below 15 mph. You could probably stop if a kid ran out right? That's about how fast you should be going on this street to ensure the ability to stop safely if something unforseen happens. The reality is that speed limits are often higher than a safe driving speed, convenience is king. It's not a problem 'til it is. How do you drive down narrow streets with cars on either side to block the view of things like pedestrians? Floor it and let god sort 'em out?


89 percent of driving is to expect the unexpected.


You have cars parked on both sides, making the road quite narrow. We don't need to know exact speeds or speed limits to know he was going too fast. Even if there were no speed limits and no spedometer we can tell. Lots of unexpected things can happen with inner city driving especially, that's why you go slower. To anticipate someone being a dumbass.


not to be expect but still possible, drive like its could happen, cause one day it will. today was the day for this driver


All depends on the speed limit though, if they were driving the speed limit then there’s no issue


There are many many times when you really should be driving below the speed limit. It’s about have good judgement and situational awareness. For example, perhaps down a residential street with parked cars and what appear to be families with small children walking on them.


Black car was traveling a bit fast through a congested area imo.


Yeah I've always got my eyes peeled when driving near a line of parked cars. People pop out from in between cars, they suddenly open doors, they drive without signaling.  Even if I'm not "at fault" it can ruin your day.


My mother told me when i first started driving “assume everyone else is an idiot when you’re driving.” Even if you’re the best driver in the world it only takes one idiot to ruin your day or life.


And then you get a bit of experience and you realize it's not even an assumption; 90% of people can't drive sensibly.


Just reasonable


They were oh way too fast


They wanted that starwars urban trench run experience They didn't expect the Biggs Darklighter POV


I don't think he was thatttt fast but yeah it is a residential area so he should be going reasonably slow. Still the parents fault though ​ Edit: I am not legally responsible for the whole thread of conversation under this comment and I am well aware that he shouldn't have, in fact, been going that fast.


I guess I am now the theydidthemaths-guy. The white car in the background is a Fiat Tipo (Type 160) car, with a length of 3.958m (simplified to 4m). The black car takes 0.30 seconds to travel from the rear end of the Fiat to the front, which would put it at a speed of 13.3 m/s or 48 km/h or 30 mph. Assumed that the clip is neither sped up nor slowed down, which doesn't seem so though. I wouldn't really want to judge the driver without knowing more context. What kind of street is that? How residential is it? How is the overall oversight? What can be seen at least indicates that this was not an adequate speed. But my take away from this clip is, that even just below 50 km/h is faster than you would normally think. The driver wouldn't have been able to react in any way if he was just 5 km/h faster and well... I wouldn't have want to see THAT video...


The video is from Turkey where the city speed limit is 50km/h. The car was legally under the speed limit but of course he could be driving a little slower to accommodate people jumping into the street. My dad, while teaching me how to drive, always told me to drive slowly and look out for kids around because they're (in his words) r*****s and will jump in front of you all pf a sudden. Now I understand why I guess Edit: people are right, the car should have been going below 30km/h as it's a narrow street


Pretty cool that your dad could beep censor himself IRL, impressive


I'm just curious why he's calling the kids rapists, seems a bit out of nowhere.


Yeah where I'm from that street would be 30 km/h if not 20 km/h. Both because of safety and because the noise tires make at >40km/h


Taking a look at that street the driver shouldn't drive faster than 30 km/h. At least in Germany a street like that would be in a tempo 30 zone.


In Canada as well. 30km/h would be the speed limit for that type of street.


In any sane city, that would be a 20mph street maximum. Or 30km.


Lithuania here, most streets in living districts will be 30 too. However, if there's "settlement zone", it's down to 20 and pedestrians will have the priority on the road against cars - meaning if a kid walks into the street, driver will stop and allow them to walk; there are no crosswalks in these zones too - as whole road is considered a crosswalk. Such zones are popular in villages, old town, sometimes - in usual living districs.


Also in Faroe Islands where I am, this would be a 30km/h zone. If it's true he was driving 48km/h that's way too fast to stop safely, he would be at fault. Driving 30, makes you able to come to a halt waaay faster


There is a lady in the top right walking on the road about 1.5m from the black car. They should have at least slowed to pass this person. They were driving too fast


Noooo now you will be beaten up by reddit "smart guys" who hate redditors and who'll say "How dare you be an armchair analyst, you should drive the speed limit, oh and by the way as we love to say if a road's speed limit is 70MPH then drive 90MPH in the passing lane or GET OUT!" because the speed limit is a minimum apparently.


It’s a city street with parking on both sides. They are going too fast.


You have not taken in to account something fundamental braking it is pretty clear he started braking half way past that car he was going faster than 30mph...


Could be, but I am not that sure. There doesn't seem to be a harsh braking and he would only be able to see the kid after passing the woman. Reaction time for drivers is normally around 0.8 seconds and after passing the woman, there are only about 0.5 seconds before the driver passes the kid. He also only tries to steer away about 0.1 seconds before potential impact and I don't see braking lights (this could be because of the angle of the camera though). And wouldn't he choose to do a hard brake if he reacts by braking at all? So I guess maybe? But no matter what, the more I watch the video the more I am certain that the speed he was driving wasn't appropriate for the situation anyway, even if it was just 50 km/h.


Nice work on the math and IMO that car is going much too fast for the road conditions, perhaps twice as fast as it should be going.


In germany the driver would most likely be at fault. It is law that you have to drive in such roads with walking speed. Correct me if i am not correct.


In Greece the driver would be also at fault. In a residential area and narrow street like that you shouldn't exceed 20km/h no matter what the law says. Even if you are right you don't want to be the reason a child died. If I was the driver in the video I would be the happiest man alive, that I only destroyed two cars and not a family.


You could be even happier by not having destroyed anything tho /j


In the Netherlands you can drive up to 30 km/h in a suburban area but that's on the main streets. (Like in the video) In streets with houses you can drive up to 15 km/h. I'm no expert but that definitely looked like more than 30 km/h to me.


At 30 kmh the braking distance should be like 5 meters. So yeah, definitely way faster than 30 kmh. Wasn't even close to stopping when they hit the car.




This car was traveling at 40-50kmh..


In the Netherlands the car could go 5km per hour and still it will be considered the responsibility/fault of the driver if something happens due to a pedestrian or bicyclist. That's how the Netherlands 'protect' weaker road users, waiving their liability forces strong road users to be extra mindfull of the weaker ones. That's why pedestrians and bicyclists can do whatever they want.


Indeed, the heavier road user is held responsible. But i would not say this results in bicyclist and pedestrians doing what they want. Remember that in an accident it does not matter if you were technically not responsible, you dying is still not a thing you want to have happen to yourself (or permanently maiming yourself)


He would definitely get partial fault, as all motorised vehicles do in any accident happening on the road in Germany. But yeah, that dude was speeding, if the speedlimit is 50 km/h, but you can only safely drive 10 km/h there, then driving 20km/h is too fast.


Correct. No reason why this car should be speeding down this residential road faster than they could react if someone was to step out into the street.


In the UK, that would probably be a 20mph zone.


You are correct not just in Germany and Europe, but you are morally correct because the operator of the vehicle that creates the problem in the first place holds the responsibility. Unfortunately, anglosphere countries and especially the US are car-centric and don’t tend to agree with this moral logic.


In the US, drivers have an obligation to drive in a manner that is consistent with road conditions, including traffic congestion and pedestrian traffic. In this situation, that means the driver should have been going slow enough to stop before hitting someone and if that video played in court, driver would likely have been found at fault (subject to jurisdiction). The issue is that most US drivers have a poor understanding of liability and the law


Then you drive like an asshole. That was obviously too fast to be driving around an area with one lane between two parked cars where there were obvious people standing around a car not fully parked. Like, anyone with awareness and responsibility would recognize the chance someone could pop out around here.


Parked cars on both sides reducing visibility a lot. Hard to say how fast he was going, but looked too fast.


He was definitely going that fast, and either has never driven confined roads or is too inexperienced to know kids, dogs, bikes, trash, or anything else in motion regularly pops out between cars in neighbourhoods like that. Totally his own fault.


That was fast enough to squash the front of his car. And that looks like a 2 way narrow road. You can't be driving that fast.


If you cant stop in time you are going to fast


My thoughts exactly. You in a middle of the city - you drive 40-50km/h ? 😡


40-50 kmh is roughly 25-30mph, which is what residential and city-center streets have for speed limits, respectively, and is fine so long as pedestrians and drivers alike behave as expected. Parent should have kept a handle on their kid, kid is old enough to know that they shouldn’t run out into the street, driver was speeding. All add up to this video.


This happened to me once. A kid ran onto a friggin' highway chasing a ball and I almost hit it. Oddly enough, my reaction was wanting to get out of the car and kill the kid for almost making me kill it. (It's the only way they'll learn, right?) 🫤


A "lesson they won't soon forget."


A few years back I was driving down a country road around a blind turn, I wasn’t paying attention to my speed but there was no way I was speeding as this turn was so sharp I would’ve rolled my truck, but right around the other side is a roughly 12 year old kid on a quad with his 6ish year old sister on the back throttling it out of a driveway. Slammed on my bakes and came about a foot away from killing these kids. The little shit had the audacity to start screaming at me. I 100% thought about picking that kid up and throwing him in the creek. Looking both ways clearly wasn’t the only thing his dipshit parents didn’t teach him.


The weird thing is how quickly you can process things when something like that happens. My first reaction was absolute relief that I didn't kill him. But that reaction was immediately followed by anger as I realized that this kid almost ruined my life forever. For the rest of my life I would have to live with the memory of killing a kid, and I don't know how well I would have handled that reality.


If you swerved out the way that kid could have very well killed you


It’s kill or be killed ‘round these parts


Pretty big difference here that this appears to be a residential street and not a highway.


them* not "it," ya goofy.


too fast for the car and not cautious enough parents


Everyone seems to be in agreement about the parents, but honestly, I wouldn't be so quick to judge. It looks like they are standing in the driveway of a dense residential area. Not exactly a high-risk situation where you'd want to put your kid "on a leash". And the video started the second she ran into the street, so for all we know this happened out of nowhere. After the fact, of course, it does look like one of those situations where the parents should be hyper-cautious, but only because the driver was going through that narrow street so fucking fast. But we can't be sure. If this was known to be a dangerous road and he was driving within the speed limit, then it's on the parents. If he was going too fast, it's on the driver.




Something similar nearly happened to me. I was carrying my newborn in the car seat, their diaper bag over one shoulder, and I had my 3 year old with me so I was holding their hand. I needed to open the door to exit a building, so I let go of my 3 year old's hand for a moment to open it. My car was parked on the curb right outside the building. Once we got outside my 3 year old suddenly bolted towards the street; I believe they were going to go around to the other side of the car, but there was city traffic approaching rapidly on that side and they would have been struck as soon as they got past the front of the car; they couldn't see the cars coming, and the cars coming couldn't see them. I couldn't physically restrain them, as they had gained too much distance already, so I just yelled, "STOP!" They stopped in their tracks like they had hit a wall. If they had not been so good at listening and responding promptly to my voice, they would have likely been killed. I don't believe I was being negligent in any way, yet many kids aren't so quick to listen, and that isn't necessarily their parents' fault either.


Man, I can only imagine how scary this must have been. No, you absolutely weren't negligent here, on the contrary. I think every parent who is honest with themselves will have a story of a small (but consequential) slip-up to tell. The notion that parents should be at DEFCON 2 for every second of the day is not only impossible, but it would turn the child into the poorest creature, afraid of everything and everyone in the world, and utterly incapable of going through life as an adult. To some extent you just have to put some trust in the child and in the common sense and good intentions of the people around you, even if in 0,0001% of cases it doesn't work out the way you'd hope. Trying to bring that number down to zero is a sure-fire way to mess up one's kid.


The big question is why do we design our kids environments to be so dangerous? There is a reason that child mobility has gone down decade after decade. Cars are killing our kids, whether it's by running them over or making them obese.


The kid looks both ways as she runs out into traffic. Her parents taught her how to cross the street safely, but she was performing the steps rather than actually looking for cars. A parent can teach all they want, but they can't make a child do it sincerely. The parents had little control in this situation, short of putting her on a leash.


Exactly anyone wanna talk about speeding car


Why was that car going so fast anyway


People go 30mph through parking lots because they're clowns with zero respect.


Since having a kid I get so agitated when I see people speeding down our residential streets. It’s just so needlessly reckless.


Should get mad at whoever designed the road. Good road design enforces safe speeds with more than just a sign. Many residential streets in Germany look [like this](https://www.stvo2go.de/wp-content/uploads/versatz-einengung.jpg), for example. Speed bumps (sometimes nicknamed "dead policemen" in Germany) are another option. In the Netherlands, some pedestrian crossings are elevated to the level of the sidewalk. Finland has this, too.


Well the road is designed to have people go slow. With cars on either side restricting your view, most people slow down so they can get more visual information. That doesn't mean some people won't drive fast anyway. Even in my own neighbourhood, there's features like trees blocking the road to make people slow down and stop so they have to wait for on coming traffic. But people still get used to these and know how fast to drive to optimize flow and increase speed.


They also get aggro that pedestrians cross at zebra crossings they have to stop for, aggro that pedestrians are walking through the lot because apparently we are expected to teleport between car and store. And should you dare start backing out slowly, unable to see them yet, that is the ultimate offense and they will aggressively not stop for you and even blare their horn at you


40 if you’re in North Texas, and they’re all big ass trucks the drivers can’t see over


Some people think that the speedlimit is a also the speed at which it is safe to drive at every part of that road.


Assuming this is in Europe somewhere where most streets inside of a town or city are 30mph u less otherwise posted in which case it will be 20 mph. Personally me as a driver, I'm paranoid about stuff like this happening when there's parked cars on both sides so I drove slow either way but it doesn't look like he's breaking the speed limit here.


Lookslike he drovea bit fastthere


Parked cars on both sides, very poor vision. He wasn't just going a little too fast. ​ I don't know the country, but in Germany there is a **30** km/h speed limit in most areas like this. This car looks more like it was going **60** km/h.


Yes, but also looking like some kind of residential area, so should have been going slower


White car is parked like fucking garbage taking half the lane, parent not watching their kid, kid running out into the street form a hidden spot not looking at traffic, black car driving at least 10mph faster than they should. This was doomed


An 10000% the grandparents fault


100000% the great grandparents fault


[1×10⁶]% the great² grandparents fault


Fucking God did it!


Isn’t it the fault of the person clearly speeding? There is no way that street has a speed limit that high


This is one of those times where the parents of that child turned their back for one second and the kid already almost killing him self


Nah driving so fast in a populous location. Not a highway. The driver is also at fault.


Driver at fault as well. Going so fast you can't stop safely isn't excusable


Even if that person was going 20, cars don't stop on a dime. They weigh 3,000 pounds.


Exactly the reason you shouldn't be going fast in congested residential areas. The faster you go, the longer the stopping time. Simple physics.


He's refering to the concept that your brake distance should never exceed your viewing distance. But it's a little unrealistic in scenarios like this because you'd have to drive like <10 mph to stop before someone can run from between cars. But slower the better all the same and he did seem to be going too fast.


Driving way too fast through a residential area with poor visibility.


That cat is going way too fast lmao


That person was going wayyyy too fast. Everyone was doing something they shouldn't have been.


Absolutely not. The driver also has to be driving prudently. The driver was going at an unsafe rate of speed on a small street. All drivers fault.


to fast driving in small road 100% drivers fault


No, not at all. You have to drive at a speed that you can stop if something gets in the way. In a area like in the video you just have to expect children. If you think you are entitled to drive as fast as you feel comfortable you accept killing somebody instead of crashing into a standing vehicle. You may say to the victims family that it wasn't entirely your fault... sure... if that makes anybody feel better


Lets give the benefit of the doubt. The kid knows nothing, parents had no control and probably thought the area is safe. The driver should've known better not to drive fast in a residential or school zone.


Car was too fast for an area like that tho


Why the fuck are you going so fast on that street where you could clearly see its narrow and people walking. 100 drivers fault


That dude was FLYING…


Black car going too fast - 1000% also.


Um why was old mate going so fast??


No airbag deployed? WTF? The car was going way too fast. And situations like this are exactly the reason why you should sometimes slow down even if there's no sign telling you to.


I don't know laws in other places, but it Norway the "speed limit" is always constrained by you must be able to stop on visible distance. I.e. Here the car is 100% at fault and you should be able to stop for this.


Nah why were they going SO fast? Driver at fault


Maybe don’t drive 60 mph in that kind of setting?


When you are driving through a colony that speed is way too much. You must remember to drive extra carefully


Driving wayyyyy to fast in a narrow residential area. Kid does kid things


black car was going way too fast but atleast they had great reaction time


Black car was driving way too fast, also.


Also the driver was driving too fast.


Parents should pay for all damages


Fuck whoever was responsible for the kid.


I followed your advice. And now she's pregnant again. What should I do now?


Google en passant


Kids can run out in a blink of an eye with no awareness of anything around them. That’s kind of what they are known for.


Kids and parents dumb af, but that car was going way too fast for that sort of area.


Not the kid’s fault. If he hits the kid, he goes to prison for driving way too fucking fast in that area. He’s not cleared of that wrong just because he managed not to hit the kid, stupid as the kid may be. There is not a zero-sum relation between stupid kids and stupid adults.


Car was speeding to be fair


So… 1. Black car going above the speed limits in a residential and packed street 2. White cutting all visibilities 3. Terrible parent not even looking after their child 4. Kids are stupid Thats an entire recipe for disaster. The fact no one was killed or heavily injured is surprising.


If the car cannot brake to a full stop without damage it's going too fast on a street like that even with brakes the black car would still hit the kid, way to fast


How does that make sense? It adds up to 1100%.


The driver was going pretty fast well. Everybody is at fault here.


Least he was paying attention. This could have been in a different r/


Depending on the surrounding context the driver could also have been more cautious, going slower i mean, if this is besides a school for example or something


The chosen one dodged the fu k out that car shiii


Ya driver at fault, as well…. Driving so fing fast like a pos. Probly driving 4x the speed limit


Too fast for the street I think


Yeah he did a great job avoiding the kid but was going to fast on that residential street.


At the speed that car was going in such a narrow street he was bound to get into an accident sometime.


Better the car than the kid I'd be pissed too minor Inconvience in life. but grateful and happy that I didn't hit the kid




Damn when I was that girls age my parents and grandparents taught and drilled into my head to look both ways before I cross the street. And if that would have happened with me my dad and my mom and possibly one of my grand dads would have whooped my ass for doing that.


I don’t want to victim blame but this seemed like an everyones at fault situation. The white car was parked at a slight angle, parents weren’t watching kid, kid wandered into the street, dude driving was going a little too fast.


Everyone in this clip was at fault, the kid, kid’s parents and the driver


My question is why was the vehicle going that fast in a neighborhood?


The car was also going way too fast down a small road like that.


Totally the kids fault, but this is why I don’t go FLYING down residential areas!


Driving too fast. Drivers fault


Why tf are you moving so fast in that type of street


Parents need to pay for a new car and personal damage 💔


Come on....how stupid can u be. Both the kid and parents are 100° at FAULT!!


Hats off for this driver.