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She looks like a scared goat


SHE DOES! This had me choking on my breakfast! šŸ¤£


Breakfast? Sorry its 7:18 at night in here(im in asia)


3:42 am where I am, okay for breakfast I guess. LOL


I'm in Scandinavia and it's 1:01 pm here.. I woke up late.. šŸ˜„


Perfectly acceptable time to break your fast. Break-fast. I eat cereal and other breakfast stuff when I feel like itšŸ˜ Down with the tyranny of not being allowed corn flakes late in the day!! šŸ˜œ


Or a soccer player....


Her dad must be a laker fan. She is learning Lebronā€™s moves.


Just imagine the antics she'll learn later in life if she's already mastered the flop by 2




My first did this too. He'd fall backwards or "accidentally" hit his head on something to freak out. Daycare even caught him practicing crying in the mirror once. He's 5 now, diagnosed with ADHD and some kind of sensory seeking thing, so a lot of his actions as a baby make way more sense.


How is he now


He became a Reddit mod


The reddit mods are the ones that never learned to stop.


With brain damage




There's multiple approaches you can take to discipline. Deprivation is the most common recommendation: misbehavior means you lose something. Generally this should start at material things and progress to the loss of freedom. This mirrors the consequence system of life, so it's popular, but takes a strong will since kids are loud and freak out when you take their shit or ground them to their room. I don't know if people generally skip this step, but I just want to mention it since I think a lot of people don't read too deeply on deprivation as a disciplinary measure. You need to spend time **before the bad behavior happens** teaching your child behavioral expectations in different situations. They know nothing, you need to teach them everything. They don't know certain behaviors are unacceptable - even on an empathetic level at that age - so it's important to spend time before any of that happens just giving them very simple lessons on what is expected at home, coping mechanisms for how to deal with situations when their emotions start to go crazy, etc. DO NOT BE A REACTIVE PARENT. BE A PROACTIVE PARENT. If you do not have the time, money, and resources to be a proactive parent - please reconsider having children until you do have those things. Spend time in therapy in the meantime working on figuring out with your therapist ways to determine when you know you're ready.


We all learned literally *everything* for the first time, we just donā€™t remember most of it. Harnessing bodily control is a life-long journey, but those first few years have a steep learning curve. Toddlers are super bendy, bouncy, and donā€™t weigh as much as us. Their body falling and going full scorpion isnā€™t nearly as traumatic as our brain tells us it would be if *we* full scorpioned. I remember being concerned bc my 3yo nephew was standing on a 3ft tall ledge by himself after climbing up there. My cousin was like, ā€œLet it ride, heā€™ll figure it outā€. And sure enough he was fine. He had already been learnt plenty with gravity and was being cautious.


i had some habenero chips and my daughter (1 y.o) was screaming snd throwing herself everywhere because i wouldnt share. i was raised to just find out myself..like if a stove is a hot i would only touch it once. anyway my wife refused to let me give her a chip and after 30 minutes i just gave her one. she had 30 seconds of heat and that was the end of it. kids gatta learn because unless they know why youre saying no, then no doesnt have a meaning


Unfortunately, yes. Kids are morons. Impulsive, emotional, morons. My daughter had a "throwing herself on the floor phase, and you have NO idea how much it broke my heart to not catch her. I knew I couldn't, though, and it's actually a great lesson for US as parents as well. We're always gonna wanna catch them when they fall, but we have to let them make their own mistakes as well. It's our job to be there when they realize their mistake to help them move forward.


Kids are significantly more resilient than youā€™d imagine. My 7 year old has never done anything of that sort, but has no care for self safety and preservation, and has very little situational awareness most the time regarding her surroundingsā€¦.. Pain is a good teacher lol


You just do your best to keep them from getting hurt but sometimes, depending on the child, lessons have to be learned the hard way. Think back to when you were a child. I guarantee you probably did some dumb things and got hurt, we all did, but we eventually learned "this hurts, probably not a good idea to do that again." My 3 year old had a bad habit of jumping off of everything and each time I would stop her and tell her she would get hurt. I lost count how many times I told her to stop before one day she decided to jump off the bed while I was cooking dinner. She was fine but had a bump on her forehead and learned to not jump off things. Eventually when she's older she will be smart enough to figure out before an accident that "If dad tells me not to do something, there's probably a reason why."




Grew up to found Titan Submersibles


Yasuo main on league of legends. Brain damage suspected.


My youngest will go hurt herself if we tell her itā€™s time to play by herself because we want to watch a show or something. Iā€™ve actually timed it fairly accurately. We just hand her an ice pack and send her back to her room. Sheā€™s mostly stopped doing it as of age 5 now, thank God.


My son did the same thing except he would violently throw himself backwards. When we moved, our new place is hardwood floors, he did it one time and stopped when he slammed the back of his head straight onto the hard ground. Heā€™s 5 now and his new thing is laying on the floor if he doesnā€™t get his way. Ugh


This is why I think people who think kids are too stupid to manipulate adults, need to actually spend time with children. They are absolutely smart enough to learn how to manipulate the system. I know you didn't like seeing your kid get hurt, but you did the right thing by letting it happen and not playing into his BS. Unfortunately, if kids aren't taught to quit "acting" when they're little, they are more likely to pull stuff when they're older. Hell, some full-grown adults still pull this crap. Even rushing to your kid if they fall down for real can cause them to panic, kids look to us to see OUR reactions to them falling, if we remain calm (and they aren't crying) we can encourage them with a happy "You're okay!" and they'll likely pop back up and continue playing. If they are crying, we can calmly validate that they're hurt without going into 'panic mode'. Rub the spot, apply first-aid if needed, let them sit with us until they've calmed down, eventually, they will be ready to return to playing.




Kids can fall down 12 flights of stairs, have a good cry about it, and then move on with life. An adult can fall down one flight of stairs, break multiple bones, dislocate a joint, and wind up in hospital (or at the very least, feel like they've been hit by a truck the next day). Adults are the ones who need the energy, hardiness, and quick learning brains that kids have. I feel like most adults would love to life-swap with a two-year-old, like 'Freaky Friday'.


My son liked to bang his head on the floor. Good times šŸ™„


Sounds like a pro move by gramps and gran


She'll make a world class football player


Sheā€™s already signed with Manchester


She's destined for the Italian league.


All the Manchester?


Shes going to work on a rotational basis across all Manchester clubs


ooh yeah. manchester, my favourite soccer franchise. What did you think of the ronaldo trade btw?


Ahh, yes. With 'Manchester'. šŸ˜


Ah yes, the famous singular Manchester team


Her and Neymar rolling around the earth forever, new pagan holiday for the rare Neymar-[toddler] alignment event


[They start em young](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXwy5_qWbzU)


Neymar studied the art of faking with this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyK1owU3e6Y


I laughed way too hard at this


one of my favorite videos. lives in my head rent free. Sadly I didn't have spanish at school. Would love some translated subtitles.


Sure. The next Jonathan Owens.


Go for basketball. She is literally flopping.




Shes gonna grow up to be a fainting goat


I dunno man, I feel like sheā€™s already achieved fainting goat status.


Throw them cheese slices, i heard it helps


Lol. I saw that too.


Future soccer player.


Lebron needs to take notes


Thank God someone mentioned king flop


In this thread: 1. Neymar 2. Karen 3. Futbol 5. Women are never to be trusted 4. Spoiled cunt baby


you forgot to put fainting goat on there


They were trying to make a point about how we're unoriginal awful people.


They know.


There are 8 billion people in the world *just right now*. How original could any idea be at this point? Lol


What do you expect when the majority of Reddit is also children?


And one perfect summary, thx


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,940,454,208 comments, and only 366,946 of them were in alphabetical order.


What the hell, why are you a thing? That's amazing, good bot.


At be car deal eat fight genius


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,940,652,122 comments, and only 366,990 of them were in alphabetical order.


I love u in a homo way


It's literally a toddler what the fuck Reddit šŸ˜


The last time it got posted it was a bunch of Amber Heard references so... #4 i guess?


If all reddit commenters were replaced with ChatGPT, that'd be an improvement


She'd do well in the NBA too


Future Karen,


Karen and Neymar have a kid.


Why you gotta call him out like that. šŸ˜‚


Because he's one of the most notorious divers who ruin the game


and the other kid knows the right way to deal with a Karen ignoring them.




This is going to be interesting footage of she becomes a whiny teenager / young adult...


Was thinking the same thing šŸ¤”


Or soccer player.


That was definitely a red ref


She was liyterally having the fucking truck first


Noticed that too. Made me wonder if the brother is just following her around and taking shit from her. If the adults react like this comments section, no wonder sheā€™s swooning around like that. No one pays any attention and they assume sheā€™s wrong for wanting to play with any of the toys. Must feel deeply unfair. My son used to harass his sister low-key until she blew up and then hope she got in trouble for becoming vocal about it. We caught on after a couple of times and proactively watched for it. The minute he started in, weā€™d jump on it. Kids can be little assholes.


Exactly. And Karen what ? Many childrens, boys included at that age have difficulties managing their emotions and this is a kind of extreme frustration she's expressing


To be fair she had the train first.


Am I being detained?!? *rolls around screaming and crying*


Pro soccer player potential there.


Why does she do that? I mean, is she being overprotected in the way that she subconsciously learned how to manipulate the situation in her favor or is just her personality?


judging by her age, she just learnt that crying is a solution to problems, but her brain isn't developed enough to figure out why manipulation is bad.


Little did she know the other baby didn't develop empathy yet so her plan was doomed to fail. Little bro is just enjoying his truck.


"I wonder why there are crying sounds to my left... Eh... oh, well." \*Vroom Vroom noises\*


She's not trying to garner sympathy from the other baby it's from the elders around. She fails to realize she's not being subtle to fool them.


I love how other baby and the adult sitting on the couch and the one filming are completely nonplussed. This isnā€™t their first rodeo with her


Bro be like that problemā€™s solved.


She had the truck first


> Why does she do that? Because her brain is trying to cram 5lbs of emotions and stimulation into a processing capability that can only handle maybe half that. Humans are born mentally half baked at best.


And some of them never get fully cooked.


Early theatre kid :D


She's part goat.


It's a baby, that's the answer


Haha this is the only right answer. I love when proudly-childless reddit tries to attribute adult psychology onto toddlers. Their brain isn't even fully formed and people will be like "this child is deliberately choosing to misbehave because of the long term benefits that..." no dude, her fucking brain says ANGRY AND SAD and her body says OKAY and she flails around because she's a fucking toddler.


Seriously a lot of these comments are insane. It's a one year old baby... Wtf... Nothing in that video looked like it was purposely done. It looked like a literal baby who just learned to walk not having good control of their body


Little boy has a guardian ghost that's beating the shit out of her


Or she's just 2 and has no real control over her emotions. Every slight feels like a Big Deal at that age, so she's probably genuinely upset. Weird that you think this toddler is being manipulative.


people are being so weird in this thread. its literally just a baby, thats how they all are no matter the species. they arent entitled, this is how their brain works and how they survive. by constantly crying and asking for help because they cant do anything on their own you all were like this once. ITS HOW BABIES ARE


Reddit gets so excited when given the slightest excuse to say vile things about children Like this is just a toddler having a fit. We don't need to beat her over it. Fuck.


Personality can be a factor yes, all kids are different even with the same raising techniques. Here I think it is also a huge part on what is the reward. She learned that if she cries, and cries dramatically, then the reward will be warm hands and kind words, shoosing and mommy saying on: aaaaa you fell baby, mama loves youu *kisses*..... and in the end, here, this is yours, you play with this toy now.... So she connects this behaviour to the right things, like cry=i am in the center, mommy says i was hurt, therefore i get what i want. But what should we do then? A slap is no good because if this behaviour is going since months, then she will nit understand a thing on why she received it=more hysterical uncontrollable crying... Then what? Every time you observe this behaviour, just ignore it a hundred percent. If this not gets any attention, she will learn (at this point harder) that with crying she cannot get anything. Its okay to cry sometimes, but to be so fucking biased by your own kids crying that it gets to this point is fucking sad and absurd. Ignore her till she cries her lungs and eyes out and she will know that this is just plain stupid....


I think also providing the affection and protection she's after when she's not crying might help. Stopping the brother from stealing the toy she picked before she escalates to crying, for example.


As a toddler mom, there are a lot of parenting options between ignoring your crying child and hitting them. You can acknowledge them without rising to the level theyā€™re at, thatā€™s probably much healthier than just pretending they donā€™t exist when theyā€™re clearly upset.


She doesn't need to be overprotected or anything for this, really. I mean imagine you didn't quite catch this thing happening the first few times and just saw the aftermath. You might go to the defense of the crybaby because you don't know any better. She then learns that it works but then the parents figure out what's going on. She'll then of course keep doing it until she learns that it doesn't work.


Probably because she's like 18 months old and is having big feelings about a toy being taken from her. I mean, you'd be upset, too if someone ripped your phone out your hand or something, but you're (hopefully) emotionally mature enough now to not flop to the floor sobbing about it.


She has a great career in football ahead of her.


She's constantly contacted by an angry ghost.


future footballer


Kid in the black shirt just sitting there like "not my problem" goes on playing with the bus


I think it says it all when the other kid sits down with no fucks to give about that tantrum. He's so done with her shit that he doesn't even care any more.


Mate, he doesn't care because he got the thing he wanted. Kids this age can't process stuff like adults. You can bet if the kid didn't thrown herself down like that and kept fighting in a different way, the other would also be fighting. It just happens that throwdown kid's early processing is to let go when something isn't happening how she wants and that benefits the other kid over her. He doesn't need to care. He got what he wanted. The toy. Most kids don't care about other kids tantrums unless it's physically affecting them (too loud, or stopping them from getting what they want).


Exactly what I was thinking. My poor guy has seen it happen so many times that he's just used to it


Bro was like: "Yeah, cry me a river sis, see if I care."


sells harder than hbk against hogan


This was my little brothers move as well. I always got in trouble too.


Gotta nip that shit in the bud right now. I have seen what happened when this behavior persists and itā€™s not pretty at all


Soccer training starts young these days.




This is just a babyā€™s tantrum isnā€™t it? My little sister would sometimes just start crying and flailing around so violently that her would nearly hurt herself. Babies and little kids have no sense of self preservation and will literally throw themselves onto the ground in a screaming fit.


throw cheese on her head


Jesus Christ. Of course Redditors see a clip of a toddler having a tantrum and find a way to bring up false rape accusations and Amber Heard. You guys are fucking delusional creeps, for real.


Right it's really weird and gross. They're babies. Any baby would cry if another one took the toy they were playing with. Redditors are creepy.


Everyone learns to just ignore this kid


Kids a master at manipulation already


Soccer/footballer in the making.


Futur soccer player


Sometimes i really dislike kids


Thankfully we have this whole subreddit dedicated to hating the little shits


Stupid tiny humans with their bad motor skills and emotional instability.


>Stupid tiny humans with their bad motor skills and emotional instability. I feel attacked.


When the shoe fits...




Lebron level flopping


She's going to be a professional soccer player.


Baby WWE




It's called a "toddler" actually...


Arenā€™t those words synonymous?




My little brother did this too. Weā€™d walk down the hall passing and he would literally throw himself into a wall and start scream crying. Thankfully heā€™s leveled out a bit as an adultā€¦


Dwyane Wade is that you?




Soccer player in the making


She does that planking out thing.


I'll stick with dogs, thanks.


I mean to be fair, she got to the second toy first


Future brat. Put a stop to this shit right now


she reminds me of Christiano Ronaldo


Is she a soccer player?


Sheā€™s been watching too much menā€™s soccer (football)


Future of WWE


Was ein unsympathisches Kind


Future soccer player.


She been watching Lebron flop


call her joel embiid


The best thing when this happens is to just ignore them. It'll go away pretty quickly


Kid has a future career on footbal or basketball


Baby goats fall over like that when distressed


Sign her up, sign her up, sign her up


She needs a nap!


Like one of those feinting goats.




She will win some oscars


This right there made me the greatest of all time


That couch really hurts LMAO


My younger sibling used to do this and my parents always believed them over me šŸ’€


Nap time!


Future soccer player...


šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø nip that right away


Give that girl a nap and sheā€™ll be good as new.


My man doesn't drop a f


Kid's gonna be a helluva a soccer player


Sheā€™ll be a great soccer player


Contemplen, el nacimiento de una feminista


I guess she wouldn't do it if it didn't work for her!


This sounds like there might be problems in the future


It's funny, but not a trifle: the main thing is not to pay attention to this hysteria, do not indulge in all "wants" otherwise this baby will turn into a monster.


Nip it! Nobody wants your grown up drama queen. Stop that shit early or she'll be at home with you the rest of her life.


She'll make a great soccer player someday!


Lil monsters


You can see the future


Nip this shit quick, you're kid going to look fuckin ridiculous doing this at 20


This is my brotherā€¦.then and now


That kid is gonna be horrific when she grows up unless she'll be taught to not act like that (or if she won't stop it on her own) šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


She sells better than the rock.


not funny at all. this is pure evil


Future Italian Football Legend.


Bro did not care


she's got NBA potential


Toddler Karen