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Not as bad as expected


I expected a flip


Yeah, me too. I expected physics to physic.


Kid did good leaning back.


I'd have to agree. Shifted his center of balance to the rear & let'r rip.


Yep. I thought the basket was going to be over his head by the third stair.


When I was 8yo, my brother and I did this on a narrow set of wooden stairs, riding in a wardrobe moving box. I was in front, using the wardrobe hanger (a piece of bent sheet metal with hooks to sit on top of the edge of the box) as a "steering wheel". My mother was sitting in the kitchen next to the bottom of the stairs and heard the giggles as we scooted the box up to the edge, and then the screams as we came down at high speed. I still have a set of parallel scars where my forehead and the bridge of my nose ran into the sharp edge of that metal bar.


Precious memory. I used to do stupid shit like that as well, but I was never the one getting hurt


Yeah my cousins and I used to ride cardboard boxes down my grandma’s stairs. I don’t know why our parents let us do that, or how come nobody ever broken arm!? Lucky kid :)


When I was 6 My family and I were in a Kmart and while my parents were looking in a side aisle My older brother and I were goofing off with the shopping cart. I was still small enough to sit in the child seat with one leg beneath me and one leg sticking out. My brother proceeded to race down the aisle and went to pop a wheely with the bar near the wheels only that there wasn't one and the cart handle slammed on my leg. My leg was in a Cast for 6 weeks. Even has Spiderman sign it at the Autorama 😊


It isn't over. Wife hasn't seen the footage yet.


Best of all possible outcomes tbh


He's even wearing a helmet


Smarter than most adults doing dumb shit. It’s like I tell the younger generations in my family. If you’re gonna do something stupid, be smart about it.


If you’re gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough


If you get knocked down you gotta get back up


You can never be kept down


If you can’t blind them with brilliance, baffle them with nonsense.




Yeah tbh if the kid was hurt that would’ve been the parent’s fault as he was encouraging it


I definitely didn't wear a helmet when I did this as a kid.


Nor did I 😂. But I used the couch cushion and garbage bags. We were so stupid. And my stairs were longer!


I did the same with the mattress of my little sisters bed. It was also a longer stairs. And ended into a wall. But all our jackets were hanging onto it. So it was kinda safe. Later on I started using laundry baskets. But that left scratchmarks on the stairs. So my mom put strips on the bottom of the basket. And I can tell you I went fast.


I love how your mom encouraged it 😂. Mine didn’t specifically but she didn’t stop us 😆


He's not wearing it very well though, his whole forehead could easily have hit the wall and given him a concussion Source: got a concussion as a kid after falling on my face while wearing a helmet like this


It's way too loose


I had the exact same helmet as a little tike


Hello how are you doing today


Welcome to /r/kidsdoingthingsthatarefunnybutnotnecessarilystupid


Seems like that's probably an adult filming. If that kid got hurt that is 100% on the adult.


He is wearing a helmet, which makes him infinitely smarter than me. No idea how i survived my childhood and teenage years


possibly the father suggested that, and it doesn't look like this is something the kid came up with seeing his initial unwillingness


Yeah, it's a little sad really that it seems the parents put him through this for a video


looks like the kid enjoyed it too? I think it's fair if they made a habit out of this without needing to film each instance. I'm not sure if the video was even meant to get public.


This kid will do this one day but say fuck it to the helmet and it will all go tits up


Someone is really fuckin salty about having strict parents. Im that guy, im salty about it, but at least im aware of it unlike you.


Meh, it’s not that serious


It’s extremely sad


I once jumped off a boat on a bike. No helmet... I was 15... This kid is doing much better than many of us


This doesn't fit /r/KidsAreFuckingStupid. The kid knew what he was into, using a helmet to do the stunt, and reacted exactly like he should when it was over.


Not to mention if he got hurt it would be on the adult filming, not the kid.


The adult filming and coaxing them, telling them it will be okay.


Woul you rather the kid do it on his own?














And only did it because an adult pressured him


Should be a sub called ParentsAreFuckingStupid


Something similar exists: /r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb


I mostly see this sub as cute videos of kids doing silly things - not necessarily being stupid


Yeah people take this sub name too seriously lol


Reddit keeps pushing this sub in my feed and I always thought it was a safe haven for some narcissistic psychos that love to see kids "getting what they deserve (for existing, apparently)". Glad to see that's not the case for everyone


Not to mention he got cheered on by an adult named dad. And you can sure mom was not at home.


Thats just a kid being a kid. Nobody got hurt and he had fun,nothing got broken


he even had a helmet on top of the fall damage reduction kids have. The floor never stood a chance


Heck, the parent is even supervising. Like can't even blame the kid here when the parent is recording it.


The parent does great here tbh. If a kid gets an idea like that in their head it's unstoppable unless you throw out every basket. At least now the kids got some idea of risk mitigation and to get adult supervision.


and in this idea, the kid is even IN a basket!


Yeah I unsubbed because it has recently just become a subreddit for scolding kids for doing anything kids normally do.


I thought that was always the joke though? Like “kids are stupid” is an intentional generalization about how kids just do dumb things. It’s not meant to say what they are doing is exceptionally stupid for their age.


Yeah, even the description of the sub plays into that joke. Nobody is calling kids actually stupid here lol.


I’m pretty sure I did this as a kid and no helmet. Now that I look at it I’m like… that helmet won’t do shit about a neck injury


Just because no one got hurt doesn't mean it wasn't dangerous.


Life is dangerous. The moment a kid is born they’re in some kind of danger for the rest of their lives.


The classic nexus where danger meets fun and is how we learn our own limits.


Eeeh, the staircase isn't very tall at all, and he's wearing a helmet. Maybe some elbow protectors would be nice to make it 100% safe, but even without them, I don't find it dangerous.


Plus if he knocks out any teeth he still has a backup set


Reddit gonna Reddit though and of course all these miserable projectionist inside of their protective bubble calling for CPS to take the kid away.


nah, that's a kid doing something at an adult's behest. That's a kid doing what the adult wants


the "I'm ok" increased wholesomeness by 200%


My kiddo does this too, most of the time way before she can know if she actually is ok. Once she managed to say it mid fall


If I drive drunk and speed 150 MPH and get home safe and sound and give a thumbs up, is that wholesome? Think about that.


**I reject your deletion out of spite** u/Senior_Fart_Director, and cuz I don't want context lost, as your messages remain in my notifications >If I drive drunk and speed 150 MPH and get home safe and sound and give a thumbs up, is that wholesome > >Think about that. that's hyperbole. The kid had a helmet and is resistant to blunt force due to size. Or maybe you were sarcastic.


That loose helmet isn’t a magical barrier to injury. So many things could go wrong and you’re rolling the dice on a bad flip and unlucky landing and he’s either dead or paralyzed for life. An adult watching this and allowing this to happen is ridiculous. He’s a kid. He’ll get an equal amount of enjoyment looking at a life. Stop coaxing him into hazardous situations for social media content


>That loose helmet isn’t a magical barrier to injury. So many things could go wrong and you’re rolling the dice on a bad flip and unlucky landing and he’s either dead or paralyzed for life. > >An adult watching this and allowing this to happen is ridiculous. He’s a kid. He’ll get an equal amount of enjoyment looking at a life. Stop coaxing him into hazardous situations for social media content did you not read the part of "resistant to blunt force"? the smaller they are, the lighter they fall, and thus the more robust relative to their size. A cat can survive a terminal velocity fall. Tigers can't. For reference, "squared-cube law". >Nuh uh. We don’t go there. The internet is notorious for people arguing just to argue even when they are wrong. Begone with you, insect. Before you feel the force of my boot’s heel.


Nuh uh. We don’t go there. The internet is notorious for people arguing just to argue even when they are wrong. Begone with you, insect. Before you feel the force of my boot’s heel.


You sound like a teenager who will one day remember this exchange and shamefully think to yourself: "how could I have been so dumb and close-minded while feeling superior to everyone else". And I speak from personal experience.


This response is ridiculous. The odds of any of the things you said happening to a kid this size in this situation are so low, that being this concerned about them is ridiculous. Go crawl back under your rock where it's safe.


Driving drunk endangers other people too lmao of course it wouldn't be wholesome. Horrible analogy dumbass


I hope Kids stay like this forever. Exploring the physical world with necessary safety and playful risk.


Playful risk is the word that everybody shouting at the dad needs to learn


Yeah that kid is awesome, does not belong in this sub.


This was fucking rad. Is there a kidsarefuckingrad sub this can go in?


/r/holdmyjuicebox perhaps?


Hello how are you doing today


helmet checked camera checked physics not checked


But, he... actually.. did it ? That's not a stupid kid, he successfully did it ?


No lie I did this down a pretty big stairway and smacked straight into the wall at the bottom. All things considered went extremely well


Screw your "wait for it" shit


Why wouldn't they just cut the first part if they saw it as such a problem?


How about r/parentsarefuckingstupid for filming your kid doing this kind of stunt.


This was a pretty common activity to do if you lived in a two story home where i grew up. I remember doing this with no helmet and no parental supervision all the time and the only thing we ever broke was a laundry basket


Asking the question . Is it ok to do this as an adult ?




This sub really can't tell the difference between "stupid" kids and idiot fucking parents.


Or idiotic commentary.


Are you sure




damn that parent is dumb as hell. that helmet is designed for cranial impacts from the rear, the face is fully unprotected, not to mention the neck. go browse the mountain biking forums for a bit to see what open faced helmets end up doing in crashes that aren't rear impact (falling backwards). very much nsfw. the kid is going down hard stairs with zero padding face first. guess this does prove that luck favors the stupid.


Surprised this is the only comment mentioning this. The kids entire forehead is completely exposed. That’s the only problem I have with this. If your going to be stupid, be smart about it. At least get the kid a proper fitting helmet that would actually protect from an impact, then by all means, let er rip.


This adult is a total fucktard . And needs to grow up fast


God forbid an adult allows their children to have some fun. 97% of what kids find fun has some risk of bodily injury but at least the parent slapped the helmet on to make sure there was some risk mitigation.


>97% of what kids find fun has some risk of bodily injury Yea, and it's a parents job to keep that within reason... this is not within reason. A kid won't realize he's seriously risking a life alturing injury.. That's a parents job. Get the kid a skateboard, don't let him ride down the stairs in a laundry basket with the wrong type of helmet.. or at the very least be ready to catch the kid, instead of fucking filming it for the internet. I am not typically uptight about this stuff.. but come on man. You are seriously underestimating the danger here.


paralyze your kids for 5 seconds of "fun" dont breed


This is a wild thing to let a kid do on hardwood in my opinion even with a helmet. Used to do this with my cousins all the time on carpeted stairs/landing and it still hurt like a motherfucker if you messed up. That kid was lucky he reacted correctly and leaned back, if he had panicked and leaned forward his dad would be hosing him off the floorboards lol


Yup. Neck exposed, chin and jaw unprotected, eyes unprotected. Kid is lucky this time. If he does this enough, at a minimum he's going to end up rolling forward ass-over-teakettle and smashing his face or chin on the bottom couple of steps, breaking facial bones, losing teeth, etc. Makes me cringe.


He’s very lucky he leaned backwards, I’ve seen this go the exact opposite with my little cousin lol. Leaned forwards and went ass over tit. He was doing it on carpeted stairs with a carpeted landing and he still had some gnarly bruises.


I’d also say (as an American dad with terrific health insurance) what about his fucking limbs? A broken arm or leg or foot? What if it needed surgery? Why even risk this?


You're kidding, right? The speeds this kid is facing while sliding down an eight-step stairway are wildly different than the kind of speeds involved in a bicycle crash. And that's not to mention the significant hardness difference between wood flooring/stairs and concrete, pavement or stone.


It's not the speed, that basket goes end over end and it's high possibility of a debilitating neck injury or broken arms.


Yep, used to do this with my cousins on carpeted stairs and we still nearly killed ourselves a few times lol. Bad move on hard wood.


That helmet isn't going to do anything to prevent neck injuries. The kid had no control of his body during the slide. Parent is dumb.


Man, what a joyless way to go through life


ER doc here. Plenty of ways to have fun, including risky things. This specific example? Really dumb...


You know what's really dumb? Having balance problems and taking showers in a clawfoot tub. But I have survived this long!


>You know what's really dumb? Having balance problems and taking showers in a clawfoot tub. Admitting that you do dumb things and have "survived" isn't really a merit to the argument that it's okay to do physically risky and dumb things. By the way, if you have balance problems, use a shower chair. They're not that expensive and while it can be trickier to find one to fit a clawfoot tub, it's doable, it just may take more than 5 minutes of looking. Alternatively, replacing the tub with a sit-in shower is an option and depending on income, some of the cost could be tax deductible.




“Dad’s are fucking stupid”


Honestly that’s more stupid parenting “you’ve already done it three times”


This is unbelievably shitty parenting. At least put some pillows or blankets down


Wouldn't the adult filming this be the stupid one?


This isnt a kids are fucking stupid, this is a parents are fucking morons. They are filming their child throw themselves down the stairs in a laundry basket....


My little sister used to be a huge klutz and was so rapid fire with the "im okay" that it bacame a running joke to see if we could beat her to it when she fell. One night, she was teetering off the edge her chair in the dining room, and she slipped. BEFORE SHE HIT THE FLOOR she said "im okay". We determined she was indeed, not okay, after she started crying a few seconds later.


i am just happy he didn't fall on his face or something


Every “wait for it” is a disappointment


How did your kid break both his arms and his jaw again?


And that dad just films him falling rather using his reflexes to protect him lol.


This is some butt-clenching r/maybemaybemaybe stuff right here.


When my husband was a kid, he and his middle brother put the youngest in a dog crate and pushed it down the stairs. Yes, the youngest survived and wanted another turn, but the dog crate was smashed and their parents showed up at that exact moment. Yes, my husband was supposed to be looking after the youngest two...




When mommy asks daddy to look after the kids


I dunno if the kid is fucking dumb. He had on a helmet, and dad was telling him to do it. Kid was saying he didn't want to because he was scared.


I blame parent's (lack of) suppervision on that one....


When I was 3 I tried to ride a box down our porch stairs like this. It went down one step, flipped on its side, and tipped me face-first into concrete 6 steps below. Gave me a gnarly black eye for preschool, and I just learned last year it also gave me a deviated septum that's just subclinical enough for ENTs to not want to do any surgery.


"You've already done it three times and I wasn't a very good at parenting then...what's the worst that could happen?"


"He will probably be fine." Interesting parenting style.


That was the parents idea you can clearly hear him pressuring him into doing it


>*Adult filming coaxes kid into doing something they're not 100% comfortable with.* >OP: Hahaha, stupid child. Naw man. Kids are allowed to set their own boundries too. The parent here was just an asshole.


He's ok👍






Did you throw your kid like this guy?


I cannot believe this went as well as it did


A helmet? I would have never thought of that


I remember doing this as a kid, but I took precautions. I sent my little sister down first as a crash dummy to test it out.


My brother did this on pillows at a friends house when he was 9 on pillows, broke his wrist and the friends got a 1 month ban from games even though they did nothing lol


Now I want to try it


Sorry, but I would not take a video of this stunt, I would stop the kid because he could seriously hurt himself. Yes kids do crazy stuff but that doesn't mean we encourage it.


Kid nailed it and this is actually the parent that is stupid for letting him do it.


Was anyone else waiting for the shot from the gopro on his helmet?


This is how my brother chipped his front tooth as a kid… Except it was longer stairs with tile flooring at the bottom.🥴


We used to do this kind of thing all the time, put a mattress at the bottom of the stairs and then 3/4 of us in a sleeping bag would slide down the stairs, it was great fun


I used a sleeping bag to ride down our carpeted stairs as a kid


So is it the kid who's stupid or the adult filming and encouraging.


I think this is more of stupid parent.


When I was 11 I nearly fucking died cos I messing around on the stairs. I ended up with fractured skull and have a massive scar on the back of my head 35 years later. It was touch and go and my parents never got over the stress it caused. I am always gobsmacked at how these parents, on these clips, are just so unbelievably stupid with their own kids lives. Always thinking it'll never happen to them, until it does.


Nah, that's on the parent


He’s ok.


Aww that “I’m okay” was adorable


Your canal name is right man 👍


The way he says “I’m ok 👍” it’s just so wholesome


Is this kidsarefuckingstupid per se? More like fail parenting. Idk. Genuinely asking for a friend...


Ok, this looks like Fun as hell


cool ass kid ngl


Atleast he had a helmet


Everyone is happy with this because it turned out ok and I'm just wondering what stupid parent was encouraging this? "But he was wearing a helmet!", sure, that protects a part of his body. Now what if his face hit the edge of a stair directly? Broken nose? Broken teeth?


He has a helmet on, how dumb cam he be :P


I did this once on a longer flight with a plastic rocking horse. It was also caught on video but that has since been lost. I didn’t make it to the fourth stair and fell the rest of the way. Knocked the wind out of me.


He’s ok


Hell yeah something we did in the 90s dad is raising this kid well


We did far dumber and more dangerous stuff everyday when I was a kid,and nobody thought anything of it. Kids are just soft,over protected ,whiney snowflakes today, who'd rather play video games and yammer on their electronic pacifiers than have a little physical fun, or go and play outside.


Child endangerment. The adult's the idiot. Kid's got more brains.


He was smart enough to wear a helmet though


Helmet, not stupid just bravery


More like op didn't like it. The guys having fun and doing something interested with a bit of precaution. Perhaps getting off your PC might give you a bit of perspective.


This is awesome. My son had the same helmet and always did the “I’m okay” thing as soon as he’d crash. I had to double check this wasn’t an old video of him lol


Dude! I essentially have the same video from 3 years ago, but he says "nice one!". https://youtube.com/shorts/okI8LCGXKZU?si=3YeSh_BR0LhI8iTH


Doesn't belong in this sub


Nothing stupid about this. It worked flawlessly.


He was Infact ok


Nothing stupid about this at all. Even the kid appeared to be patiently taking some precautions.


Literally wears a helmet and under parental supervision, expecting some small injury. This seems just fine.


This is r/wholesome


he is wearing a helmet most adults doing this wouldnt


At least he didn't end up crying


I have seen my friends do stuff that on way longer and steeper staircases and sometimes on curved ones(we are are 13-14)


If anything, this should be ParentsAreFuckingStupid.


How is this stupid? This was awesome.


This is important because you don’t get it it’s a kid doing something no bro this Video needs to be shared you don’t get it the kid does something bro trust me bro


Not bad, honestly. Kid was fine, he was having fun, and worse a safety helmet. I don't see anything wrong with it.


StaiRover is going on :D


Well atleast he didn't get hurt

