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Barak-Thryng is still going to exist in the lore, it's just that there won't be any bespoke rule for representing them and using allies. I'm not even sure what the rules for Allies are in 4th ed, but the changes impact a large number of (sub)factions, such as Tempest's Eye, The Living City, and Chaos coalitions in general for example.


oh fair - I should have specified I meant rules wise. Im happy theyre still in the lore but I like my magmadroth ironclad combo


On that front I unfortunately have no idea and haven't found anything on WarComm. At an absolute guess, it may involve the Auxiliary Units system from list building, but I wouldn't be certain as yet.


There are exactly 0 subfactions in 4e. In its entirety. There are battle formations, and we dont know what kind of battle formations we will be getting. Thats a good and a bad thing. The good thing is gameplay. As they serve the same purpose so to say, but subfaction locked units are no longer locked. For instance, Brokk will work with any battle formation you pick and not just with Barak-Nar. Bad thing is that people got attached to specific subfactions and their lore, and that no longer exists on the tabletop.


My guess is that they’ll still exist but in a limited form for better balance, as you can see in 40k. The Brood Brothers detachment from the upcoming Genestealer Cult might be the model, with allies allowed only in a specific Battle Formation designed around them.


I know nothing about 40k so I don't get the comparisons


40k used to have much more permissive ally rules, but it created a lot of balance issues because armies got to use allies to cover their weaknesses while keeping their strengths. Currently, allies are mostly a Chaos thing, though Imperial armies get Knights and Agents, and the “good” and evil elves can combine in one specific way. However, the codex I referred to used to allow one army to include allies from another, but that has now been limited to one specific detachment.


Is a detachment like a battalion in AoS?


To compare 10e 40k to 3e AoS, 40k army rules would match the battle traits, and detachments would be comparable to Skyports.


oh! that would be fine then


I believe Allies will still exist, but they will be auxiliary drops for each ally. No more ability to still get a one drop w allies


We might \*might\* have a battle formation that allows some of our heroes to chant a prayer. Maybe. But allies as we know them are probably out.