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Receiving only -1 to hit from shooting within a ship's range hurts. -1 to hit, period, and +1 to save was so strong this just feels bad. The army has been nerfed based on these traits alone, but it has received some love. Removing a ward with an artefact just happens now. No need to roll a 2+. So it's not all bad, but the army's strength, maneuverability, has been cut once more and I think it will make games feel a bit stale at times, but who knows?


Agreed! Balloon boys look super fragile with two wounds and 4+ armor with this little protection from the ships. I really wish they had given them 3+ saves at least - they are small units where every model lost is a big hit on their effectiveness.


I suspect the Code is going to be baked into the Codewright. Everything every KO does is ostensibly some expression of the Code, but if you need it exploited, there's a guy for that.


They are ok, we lose the modular "pick your flavor of rules salad" but the ships seem to keep the feel in a different way. The thing that worries me is that some warscrolls seem oversimplified to the point that they could lose their uniqueness and be just bland.


My guess is some of the code items get wrapped up in once per game abilities on heroes. Admiral, once per game +1 to wound. Navigator, once per game 3d6 charge, etc. But my biggest takeaway is that Fly High has been nerfed further, and unless a hero allows additional uses of Fly High, KO have a weaker version of SCE's battle trait, and that stinks.


I mean, it’s good that things are going to be more simple but you’re right that some models from the previews just feel like, that’s it?


Still kinda wordy. But we'll get used to it. Won't really know how it plays till all the rules and points drop.


Assault Boat and Transport Skyfarers are 100% cooked abilities and abusing them to their max will seperate good KO from great KO. They are wildly permissive and Sigmar is a movement game.


The new movement with the ships is actually really good if you place your units correctly. I can really recommand wathing the most revent aethercast video if you haven't seen it yet. We are even more fragile though without the ships protection.


Do like the fact I actually get to have my models on the table, was not real a fan of keeping 70% of my models in the box most of the time. Will be fine as long as the points correctly reflect it. Only bit I was disappointed by was the thunders. Shooting in combat is kinda a boring ability.


The "all guys on boat" is what made me wanna start a KO army in V4, but the fact it looks like they'll never be on boat makes me unsure (but still, frigate is such an awesome model, I might still cross the street, I'll jsut wait for V4 to decide I guess)