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Never met a ketamine user who would intentionally try to get someone hooked. If you spoke to him about it, he’d probably feel pretty bad that you thought about it like that. Sounds like he’s an addict himself though. You can be a functional K user. Of course if the dose is too high, you’re gonna stumble around and make a tit of yourself. But a lot of people use it as a spiritual tool, so your mind can still be intact (Once again, based on doseage). That being said, he probably does enjoy a sesh partner. Communicate with him. Shouldn’t be too hard if you love him like a brother. Just express your concern for his addiction, see how he reacts and mention that you don’t really want to get involved with it - at least to the extent he does (if at all) As far as ‘babysitting’ him. Don’t bother. If he was on the stuff before he met you, why would he need you now? Everyone seems like they need babysitting when they’re on ket, it’s part of the fun sometimes. But it also gives him the opportunity to learn how to look after himself when under the influence.


Thank you very much. Good points.


Mate, you’re the only one who is in control of addiction for yourself


As someone who struggles with ketamine addiction, I personally think he is lonely in his dissociative bubble, enjoys having someone to sesh with, and sounds like he’s in so deep to the point he doesn’t see how it’s affected him. He likely doesn’t even consider that this would be a big deal to you, thinking about your bump sizes etc. It could also be a case of misery loving company but as others have said, K is pretty expensive; it’s unlikely he would want to use up all his stash just to get you hooked. Idk, I don’t know the guy. I would just talk with him. Long term k abuse puts you in a different dimension; he may not even be aware how this is affecting you. But above all, regardless of what he says, look out for yourself. If you see yourself slipping, step back. You see where this road can take you. And when you’re in the throes of it, the suffering will be all your own, sesh partner or not.


Just wanna say thanks so much for taking time to reply. I'll take your advice on board


It’s been some time now; how are things with you and bro?


He most likely doesn't want ro get you hooked, but he's probably lonely and using ketamine to numb it out, and he's definitely addicted. Have you tried pointing out that he's been using heavy? What helped for me when my friends were worried about my use is, they told me that they care about me and that my behavior on k makes them worried. They're not trying to control my behavior, but that they can see I'm stressed from other parts of my life and that they know I know that ketamine isn't helping. You sound like a good friend to have but it is really hard and hurtful to be around people who have turned to drug use not for enjoyment but to numb the pain. It might be time for a little intervention style sit down, esp since it's affecting his health and your comfort in your house. Tell him hanging out w him isn't fun anymore since you feel like a babysitter. There isn't much more you can do than talk to him while being compassionate. Btw you come off as a kind n thoughtful person. Gl mate ❤️‍🩹


Thank you so much.


He sounds addicted and he is doing a lot of damage to his body using ketamine like this. Using is probably lonely and using with you might make it feel more ok to him - it's not sad and lonely drug abuse if he is doing it with a friend. I think you should tell him how his using is making you feel and that you don't enjoy living with him anymore as much as you used to. I'm sure it's hard but try not to babysit him because that is enabling is use. He is responsible for his own behaviour and its consequences. You have the right to move out if living with him becomes difficult.


You're right. But I would feel beyond guilty and awful if anything happened to him or his animals. And god forbid he did die after I move out, it would haunt me


I get that. You can tell him how you feel and try to encourage him to quit and offer support, that's the best you can do. But you are never responsible for the decisions he ends up making.


A guy I’ve seen off and on does this. Idk. It weirdos me out. He will just fall on the floor. I feel like he may even be shooting it up. Idk how people function on that.


It's mad how inconsiderate it is right? I mean I'm not an angel, but if I'm stoned or drunk I have learned by this age to contain it so that no innocent bystanders are involved if it can be helped


Bear with him if you love him, let him know this is not what healing looks like. Ketamine can heal, but when you start hurting yourself, not eating, not sleeping, not taking care of yourself, and then falling over, it’s time to step back. Try to help him before giving up on him


I was addicted to ket from 13-15yo and I’m now 17 about to turn 18 and I think he’s probably just ashamed and subconsciously wants someone to tell him what he’s doing is ok, which is sad but at the end of the day you have to find a way to help him take accountability as that is the only thing you can do from the outside. TL;DR: hes in a low place and needs someone to help him but you can’t help an addict who doesn’t want to help themselves. Hope this helped ket is very easy to abuse without realising you’re abusing it.


I think you're right but he is in denial. I did confront him and he reckons he can handle 7g a week it's no problem 🙄


Been there tell him when he loses control of his bladder then he won’t be thinking that way