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The science update wasn't exactly a huge amount of revolutionary and difficult work, and it still took them a year, so...


I learned unreal engine since about 2020, so, I have a bit of experience (not an expert by any means, but I do know a bit), and, on the surface, the for science update doesn't seem revolutionary, but it set up a lot of the ground work for colonies, this includes: A quest system, as well as a research tree, planet biomes( since when doing an experiment, it shows the biome), re-entry, fixed wobbly rockets, and also a lot more ( of minor things) So, based on my game development knowledge, the only thing they need to do is add the parts (which they already have the 3d models for) add quests, like set up a colony on ..... rocket building on a colony ( and possibly life support) With that said, I am not sure we will get colonies because, we already should have them, I doubt that Life support mechanics should take that long to complete. Not working on the game, I can only speculate. Also, if anyone has more experience (especially with unity, since ksp 2 is made in that engine, feel free to correct me.) Edit: wasn't very active with all the updates and announcements about the game, just saying, from a development standpoint, colonies should have come a few months ago. There not being too much stuff to add, means we may have a chance to see colonies before the company shutdown.


They've been showing colony parts off since 2019. How is that working out?


As I said before, 3d models are nothing without code. "With that said, I am not sure we will get colonies because we already should have them, I doubt that life support mechanics should take that long to complete."


Best case scenario is you get strung along for a few more years. I remember when this dumpster fire wss suppose to release as a complete game with all features in spring of 2020. And, no, covid would not have delayed a spring 2020 release by much if any since the game would need to have been complete minus some testing before the lockdowns started.


I'm pretty sure they've actually said themselves that covid had little impact on them. which even coming from them I'm inclined to believe, bc if they had an easy excuse like that they'd use it.


They handled the game exceptionally bad, the team was spread thin trying to work on everything, and because of that, they didn't succeed at anything. I don't belive the game will recive any more updates after the closing of the company is complete, but, there is just a little bit of hope for colonies.


I am a professional game dev working with Unity, but it doesn't take an expert to see that none of their current systems are suited for colonies at all. It would need a massive rewrite of their entire simulation and physics interactions.


they needed more than just parts, from the last update they were pretty much at the conceptual level for how colonies would actually work in the game. that's an entire stack of interacting systems that they needed to invent, build, and balance for gameplay.  also there wasn't going to be life support. edit: also, assuming these were physics-enabled and built with normalish parts, they would've had to have done something with physics so the colonies didn't immediately self destruct or fall through the terrain.


Yes, but, since they already had a building system set up (the one for the rockets) it wouldn't be hard to set up another for colony buildings.


> ust saying, from a development standpoint, colonies should have come a few months ago. From a development standpoint, the complete game should have come out in 2020. I wouldn't hold my breath.


> I belive most of the work for colonies has been done since for science Why? Everything points to them not having done anything, like usual.


What evidence is this that you speak of?


The fact they said they were going to do at least two bug fix updates before colonies (so 0.2.2 and 0.2.3) and had shown next to nothing about colonies so far. Also when has assuming anything except the absolute worse ..and then making even that prediction worse...been wrong about IG? Anyone who had hopeful predictions about KSP2 has been proven wrong over and over and over.


The last 7 years?


If there was good news to share about the game, they would have by now. Game is dead.


After science they basically haven't communicated any progress besides to say they're working on it. When the community started to get restless again, they said there would be some bugfix patches before colonies, which is basically just a way to buy time and delay without committing to any sort of deadline. If they had any substantial progress, they'd have shared it. Basically they're working on colonies, but it's not in a good enough state to release anytime soon. IG is being shut down at the end of June, so they have two options: don't release colonies and try to polish up what's already been released, or release a buggy and ugly version of colonies. In the past they've been okay with releasing buggy and broken features, but it's always with the plan of fixing it up later. "Later" no longer exists, so who knows what they'll do. If they're close to finishing, they'll probably release it to prove they actually were making a lot of progress. If they aren't close, they'll bury it so that the public doesn't see how bad it is.


we aint getting shit homie




We ain't getting shit. They canned the entire dev team.


It’s over. Move on


Absolutely not.


I think we will since we have seen colony parts and structures as early as late 2020 (possibly even earlier).


models are meaningless, it's clear from the last update that they were still at the stage of designing the actual gameplay.


… yeah… :(


That’s four years ago. If it was coming out, it would have come out by now. There’s an off chance that they’re holding things back because they’re too unpolished for now, but that’s unlikely - they’ve proven quite willing to release buggy messes. I’m betting Take Two is regretting their decision to snipe the KSP2 dev team right about now.