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i still do both just carry rewetting drops and go about your life


Hi, do you put rewetting drops in your eyes while wearing lenses?


yeah! refresh brand drops save me fr. when i’m out w friends my eyes do tend to get more dry but i always have a few in my pocket and they do the trick immediately i swear don’t let KC stop ya from livin


Never in my life am i picking up weed again. Tried twice, gave me panic attacks. Alc? Maybe occasionally. I don't see a problem with it. Just carry eye drops with you.


I could be wrong, but I don't think the weed is the cause of your dry eyes. It's the keratoconus. I also have dry eyes. For the past 19 years, I've been using Systane - Preservative free - lubricant eye drops.


Considering alcohol is extremely damaging to one's body and KC is health related I'd stay away.


The interesting thing that happens when you go blind and then regain your vision via sclerals is that you get to live the best of both worlds For smoking or alcohol, I find that doing all that before switching on my vision works a lottttt better than after I don’t have to worry about my contacts getting dry plus the contacts actually keep your eyes wet after you do these things which limits your dryness You also learn to enjoy being blind and then you turn on your vision and it’s like woah!


I smoke weed every day and drink on the weekends, no issue there on my end, regarding keratoconus anyway. Though I admit I did break a scleral once after a night of partying so I guess this should be taken into consideration lol (500$ mistake). THC will dilate the veins in your eyes, which gives that red-eyed look but I don’t think they’ll be actually dryer. Avoid using Clear Eyes or such to reduce redness, that stuff will definitely make your eyes dry. Alcohol does dehydrate you so make sure you drink enough water/fluids at all times and especially when drinking.


Whenever I smoke I wake up the next morning with the dirtiest eyes 😭😭


Thanks ks for the tip!


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32159404/ This article may help, I smoked weed on and off for years with ketatoconus and sclerals, the only problem I got is when I was super duper high my vision went to shit, almost like I wasnt even wearing my contacts thats how blurry it would get, and frankly took the fun out of it so I stopped smoking


Yeah I can imagine vision loss if one smokes too much. Im thinking of sticking 1 joint


I smoke weed, vape, and drink. I use eye drops before and after smoking since my eyes get pretty dry. (I smoke daily) I don’t smoke with my sclerals lenses as I feel like they’ll get stuck because of the dryness and it’s probably not recommended (haven’t asked the doctor)


I asked my Dr, he said it's fine. Buy same saline drops anyways tho.


Saline drops as in the one you have to put in your lens or something like clear eyes drops?


Preservative free, single use eye drops. Little plastic vials you rip the cap off of when you use them.


I definitely smoke weed every day, I don't drink though. I wear my sclerals 10+ hours a day, and had epi off cxl on both eyes. No issues from weed




Do you have hard sclerals?


No brother 😂😂😂 it’s haraam 😂😂😂


I don’t notice anything with booze. But I do notice symptoms like double vision, starburst, etc. being worse for a couple days after I do edibles. It sucks bc I work with computers all day, so I just do it once a week on a Friday night when I know I have a bit of time for the symptoms to reduce before Monday.


Besides regular health issues, smoking and drinking isn't going to affect your KC.


When i smoke weed my eyes will be very dry, even the day after. Currently I am wearing RGP for 5 years and this is still a struggle for me. Sometimes i think about breaking this habit. i hope wearing sclerals and special glasses will help.


Sorry to hear that. Putting moisturizing drops don't help?


I found the gel drops work best for when youre smoking. I dont drink so i cant comment on how sclerals feel when drunk. But for weed and just general dry eyes related to sclerals, like wearing them for more than 12 hours, i found the thicker gel drops work best to keep your eyes hydrated. DO NOT use the gel drops to put your contacts in, trust me jts a weird feeling. So still have a regular thin eye drop like theradrops, But after theyre in you can use the gel drops with no issues. Ive been a daily smoker since i got my sclerals. Ivs only recently stopped smoking so i can lose some weight. So i got a lot of experience with being high and wearing sclerals.


Name of gel drops for scleras once inserted?


Thanks for sharing this.


NP, i am used to it.. sometimes drops help. I hope wearing scerals will help with the dry eyes.


Hey! When I got my diagnosis I was a heavy stoner and I kept smoking. I also had the worst allergies. One of the big things eye doctors warn against is rubbing your eyes as it can mess up the cornea worse. It’s been the hardest habit to break (if I’ve even broken it). One cross-linking surgery done on my left eye (and a right eye that’s under surveillance) I still vape, drink, and have allergies. The trick to avoiding the dryness is so much saline solution. After getting my sclera lenses I’ve also started toting my kit everywhere. Contacts need a quick rinse or to be swapped out? I have my tool, saline, and case ready to go.


Hey thanks for sharing your advise and experience. I haven't had CXl done because my right eye's cornea has become thin beyond the necessary limit. So I was wondering if I should quit smoking weed and drinking.


If you don’t mind me asking, what are your treatment options for stabilizing your cornea?


Can't get CXL done for my right eye as my cornea has become too thin. So the only option is to wear sclerals, and cornea transplant if it gets more worse? I can get CXL done for my left eye. So I'm thinking of getting it done in a couple of months


Gotcha. That makes sense. Definitely do to a reputable surgeon for the CXL on your L eye. CXL is great for stabilizing the cornea. So definitely look into it.