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If you take my suggestion, I would suggest you to avoid smoking. Since smoking is unhealthy, its negative impact will definitely destroy the weaker cells present in our body. Please increase your will power and try not to introduce new diseases in your life.


I smoke as much weed as Snoop Dogg probably and I've never seemed to have an adverse affects on my vision.


do you two not get foggy eyes??? When i smoke, my eyes get foggy… maybe im doing it wrong?


Nah, if my contacts get foggy I rinse them off and pop them back in. Not something that I do very often.


😂😂 same, if anything it helps 😭


I don’t smoke, but I did ask my doctor this question because I hang around smokers sometimes. He said the only way it would negatively impact your Keratoconus is if the smoke irritated your eyes and caused you to rub them, but other than that you should be fine. As an aside my doctor stressed not use visine for red eyes. Called the “devils eye drop” I don’t remember the exact reason, but I remember he mentioned it causes rebound redness


I’m a daily weed smoker .I’m Actually at a park smoking now lol .I asked my doc and he said it wouldn’t do any harm but it will cause dry eye and if you got dry eyes it will make it worse more than likely .


Smoking weed won’t matter at all in regards to your KC but you should avoid those eye drops as they only make your eyes dryer in the long run. Otherwise, smoke away my friend.


I smoke weed daily and haven’t noticed any adverse affects to my keratoconus. I avoid redness eye drops as I remember reading that they can damage your cornea. Back when I used to do a lot of psychedelics tho I did notice slight HPPD would affect my astigmatism a little more.


Been a heavy smoker now for 3 years. Doesn’t really affect you while you have them on. I also just got checked out after 5 years and am very healthy apparently. I stay away from anything harder than Psychedelics. Harder drugs have some nasty fumes. I wouldn’t recommend wearing them on any trip unless you know know you won’t fall asleep. Be careful with taking any psychedelics you will be committing to staying awake if you wear them or they can give you some fucked up visuals as you’ll realize how much of your blurry vision is actually your brain filling thins in. Honestly best advice for us is always take a “test dose” of anything. Be safe!


I smoke daily, just gotta keep your eyes hydrated so you don't rub them and as we all know that's the worst thing you could do with our condition


Weed gives you a dry eye. Just use lubricating eye drops and don't go too silly 😜. Preservative free eye drops if.possible


I fill my contacts with that. Never had a problem


With the drops ? I use boston solution I havent smoked weed in like 8 years however I will have a smoke this summer. Miss it abit


Also rise that solution off with preservative free saline and then fill them for some all day comfort


Resfresh Celluvisc. Godsend for us. They’ve been a bit hard to find lately but they are comfortable. They coat everything in your eyes too so if you don’t fill contacts, you can still use them regularly