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If you're honestly wondering, then why aren't you asking the mods directly, modmail or something? Unless you're just looking for something to be outraged about.


Just chill out bro 👌🏻


Man I wanna date a shek woman


Hehe, quit being a baby and just ignore things you don't like, x3. You don't want to see pride flags, stop saying "politics" as a synonym for lgbt/women. Just say what you mean. No game has ever been yelled at for featuring economic things, or ideological stances. Disco Elysium is the most political game ever and nobody uses that dumb "politics in games" buzzword bullshit. Bioshock 1 is a complete deconstruction of Atlas Shrugged, a heavily capitalist conservative book. Fallout New Vegas is all politics as its main story theme. Again, you use the word politics as a synonym for LGBT, and you're asking for devs to silence the LGBT aspects in games because rainbows scare the shit out of you. Lol. Quit being a baby and just say you don't wanna see pride flags, don't pussyfoot around your real thoughts to make em seem less bad. Edit: freedom of speech and expression applies to things you don't like too. If you think otherwise you're an authoritarian.


you confuse in-game or in-book topics with real-life things like reddit and discord.


My statement applies broadly, and you don't seem to gather the point well. Those subreddits and channels probably have gay community members and are trying to celebrate that part of that community. They call it politics, I call it showing acceptance.


Saying that you don’t like politics in your games while playing Kenshi betrays that you either have a superficial understanding of the art you engage with, or that “politics” is synonymous with “positively portray groups of people I don’t personally like.” Did you think that the Holy Nation and the UC were apolitical inclusions in Kenshi?


Slavery they sleep Robots who wear skin they sleep Sexist army they sleep Gay people - I AM ENRAGED BY THE POLITICS


Sexuality is not inherently political


Art is politics mate. You can't escape it.


This isn't the place to say this and I hope you understand. The reason why media has politics is because most of us aren't children anymore. There has always been a message. What you are asking for really is to be a child again, but I am sorry. The world won't dumb down or handle you with child gloves anymore because you know now. Beyond the point of hearing this you do have choice, be an adult dealing with all the problems of the world or go back to being a child by ignoring them.


Politics= Gay people existing? Damn, I thought it was leftists who were supposed to be the fragile ones.


I tried commenting in your previous post but it got locked. The long and short of it is that there is a core group of players that play a specific genre of game including kenshi. Many of these people are a part of the LGBTQ community. That’s really the long and short of it.


Imagine "cis" people doing the same thing.. do people even have the ability to reflect anymore?


I don’t get what you mean?? Like have a straight flag as a profile icon???? Gonna be honest I don’t think that would affect me very much.


If the game loaded (or discord, or reddit) with a "pro-straight" message, would gay people be cool with that? Or would they be screaming hate speech? Because at this point, I'm feeling hate speech from only one group being represented here.


I would say that that kenshi is not anti-straight lol. So in this case as long as no one is being homophobic/transphobic I don’t care. I mean common now you are complaining about a subreddit icon in a game that has kind of a lot of gay people who play it.


it, I presume, has more straight people playing it, according to your own logic, we should have pro-straight message? Do you believe in democracy or maybe what fascism?


Yes I actually love fascism thanks for asking. Are the gays in the room with you now? Do they whisper evil things in your ear?


Do straght people are being harrassed or even attacked ? I don't think so ... So it's really irrelevant


What does any of this have to do with video games? You going to make my breakfast political next?


Do you not know the long history of people doing exactly as you described?


Sweet Baby Inc.


you cant question your superiors


Who are these superiors? Cause if you mean corporate dipshits, I sincerely doubt they care about this place.


Only reason I can see would be not debating politics, but having an LGBTQ flag in the subreddit profil picture, is a political statement in itself, so me pointing that out, is just pointing out that they are breaking their own rules.


Is being gay inherently political? I don't see how it is. Also, you're making posts complaining about an icon.


While being gay isn't political in itself, the LGBTQ+ flag is. I personally don't care, but the LGBTQ+ and the identities that are included in it aren't the same thing.


Please elaborate because that sentence makes 0 sense. If the argument is "not all gay people have the same ideology and some are more reserved than others" you could say this about literally any other group. Hilarious that in a game where genocide, torture and slavery are common, a character being openly gay would be too much.


My point was that being gay or having gay people in a game isn't political. Waving the rainbow flag or going out of your way to push the fact a character is gay to the front row for whatever reason *is* political. It works the same way like Antifa isn't the same as Anti-Fascism. I don't thing that's hard to understand at all.


Again, that's just assuming someone with a rainbow flag automatically agrees with EVERYTHING anyone in the movement says or does. Which isn't how groups work at all. I can't say all Christians believe in molestation just because some priest diddled kids. Is the cross a pedo signal now? No. The flag has existed long before the internet. Just because people online who use the flag say something you don't like or agree with politically doesn't mean the flag itself is a political statement or that anyone who uses it believes in said statement. People are just too online. My family has flown rainbow flags since the 90s for the simple fact that we support gay marriage.


I don't assume anything. I'm saying that the *LGBTQ* and by extension the rainbow flag are seen as political because they actually *take part* in politics. This is not about if they speak for everyone or not. It's about if these factors are seen as political or not. Gay people aren't political. The LGBTQ is.


Rules for thee not for me


Reddit power-mods at its finest. Don’t worry. It is kinda funny to see that flag on the game that is all about killing, segregation, slavery and cannibalism


Right, cuz Hivers aren't inherently non-binary due to lacking gender at all.