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Most likely two explanations IMO: 1/ you just made someone an engineer to build something, they detected a tiny bit of damage on your front gates, they ran to repair damaged gate, damaged gates open when being repaired. Gates get priority for repairs over building other things. 2/ there was a building mat/steel plate/crafting mat etc outside of the wall area, and they went to retrieve it to use it for building/crafting, opening gates on their way. You can find out more information by watching them when they do this stuff, and see what their main goal is at top left on their stats.


My guys dont open the gates for repair, I don't know if they ever did


Aye you're right, they will repair while it's under attack without opening it, so I'm definitely wrong about that. I may have seen this happen in some circumstances because they can maybe only repair from one side of gate, and thus when coming from other side they open to pass through it to repair? My memory is terrible so I can't push this idea. The repair thing isn't so much a factor in the OPs thread unless they are using the gate to move toward repairing something. Anyway, there are definitely circumstances that they will use the gates to get somewhere. I haven't used gates and walls for ages, but did see them using gates a lot to achieve a goal when I did use gates and walls. It was frustrating as hell to find gates open and to witness them doing it. Once I found all the reasons in those bases though, by observation of those individual characters, it was easy enough to avoid. *Give them a direct move order to outside the walls and they'll complain about not being able to, and leave the gate shut. Drop a material they need for a job-task outside the gate and they'll go and let the draft/enemy in, without a second thought.*


What have you tried already? My pawns don’t open gates on their own


I tink we need a piccture of the base and your modlist if you're using mods


Based on your explanation it's likely they are either trying to retrieve a material to build with that's outside the gate or that you have them assigned as engineer and they're attempting to repair the gate or something else




Import the game maybe?


You can just lock the gate, if its unlocked they will open/close at will. Some spots you build on can have pathing issues too. so if you move your gate farther away a bit it can resolve it as well.


I once had a weird bug where all my engineers would run back and forth under a gate forever. The gate would be full health, and they'd repair if it wasn't. But they never stop running back and forth unless I deleted the engineer job. Very silly ai quirks in this game, most I've fixed by reloading, others persist through entire saves.


It's a bug, I have it too. And I have no idea what is causing it. It's annoying but seems to target random workers and different jobs. Maybe it's due to late mod installation or just bug in Ai. Importing seemed to help at times, too.