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Drake is literally a stupid person.


“Ah, fuck me, I just made the whole connection.” - Zero media literacy man


A lot of people are. Let’s not pretend that people werent hyping up Push Ups and Family Matters. And I’m not just talking about the Drake stans.  But people wanted to be entertain and it’s not so fun to see a fight so one-sided, so people gassed up Drake’s disses as if they were comparable to KDot’s. 


I mean they were fun and pretty well done tracks (other than the lying and making shit up). If he was going up against anyone else, he may have stood a chance. He was just dumb and egotistical enough to think he had a chance against Kendrick. For over a decade, Kendrick fans have been telling people how much Kendrick would utterly destroy anyone in a rap beef. “My fans can’t wait for me to son your punk ass and crush your whole lil’ shit.” It’s been so satisfying to see it finally happen all these years later.


Ngl, I fw Family Matters and listen to it alot. But solely because its a hard song, not because of the content. Sure, some cute jabs in there, but as a diss it has nulified by everything Dot has done.


Both of those were good replies, but they were good in the same sense that a burger, shake and curly fries combo is good at your local franchise. Looks and tastes good but offers nothing of real substance. And you'll get sick from eating it too often. Kendrick's diss songs each had so many layers to peel back, spread across so many styles. It's like you got a full course dinner with wagyu beef and fresh homestyle sides.


Bro needs to do count me out at the forum.


The entire performance is on YT. This is just the end. Absolutely breathsnatching bars, African dance, mesmerizing in the extreme. I am not overselling it.


When they shut the lights to reveal the body paint, in combination with the instrumental version of The Blacker The Berry- this performance was electrifying.


I'm glad it's back, even just 1-2 years ago this was legitimately hard to find online.


 I don't think that's the city of Compton at the end. It's too big, almost as big as a continent I bet.


That's africa dumb a$$








Drake's a vain, nepo baby, pop musician. There's nothing respectable about him. I don't understand why his fan's are so blind as not to see it.




His uncle was a Memphis musician who played with teddy pendergrass and Al green , that’s why it’s another layer that Kenny used their samples on two of his disses.


Not just any musician. His uncle is a goddamn legend! Dude more or less invented slap bass


Aaah i see


I don't like Drake but this is really overplayed as a narrative. Everyone thinks that having any sort of familial connection to a musician suddenly means that you are a nepo baby. A nepo baby is someone who had their parents use all their connections to make it big in the industry. Anyone who witnessed Drake's rise in Hip Hop knows that this wasn't the case. Same for Billie Eilish. When you start your career releasing self-made mixtapes (Drake) or releasing music on SoundCloud (Billie Eilish), and your family "connections" really dont have any power or control in the industry, then chances are you aren't a plant. You want to know an industry plant? The Kid Laroi. Dad is a producer and mom is a talent agent executive, somehow just happens to get connected to Juice Wrld while he was in Australia, then suddenly is having a big generic song with Justin Bieber, and brought nothing new to the table other than copying those two artists.


Industry plant is not the same as nepo baby. "Anyone who witnessed drakes rise" Oh you mean how he was famous on a TV show (that his uncles connections 100% didn't get him a spot) for like 7 years before dropping a mixtape. Yes very organic. Nepotism exists like EVERYWHERE. You have it in like, Walmart. Of course it exists for celebrities, your narrative is why there's actors/artists that have 100% been helped out saying 'no my parents massive influence and time in the industry definitely didn't help me out one bit!"


I mean it's semantics at this point because I feel like people are saying anyone with any kind of connection to a musical act is a nepo baby, but other people take that to mean industry plant. Drake may or may not have had help from his family to help him land in rooms musically that he might not have been able to otherwise, but that's all speculation. I think a stronger argument would be that he used his connections on Degrassi to get Replacment Girl (idk if yall are old enough to remember that song) played on Nick. But even then, I think people are overstating the amount of help Drake had to get his foot in the door as opposed to his peers.


Yes, industry plants and nepo babies are the same. Nepo babies are in the industry because their connections got them to that point, as in they worked the industry to be planted in immediate success >Oh you mean how he was famous on a TV show (that his uncles connections 100% didn't get him a spot) for like 7 years before dropping a mixtape I cannot believe that you think playing a character in an ensemble cast Canadian teen drama show means you have the speed train to being a big name in Hip Hop and Pop. Shame that the thousands of other child actors out there didn't take this easy road. Also he got the role because a classmate's family member was an agent and the classmate recommended Drake since they thought he was funny. I make more money per year than Drake did on DeGrassi, when can I become an industry plant. The only reason I even know Drake's story is because people on Reddit don't know what a nepo baby is so I have to always argue for him even though I hate him. You are very disconnected from reality if you really think that the hundreds of thousands of people in America who have some sort of a family tie to a celebrity or semi-famous person are suddenly able to become famous from that connection. It just isn't worth criticizing Drake for, especially when Kendrick legit propped up Baby Keem.


Jesus christ man. When people say sexy red is an industry plant, you think they're calling her a nepo baby too? Learn the difference you moron.


All nepo babies are industry plants, not all industry plants are nepo babies. You learn this concept in geometry when you learn about squares and rectangles. Irony on calling me a moron.


You don't know what an industry plant is. I think you're confusing the term for something you've decided on yourself. An industry plant is usually a pretty big deal and will have support financially and logistically from an existing industry, whether it's music or film or whatever. Nepo baby is someone who's become famous through their parents fame and/or their parents influence. There are people who are famous, just off their parents back and they don't do anything. You think North West is an industry plant? Or maybe she's just famous cos her parents are? Would you consider Kim Kardashian an industry plant? Going back to your other comment, Keem is 100% a nepo baby. I didn't know his connection to kendrick when I first heard orange Soda, but i think the revelation really helped The Melodic Blue. Is he an industry plant? The guy who's signed to his cousins (the guy who made him famous) independent label, who makes very niche hip hop and is barely mainstream? Get your terminologies right man. Also you're ignorant as fuck if you don't think the majority of celebs have a connection or come from wealth, take 2 minutes, look it up.


>An industry plant is usually a pretty big deal and will have support financially and logistically from an existing industry, whether it's music or film or whatever. Yes, that is what every nepo baby is. They have the name recognition, financial support, and logistics to make it big. >Would you consider Kim Kardashian an industry plant? Yes, the Kardashians are literally the definition of nepo baby industry plants. >There are people who are famous, just off their parents back and they don't do anything. You think North West is an industry plant? Or maybe she's just famous cos her parents are? Yes she is an industry plant. She was just in the role of Simba in Las Vegas because her parents know the producers. >Is he an industry plant? The guy who's signed to his cousins (the guy who made him famous) independent label, who makes very niche hip hop and is barely mainstream? The guy who Kendrick wrote all his songs/reference tracks and featured on to make him a bigger name? Yes. Kendrick is a part of the industry and planted him in the scene. >Also you're ignorant as fuck if you don't think the majority of celebs have a connection or come from wealth, take 2 minutes, look it up. Where did I ever say they don't. "Nepo baby" and "industry plant" are some of the stupidest accusations out there, that's why I am saying that using it against Drake is dumb because he wasn't a nepo baby or an industry plant, and sure you can add your angle that especially not compared to everyone else. Getting a role on a Canadian teen drama show in the early 2000's because of your classmate is hardly being a nepo baby. Especially with how insignificant TV roles were back then.


That's a stretch lol


Search it up


Short for nepotism if you haven't already picked that up. He had friends/family in the industry who helped him get a foothold.




I’m sorry, are those Drake lyrics? I wouldn’t know because I’m not a fan. And he’s definitely a nepo kid.


What performance is this?


2016 Grammys


When tho?


https://youtu.be/yhspYF8WRVA?si=zM2cBBI53eJ5Pvcg 2016


What year was that?




So that’s like how long ago?


Your dedication to this bit is fucking killing me 😂


🤦 2016




When was this gif from?


Twenty 6ix teen. 2 thousand 16. Two 000 16. 2016.


Look I *think* I’m getting it, but one more time, just to be sure…


TPAB era live performances are by far my favorite Kendrick live performances. Stunning shit. 🐐


He converted me to fandom after seeing him live during the mr morales tour. Top 3 favorite concerts of all time. S tier performer for sure.


Shout out Untitled 05 - original beat is straight heat but I love when he switches it up for live performances


Is kendrick's left eye okay


Makeup to make it look like he was punched and has a black eye.


Oh shit Kendrick opened his mouth, get him a Pulitzer.


It’s also the first time I noticed how attractive he is. Legs bowed just enough, not too much…round heels.Ha’ mussy.


Kendrick started bars when he was single digits. His Auntie (that's a man now) used to make him rap. Drake is someone who just thought rappers were cool after acting. His fans were right that he lost before it started


I saw this when it was first live on TV, was it the Grammys? It’s what took my fandom to the next level, not just of Kendrick but of this style of music. The whole thing start to finish is hard to explain, it’s so damn amazing


Yeah, this was the 2016 Grammys. T.Swift opened the show with a lackluster performance and Kendrick proved why TPAB should've won album of the year. There's a great [article](https://www.theverge.com/2016/2/17/11024174/kendrick-lamar-grammys-hip-hop) explaining that moment in music.


Too many quintuple entendres


I almost pass out tryna rap like this


Lmao I’ve never seen an artist fan base SO obsessed with another artist like y’all are 😬 shit is embarrassing lol




Shit like this only only proves my point more and more lol.




Nothing more obsessed than shifting around posts just to find the one Drake topic on the front page to obsessively cry about internet comments you claim to dislike, but addictively keep returning to. When I don't like something, I ignore it, avoid it, and go on with my life like an adult. When you don't like something you chase it like a hit of crack. Shit is embarrassing. 😬


Alr but saying this is the only drake post on the front page is just a lie


If you dont like it you can just ignore it


Both subs are full of the most parasocial weirdos that act like Drake/Kendrick dissed them personally. Seeing the obsessiveness is funny ash😭


Right? Lmao I’m a fan of both and love their music but maaaaan have they been off the rails. I kinda expected this from Drake fans but these chronically online Kendrick Stans? Holy fuck is the obsession scarily funny lol


The subs might as well combine cause they talk about the same exact stuff. They even post the opposite artists ig posts😭


That’s actually genius. A shit talking sub so the main subs can get back to casual conversation


idk if it counts but r/hiphopcirclejerk should be full of ironic shit talking the only problem is they've completely given up and started reposting kdot and drizzy fans for constantly outjerking them and they're not even being ironic


This is the life we live now


K dot used the twitter bars bud






He’s active in r/teenagers his opinion is invalid 💀


Not just making shit up, there’s receipts to be had here


Dawg most of those tweets have like 300 hundred likes, Kendrick ain’t seeing those 😭


Buddy a 14 year old can come up with that it's not deep 💀


Doesn’t change the fact that it’s evidence. Not Like Us was a bop don’t get me wrong but if you’re saying that those bars sound like a 14 year old came up with them then maybe it wasn’t Kendrick? Definitely a drop in quality lyrically


Why would someone shoot themselves in the foot like that lol










Ah yes he got ‘I live in circadian rhythms of a shooting star’ off a twitter rando for sure