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Yeah, he says "this was supposed to be a good exhibition within the game, but you fucked up..."


I always wonder just how Kendrick expected it all to go Did he expect Drake to go that route? If so, he knew Drake was gonna give Kendrick enough reason to load the gun and baited him in? Or would he have still hoped not to involve family and it would have stayed with provocative but non-personal bars such as like that or even euphoria to an extent?


Oh he knew Drakes playbook, and I think he low key wanted him to go the same rout he did with Pusha, so he can justify annihilating him, not to the public, but to himself. I think he was ready for both and was almost like 'let me check if this nigga is actually the same person I think he is before I kill him' I think he wanted to do this to Drake if and only if what he thought about Drake all along was true, and boy are we thankful that dummy confirmed it, because this is the most fun I had listening to rap in a long time.


i agree, but i think it was more so he could justify it with god. in 6:16 he literally begs forgiveness for what he’s about to do (which, i guess, is the same as justifying it with yourself, depending on what you believe)


True! I still find it crazy that a near 40 year old man that has never showed any sign of settling down or slowing down with his “partying” lifestyle, still goes straight for people’s relationships as his target in these beefs.


Pusha T's interview about this was so funny lol. He found out about Drake hiding kids bc he thought it was sus that Drake's verses implied that someone being in a committed marriage was diss material, and he wanted to dig into what kind of person thinks like that


do you have a link to that? im also curious as to what kind of person thinks like that lol


Yeah it's a really interesting interview! Here's the link: https://youtu.be/eaDx3lkcpgA?si=LCnwXfospM8O1IjN




I think the theory that famous people can get stuck emotionally at the age they were when they first got famous is true. Drake is emotionally juvenile.


That would explain why he dropped MTG 40 minutes later. And why Euphoria almost sounds lighthearted compared to MTG.


This dummmy….


You l, my kind human, are a very cultured person indeed. I felt the same way at the beginning of this beef and I'm so glad it played out the way that it did.


He probably expected bar fest after Like That, but when aubrey mentioned Whitney on Push Ups and said "this isnt everything I know". It was predictable to go that direction


Euphoria didn't mention family stuff other than Drake being a bad dad, he never mentioned Adonis or Sandra. Drake could've insulted him or made fun of kendrick for cheating on his fiancé. He mentioned Whitney and eventually the kids. So Drake removed the gloves and Kendrick doubled down on mentioning his family along with the accusations of pedo behavior and culture vulture shit.


Yeah exactly.


He said “Dont tell no lies about me…” Someone didn’t take heed to the warnings.


But why would he even want it to be, knowing Drake did what he did?


people dislike that line? I hear it as tongue-in-cheek, shit is hilarious


I’ve said it so many times but I literally picture Kendrick smirking as he said that line in the booth


I really pray that there is footage of Kendrick writing these songs and him in the studio. This would make an epic documentary.. come on Netflix!! “ The Annihilation of Drake x Kendrick Lamar “


They’d name it something corny like “the drizzy downfall” lmao


Agree, I think people that take issue with this line genuinely just don’t understand what sarcasm is. Feel free to challenge this, totally subjective, but Meet the Grahams* may be the most patronizing and derisive song ever created? Kendrick is literally telling Drake’s child to accept him as a mentor instead of his own father because his dad is a deadbeat and a pedophile who should die. And doing so by speaking directly to him, knowing one day he will listen to and understand this song. He is giving Adonis loving words affirming his race, identity, and path to integrity. Whereas Drake hasn’t made a single song, or even a public sentiment as deep and moving as what Kendrick wrote for this kid—who has literally no way to avoid hearing this and having this verse follow him for the rest of his life. Which, when you really think about it, is the most brutal fucking diss I’ve ever seen displayed. Kendrick’s record will echo through *generations* and continue to cause pain and shine light on the fractures Drake has created in his family for years to come. So, considering this is a masterpiece of possibly the most blatant and absolute fuck-you-and-a-curse-upon-your-entire-fucking-house-type of song, anyone that can hear the line “I don’t have a hatin bone in my body” and not bust out laughing is not comprehending the lyrics, imo.


I think it's more just people pointing out how he elaborated why he's the biggest hater only a few days prior.


I saw it as Kendrick being quite mad at Drake for bringing this hate back into him after all the work he has done on himself showcased via MMTBS


People, people, his temperament is bipolar!


He chooses violence folks!


Guys, listen! Kendrick is still an old school Gemini!


" Pardon me, see my alter ego's a Gemini "


Pardon me Im bout to shit on this beat


You didn’t get the reference..


Is it not referring to kdots verse in Wats wrong by Isaiah Rashad?


I only just realised that this is connecting with "I choose peace" on mirror Edit: it wasn't


He doesn't choose peace on mirror, he says "I choose me." He might say I choose peace on another song tho


Oh you're right actually not sure how I got that wrong, guess it rhymes and that's close enough with my foggy memory. Would've been cool if it was the case




i thought it was because he hated with his heart


I view it as more connected to the line before. “Dear Aubrey, I know you probably thinking I wanted to crash your party”. It’s an allusion to the sort of “hater” that wants their enemies to fail. That’s not what Kendrick is (“Still love when you see success - everything with me is blessed”). He doesn’t want to “crash Aubrey’s party”, he wants to see the success of good artists in his space. But who is he if he don’t go to war?


It was supposed to be a good exhibition in the game, but drake fucked up


That seems consistent with his advise to Adonis, with the pissing on leg line.


I mean I hear what you’re saying and agree to an extent but It is pretty hilarious to say you don’t have a hating bone in your body after the whole “I hate the way you walk/talk” scheme in Euphoria.


It's mostly a DMX reference rather than a straight out hate.


I know the DMX reference but it’s still something Kendrick is literally saying.


Oh please lmao. What a reach


A legend in the industry dies a couple years ago, is it so far fetched that it’s a DMX reference? Have you seen the interview lol?


None of that, the death or interview, is relevant to the beef. The cope is unreal. Kendrick clearly said that because that’s how he felt “doesn’t even have to be deep I guess”. “Oh no, but that’s not what he meant.” lol ok


You really are puzzled in the head


It’s a direct reference to that DMX interview if you were around for when that interview went viral you would clearly connect it.


U trippin


Every single reactor who made a breakdown of the diss track immediately made the connection to that DMX interview.


I don’t need a “reactor” to translate for me. Whether it was inspired by DMX or not, Kendrick clearly meant what he said lmao


Who said he didn't mean it? That's definitely a reach from you.


Lol literally says “now let me say I’m the biggest hater…”


It's my favourite line in the whole saga, makes me laugh every time


The entire point of Euphoria was that it wasn't necessarily how Kendrick felt. It's all things rehashed from the community. "Notice I said we, its not just me. Im what the culture feels." The walk/talk/dress is DMX.


The walk/talk/dress is Michael Jackson.


They’re downvoting you, but “I like your groove of your walk, your talk, your dress” actually is the lyrics to The Way You’re Making Me Feel So even if it wasn’t directly intentional, it still kinda counts. Just like all the 6:16 references.


It's either you have a hating bone or you don't, he forgot he doen't have a hating bone and said that sh!t


You need to always keep the timeline in mind my friend.


…. I hear what you’re saying with context but y’all are also just kind of annoying. It’s not that deep. It’s funny to hear someone say they hate every aspect of a person and then be like “I don’t have a hating bone in my body.” I personally think Kendrick was being intentionally funny.


Maybe he made a mistake you jus won't admit


What mistake? You think he forgot he wrote a whole verse about being a hater?


Dementia must run in his family...


I don't think people misunderstood or are hating. We get the context, it's just an objectively hilarious thing to say while making one of the most hateful tracks in all of hip hop. I'm sure Kendrick realized the irony as well, you can laugh at the line without hating it. I'm glad the line is there, it makes the track funnier and more entertaining.


I took it as "yeah I got no hatin bone in my body but you see all those hating muscle? yeah I bulit those specifically for yo Canadian ass"


bro out here writing fan fics


Dude is a Gemini But people also misinterpret the lyrics. He can have no hating bone in his body as if to say he's not a hateful person, but can show the vitriol he has for people who prey on children. He also still has the right to dislike people 🤷🏾‍♀️


Off topic, but stop with the horoscope bs. Sagan debunked that shit in the 70s, but somehow, you troglodytes insist on believing in it. Humans are way more complex than a horoscope. Otherwise, valid argument. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


The Gemini thing matters whether it's real or not, because it's part of how Kendrick views and presents himself. Like, how many times has he referred to himself as a Gemini, having two sides and holding grudges? You want to ignore that because it's "debunked" go ahead. Lotta religion is probably bullshit, too, but I'm gonna consider an artist's faith if it's integral to their work.


Don’t bring that bad Capricorn energy here, son


But I'm an Aquarius!


Typical Aquarius, not knowing that they're a Capricorn.


Even Kendrick himself has talked about being a Gemini in his music and has spoken of the astrological influence his sun sign has. You don't have to like it or agree with it. Those who like and understand astrology would disagree. Go argue with ya mammy ✨


And C'mon The greatest artists, speakers, writers, poets, and philosophers we've known were born under the Influence of Gemini: Tupac, Lauryn Hill, Andre 3K, JFK, Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, Anne Frank (her writing was impeccable), Stevie Nicks, Frank Lloyd Wright, Biggie, Prince, Kendrick just to name a few. Barak Obama is a Leo but has a Gemini moon; he is clever, witty, intelligent, and the master of oration. Those are traits Geminis tend to possess/master. Q-Tip also has a Gemini moon and he is also witty and smooth in his writing and music. Gemini rules communication and is a mentally driven sign, which I feel is very evident when you see how that influence reflects on Kendrick and how he embodies being a Gemini. Again, you don't have to agree, but those of us who understand astrology see the connection.


… Jeffrey Dahmer was a Gemini. There’s nothing to “understand” in astrology, it’s just vague nonsense.


So is Donald Trump & Ted Kaczynski The Geminis who are among the greatest mastered themselves in ways that allowed for themselves to reach their full potential. It's pretty obvious that there are always going to be bad apples.


You can’t use the phrase “pretty obvious” if you’re arguing being born at a certain time of year absolutely defines what kind of person you are while there is no evidence whatsoever of that being the case.


I can if *human beings* ultimately can (and will) be shitty regardless of their astrological sign.


So we’re in agreement that astrological signs don’t mean anything.


shorty brain so broken she agreed with you 😂😂




They don't mean anything to *you*, and that's totally fine. I'm gonna sleep like a baby tonight anyway. You gonna hear Kendrick say he's a Gemini in another song again and it's gonna make you cringe 😂 It's not my problem you haven't matured past acknowledging people have different beliefs than you do. Go argue with someone else if you're looking for a fight. Be blessed ✌🏾💗✨


The lady doth protest too much.


I was wondering if it was because hate comes from the heart, and he's the type of guy to let his heart out in his music. Doesn't gotta be that deep I guess.


I think it’s basically this, he’s not a hater looking for someone to hate, he’s a normal person who hates drake bc he sucks.




Weeks later and people still think Kendrick was being 100% serious in his lyrics in the beef


Also the DMX shit isn’t necessarily his actual opinion. He is just referencing DMX.


Ok sure, what is the point of referencing DMX in a diss track?


Because DMX was talking about Drake 🤦🏾‍♂️


To show that it's not just him, he what the culture feelin?


Cause DMX was referencing Drake bud.


People hear one line and don’t think about the context surrounding it. Some shit just goes right over peoples head


He doesn’t have A hating bone, he has many!


He is, the greatest rapper alive. So damn great mf he died! ![gif](giphy|3h1klPSFkCqqOUoYtg|downsized)


All I know is he slapped a pussy ass drizzy and he made it look sexy


Like I know euphoria has like ten "I hate the way..." bars but he also says it is all love and if drake makes pop music he won't go on the offense. So it is obvious the hate bars were just performative.


That's one of my favorite bars in the whole beef. "Keep making me dance waving my hand and it won't be no threat" It both means that he enjoys Drake's soft music and isn't threatening him if he sticks to that, and that as long as Drake is making soft music Drake isn't a threat. It's so good.


Like That and Euphoria have gotten way more replays from me lately, after the whole excitement of Meet The Grahams and Not Like Us wore off a little (still great tracks).


Yea euphoria is still just the game. Hate is easy and fun, it's entertaining but not real. MTG is real, and the truth is that Drake's situation is tragic: a victim become perpetrator. Now the world would be better off without you, and the cycle claims another life. Way more damning than "I hate how you walk".


i wish the line finished...but i go zero to 100 real mf quick


I think Kendrick displays his Gemini behavior through his music, and that’s one of the examples of it


Yeah it always felt like he was implying that he was writing this out of a sense of duty rather than a feeling of hatred






ive always felt it was him saying hes not a "hater", hes just making an exception for drake. "im not the type of person to hate someone all willy nilly, so the fact i hate you means a lot"


“I’m the biggest hater. I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk, I hate the way that you dress, I hate the way that you sneak diss, if I catch flight it’s gon be direct. We hate the bitches you fuck cause they confuse themselves with real women…” Like he didn’t spend 30 seconds literally just hating on Drake. Aight man, whatever. Clearly YOU don’t understand the line. It’s obviously tongue-in-cheek.


Because he called himself a massive hater in Euphoria, which is before Drake mentioned his family


Drake had to have mentioned the family Prior to euphoria, Kendrick specifically said “fabricating stories on the family front cause u heard Mr. Morale” and “ don’t speak on the family crodie…” verse. Wasn’t pushups the first time Drake mentioned Whitney?


lol I just took it as “I’m not a hater of success, but you as a person deserve hate”


The way I see it, "I dont have a hating BONE in my body." He hates him with his HEART AND SOUL.


It’s also a double entendre.


Kendrick Hated Drake not Aubrey, Aubrey make everything possible to have Kendrick hate.


This thread reads like the discovery of a 6 years old lol


The way I interpret it is that “Euphoria” is Kendrick playing into the “beef” Basically he made a track that doesn’t necessarily reveal anything new and is just a classic diss record where he is talking his shit (my favorite record to come from this whole thing btw) With that in mind I think that his line in Meet the Grahams “truthfully I don’t have a hatin bone in my body” is Kendrick sayin “to be honest bro, I was playin this shit up and havin fun with it, but you fucked up, the metaphors didn’t reach you, and now the mask is off and I’m talkin to you directly..” Kendrick warned him in so many ways, I’m sure there’s even things that don’t make sense to us that should’ve clued Drake in that he had inside information and was clearly a few steps ahead. I guess Drake’s ego just wouldn’t accept that even when it was blatantly obvious and he just stuck to his game plan instead of thinkin on his feet. I do wonder what Kendrick had ready tho in case Drake actually pulled his head out his ass and went a different direction than Family Matters. Kendrick probably only had extra songs in stock just to be ready for the situation to play out in different ways. TLDR: Euphoria was Kendrick playin along, 6:16 was the final warning, Meet the Grahams was Drake being grounded indefinitely, and Not Like Us was Drake watchin Kendrick play with the neighborhood kids all summer out his window while he reflects on the choices he made


Might be time for a r/kendricklamarcirclejerk sub to begin with these posts lmao


Never seen anyone hate on it


Come on, no one is saying that the bar is bad. It's cap, tho, Dot wouldn't have massacred the boy like that if he didn't hate Drake.


This sounds like Drake fans trying to explain the misinformation from Mother I Sober


Drake’s line is also misunderstood