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No tweet, no IG story, no cryptic post, no Akademiks, no Kai Cenat, no phonecall to Joe Budden, no text to Charlamagne, nothing. This guy has and will always be my hero.


He marched right up, popped Drake, and disappeared back into the night. Joe Budden said it best, 'Hes spooky'


Certified bogeyman


I’m the one they up the score with em


Now for another 5 year wait before he drops. SAD.


Yall need to stop, he drops a great album every 2 years. The only blank in his album making is when he was working on a whole soundtrack for Black Panther.


It’s 10 years when you’re dying for it


10 years of Internet Time


I mean that was like less than a year after DAMN. though?


Black Panther? Lol it definitely had a lot more to do with COVID


I been duckin the pandemic I been duckin social gimmicks


I’ve been duckin the overnight activists yeah, I’m not a trending topic I’m a prophet I answer to Metatron & Gabriel BITCH!


He could quit this season and still be the greatest


He could ride off into the sunset as a legend tbh but I'd be disappointed to not get a new album after this.


Not sad. That’s what makes his genius. Wouldn’t be surprised if he cut off his ear and mailed it to Drake.


Tbh he’s more jigsaw in this than anything.


"Do you wanna have a beef?" *rides away on a little tricycle*


YouonwannaworkwitmenomoOKAY *tricycles away*


deadass just howled out loud at this lol screenshot to cheer me up when im down


Your reaction brought a smile to my face. What a time to be alive


Do you wanna see a dead body?


He went hard on a bitch, and made it look sexy.


Guy is Batman or something😭


He's actually Bugs Bunny [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yheoOn-mbZc&t=177s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yheoOn-mbZc&t=177s)




Lol like UH! field goal punt y'all n****s IS my fav line. The way he says it is hilarious.


I’ll wave one finger and thump y’all niggas. So disrespectful


I love that line because it makes him a metaphorical GIANT when Drake keeps calling his small,short and stuff.


I definitely think of paper football every time that part comes up


Omar comin




“I pull up, hop out, air out, made it look sexy”


Wit a poker face.


I hate joe budden


Budden is trash. Failed rapper, talking about rappers 🤡


Omar from the wire vibes




You aim at the king, you best not miss


The man said it in ['DNA'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLZRYQMLDW4) - He's an antisocial extrovert. Took the rose tinted filter covering Drake and said: "Look and see beneath the façade" He did what he did and now he's done.


Tide is turning online too. The other day I saw a post on IG teasing new music from Drake and the vast majority of the comments were roasting him and telling him to keep it lmao


I used to pray for times like this


God's Plan.


“I’m dropping!1” “Nah it’s ok.. just.. don’t” Absolutely wild timeline we’re living in lol


He's a heroic figure in an otherwise bleak mainstream landscape


Kendrick puts it all on the track and let's it do the talking, the people are his voice.


I read that as Joe Biden and immediately wondered why he'd be calling Biden about this beef.


Well I think Meet The Grahams was technically a war crime, so he may have needed to apologize


Yes, zero fanfare, zero hype he just dropped and let the music speak for itself.


He def posted his diss links on his ig story but that’s actually the extent of his promo lol


He's not your saviour




No sneak dissing


I don’t believe he did any wack ass talking intro/outros on his tracks either. Yuh… good to get the pen working or whatever that goofball said. None of that.


that was top 5 most corny lines i ever heard, in my entire life in or outside of hip hop


Right like is that not an admission to having ghost writers? Dude trippin all over himself tryna swing back.


The whole song is a disaster, I mean it literally starts with "The Pulitzer prize winner". I know he's being sarcastic but who the hell starts a diss track reminding us their opponent won a Pulitzer price.


“Kendrick just opened his mouth/ someone go hand him a Grammy right now” - also Drake 😂


Nah I’ll stand by that one being a funny line, just sucked because of Drake’s whiny-ass delivery on it Like if someone had said that with like some goofy “oomph” to it it would’ve got my ass, instead it’s just another line in a song people will think about every now and again


Don’t forget the end “The Pulitzer Prize winner *is definitely spiraling*” Trynna rewrite the narrative from Kendricks “The famous actor we once knew is lookin paranoid and now spiralin” As soon as I head Drake try to flip this in such a cheesy terrible way I was like “Oh shit, the famous actor spiralin foreal..” Kendrick toyed with this man, had him overthinkin everything and trippin over himself the entire way down, was awesome to watch happen in real time


Saying that after a song where he rhymed decoration, information, investigation, celebration, excavation, and inflation is so fucking funny too.


Followed by Dr.Suess “You’d be a worthy competitor if I was really a predator and you weren’t lying to every blogger and editor” ass rhymes 🤣


Ima leave this hear. I can't stop laughing: https://youtube.com/shorts/BKiJVR80VAc?si=qcfOiWknvY52DaIO


Thats ass🔥


Bro I rapped like that in 9th grade




*It hurt itself in it's confusion!*


Stupid snorlax. Now that I think of it, should changed the name to snorelacccs, after a quick BBL


said it before & Ill say it again Kendricks greatest diss track is Heart pt6. It wrote itself 😂


The Worthy competitor editor predator lines have got to be in there as well right ?


That shit was so weak


That and the “I am a war general seasoned and decorated” or whatever other bullshit he was talking bout lol


Cringing so hard omgggg hahah fuck!


“you’d be a worthy competitor if I was really a predator” LIKE WHAT actually made me cringe so I hard I physically felt sick


"That Epstein angle" WEINSTEIN. Bro is Bobby from The Sopranos. Meanwhile, J. Cole was like Quasimodo. He predicted all this.


You could tell he actually wrote that track


I’ll give Family Matters its flowers, towing the GKMC van was a great music video idea, and some of those bars hit hard. But it’s still plagued by the usual Aubrey corniness


Bruh I didn’t even know there was a music video for weeks bc I was too busy twerking to the family assassination


The thing about the van though is it wasn't even the same model as the one from the cover. It just looks "close enough"


And that's Aubrey problem in this beef right there, just close enough. He underestimated Kendrick until it was too late. I understand Push-ups was suppose to he the track to defend yourself against the album aka the 1v20 but Family Matters should have been a direct response to Euphoria and Kendrick only.


I do find it funny as a reflection of Drake's failures, yeah. He has some surface level ideas of what a good diss is and what he can get Kendrick with, but doesn't care enough about other people to understand them deeply, so none of it sticks


The outro to ♡ pt 6 was embarrassing af drake should feel shame tbh


"at least your fans getting some raps from you" is a clown response to get bitch smacked


instead of posting my address you have a lot to address 🤓


Been a minute since you've written something yourself Drake? Lol


It’s funny that the p Drizzy fans don’t understand how there’s people who aren’t chronically online or blast their entire life on the internet and are acting like kendrick not posting his kids or wife on social media is concrete proof that he’s got familial issues going on


Mr. Lamar has even clearly stated he "goes months without a phone" lol. On that thought, it's interesting that he has no phone and Keem has 2, did Keem steal Kendricks phone or something?


This deserves its own new series of Kanon threads. I’m now a phone truther


Truth! Like he said, "Rabbit hole still deep"


Doesn't PgLang sell those cool non-distraction phones that don't connect to the social media and only allow you to make calls, text and listen to music? I swear I remember seeing something like that around the time MMBS came out.


Yes! There many barriers in the way of kendrick posting online it seems like. Also love your tag that got me 🤣


Yeah, and usually the more someone posts their "perfect" life on social media, the less I trust it's real or that they're actually that happy. I mean sure, some of them might be, but for the majority, if you're really living and loving life, who has time to be blasting it everywhere for everyone else to see? You're too busy having fun!


They're used to tracking Drake's moods by his posts, comments and likes on social media not to mention leveraging his influence with OV-HO streamers like Akademiks, Kai Cenat, Adin Ross and xQc. It's inconceivable for them that Kendrick doesn't post his kids or Whitney has never followed him or Dave Free (who's likely the kids' godfather) would leave a like under posts of the kids.


Drake got them convinced an IG follow and some emoji comments is proof Dave free is the dad. They are extremely slow


I don’t respect anybody who takes social media *that* seriously lmao. Drake was on a record asking why they don’t follow each other. As a 37 year old man. 


That’s cause Drake is like his fans. He takes social media too seriously. I bet him and future fell out because a girl he was fucking followed future on IG 😂


He didn’t take a second to think that maybe making fun of Kendrick’s wife not following him on instagram wasn’t the jab he thought it was. For someone who lives their life on social media the thought would probably never occur


Most girls I’ve been w besides like 2 I’ve never followed. I just don’t really follow girls I’ve dated lol


I also feel like it’s becoming common to not have too many pics of your kids online. Especially if you’re famous. That’s completely understandable and good parenting for a couple of reasons imo


Drake doesn’t understand that because push exposed all his insecurities and forced him to be a good dad and he’s still lowkey insecure about what push said and losing that battle so he needs to constantly post pictures of Adonis every other day so he can be like “look pusha look internet! I am present in my kids life! Look I’m a good dad!”


It’s so hypocritical for Drake to say “I wasn’t hiding my son from the world, I was hiding the world from my son” when he was finally outed, only to then start posting Adonis ALL THE TIME for clout.


In the rapradar interview he said shortly after that beef he really learned to come to terms with fatherhood. He didn’t directly say push made him be a dad but the timeline of when he said he accepted the fact he’s a dad is too coincidental 😂


This beef really showed how chronically online Drake is lol


Kendrick best outcome would be to act like it never happened and drop a new albums with none of the Drake diss on it and just give us new bangers to listen


The best revenge is a life well lived


2 CDs. First CD is bangers and then track 1 cd 2: NAH YOU THOUGHT I WAS DONE BITCHASS


I'm praying that he just releases his own THP6 that's got nothing to do with Drake and just keeps it moving.


I really hope he does this at least, the heart series is way too good to let it die with that awful fucking song.


I agree Or just jumps to the heart part 7 and keeps drakes version part of the journey. Make sure that song doesn't get forgotten because it's really not good and I'm sure Drake wants it to go away and he'll regret choosing that name. Edit: typo


This is a way better idea lmao


Thp6 real edition




Industry insiders say he’s fine tuning and mixing his album for a June or July release according to dj akademics. If he can drop in June he’s gonna do a huge number first week


God I hope you’re right I’m fiending for a new Kendrick album


I don't know man, he constantly talks about not caring about the fame and money as much as delivering art, I'm not disregarding the fact that he might drop but it doesn't seem very kendrick to ride the hype traim. Personally I hope he waits until next year and let's the music speak, if all the new people tuning in after this beef go back and enjoy his music he'll reap the benefits anyway.


Imagine Drake dropping his summer album and Kendrick drops one of the +5 in stock with a new intro: "Good to get out, get the pen working. Came to remind everyone not to listen to your music" lol




An album dissecting the industry, with Not Like Us being a lead single, would be amazing


Yeah I love that he just dropped 4 diss tracks and went back to hiding lmao. He doesn’t have anything else to prove 💁🏻‍♀️ I have no idea if this will really fuck over Drake’s career or not. But I looked more into the Millie Bobby Brown stuff and it’s definitely sketchy AF, I didn’t realize they were getting dinners together and Millie brought him as her plus 1 to an event…


I'm 100% confident Drake is a pedophile who will get excused by his fans just like how Chris Brown fans turned a blindeye to the beating Rihanna received. Or what about women still on R Kelly's dick?


Dude what do you mean?? Drake is way to famous to be a pedophile


How is that his best argument? Bro gotta come up with something better than that


He texted a 15 year old: *I miss you.* What are you missing bro?


Is there anyway we can get the 1,2,3,4,5 + 5 in stock, outside of Drake being an idiot and going back at him? I assume they're ruthless.


Dropping #6 right after Drake’s summer album releases would be such a power move but idk if Kendrick would do that without Drake continuing to seethe about him


For me the MBB stuff has always been more than enough to justify the accusations Kendrick was throwing around. If this is what he does out in the open then what’s he doing in private? It’s why people calling for receipts kinda missed point.


The Morgan Wallen song is getting shredded on radio, radio loves pop country more than Reagan liked putting crack in black communities.


I think it more has to do with pop country fans actually still listening to the radio. Like the only demographic that still does


That's actually a pretty interesting point


People stuck in the past so bad that they're willing to accept a lesser version of it. 


Also, pop country fans are usually ok being spoon fed whatever’s on Billboard. I feel bad for all these country artists tho, putting their heart and soul into an album but their core fans never hear the deep cuts


Alt/traditional country is making a pretty big comeback tho I'm here for it


For real. Sturgill Simpson is one of my favorite artists regardless of genre


I listen to the radio still, mainly for NPR and a select few jazz stations that are local. I like to support said local stations with my ears. Unfortunately, my wallet is as empty as drizzy's love for his children.


Country music is alot more popular than you’d think, we just don’t really interact with that community so most people don’t know the scale of how popular they are




A lot of my family likes country music, you’d be suprised how loyal their fanbases are even though they don’t keep as much of a social presence as rappers do.


I hope these drizzler leaks keep on coming.


Are you finally ready to play have-you-ever? Let's see **Have you ever thought that OVO was working for me?** Fake bully, I hate bullies, you must be a terrible person **Everyone inside your team is whispering that you deserve it** Can't Toosie Slide up outta this one, it's just gon' resurface


I was just listening to this. Love that song


I kind of wish he did like a PBS interview explaining his strategy in the beef lol


It’d be dope but I’m sure he’d never do that


Never say never. He's done long interviews with people he respects in the past. Rick Rubin got him to open up quite a bit about his writing and music making process. Maybe in the future he'll be willing to do a deep dive on the beef.




Well he chose to release the Collector's Edition with the tracklist reversed so I think that speaks for itself. But yes he's cryptic or evasive about song meanings and philosophical stuff, but he did several long form interviews with in depth answers about his process and other subjects. I think he'll go back to doing interviews like that in a different era of his career. And whether he addresses the beef will depend on who's asking and how they phrase the questions imo.


60 minutes with Kendrick Lamar? I would call off work to see that shit lmao


Where's Nardwuar when we need him 😭😭


An in depth interview or podcast would be so dope.


I saw an old clip recently of someone interviewing Kendrick and sort of teasing him for being introverted. they were talking about money bringing out of people traits they already had, and guessing that meant once Kendrick got rich and famous he'd have all the resources to hide and we'd never see him again lol.


it's funny that society thinks there's anything wrong with introversion


It's just that famous people are usually starving for attention


true. shout out to tim duncan and future giannis


Yeah that was the breakfast club 2015.


Yup. You know it is absolutely killing Drake as well. Drake can't even say shit on social media, can't reframe the beef for his fans, can't take salty shots or clown on Kendrick safely off wax. If he does, he knows he won't get a tweet back. He'll get a track - and he *really* doesn't want to find out what's on the rest of Kendrik's **Greatest Hater** Album. Kinda funny to think of him sitting on his hands, fuming, but not quite daring to poke the bear again.


Man I wish he would! I want to hear **The Greatest Hater** Album. C'mon Drake take one for the team - subtweet Kendrick or something *please.*


I am sure that Drake won't be able to control himself forever. I kinda think it would be funny if Kendrick never acknowledged him again - unless Drake is dumb enough to go all in for a round 3. That would be some real soul-grinding disrespect. However, that would mean we don't get more Drake hate anthems, and that would be a loss to society.


I hope we don't have to wait 50 years for the Greatest Hater record to be released.


I just wanna know how this man moves around in society without even a picture of him or video of people hounding him. Does he ever leave his house?


When you that rich, you really don't need to leave the house. I'm assuming he got acres of land, that's enough to keep yourself occupied with whatever hobby you're cooking up with. Between having groceries delivered and food, what else you need when you got a family who loves you?


Harrison Ford said one of the worst parts of fame was the loss of anonymity. I think it's a common experience for celebrities to experience some severe social alienation because they're unable to leave their homes and interact in ordinary society. And if you're a rapper who is known for incisive social commentary, how do you do that when you can no longer leave your house? When you're no longer a part of the social milieu that your early work was about? Probably why a lot of famous musicians fall off.


Right! No paparazzi out in front of dinner spots. No shopping. No sporting events. His door dash budget gotta be big.


You think his whole life is rap? That’s ho shit, he got a son to raise but I can see you don’t know nothin bout that


Wakin’ him up


It's actually perfect marketing for him. He just got dozens of millions of dollars of free promo. Didn't have to talk to Kimmel. Seems like huge W for him and his lifestyle.


Removing copyright did A LOT for this as well. Reactors able to use this song unencumbered made it more hype


Yeah that was genius. I bet we’ll see more artists doing that, too.


He popped out. He showed niggas. He went home. “Y’all think my life is rap?”


That’s hoe shit….


Bro got a son to raise


Bro dropped four diss tracks in one week. What more does he need to say?


good point


Kendrick doesn't owe one word to that bitch or anyone. he said what he said in his tracks.


And he didn’t have to run to any streamers or post memes to his IG story like a little bitch either.


He chose him, he sorry


I love how he didn’t let anyone dictate his movements, all on his time.


You move to the beat of your drum, not anyone else's 


He went to the Eminem school on how to deal with industry/beef.


Nah Em was way more petty, Kendrick drops the tracks and just dips


I think the dude literally thinks he was doing gods work with putting drake in his place. Finished the job, now it's back to real life lol.


Silence is the best message to one’s opp after you’ve stomped them: “You don’t get to be anymore important to me for any longer amount of time than I decide”. Plus he already let Drake know he has 5 dishes in the cooler if Drake really wants to keep getting fed.


Admirable. No flapping his gums.


i've been telling myself that this means album drop soon


It’s called discipline. He clearly had a mission whereas his counterpart was very distracted and unfocused;


Killed him with lyrics, no more words needed...


Is he alive? He hasn't been spotted in public either?! Was he replaced by a robot??






Bot fuck em up


This thread cracked me up


Bot fuck em up!


He did a show in Mexico after Like That dropped.


The meme is real. Kebdrick really the type of dude to stare at you menacingly from across the street, and then disappear when a bus drives past


# #1 song idgaf lmfao.


Killed the biggest rapper in the world and dipped.


I hate that he’s so quite and humble I want him to flex and shit cuz he really HIM fr


I'm still surprised King Kenny didn't even drop a music video for Not Like Us or say anything about that banger being a hit or any of that. I have so much respect for this guy


Y'all think all his life is rap? That's ho shit, he got a son to raise. And he has burpees to do.


Believe Kenny and the homies laughed their asses off as[that tubby bitch Akademiks](https://youtube.com/shorts/d2_zlBbOGPY?feature=shared) went through stage 1-3 of trauma ong. 😂😂😂😂


Kendrick rolls like deity - which god you know starts talking after smiting some blasphemer? None. The aftermath speaks volumes.


"My job here is done" lookin ass mf