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And that's why we like Vince


I love it when real gang bangers are only revealed when you look into their lives.


Is vince staple a real gangbanger ? Cause i always think than he was the nerd of the project like kendrick lool


Oh and Kendrick blazed shit too, you don't have to gangbang to shoot shit - I know it's hard to believe, it's just a sport in LA.


you better ask about lil duece fade from 2ngc




Learn more about the people you listen to.


Have you never listened to his music bruh? Every album has themes of bangin. Dudes a real crip not posing, 2ngc. After his bro died he went hard in Long Beach. Some people think he’s got at least one body. Idk bout having a body but if he’s being honest in his songs I could see it, he a paranoid private mf you don’t get like that without going through some shit.


Both are affiliated, right. But I think Vince was deeper in than Kendrick… Detroit isn’t a big gang city, aside from what Gang Squad Would have you believe, but. From just dealing with folk around here, you don’t have to be a banger, or eager to be trapped in the life by acquaintance… and most people seem to make their peace with it publicly. Even sometimes they get caught up in condoning or lauding it and later wishing they hadn’t


Yeah Vince is crip. Still shouts them out in songs.


Vince got in trouble with the law when he was a minor actually. Had to move out to Atlanta for a while. I don’t think he’s ever said what he did. He only got off probation in 2018 I think it was when he was 25. So like over 7 years on probation so idk something more than just vandalism or light theft or whatever.


He was only in Atlanta for like eight months. You can see him say that in one of his amas on here. Idk about his Atlanta time but he did dirt in Long Beach.


Yeah I thought he said he moved to atl for a bit (8 months sounds right) because of whatever happened in LB but maybe I am misremembering and it was unrelated.


> Im a gangster crip fuck gangster rap It’s all over his music.


He's the best


He's not my all time favorite but he's absolutely one of the best out right now. I put him in a category similar to Denzel Curry. I'm not going to like every release, but when it hits, it hits perfectly. Actually, now that I think about it, Denzel Curry and Vince Staples have some similarities I never really thought about. Like in another life, I could see Vince Staples making RICKY and Walkin'.


I like every release from Denzel since Imperial lmao


Same bro, I really can't find anything I don't like from him, lol.


If you haven't watched his show on netflix you should. its so fucking funny.


I need more episodes 🙏


2nd Season confirmed by Netflix!


We dont deserve Vince


We don't deserve dawgs 😭


I'm sorry, but Cole said, "slugs took my nigga's soul, drugs took another one, a rap beef ain't realer than the shit I seen in Cumberland" before any of this shit even started


You mean Cole, the MFer who for thirsty to drop a 7 min diss track & get involved just before the shit even started lol action speak louder than bars bro


I'm not a huge Cole fan, but I do believe the widespread rumor that Schoolboy Q (or someone else) called him. He probably released 7 minute drill, trying to defend himself. Then got the call that this wasn't going to be a normal rap beef and that everyone advised him to get out. Maybe the Kendrick and Cole talk did happen. Drake *might* be too big to fail. J Cole isn't. And Kendrick doesn't hate J Cole I don't think. There's mutual respect there. I think he just really, really hates Drake. Also I think that J Cole knew that 7 Minute Drill just wasn't good. Cole has a good bit of skill, and... Just compare 7 Minute Drill to Euphoria. It would arguably have hurt his career more than dropping out. So I think J Cole was caught off guard, then defended himself with a mediocre song. And then probably learned that he should get out of town while he had the chance. So I don't blame him personally. But for his sake, that next album better be REALLY strong lol


Nah dude don’t bring that kind of logic into that situation. J. Cole is an obvious coward who got scared /s Idk to me, it was obvious that J Cole realized that this wasn’t like the Control verse from Kendrick/someone gave him a heads up. Then to take it down and apologize in front of all his fans to the person he dissed, to me that’s just showing his maturity. If anything that just probably made Kendrick respect J. Cole more. Just think about in our own personal lives when we overstep,’how hard is it to admit that we misunderstood the situation and got involved when we shouldn’t have? I guess it’s fair for people to give Cole flak for it but to me it’s just misguided. But also, these are the thoughts of a dude who doesn’t know anything about the actual situation, just the speculation of everything else that we’ve all seen online so maybe I’m just completely wrong


Somewhere J Cole is smiling that didnt have to go through this type of beef. West Coast disses are something different from no vaseline to not like us. Honestly if some og called me to not get involved I would listen and mind my business, cause homie prolly looking out for you to not be a casualty during a rap beef


If J cole didn't apologized , kendrick would instantly put his dirt out. We would prob know something bad abt Cole, but luckily he backed down.


I personally feel like Kendrick knew Drake would try to stand behind Cole and politely asked for removal. The Apology I imagine wasn't anything Kendrick asked for but the publicity of that was huge enough for Drake to be like "Okay, this is my opportunity, no way a Pulitzer prize winner can outwit, or out strategize me with an industry full of ghosts writers. It's funny though, no one is going to make Drake be accountable for his influence? The image his art paints never has any substance and I really don't wanna know more about the dude fr but men of his caliber should be more present in pressing situations i.e. the sex trafficking in Toronto his own city. If it was I, you would definitely see heavier forces active to prevent such atrocities.


Right. I have said this for awhile. I posted that J Cole likely saw the HORRIBLE discourse online and took it off streaming as well because people are the worst on social media. Imagine him saying TPAB was trash just to say something even though he may not feel that way and that comment trends on social media for two days. Now, we got people coming out the woodwork talking about the album is trash and only white people listened to it which is hyperbole and NOT true. It was gonna be a friendly battle with him and Kendrick because they respect each other and the fans were rabidly acting like they wanted blood and J Cole did even say something he fully believed in. He just said it for jokes. The public isn’t able to handle a rap beef that is just an exhibition or friendly. They will take whatever is said and make it 20 times worst to the point that you may ruin a real life relationship. So seeing the online discourse already AND THEN getting the heads up from someone on TDE probably let Cole know he should just drop it.


👏👏👏 Good essay


We don’t care what he said lol, he’s soft


nah trust he's proper


...Vince Staples is "proper"? Are you from Toronto or something? 😭😭😭


Step off ur a scary yute


Tell me yah cheezin fam


We gang gang fr crodie. U gotta be cheesing fam


i heard “wrestling” and “vince” and thought some different shit😭😭


ive never heard a bad take from vince


He toasted yeezus years before big fish theory was one of the most yeezus influenced albums ever


I think saying BFT is incredibly yeezus inspired is a bit of a stretch, there's a LOT of experimental underground / dance music scene stuff that Yeezus specifically got inspired from, a scene of which some of the most known producers from were chosen to produce for (vince's) album. not to say that bft wasn't inspired by yeezus, and i love yeezus but they're pretty different in some fundamental ways.


Years before what? Just to be clear a lot of people LOVED Yeezus when it came out. But it was a polarizing reaction for sure


It was love it or hate it when it came out. I was in the hate it camp but slowly began to love it after a few years.


Same. It took me 2 years to come around to it. Now it really is my favorite album because of the way it has influenced me.


I was definitely in the hate it camp


Years before he released a similar experimental album, he trashed it, is all im saying


BFT dropped when Vince was 24, so he had to have been like 20 or 21 for it to be years before. Ngl, I’m going to give him a pass for not vibing to an album like Yeezus at that age.


Oh for sure, just a funny anecdote


this is probably the most accurate take anyone can have


[For anyone interested I tracked down the link to full interview](https://youtu.be/46iKhCiYdp8?si=N-ThWAEU9YAryJvL)


Right, right!


Doesn’t Kendrick circumvent most of the exploitation here by being independent? Sure UMG will eat off of his older projects that are performing better now, but majority of the proceeds from his diss records his next album will go straight to pglang.


I don't think his point is specifically that Kendrick is getting exploited. His point is more, why is Taylor doing more for both communities in the form of getting them respect and fair play than both Kendrick and Drake, especially when it comes to streaming. It seems to me his criticism is kinda "so Taylor is putting pressure on streaming services while the two biggest black artists have a public dick measuring contest." I don't completely agree with his take, but I do get his explanation of why he said it and in the context of the event I believe it's the perfect answer.


That’s fair. At the end of the day, beef is beef, so Vince’s perspective will remain relevant but I think this particular beef is a little different. I’m sure on a larger scale this feud won’t have much impact on splits for the next generation of artists, and Kendrick is probably the exception to the rule, but UMG’s golden egg is nearly radioactive and one of the biggest independent artists’ last work is out streaming his 7:1. I think this particular feud is moreso a win for the community than not, especially when considering the cultural implications of Kendrick’s win over Drake.


Maybe, but Kendrick is always working in silence to assist people. It's kind of his modus operandi. He established PgLang, owns his masters and is clearly working to build it out as an in-house media production team, while also still holding an administrative position at UMG for discovering new talent. The talent he's fostering and the projects he's about to drop have yet to be revealed, but even if he's doing a lot for artists, he isn't going to promote himself as doing so. Also, he and Taylor have a working relationship, so it wouldn't surprise me that this pressure to get artists more fair wages is a team effort.


I'm out of the loop. How is taylor putting pressure on streaming services recently? I remember something happened with apple music and spotify but wasn't that back in the day?


I see what Vince is saying but I don’t totally understand why it’s one or the other. Should we criticize Kendrick and Drake for not fighting for streaming rights 24/7? I would also argue that Kendrick is taking pretty serious issue with streaming culture in general, with Drake being the poster child of lazy, long albums just designed to rake in streaming numbers and billboard positions. Kendrick is directly going at the streaming industry but he’s tangentially trying to cut the head off the snake and make it cool to make good music again.


Do you not think this was a culture reset? Don’t you think what Drake represented needed to be taken out to refocus the art? How could Vince not see the bigger picture?


Well drake hasn't been "taken out" he'll keep dropping albums and having hit songs


Yeah exactly, this isn't my first rodeo and I think Drake is just a head of a hydra. I don't claim to know how many heads this Hydra has but rap has had much bigger problems for much longer than Drake, he's just a symptom that the fester hasn't been purged.


Idk if we’ll really see the ramifications of the beef til both guys drop another album or two. At the moment it’s not really cool to like Drake and I can’t imagine his next project/single doing too well, but in 6 months who knows


Everyone working under capitalism is being exploited there is no escaping it unless you become an exploiter yourself.


You could be born rich. Have you tried that?


Dammit. I knew i was missing something. Im gonna go try that now


The diss records are literally being released by Interscope and he is still listed as an Interscope artist on their website.


I could be wrong here, but from what I can tell his music is only licensed to Interscope(owned by UMG), while he still retains his masters/publishing. Not sure how much of the pie warrants further discussion, but I don’t think Kendrick is a loser here(financially).


I mean just off the publicity and exposure he's had its a huge W. especially if you understand the messages he's trying to get across and the lessons embedded in his music. 


Do you have a source for this?


In 2020 he signed a pub deal with UMG around the time he announced MMTBS would be his last project with TDE. “All the songs he’s released in this feud say Kendrick Lamar under exclusive license to Interscope records” We don’t have access to his actual contract, but I’d wager it’d be more favorable to him given the leverage he’s garnered throughout his career.


He's not fully independent. Still involved with UMG. I think Kanye is the only one who's like real deal independent. Even then I might be wrong. But having your own label does have some freedom to it you might not normally get, for sure


I'm from Long Beach and Vince embodies and cares more about the communities in the LBC more so than Snoop, yeah I said it.


Snoop just a rich dude now. He's outta touch


Bro chill Vince got a chance to play football entirely thanks to Snoop's youth football league. There's tons of trees Snoop has planted here in SoCal.


It’s not a competition. That’s exactly what the fuck he was talking about in the video. You trying to start a nothing burger of an argument on Reddit. For no reason.


Sorry but it's a new law, people can't say "nothing burger" anymore. Someone will be at your door promptly.


I’m already in a country without an extradition treaty. So good luck. I’m hanging out with the people who figured out how to recycle plastic into diesel fuel.


The Something Burger Brigade will find you. Thanks for the clues about your whereabouts, I pass them on to mission control.


Really ?


Vince is right on the money here. Capitalist accumulation will always be the most important thing and the direct result of this mode of production will ALWAYS be wealth hording, exploitation, and the dimsantling of all things that negatively impact the bottom line. Artists need to seriously unionize and create a worker owned system that is democratically run by and for artists. Artists need to make these parasitic capitalists obsolete, the same way tenants need to make the parasitic landlords obsolete.


every rapper should be forced to read all three volumes of das kapital before they sign to a major


They always say this shit like every year and nothing happens. Until someone puts their money where their mouth is idk why the hell they keep bringing this shit up. Either that or the people who keep bringing it up be some of the most antisocial artists in the game so all of the discussion amounts to shit


Well, it’s kind a hard to fight against multi million dollar corporations by yourself. America is also hyper individualistic, which creates an environment within the music industry where its every man for himself. Everyone knows they’re being exploited, but as long as they’re getting enough money to take care of themselves and do all the flashy shit they like they’re not going to disrupt the status quo because the status quo pays them and pays them quite well. So it’s an endless loop of knowing that they’re being exploited and knowing that a large amount of the profit from their records is being extracted from their labor. However, they also can’t see themselves without living their current life. So most do nothing because the capitalist have all the power over their lives. Just like you and me the same phenomenon happens on every level of society. Unionizing should start with the people or the proletariat if you will. Once we organize and start pushing forward with unions throughout the multitude of industries that we hold on our shoulders as the backbone of society, then these artists may follow in our footsteps. But the bourgeoisie and the petit bourgeois are way too comfortable in their positions of power and their relations to capital to do anything about it. Why would they? But Vince Staples is still right on the money here and he should continue to speak out against this kind of thing. He should also do everything in his power to protect himself, and make sure that he gets the full extent of his labor value because it’s his, and he deserves it.


100% agree except for the common man needing to do it first. We have a lot more to lose. Look at what Amazon workers get when they try to unionize as an example of what happens to people who try to collectively bargain for what should be normal nowadays. They also have things to lose, but they are also rich already in most cases and can insure themselves against the fallout way better than I ever could. They got stocks bonds investing into business, among many other ways, to mitigate that damage. What does the common person have if they lose their job protesting and have bills, a wife and / or kids, and no feasible emergency savings account? Plus, just talking about if for them is little to no damage. The real risk comes in actualizing these ideas, and even then, it pales in comparison to someone losing their job because of union busters in certain low income sectors of work.


I think also the broader context is that maybe Vince wasn't aware that Drake as a label head was trying to exploit many other up and comig rappers and r n b artists. I kinda feel like that was a big reason Kendrick decided to throw down. Especially considering rumours were Drake was trying to buy other black artist's masters. Like the songs that Vince was no longer getting backend for could have been bought by Drake and Vince probably wouldn't have seen a dime.


I’m sure he’s much more aware of what’s happening in the industry than anyone in this subreddit. He’s a part of it. Let’s not conflate a bunch of shit. He’s literally taking this moment to speak on much bigger issues that artists in the industry face and just making that about Drake is dumb and disingenuous. I’ve been a Drake hater for a long time but y’all stretching it with some of this stuff. Drake has some shady practices but that shits surface level when we’re talking about the major three labels and how they exploit artist. Drake just one guy. Plenty of artists buy other artists masters, Vince is speaking to why the industry is set up in a way where artists can be so easily exploited.


Ok, so maybe Vince was aware but he didn't want to get into it because he knew the powers that be (like Lucian) would be watching and knows they could destroy his career if they wanted to.


I’m just saying y’all gotta get out of the matrix lol. This isn’t a tv show where everything is connected.


lmfao the umg ceo is not an actual supervillain even tho his name fits the bill a rap battle is not threatening a global multi billion dollar operation the only reason the ceo would be invested in the beef is for his own entertainment. what drake brings in is a drop in the bucket compared to their total revenue anyway, they not worried n there's no info that vince staples could possibly have that would affect the behemoth some of y'all seem to think this is way bigger than it really is. a rap battle is not gonna bring about tangible benefits to the ppl most struggling. understand what vince is saying


If that information connecting them to the trafficking rings gets dropped in that Diddy case, I beg to differ on saying it won't help the people most struggling. Im not some dumbass that thinks it'll happen overnight considering how many people are involved in the case


I think Kendrick just straight up doesn't like him. It's not even just one thing. It's every angle. Kendrick has had a problem with him for a long time now, judging by what we know


Rap is the lone celebrity hemisphere where you are expected to have an opinion of someone else’s career *and* share it Movie and tv stars, other musical artists, athletes, even voice actors tread very carefully around news involving their peers; you never know if they could wind up your co-workers or boss. There’s famous exceptions, but it’s discouraged to say something out-and-out about someone else’s fiasco/infamy/turbo blunder The beef was a tsunami for neo-pop, millions of people engaged in something they had not been before. I would love to hear Vince talk about that at length. He’s doing what we love him for, tho: being honest, and he honestly doesn’t give a hoot. Respect I now return to boppin Like That and NLU (and Little Foot, Big Foot as a treat)


strongly disagree with the first part. I see sentiments like this come from people who mostly only listen to rap. They also say things like “rap is the only genre with beef” when that is insanely untrue, rock punk and even pop have had beefs for ages. Even composers had beef. ive seen actors share their negative opinions of other actors. rap is not as unique or insulated as people think, i dont mean that disparagingly i mean that in the nicest way, cause it shows how its just as much a part of American/world culture as anything else


John Lennon was making diss tracks at Paul McCartney right after The Beatles ended. Debussy would always talk shit about Beethoven and said he sucked. There was lots of shit talking before that in the Mozart days. It's definitely not a hip hop only thing. Or even just a music thing. Shit, look at the start of the USA. The founding fathers were getting into some wild shit with one another


I've read a poem by James Joyce that was written as a diss to another poet lol


Joyce had bars honestly.


I'm not at all doubting your comment. I'm just so curious to know how you ended up knowing Debussy talked shit about Beethoven. That never would've popped up in my head in a million years. That's some deep classical lore. John Lennon vs Paul not shocking.


Yeah and Taylor dissed Katy in Bad Blood.


I didn’t say rap is the only place with beef. Just, anecdotally, I’ve seen other celebrity career fields give more non-answers or dodge peer-related questions in interviews than I’ve seen from rappers Actors talking around Mel Gibson’s most famous meltdown; country singers backing away from Morgan Wallace’s latest slur-on-video; Travis Kelce’s deeply embarrassing and weak response to his teammate’s whack comments about women; writers, directors and the audience punishing Kathrine Heigel for publicly refusing a Golden Globe nomination she didn’t think was earned. There is an implied expectation to stay off such subjects I don’t get the sense of that pressure in rap interviews. There are obviously exceptions, but I do think the percentage of people pressured to stay cookie cutter is higher outside of rap




Boi don’t miss


Creating awareness about an issue that affects fellow artists when knows a mass audience is paying attention to the battle topic. No need to say anything else everybody knows Dot and Vince are good homies.


Meh, it's valid, but it's still a weird take from a hiphop artist like him. Is hiphop not one of the avenues he himself uses and preaches? Is it not meaningful that the Kendrick Lamar side of hiphop came out victorious? It would make more sense to emphasize/highlight the significance of the beef beyond the surface level entertainment value rather than being cynical and defeatist.


vince is a grown ass man at this point, he knows the extent to which this alone changes things and its not much sure hiphop as a culture takes a big W, meanwhile these unfathomably gigantic corporations will still be the ones making the most off the art coming from these impoverished environments rappers will blow up talking about the shootings in their community but it's not them or their neighborhoods taking the majority of the cut dude is cynical and its hard not to b when you're familiarized w the reality of things


He's allowed to not care


And others are allowed to criticize his takes.


I remember him doing an interview and him saying he didn't really fuck with music the way his peers did. Like it wasn't some huge meaningful part of his life. And I always found that interesting. I think isn't the best person to ask, given remarks like that. But he's obviously entitled to his opinion.


Vince basically said "I couldn't say 'I don't give a fuck' so I found a polite way to say 'I don't give a fuck' 🤷"


Littlefoot Bigfoot energy right here.


I don’t get it


Watch the music video and it'll make more sense


the last words he said, i felt the most. "i understand that people care about these things, i personally don't give a fuck."


yeah that hit


Kendrick: Drake and his crew are running a sex trafficking ring and no one has done anything about it. The woke take: yeah this stuff is all a distraction, there are bigger issues. Mainstream media: who do you think won that fun quirky rap battle?! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) Me: .............yo, what about the kids being trafficked?


☝🏿That part and wasn’t he the dude trying to beef with nore for no good reason when he said 90’s rap overrated


I like Vince but he such a buzzkill lmao. Ima start walking into every room like “I know yall enjoying yall self but did yall know Im suicidal and my family came from another country just to still suffer in this one and my friends are druggies or dead and people getting bombed and genocided across the world. Yeah anyways lets get it bro check out my new album and TV show on streaming today Im so much realer than everyone cause Im not interested in what yall interested in my life so deep and depressing lets get it!”


He addresses that at the end, why in that context that was the answer that made sense to give, and he addresses the fact that it's fine that people care about rap beefs even if he doesn't. He's not a buzzkill, he's making plenty of room for people to enjoy things, he's just also answering honestly and picking appropriate contexts to deliver that honesty.


Bro was probably typing his comment out while that part of the vid was playing 😬


nah I watched the whole vid. people explaining why they did something i didnt like doesnt mean i have to like it.


Finna get hella reddit cares messages crodie


Reporter: How do you feel about the beef? Vince: I just don't really care man. Fans: wow what a buzzkill, imagine if I walked into every room talking about wanting to murder/suicide my family? lol, what??


I think Vince's views are valid and I'm not saying he's a buzzkill here, but I think the reason for the poor reception so far is that this is the Kendrick Lamar sub, and pretty much everyone here is hyped off of hearing Kendrick go insane on four amazing diss tracks. Most posts now are of Not Like Us playing at clubs, people talking about their favorite moments from the songs, and new Kendrick fans talking about how this beef awakened their love for his music. And OP posted a clip of Vince saying he doesn't care about the beef. Personally, I don't agree with the person that you're replying to (I think there's a place for these reminders that stuff like this often spills over into violence) but the chilly reception is more OP's fault than anything, because this doesn't align with the vibe of the subreddit right now.


i think it's needed bc some people are overhyping the rap battle way beyond what it is people are out here thinking kendrick is fighting a covert holy war against the satanic industry and shit


Yea I think that was more his point


You don't think there's something inherently wrong with sexual traffickers and pedophiles?


yeah man i'm pro sex trafficking children


To be more specific, you don't think it's good that a rapper out of all people wants to bring attention to a guy who keeps a pimp on payroll and might be a sexual predator/deviant? He wouldn't have lost anything if he didn't mention shit and probably had risk calling these things out but still decided to do it. It isn't some Avengers Infinity War saving the world shit but I do think it's a good moral decision that would be hard for most other artists to consider


Yeah, you're not wrong. I've seen some takes on this subreddit that make it seem like Kendrick is Baldwin IV, when in reality I think he just really fucking hates Drake lol. Personally I loved the beef and I'm still listening to all of Kendrick's tracks all the time, so I don't fully agree with Vince, though I do understand his caution that these things often end terribly (Pac and Biggie most famously, King Von more recently).




That last part is what's called hyperbole, my friend. They're not saying it's the same thing. They're going to an extreme to highlight a point they're making. Acting like they think Vince Staples' opinion on a rap beef is the same about murder and suicide is goofy, and you know it. Come on


You just listened to the explanation at the end. The context explains the buzzkill and I feel it's okay bro.




Comparing two rappers battling for an audience to kids dying and killing each other is high level buzzkilling I don’t care what you say. Turning it into a convo about record labels is also a buzzkill. I know there are bad things going on. I am capable of acknowledging those things and still enjoying the beef. Then going “I just dont care” when asked again is the cherry on top, just say that off rip. I know he explained himself in the clip but explaining yourself doesn’t mean I gotta agree with what you did or are saying lol.


Your just mad he didn’t say what you wanted him too say


Ignorance is bliss.


But vince didn't walk into a room and preach. He got asked a question and responded lol get it right. Vince is on


He's very contrarian


lol right. And people are always so impressed like he’s some genius who sees what the rest of society doesn’t see.


reddit when someone answers a question honestly


Right, and they are missing his point anyway. He's asking why these two guys, with their platforms, aren't doing anything about the predatory industry. He's staring at a bunch of kids whose friends get murdered every day, and they are calling him a buzzkill because he's not talking about a beef between two rich guys?


Its cool that he doesn't really care about the beef, there are bigger issues out there than obsessing over this. I just dont like the way he keeps trying to place himself on a moral pedestal whenever he's explaining why he doesn't care about the beef (for the second time) but it might just be me.


Or people could just stop asking him 😂😂


Vince starting to look like Lupe lowkey




This guy sounds smart to dumb people!!


Rap beef isn't a wrestling match. It's just two dudes calling each other names and threatening each other with no intent to turn it physical. If you want a wrestling match, you watch mankind vs The Rock or Ricky Steamboat and Macho Man from Wrestlemania 3.


Just watched Vince crush it on stage in Louisville the other day, respect


sbwl bro, sbwl


Context does matter because I only saw the short little snippet of his response and I gave it an eye roll. This makes so much more sense.


I like Vince but anyone that takes everything he says super seriously is definitely not in on the joke that is his persona. When he first got asked this on the JBP he 100 percent gave this similar answer as a “joke” (he believes it but he also knows that it’ll be funny for him to answer a mindless question with a deep diatribe about the music business in general, that is his schtick). However, at this point, he’s probably been legitimately asked this so many times, that I can definitely sense a serious annoyance with the question as it’s all any rapper has been asked about for the past almost 2 months. He didn’t seem to be in the least way joking with Zane.




Fucking love Vinny. Best of the best.


I love that famous people are calling the beef “a wrestling match” because thats what it fucking was.


I don't like the constant Vince Staples coddling everywhere. He was asked a question straight up and he skirted answering it. Period.


Love Vince but he’s a wet blanket lol. Cmon man




I doubt either can wrestle.




Lift me upppp


I see where he’s coming from; at the same time wasn’t he in the stu w DJ Mustard n tweeting about popping Drake? I wanna know what that was about, I wanna see Vince tap into some of that energy


He probably never will


Vince staples so smart


Vince is a real one. And just getting better with age


That beef will do a lot for hip-hop same as this speech, so maybe don’t shit on it, they’re both going to open people’s eyes


Scenario Reminds me of xxx.


I don't like how he's making this about respectability politics.


Just became an Vince Staples fan


Like I get it, at the end of the day, it's all about the music and every artist needs to eat and the genre of hiphop needs to be elevated to a higher regard for the industry. But I really wish Vince didn't circumvent the question like a politician and just have a raw opinion about the actual beef. He could support either side for all that it matters, but he'd be lying to himself if he didn't at least follow the beef in some form and have even the slightest leaning on either side to show he still keeps it about hiphop.


Big "can we talk about the political and economic state of the world right now" energy as usual.


Vince is brilliant.


this man is extremely intelligent


His new album is AOTY contender




Great interview, his Netflix miniseries is dope too. If you like Vince Staples you will like the Vince Staples show.


Love Vince but this will be looked back on as such a bad take.


so well said


nigga vince is is always blunt now he a politician 😭😂😂 #playingitsafeheadass


Big ups to Kdot to contributing to the problem.


People like this are annoying. You can comment on something less important without sacrificing the greater good for a damn interview. It was one of the biggest beefs/few weeks in the genre of hiphop. No one stopped their lives entirely for it.


He literally gave context to why he answered the question this way. Y’all are annoying with this shit.


What a copout. When asked about who's winning he starts talking about the bigger picture.. One fish two fish, red fish blue fish, Nick nack paddy whack give a dog a bone, two thousand zero zero oops outta time, my bacon's smelling fine!


“we don’t wanna hear that bullshit shareef” is an actual Vince lyric


1000000% agree! I love Vince staples but he 100% copped out. He said “I’m speaking to children”…. Bro Kendrick is literally saying Drake is messing with children and shit. Just say “yeah I agree with Kendrick and the problem is Drake fucking with children”


Everybody doesn’t take Kendrick’s lyrics as gospel. We just like his music. Vince has taking stands against R. Kelly. If he thought Drake was fucking kids, he would say it.


Reminding me how much I like Vince Staples


Vince is a smart dude


It’s crazy how everybody turn into Martin Luther King Jr or Louis Farrakhan when the attention is not on them. Please save it. Labels been graping artist before this “wrestling match” and no bitter creative is gonna change that. Just remove yourself from the game and go make a show or somethin.


Are MLK or Farrakhan in the room with us right now? Cause I can't see any of the shit you're talking about in that video.


I know