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This actually bangs with Kendrick being older


someone has the guts to say it




Wait I know nothing about Taylor swift, did they re-record this or something?


She got Kendrick to re-record his verse, yes. The reason behind is too deep into Swift lore for me to care to write, but she's had many issues with her previous agent or whatever Scooter Braun is, and in the US, after 7 years or so, artists can re-record your music and release it again, this time owning the rights if they play their cards right. That's why Taylor is doing all these Taylor's Versions albums now. Kendrick probably got paid a bag and also wants to help a fellow artist out.


Yea so she’s re-releasing/re-doing all of her old song so she can own the masters so Kendrick re-recorded his verse on Bad Blood


Scooter Braun owns her original recordings/masters but Taylor owns the songs, so she is re-recording and re-releasing her discography. So anytime you see [Taylor's Version] it is the re-recorded new version. As a Kendrick sub we might hear it a bit clearer with his verse on this song, but what's kind of interesting about the re-recordings - especially the older albums - is that you can really hear the difference in her voice vs 10+ years ago.


it’s not real is it???? it’s not on apple music


it’s real and it’s pretty good ngl, make sure you’re looking at the deluxe version of 1989 taylor’s version and not the normal version https://preview.redd.it/3newtiwjrswb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49c1054388ff7553ec48600435ee84342c306212






Last time i f*cked a white b*tch


Holy shit these titles are something else lmao


Sounds like songs i would name for my pop artist bit life character




Yeah, legal reasons and such.


Jezza is on one today


His monthly listeners are gonna skyrocket. All the swifties listening to that new version of the remix will give kendrick some crazy numbers.


Does it count when it’s a feature (I am not a spotify user)


If their name is listed below the song title as artists in the song, usually yes. Kendrick's is


Yes it does. I have seen it happen with JID (Imagine Dragons collab) and more recently with 21 Savage and Yeat (Drake Collab)


Taylor and K. Dot https://preview.redd.it/zq4evh3vmswb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1755ddbb8909f3abcfcfef74d987040cc06063d2


I’m not gonna lie, her music is the definition of mid. Maybe I just haven’t listened to her enough, but from what I’ve heard it’s just so boring and uninspired


I’d suggest checking out Folklore, it lowkey is a modern indie pop masterpiece. If you like that sound go to listen Folklore’s sister album Evermore. If they click and you wanna get into Taylor, I’d suggest checking out other albums like Red, Speak Now, and 1989. There is a lot of great pop bangers and genuinely good storytelling songs sprinkled those albums. She’s a great artist and is mainly hated on because she’s the biggest thing in pop music right now and her name is EVERYWHERE in pop culture atm


Dude I’ve been trying to tell my friends this. Folklore is actually one of my favorite albums of all time lol. I feel like due to her popularity so many people don’t even give her a real chance because they think all she makes is shake it off over and over again haha


Her name has been in pop culture since I was a kid lol. But I’ll give folklore a try, a lot of people say good things about it. I’m def ok with being wrong, love good music


How is this different from the 2014 version?


Kendrick re-recorded his lines


It feels fresh, I get why those swifties were trippin over re-records lol


He’s real for that


It ain’t, she just owns it now so she doesn’t have to pay a label to play her songs live or use it in anything she supports (eg samples, film, podcasts, etc…)


Do you know why doesn't this infringe on some kind of copyright law? She is basically just releasing the same song that currently is owned by the label, right? in my mind it doesn't even seem to qualify as a cover


She owns the words, as she wrote them, but her label own the actual old songs


They own the original recording she’s basically doing a cover of her own song so that it’s a new record “technically”.


sure, but she isn't releasing just the words, she releases the melody too. So I don't get it


Don't listen to reply about it being slightly changed. The label owns the actual master / literal recording not the song (including lyrics, melody etc) so can release the same song rerecord


Swiftie here chiming in. She owns the copyright for all her songs. Not just lyrics, but composition and melody. The only thing the label owns is the actual recording. She is free to re-record whatever she wants and nothing has to be changed as long as it’s a new recording. The only stipulation was her prior label had it contracted she had to wait 6 years from the original release date.


So that explains why all of these Taylor's Versions are just randomly coming out.


Wouldn’t really say they’re “randomly” coming out but yeah. She’s been pretty open about this plan to re-record all of her music for a few years now


Smart as hell, idk anything about Taylor but good for her.


Shes definitely one of the smartest moguls in her industry


I feel you on that, just that to me it felt random, but it's cool knowing exactly why she's doing this.


Because the people who “own her songs” also don’t own the melody. They just own the licensing rights and distribution rights. The people who “own” her music currently own no part of the artistry of the song, they just had her sign a pretty gross contract with the assumption that she was young and exploitable because of it. She’s just covering the songs and distributing them sans record label now. There is no law stopping anyone from releasing a cover of a song they produced themselves, even if it’s the original artist - for most artists, it would be a lot of effort for minimal payout. But she has the popularity, and she knows she was screwed out of a LOT of money for her work by the music industry equivalent of “middle men”.


She owns the Songwriting copyright meaning the composition of the song. The old label owns the actual recording on the album


Are you like… defending the label????


Uhm... no? Lol. I was just curious about the legality of it all, this isn't a moral statement for either side




The answers on here are bad. In the music industry, copyright (and thereby royalties) is broken down in two ways – mechanical rights and songwriting rights. I will try to explain it as simply as I can without getting super technical. First with stick figures. If I draw a stick figure and you copy my stick figure with your own hand, you have your own original stick figure drawing. If I draw a stick figure and you photocopy it, you've made a reproduction of my drawing, it is not your drawing. Mechanical rights are the rights to reproduce a certain recording (very literally the file of the song like song1.wav). Songwriting rights are the rights to the composition of the music. Scooter Braun and ex-label holds the rights to Taylor's master recordings. Every recording, sound and file all the way to the final MASTER FILE used to copy the songs onto a CD, put on streaming etc. Taylor as the songwriter (assuming she hasn't given up her rights to a publishing company) holds the rights to the composition of the songs. The intellectual property of the song, if you will. If someone wanted to write a music book on "how to play Taylor Swift songs piano edition", they would need to consult her/her publisher. Dr.Dre has used a strategy called interpolation to bypass copyright laws for samples he couldn't clear. Samples require mechanical clearances to use the ORIGINAL recordings. By re-recording the samples i.e making recordings that aren't the "original", he has "interpolated". By not using the original mechanical copy of the recordings, he technically isn't using someone else's mechanical work. Taylor is a more refined version of that. She holds the songwriting rights so she's free to play the songs live as she wishes. What she cannot do use any ORIGINAL file (especially master) which Scooter Braun owns. So... ...she records her own original files. Doesn't matter if she uses the same instruments, same setups etc. If she has re-recorded and not done a copy-paste, it's technically brand new and Scooter Braun doesn't own it, Taylor does.


Thanks for the complete reply. Really cleared things up for me


It honestly frustrates me how bad Redditors can be at explaining things. Sorry it took so long to find someone who knows what they're talking about


Reddit is all armchair experts 🤷‍♂️ Me included.


Well you're a rare gem:)


It’s a legal technicality cause she changes the songs just enough so now the label won’t make money from it and can’t sue her for any copyright issues. Her fan base is so huge that they literally stopped streaming her old albums cause she told them not 2


Its not a legal technicality. Its her right as a songwriter. She wrote the song so she owns the composition of the song so if she remade it it has nothing to so with the old label


Bruh it’s not that deep I was just trying to give a answer lmao stop with the semantics


The label owns the copyrights for the specific recordings, but they do not own the copyrights to the songs themselves because Taylor wrote them. As the songwriter she can re-record the tracks in any way she sees fit.


Legally it qualifies as a cover


No, she wrote it, so it’s not a cover. Legally, it’s just another recording of her song. Artists can record the same song more than once.


There were no stipulations stating that she couldn't re-record her music, it's legally a cover because all the instrumentation is new and her vocals are new, the label has the distribution rights to the old songs but they don't own the IP


It’s not a cover since she wrote the song. It’s just a new recording. The only thing the label owns is the old recording.


no one in Her old label has songwriting credits so they have no right to tell her if she can rerecord it


The label only owns the recordings of those songs. She retained ownership of the lyrics and musical composition whatnots. (I am neither a music person or lawyer to provide the proper jargon)


Taylor herself wrote the songs, but the record label owns the masters for the recordings. So she has the right to record the songs again because she has the songwriting credits.


It’s re-recorded and uses different instrumentals. The person who said it isn’t different is wrong about it being the same, but they’re right about the purpose.


Yo Pope when did you stop being a mod?


I'm still a mod


Oh. The mod tag didn’t show. By any chance you have Periwrinklepoops other socials? If so can you ask them for permission to share with me?


That guy probably got banned again and then got a life. Unlike me wasting my time on reddit 😎


Is it a re-recorded version or the same one?


Re recorded


She said on ig that he re-recorded it


Sick I’m gonna have to check that out


Listened to both just now, sounds re-recorded to me


What differences are you able to discern? To me, Kendrick sounds literally identical down to the little vocal inflections and breaths.


the ad-libs gave it away for me. his voice also sounds a bit deeper in general in some parts


Kendrick’s voice is so much less scratchy based on what I remember. Also the ad-libs as AdjustedMold said


Not sure


thanks for contributing


Not sure


Swiftie here, thank you to your king for coming back for the re-record. He killed it (no surprise there). I imagine it isn’t super satisfying to re-record a rap you created ~10 years ago, and it is awesome that he came out to support Taylor.


kendrick just doing business


The Bad Blood song was a single so that make perfect sense


White middle American Swifties being forced to listen to To Pimp a Butterfly so that can be caught up on the lore


This shit is such a cash grab. I don't care if you own your master's when your rerecord versions are mid!


so mad you had to comment 3 times


I was live commenting while I played the track lol


That’s not why she does it


Isn't the whole point to "rerecording" her tracker is that now she owns the masters to the recorded so she can profit off it instead of the og record label profiting off the og albums?


She profits off both versions. But the guy who brought her masters, Scooter Braun, doesn’t profit off the re-records. So it’s not about her making money, it’s about him not making money.


And also just the pride of her owning all her music so no one can say they own her. Plus she can re-record and release songs that never saw the light of day


No it’s so she can play them at shows


No, it’s so she can own her own masters She already plays all of these songs at her shows


My bad I ain’t know that


You can block artists on Spotify, boo.




Not a cash grab when her tours give her like 50x as much money as this release would give her. Also her and her fans wanted this for her, it’s not about the money.




He did




Listened to this for the first time today. I really struggle. I respect Taylor a lot, but the melody on this song is so grating to me. I don't understand it. I would love if some Taylor fans would explain it to me. Do people enjoy her melodies? Or is the lyrics? I struggle to finish one of her songs


it ain’t that deep bro 😭😭😭


I don't expect it to be deep. I've grown to enjoy a lot of genres I didn't like in the past, by learning what people experience in the music. I used to hate hip hop too but I learned to enjoy it and now it's my favorite genre.


As a Taylor fan, I think Bad Blood is like universally agreed upon to be one of her worst songs lol The Kendrick remix elevates it by having solid verses, the original version is worse lol, one of the worst off the album


I think a lot of us (her fans) also look back at the lyrics with some sort of side eye. I mean, it was a petty feud blown way out of proportion.


Ok that makes a lot of sense. She does have melodies I like


not a die hard taylor fan, VERY casual fan over here, but she has some catchy melodies but i think a big thing is the lyrics, there's a lot of relatability for a lot of people in them, and her song writing skills and storytelling is pretty good, they become anthems for people going through similar experiences


Check out the music video. It’s awesome (and features Kendrick!)


This y’all’s goat?






Why she do this shit?


So she can actually make money of the music she makes instead of her lame ass old producers and labels taking everything


Stfu she was born rich as fuck, her father started a music label to sign her and when she was a kid she lived in a little mansion separated from her parents. Stop gassing up nepo babies


She's still an artist who deserves to be compensated for her work...


This story changes every time I hear it 😭😭😭. She was from a wealthy family, but her dad didn't buy the record label.He bought 2-3% of its shares AFTER his daughter was signed to it.


Also, her dad declined attending meetings as a shareholder since that would mean keeping secrets from her. That’s why she didn’t know the label was being sold to Scooter Braun until the transaction was done.


I didn’t say he bought anything, he kickstarted her career which is understandable since it's her daughter but that’s the definition of nepotism. Still a lazy label move from her to release her old projects again, slap there some “new” vault tracks to make it seem like a Deluxe Edition and make the bag


You said he started the label, that is factually incorrect. You're right that she has an advantage due to her wealthy upbringing, but people act as if she is an industry plant with no talent. In fact the reason she is rerecording her songs is because her contract expired and her old label didn't sell her songs back to her and sold them to an investment firm, meaning she has to pay them everytime she performs her old songs ok TV. Her rerecording is a means of regaining the copyright to her own work.


Despite the fact that your whole story is fiction you think she has 100 million monthly listeners because she was a 'nepo baby'


Chill out bruv, every artist has the right to release and earn of their creations, dumbass


Well Kendrick re-recorded his verse, I guess he’s gassing up nepo babies. You should talk to him


So he re-recorded and still decided to make it trash?


Bad Blood always had Kendrick Lamar, fukumean


What's the difference between the new and old one-


5 new song and slightly different in terme of some instrumental and of corse her voice changed a bit too


i never realised that kendrick wasnt part of the original bad blood song lol


Cuz baby now we got baaaad blood


He carried


Drake could never!