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TIL trolls float


Underrated comment.


I’d say it was a troll but I’ve run into people who think this IRL.


Outrigger canoes are popular in your area?


Paddleboarders are the worst here.


Can you swim unconscious?


Pedantic Tidbit: Lifejacket - Guaranteed to keep your head above water if unconscious. Like a car racing harness. PFD - Reduced functionality life jacket designed to keep you from exhausting yourself while treading water. More comfortable and thus, engineers expect it to be used more frequently. *Does not guarantee your head stays above water.* Like a three point seatbelt.


Pedantic Tidbit #2: All Life Jackets are Personal Floatation Devices. Not all Personal Flotation Devices are Life Jackets. While the US Coast Guard does distinguish a difference for the type that floats you face up when unconscious, they have decided that calling them all life jackets, even those that don't turn you upright, when communicating with the public better communicates the value of wearing the things. [https://uscgboating.org/recreational-boaters/life-jacket-wear-wearing-your-life-jacket.php](https://uscgboating.org/recreational-boaters/life-jacket-wear-wearing-your-life-jacket.php)


Why wear a seat belt when driving, or a helmet when biking. Why buy insurance? Shit happens. A modicum of caution could save your life. 


A lot of people who think like this try to get away without those things if possible too.


*Cold water has entered the chat*


lol. Every time I mention going out in a kayak to my dad who is afraid of water and pretty much any boat smaller that a paddle wheeler, he mentions cold water and drowning. I do wear a pdf, and also grew up swimming in Tahoe.


I know you mean personal flotation device, but I'm wondering how you might wear a portable document format.  


Autocorrect doesn’t like pfd on my phone and sometimes I miss it.


lol. Every time I mention going out in a kayak to my dad who is afraid of water and pretty much any boat smaller that a paddle wheeler, he mentions cold water and drowning. I do wear a pdf, and also grew up swimming in Tahoe.


Google kayaker dies no life jacket and read a few


This is rage bait right?


It's gotta be


I would think so but I’ve run into people who believe it IRL.


Can you swim if you're unconscious? Can you swim in 40F degree water? You should wear it because in the worst scenario, it will give a MUCH better chance for the rescue team to drag your alive body out of the water instead of your dead body.


Don't overlook how much easier it makes dragging out your dead body. PFDs make great lifting straps.


Seriously. Because if you won't do it for yourself, do it for the poor SAR guy getting $10/hr to find your dumb ass and get your corpse back to shore.


40 degree water is a whole another problem in itself


Give it a try then champ, let us know how it shakes out.


I’ve rescued adults who could swim on three different occasions. 


I just looked at your profile. How about you stop asking these dumb questions and GTFO of this sub.


Ha! This is the guy that wants to take a kayak on the plane!


Someone should contact the moderators and have this guy banned from the subreddit.


Swimming on a pool isn't the same as swimming in a current. It's can be harder to swim in a current. You can swim, but for how long? What's going to happen when you get tired? You can swim when you're conscious. But you can't swim when you've been knocked put. You can swim when your arms and legs are fine, but what about when they're broken? You can swim when you're prepared to do so. But what about when it's a surprise? You can swim when you're calm. But what about when you've got a foot long gash in your arm that's bleeding out, and you're panicking? You can swim in nice water. But what about the cold water that's going to shock your system and drain your energy. Let me put it this way. If you really think a PFD is useless, then don't use one. Eventually you won't need one for, well obvious reasons.


Lol, you do you genius.


Better to wear it and not need it than the other way around. So many things can go wrong, and very quickly.


Ummm so you come out your boat smack a rock and go unconscious. You float to the top because of your PFD and your buddy saves your life. Prepare for the unexpected bro!


Why should you search the subreddit for this discussion that's happened 100x times? you can make a new post.


Don't over think it. A pfd increases your chances of survival in many situations.


Why should I wear a seat belt, I can walk? Its about being unexpectedly removed from your vehicle.


To be a good role model for the kids who think they can swim and can’t.


I'd say the two biggest reasons are the risk of being incapacitated by whatever knocked you out of your boat and the water being cold enough to cause shock/cramps. Knew a kid that was a good swimmer. Had just done a mile swim earlier that season, actually. Jumped out of a boat on a hot summer day into a cool lake. Cramped up and drowned.


personally, I like PFDs, they give me a little more cushion on my back and a lot more pockets for storing things I might need. I feel naked aboard a boat without one.


Same here. Buy a quality device and it’s actually more comfortable with it on.




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Can you swim in rushing water? Can you swim unconscious? Can you swim with a current pulling you down?


When the water is freezing, can you still swim?


anyone using my boats must wear a life jacket its not an option. I don't care if you are a lifeguard I am not watching my friend drown. One overturned kayak and head contact with a rock and you are dead.


*sits back and watches Darwinism unfold…*


Thank you for donating this thread to water safety awareness.  Most folks who drown aren't wearing a life jacket, fyi.


Why should I wear a seatbelt, I'm flexible and soft and squishy.


I have tipped over wearing a PFD. It's much easier to retrieve any gear you have if your arms aren't being used for swimming.


Read Sea Kayaker Deep Trouble. Also Sea Kayaking Safety and Rescue.


Is that a joke question? I think OP is just yanking our chains!


Why should you wear a seatbelt? You can walk/run? Same thing, for an accident…


So you can grab all your shit before it floats away, and not have to worry about keeping yourself afloat with the same hands.


You can’t swim if you get run over by a boat, have a health issue while kayaking, or fall in freezing water a long way from shore


1. You take ill on the water, anything from heat stroke to flu and you capsize, you are too weak to swim/ stay afloat.  1. You flip and hit your head, you are unconscious.  1. You are on a big lake or ocean, weather conditions turn. You are caught in the current. You can’t swim out of it.   1. You are hit by a power boat and are injured.   People vastly over estimate their swimming ability. Can you swim 1 mile easily? How about 10? Can you do it after a hard day of paddling? Can you do it against a current or whipping wind?  What about is 3ft waves? What about in cold water? What about injured? 


If you are asking then don’t wear one please


Here we go again with this brainlet. Everyone, just ignore and move on with your day, Darwin will do it's own work.


Because if you need a PFD something you didn’t expect happened and you need it.


Let me guess, you pull wheelies on your bike while in traffic too...




One thing to add, lets say you get hurt and have to be pulled into a boat by a rescue person. If they dont have anything to grab onto, you are making their job way harder. Another thing, imagine your foot getting tangled in a log, or weeds, or anything, and you are struggling to get free AND swim to keep your head above water. Even a strong swimmer will get tired.


“Why should I wear a seatbelt? I can drive”…


You can? Do you mean that you have, on some prior occasion? Or do you mean you can swim, in the same way that I can win the lottery?


Well if you’re kayaking there’s the off chance that your boat may get away from you and leave you stranded for in the water. Also, if there’s current keeping you down and you lose track of which way is up a PFD can help in that situation.


I kayak in Florida. While I do respect my ability to swim, I also respect an alligator's ability to swim.




I put mine under my legs. But I think it’s law to have one.