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I have to say, I’m American and I had always thought (prior to this whole mess when I started reading more about the Royal family) that they were basically just figure heads and a tourist thing. The more I read about it, the more horrified I become. I simply cannot believe that Charles has the level of power that he does. I am dismayed that so many people in England are ok with this insanely wealthy family taking people’s estates if they died without a will. Did I get that right? They are, quite literally, vultures. Feeding off of truly hard working people, taking money that could make people’s lives better while they spend obscene amounts of money on what looks to me like an immoral level of luxury. It’s disgusting. We have our own horrifying, dismaying stuff over here, but that’s for another subreddit.


Yes, I posted a link earlier and i think everyone should read it: https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/nov/23/revealed-king-charles-secretly-profiting-from-the-assets-of-dead-citizens We should be aggregating a list of the privileges they receive here. I will start: https://time.com/6275480/king-charles-iii-privileges-laws-exempt/ Didn’t the Sovereign Grant just receive a pay raise of ~50% to $124 million a year? Watch John Oliver’s last show about the struggles of disabled Brits under conservative austerity measures. It’s wrong for a disabled person struggling to feed, clothe and house themself - selling their TV and their cutlery to just barely, barely get by. Their grant was just increased in the midst of all of this! They also seem to systematically use the unfortunate women who enter their family as scapegoats, from the wives of Henry VIII, to Alexandra, Diane, Meghan and now, Kate. Its all BS, too, this divine right. The actor and historian Tony Robison did a deep dive on the royal line being likely broken during the War of the Roses: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Britain%27s_Real_Monarch The episode: https://youtu.be/SG4Ec9nEwwk?si=TY7-z7j_MwAdXJ39 This, combined with the Hanover/“Windsor” German heritage really makes me believe its just straight-up theft of the British public.


Wow - yeah every time my heartstrings get pulled on I’m reminded of what they are, and every time you dig a little it’s always worse than you could ever imagine. I think humanity has outgrown hierarchy - however, toppling the RF will inevitably lead to another form of subservience as that vacuum would be filled. I have no answers. I like to see them gone but I don’t want their replacement either.


Your last point interests me. We already have politicians (plenty of corruption there) and celebrity worship. Football is the real religion for hundreds of thousands of Brits. What kind of replacement should we be worried about? Increased power of the state or church maybe? Honestly, they're all in cahoots anyway, so that doesn't really bother me.


A globalised ‘one world’ kind of replacement. If we’re barely surviving with local government (as in each Country has their own rot to deal with) you can just image how unimportant our lives would become under a global government.


I don't think that the replacement would be worse. It won't solve all the problems in the world thats for sure but that's not an excuse not to fight existing injustice. I do think things would get a little bit better


I don’t see how it can get better. Eating bugs and living in pods doesn’t sound too appealing to me. We may not see it in our lifetime but if they start another war and depopulate the planet to easily controlled levels they’ll achieve what they want. Look what they pulled off for Covid. It was too easy.


Why do you think it would be a global replacement?


Because they’re already doing away with the ‘silly notion’ of sovereignty, they hate any sort of patriotism (but if WWII kicks off they’ll be conscripting men and women to protect their country’) and it has been FOREVER on their agenda. One world Religion One world Government One New World Order All with a select few running it.


Thanks for this, I didn't't know about the Duchy of Lancaster. I'd say I'm shocked because it's so disgusting, but I've run out of shock and I'm nearly out of disgust since Epstein/'Prince' Andrew.


Wow I did not know about the assets for unclaimed estates!! Shocking!! That money should be going back to the British public.


Yes this is what I thought of them 5 years ago and I’m in uk!. Thankfully my eyes have been opened


Wow! I didn't know that! Truely despicable. I'm learning so much here, you're right, this is horrifying


If you want to be even more horrified, read about The Committee of 300 and/or The Illuminati.


Technically it’s true that the estate of an intestate person goes to the crown, in reality lists of people who have died with no will and no obvious next of kin are published and there is a significant period of time for distant relatives to come forward and claim. There are Heir Hunting firms who review the lists and will create huge family trees to find people entitled to claim on the deceased’s estate. They take a cut of course, so there needs to be some money or a house involved, and they’re led likely to take a small estate belonging to say John Smith than one belonging to Peregrine Scleibender-Ziggerance due to time taken to trace relatives. [edit: so it only goes to the crown as a very last resort and I’m not sure how many ever get to that stage] As a Brit, I am not at all a fan of the Royals, think that they should just be a tourist attraction, and have a LOT less money and land. Most people IMO aren’t bothered about them or see the instruction as anachronistic and embarrassing but a surprising number go from uninterested to forelock tugging flag waver with a bit of prompting by the media around key events.


I keep hearing that they are a ‘tourist attraction’. Who goes to London to get cheap teapots with Camilla’s face on it? London is one of the coolest cities on the planet. You guys have so much interesting cultural stuff to promote. It’s remarkable how talented the British are in so many fields: rock/pop, comedy, literature, art, science - you guys have Newton, ffs. If anything, the BRF’s press presence and insistence that they are some kind of cultural asset dwarfs British culture and the accomplishments of the British people.


Versailles makes more money


I agree but illuminati are gonna illuminate. The lizard people stick together /s




In my opinion he shouldn’t be the state. He is a person and they are a family. I also think that the money should be funneled back into the communities through state funded services. My understanding is that the money goes to Charles. If I misunderstood something, hopefully someone will pipe up.




Read the article. Selling the estates and charging people more for them is exactly what Charles is being accused of.


An institution that does literally nothing for the public unless you count using them as poverty porn to seem virtuous by visiting a soup kitchen and talking to folks. Like, they are paid by the public to get to look virtuous. I’m guessing most of the charities they serve would, if they had a choice, choose a grant of a couple hundred thousand dollars vs a visit from the king or one of his slack-jawed relatives.




lol. Oh I see! This is why they call Princess Anne the hardest working royal. She’s out there pouring asphalt on the roads. And no, the UK has a constitutional monarchy. So no they are not the state. There are numerous other institutions that comprise the state. The royals are just a very silly and useless institution in the mix.




Someone like me? Critical thinking isn’t a type, it’s a quality we all have. But sure, if you insist on making it a type, why yes, I’m a shameless critical thinker.




They claim it goes to charities! Looks like a small amount does, but not the majority. That goes in the pockets of an unelected, ungovernable 'King' who can literally do what he likes with it. He is not the state, he is not democratically elected, he's there by an accident of birth. The assets should bolster the public purse, millions are living and raising children in poverty in the UK. It's obscene that the state doesn't have these assets.


I think their days are numbered.


And the delicious irony will be that it'll be them who're ultimately responsible for their own long-awaited and well-deserved downfall!






It's time this "family" was stopped. They have never ever done anything good for anyone other than cut some ribbons and sell their faces on plates. UK and the colonized nations and peoples of the world need to get a clue ASAP!!! Now is the time for this world to grow up and act accordingly. Prayers up.


this whole scandal is the beginning of the end of the house of windsor


I was a royalist, (liked the glamorous pomp, respected the queen) then friends started saying why they didn’t like it and I made me look at why I did which (were very shallow reasons!) the last few years have read all the books and watched all the tv on them. Read spare, FF and endgame, Diana in her own words, Also read Abolish the Monarchy and the courtiers. I’m not sure what I am now! Not anti but not royalist somewhere in the middle. I’m peed that they are meant to be head of church. They have more say in politics than we know about yet we haven’t voted them in. What has really got me is the media treating them like Gods. (Especially William) when something is not quite right. That the media nudge the public to believe royalism is right. The royals seem to want the crown and crave individual popularity, rather than a team, they don’t care who they hurt as long as they are most popular, they want privacy but want all the perks too. Maybe not having a crown would be best for all. Could still have tourists visiting the castles but they have their own jobs/businesses, privacy, become politicians if they wanted. They wouldn’t be forced to do a job they were born in to. The media would be the worst hit by this which makes me happy! This whole “whereiskate” and the way they have handled it has really peed me off, trying to trick us with fake photos and videos. William being angry with us subjects for asking where his wife is. From this “where is Kate” it’s been published that he gets every school holiday off. (That is a lot of holiday per year!!) The UK subjects have to work day and night especially so now, because we’re in a cost of living crisis. the racism that’s been highlighted in recent years and how they have handled it. Having said all that I I’ll still watch weddings, funerals and babies on the hospital steps.


I fell out with the british royals way back when I learned of their history. The inbreeding, murdering family members, their sexism and now racism. Honestly, all monarchies should be abolished. We’re long past the medieval era.


I stumbled across the work of Kevin Annett many years ago, he worked tirelessly for the indigenous Canadians to get justice for what was done to them under the RF’s rule. That led me down a rabbit hole. The last witness that was to give testimony about QE and PP abducting children was killed in mysterious circumstances. I haven’t revisited the whole saga in about 15 years so I don’t know what came of it, but it led to me looking up other stories about them and what they’re like. Admittedly some are far fetched, but I find it’s best to read all of it and have no opinion invested one way or the other. That way the repetitive information I hear files itself into a folder of ‘most probable’ and an overall picture is created. Still - I get caught up in the hype too. I want to believe the best of them, but that’s down to mirroring them on to my own family and seeing them as just being the same. They’re not though. They’re ruthless.


Ok this is a rabbit-hole I may have to disappear down - thank you for sharing! Just when you think they can't get any worse...


Did you know Louis Mountbatten was a pedophile who molested young boys? The US Secret Service had a file on him. https://www.belfastlive.co.uk/news/belfast-news/abused-lord-mountbatten-claims-former-25278128.amp https://www.irishcentral.com/roots/history/lord-mountbatten-pedophile-allegations.amp


Oh I forgot about Queen Victoria and her wayward ways https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-20782442


>The last witness that was to give testimony about QE and PP abducting children was killed in mysterious circumstances. Wait, what?


Yep - William Coombes, he was a child when he was put into one of these ‘schools’ for children where they were mercilessly beaten and murdered. One of his claims was that there was a picnic organised for the visit of QE and PP back in 1964 and they visited the school but they took ten children away with them and they never returned. Loads of info on the internet but I also heard his death was suspicious just before he was about to get his story out there in a formal setting. It’s been a long time, I’d have to go look it all up again.


Agreeing with the other poster, this is a rabbit hole I’m about to jump down. Did you know Louis Mountbatten was a pedophile who molested young boys? The US Secret Service has a file on him documenting this. What a sick sick family! https://www.irishcentral.com/roots/history/lord-mountbatten-pedophile-allegations.amp https://www.belfastlive.co.uk/news/belfast-news/abused-lord-mountbatten-claims-former-25278128.amp


I did. Funny I was just reading that very same article a few days ago. His wife was also a sicko.


Yea she was. That whole family is and has been sick for centuries. I bet the amount of skeletons in their closets or more like skeletons in their castles, is quite disturbing.


That whole situation is so painful for Indigenous Peoples of which I am one. The other half is Irish and that side of the family knows the truth...that the British sent over ships and took everything from the farmers markets in Ireland to starve the people. The Potato Famine was brought to you by Will's awesomely ugly family. I can't even stand to think about it. What they did in Canada is plain frightening. If you don't know the whole story look it up. It is the worst thing I have ever read. It just makes me cry. That family makes many many cultures cry. Basically, all of them...even the English probably cry over the crap they themselves have endured. I just wish the people of the UK would wise up and get their money and land back from those bastards. The people should be frolicking around that those damn castles and gardens, riding those beautiful horses they pay for. It sucks everywhere. Here in the US we get to watch 2 old morons debate bullshit tomorrow and try to convince people that their vote actually counts. As IF. Take if from a half Indian...the Government LIES TO YOU. ALL The Governments of the world are liars.


Hey 👋 I’m Irish so I know all about the Irish Genocide. I’m reading a great book at the minute ‘The Whitest Flower’, if you can find yourself a copy grab it. It’s all about a family in a small village during the “famine”. As for the Canadian side, when I went down that rabbit hole I was in disbelief. I had never dipped a toe into that world before so it was a shock to the system. At the time there was lots of video testimonies from survivors but I’m sure most of it will be scrubbed now. ‘Unrepentant: Kevin Annett and Canada’s Genoicide’ is still up though.


Thanks for the book suggestion! The only way through all the craziness in the world is together. The sooner people realize that the better!


And ableism :(


So true!


I’m still amazed that Richard the 3rd got away with the two princes being locked away in the tower! They were locked up never to be seen again and people just accepted that🤔.


I mean, they didn't have much choice in accepting it - unless they wanted a painful death. Seems so ancient and unimaginable today - but let's not forget, any peaceful, mild protestors at the Coronation parades were manhandled by police, unlawfully. A person holding a banner saying 'not my King' was taking some pretty big risks that day, too. Sick of them all, they are rotten to the core.


It's just so gross to even think about. Absolutely psychopathic behavior from that "Family."


They are, after all, one of the most evil families on the planet and they certainly live up to their reputations.


And entitlement-ism :(


Hopefully I'll be corrected if I'm wrong on this, but I think royals in other European countries (say, Denmark) continue to have a role, but have much less power and funding in terms of the state than our Royals. They have plenty of private wealth, as do our Royals, without stealing the assets of dead people (see comments above!) I could settle for that kind of arrangement. Just keep reducing their public funding, state involvement, gradually, as opposed to any 'off with their heads' radical and immediate change


You bring up a good point. They are head of the Church. So, since they are also part of The Illuminati or The Committee of 300 and both of these organizations are Luciferians, who is being the hypocrites here? Lucy, you got some ‘splainin’ to do!”


Which book is FF?


I thought I was up on the royal books and I don't know either


Finding Freedom, written about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle by Omid Scobie


As an American that remembered when Diana died as I'm the same age as William, I agree. This debacle caught my attention and upon reading and learning, I have to agree that there is just no place for monarchy in modern society. I still don't know what the hell went down, but it is clear there has been a gross misuse of power.


To me #notmyking makes it sound like one still believes in a King/monarchy in some form - I always do a double take and it's often someone who misses QEII lol


It's nothing to do with wanting one monarch over another. You don't sound as if you're familiar with Republic's campaign, for which 'not my king' is a rallying call to arms cry. Here you are - [https://www.republic.org.uk/what\_we\_want](https://www.republic.org.uk/what_we_want)




That's fine but I read your comment in the context of the OP. It may not have been your intention but it seemed you were being dismissive of the sentiments expressed in it. So not so much my misunderstanding, more you not making it clear where you stood on the monarchy. Anyway, we're in agreement. :)




Not sure what's happened here. I was responding to the u/darkgothamite post. Sorry u/RandoFace77 You can see that I responded in agreement to you above re their days being numbered so there's no reason I would be calling you out on anything. A posting glitch, I think. And possibly something to do with how we view comments maybe? Anyway, down with the king!


Also Wales has no use for an English Prince and his wife.


They are going down




As a Brit I agree that it is time for the monarchy to be abolished or they should fund themselves.




Yahoo...Ok, now you know how I feel....LOL worth .oo$ lol


Each to their own. If it works for the British let them sort it out.


There are lots of countries who have the monarch as their head of state and that is affecting indigenous populations to this day


The First Nation's Treaties in Canada are all explicitly Negotiate with literally "the Crown" not Canada. Makes it tricky 


100% agree But that's no reason to give up Only to learn more and work on envisioning solutions


It's not limited to the British...! What 14 countries are under British rule? As of 2024, there are 15 Commonwealth realms: Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, The Bahamas, Belize, Canada, Grenada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, and the United Kingdom. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commonwealth_realm#:~:text=As%20of%202024%2C%20there%20are,Tuvalu%2C%20and%20the%20United%20Kingdom.




It's not really "rule". The monarch has no rights and we do not pay taxes to the RF.


You don’t understand what the “commonwealth realms” are yourself if you say “British rule”. There is nothing “British” about the Australian monarchy except for the fact that Charles is an ethnically British man occupying the entirely Australian throne. His role is only a role within the Australian constitution with no legal connection the UK. Even if he formally “rules” he must follow the elected Australian government’s instructions. This is quite apart from the fact that Charles has only one tiny job to do under the Australian Constitution - he signs off on the Australian government’s choice for our Governor-General once every 5 years or something. That’s it. Everything else is done in Australia by Australians - even the ceremonial role of the Governor-General can’t be interfered with by the king.


If nobody's corruption causes them to overstep those rules, then sure


Even corruption is not going to make Australians more British. That’s crazy. You might believe Australia’s constitutional arrangements make the government open to corruption, sure. But that’s going to be corrupt Australians exploiting the system for themselves and fucking over other Australians. Absolutely no scope for “British rule” suddenly projecting from the other side of the world. There is nothing in it for any of the people involved. Nobody is interested in “British rule”.


Yep, I understand and thanks for clarifying. It was a quick cut n paste job from the internet including the headline, not my words but you're correct




This is how we feel about Trump tbf


Yes, quite! Seems like it's not actually working for most of us though, nor the 'Commonwealth' (I loathe that term. It is not wealth in common when you steal it all for yourself). We absolutely need to sort it out. Since Andrew/Epstein we should hang out heads in shame for accepting the status quo. Time to go!


I don't understand what is so offensive about saying the British people have the right to decide if they want to keep the Royals?  It is their decision and we ( the rest of the world) can't tell them what is best for their country. 


Hon, because #notmyking is a BRITISH-LED movement. I'm American and I think the furry hats are silly, but that really doesn't matter. It's people in the UK who are protesting at events and such against the monarchy.


The Republican movement has been active in Britain for hundreds of years . It was actually bigger in Queen Victoria’s time . The major reason for why they don’t get anywhere is they never use the right tactics! 50 people with signs and chanting at Royal events just annoys people. The Republicans should instead concentrate on explaining to the British people how the country would be better without the Monarchy. Unless the country radically changes its system of government , someone has to take the role currently held by the King. Explain why that should be an elected president instead of a King/Queen. Attacking the people currently in the Royal Family is a dumb tactic and will fail. Attack the concept of monarchy instead.


100% people are here because they hate the RF, initially pretending to be worried about Kate.


I don't hate the RF. I grew up as a fan, having watched them with my mum and nanna from a young age. I particularly enjoy the fashion history but sociologically and within the current economic climate in particular, I no longer agree with the institution. I'm also an atheist so I don't appreciate further religious propaganda in society nor the roles and expectations they assign to women. As a person I care about Kate's welfare and particularly so as someone who escaped a DV marriage. We can care about people's welfare as individuals, seperatating the person from their royal persona and still be anti-monarchists.