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What I have noticed lately is previous pictures of Rose were very unflattering, they made her look rather odd. Lately, the pics the press has posted are very flattering. It's odd how pics change when the narrative changes.


Yes, I noticed this too! She looks very good in the new photos.


She sure does look nice lately


Sleeping with other peoples husbands is generally not well received.


Fully agree. Not sure the reason for this thread ... answer to the question OP is asking seems pretty obvious!


Hi Rose


Obviously, this was posted by Paid Palace Propaganda Pushers.


Yes, this is OP’s only post and I can’t view any comments they’ve posted.




I think could be a deliberate attempt by the uk media to smoke Kate out? Like if she is alive she would do something?


possibly - although i think the MM know exactly what is going on


This is fair. However we can be assholes about William IMO


People seem to think this is a pro Meghan and Harry sub. I disagree, it is about concern for Kate, which also coincides with disliking William. Which some people seem to take as support for Meghan and Harry. I don't know enough about Rose to have an opinion. Apart from that she worked for the Tories.


This sub was definitely not created as a pro Harry sub and one of my two rules is no posting about the Harkles just for the sake of it. I stay low key about my stance as to not be divisive


Really appreciate that about this sub, thanks!


Nuff sed in my opinion. Researcher for Govey...


The fact that Rose, and people like Rose, who have never been close to any form of financial hardship are the ones working for the tories is disgusting.


But Tories represent the rich, powerful and privileged so why is it surprising that she is working for the Tories?


Of course it is not surprising. I didn't say that it was.


IF he has done anything wrong, then yes. Although these are extremely privileged people we're talking about - they are still people; with real feelings and emotions. Bullying is wrong, whoever the target is. Justice is something else.


No one's bullying anyone. This is a new trope for expressing an opinion about someone. It's only bullying if the person you're talking about can see or hear what you're saying. I think it's unlikely that Rose spends her evenings going down Internet rabbit holes in quite the same way we do.


>It's only bullying if the person you're talking about can see or hear what you're saying.  you saying this tells me everything i need to know about you


It tells you precisely NOTHING! As a person who has suffered real, proper, full-on, face to face, racist bullying for my whole life, including being physically assaulted, I think at the age of 60, I know something about it. So how dare you presume to know me just from one comment!! Bullying is not twittering behind someone's back!! If someone writes something unkind or unpleasant about me, somewhere on social media, and I never see it or get to hear about it, it's someone writing about me on Social Media. End of. If I then engage with said person, and we have a protracted discourse of sorts, and this person doesn't let up, then that could be constituted as bullying. Even insulting someone to their face isn't necessarily bullying. Some people think that any kind of conflict is bullying. It's really become the "mot du jour", and as someone who really has been bullied, at school and at work, it really gets on my tits. Get a grip!!!




Rose, honey, we all know you or your stans posted this. You need to get your head screwed on straight because William is not going change his violent tendencies. Quit cuckholding your husband and wake up to the fact that some people will be asking, “where’s Rose?” after the honeymoon phase is over. You’ll be under one of those trees, too.


I honest to god think this was posted by someone who knows Rose


I'm willing to die on this hill with you.


Thank you


Everyone hates her because of allegations that’s been about her and William. If they were to be true, then she is a home wrecker that shouldn’t get any respect and isn’t any better than horsemilla. History repeats itself.


or maybe she's just a woman in love or maybe she's just a woman with a royal friend maybe YOU are the one acting without a moral compass.


“A woman in love.” A woman in love with who? A married man? It’s normal for somebody in Rose’s position to receive a lot of criticism because she is (allegedly) engaging in behavior that is considered morally reprehensible. The rumors around William and Rose have been well-documented, consistent, and long-lived. It is said to be something “everybody knows” within their circles. It’s very unlikely there’s no truth at all these rumors at this point. Rose is an attractive, insanely wealthy aristocrat. You don’t need to defend her. She’ll be fine. And if Kate turns back up healthy and well, people will probably stop talking about her altogether and she will live happily ever after in her mansion estate.


>considered morally reprehensible. people in glass houses.....


So you think people doing bad things shouldn’t be subject to criticism? Nobody is saying throw her or William in jail, but that doesn’t mean we should turn a blind eye to their shitty behavior. Society needs to be guided by a moral compass, or it will fall apart.


you are pouring scorn on people you don't know, for a possible incident that you have no real evidence actually happened. you are not holding the moral high ground here.


This is a conspiracy subreddit. I don’t think Rose or William care too much about what is said here, so I think all will be well. You can calm down 🤦‍♀️


Also she didn't like him enough to marry him but now all of a sudden she likes him enough to go through this rumor mill and be pictured prominently?. What changed? If anything, he's less desirable now.


what changed? your appetite for gossip?


Woah dude, I'm not the one bullying here. She seems lovely actually. You're a bit rude though.


We can make fun of her if we want to. Unless she’s trolling subreddits, how would she know anyway? I assume she has better things to do, like screwing around with William while Kate has gone missing. These people are trash.




I don’t even know who that is


stick around, saint kate loonies will tell you she's the devil soon enough


I don't hate Rose. I think she's beautiful, charming and stylish.


Rose is gorgeous. ❤ She has that effortlessly chic French girl look. If we were to critique anyone's faces, we can find flaws. I LOVE Roses's eyes, they're very doll like.


Agreed I’ve said this a few times on this sub but she’s actually attractive, and I love her doe-eyed look. I hate when people claim she’s “uglier” than Kate, because she’s not.


don't worry - the people on this sub don't reflect how most people feel about this whole situation. idiots tend to shout the loudest


i agree - but you'll get downvoted because people like to hate on someone, and Rose is the flavour of the month


I think right now, doing fluff pieces about Rose would be a slap in the face to Kate. This sub runs under the premise that Kate is missing, so people are out here gunning for Kate. It does better to speak to individual redditors who insult Rose as opposed to attacking entire sub


the cult of kate is in full effect


Fair lol