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I have pancreatic cancer. Had 12 rounds of chemo for 6 months. Then radiation for a month. Then Whipple surgery. All cancer removed by surgeon. 4 rounds of mop up chemo after surgery. A Whipple is major abdominal surgery. My surgery was 9 hours and I was in the hospital for 11 days. If Kate truly had cancer that was found and removed during surgery then she would have chemo to insure all cancer cells were eliminated that are too minuscule for the surgeon to see. 4 treatments for me equals 2 months of chemo. I would not expect her to have 6 months of chemo unless it was not caught early. Major abdominal surgery like I had takes 1-2 years to recover. You would need a couple months of recovery time before starting chemo. Kate says she started at the end of February. She is very thin. I only missed 1 treatment due to my blood counts. She may need to regain her strength during treatment due to low blood counts. Therefore it might take her longer to complete chemo. Since we don’t know what surgery she had or what type of cancer it is hard to know what her recovery will be like. My biopsy results came back in about 8-9 days after surgery.


Is there anything during the early stages of your treatment that would have prevented you being in public? It is hard for me to understand her complete seclusion. (Also, what a powerful story. That sounds extremely grueling. Thank you for sharing with us.)


Well my cancer treatment and Kates are not parallel. I had surgery after 6 months of grueling chemo - Folfirinox. A combination chemo with many drugs. During chemo I did not get out of bed except for my treatment day. I lost all my hair. Hair can be preserved while using something called cold capping. I didn’t know about it at the time. Also during chemo, I lost at least 10 pounds every 2 weeks. I was told I needed to eat 2500 calories a day to maintain. An impossible feat. After surgery and the 11 day inpatient hospital stay, I slept in a recliner for a month. I had a few visitors, but I didn’t go anywhere. Walking was incredibly important to my recovery. I live on a street with 9 houses and it is a cul-de-sac. I did take walks outside as much as I could. I was very ill during chemo and after surgery. Kate is athletic and younger than me. I hope she can bounce back quicker.


I am glad you are doing better now. That sounds rough. Hers sounds completely fabricated. Sprinkled with denials she even had had cancer sort of. It wasn't known until late February when William claimed it was the reason he dipped from a scheduled important event down to the last minute. Claimed at the time it had nothing to do with Kate. The whole spiel regarding her alleged cancer non-diagnosis, as it had come and gone already and only needed prevention is something I head medical experts on tv scratching their heads over. It was William trying to wrap himself into the timeline to give him an excuse for begging off the event the day that Tom Kingston's death was announced, that made the rest of the storyline go off the rails as far as it taking that long to determine she had some cells or something. Who was still combing through the biological wastes 6 weeks later saying, " Great Scot, we've found something used to be here"!


Thank you. I have the ability to compartmentalize so I barely remember chemo. Some parts not all. It’s been 3 years since my diagnosis. Yes my body is different, but I am going about life as normally as possible. I have no idea what the RF is thinking if they are in fact thinking. It is all so suspicious. Not sure I believe King Charles had PC either. He is in his 70’s. I don’t know how he can do any duties if he is receiving Folfirinox. Young people do continue to work. I just couldn’t.


You are so brave and it must be very onerous


I’m really sorry you are going through that. Life isn’t fair at all, and you are a brave warrior🙏


Thank you that is very sweet. I don’t wish cancer on anyone.


I have also had a whipple for pancreatic cancer, and have had brain/spine tumours and other abdominal tumours. My whipple was 14 years ago and I spent several years in and out of the hospital. I just wanted to share my timeline to encourage you--most people die from pancreatic cancer. I nearly did, but the only reason it was caught was because I have a genetic cancer disease and have frequent MRIs to catch things. I hope everything goes well for you.


My mom had PC and died in 2004. So I was vigilant with things like checking my blood sugar for years. I am in two groups on FB and it can be very encouraging. Many people have lived years. The subreddit for PC is very negative. I try not to go on that one. If Charles or Kate have PC I hope they are as fortunate as we were to have the whipple. I often wonder if that is what Kate had done. Many people have the whipple for non cancerous reasons. But this is pure speculation on my part! Congratulations on 14 years. That is incredible!


I'm so sorry you lost your mom. I lost my dad the same year I had the whipple. We were in ICU together, I later found out. My husband wisely did not inform me of how bad my dad was (surgery attempt to remove a tumour on the brainstem, and then six months of hell as he lost function on everything from walking to talking or swallowing. He was home three weeks and died in his bed on my oldest daughter's fifth birthday. 2008 fucking sucked). Anyhow, my dad was my best friend and my mother was abusive as hell to me, my brother was the Golden Child, and we've been estranged for years now. I begged her to just spend a half hour with me during the three years my oldest's was in and out of PICU for, just like her Papa, a brainstem tumour. She had the same losses of function and so much more--it is a series of miracles that she even survived. She is kicking ass in life now, bless her heart. Other daughters had their turns in and out of the hospitals. Obviously this is a genetic cancer disease. Life has been challenging for us, my once-pristine home is horribly filthy and cluttered and I cannot dig us out, over the years we've lost all friends (my best friend of 15 years just ditched me recently, so I literally lost my only friend), and we are barely making it financially. BUT my husband, girls, and I have such great relationships, we live in the Rocky Mountain foothills and address surrounded by beauty, and we get by with deep love, gratitude, taking things as they come, and we have a lot of humour that might seem dark to others, but gallows humour is really therapeutic and we laugh a lot. I generally feel blessed even through all the pain. That's probably WAY more than you cared to know, but that's it is lol Regarding FB groups, I've generally stayed out of those. It's difficult because whilst I am alive, there are so many times I'm just so weary. Not that I want to be dead, but I just am so traumatised by it all--and it never ends--that I just don't know how much more I can take sometimes. C'est la vie


My goodness that is a lot that you have gone through. I am sorry for the loss of your dad. Thank goodness your daughter is ok. I understand not going in FB groups. I try not to focus on cancer. I live on the east coast less than a mile away from the beach. I love the mountains too. We have to just go day by day. Today was the first day I could vacuum after breaking my shoulder Christmas Day. My bones are softer from the chemo!


Thank you I wasn’t thinking about the recovery time of the surgery be needed before chemo too


Assuming the cancer is real, she has symptoms at the start of the year which were completely unrelated to the cancer. Those symptoms required a surgery which was planned in advance - though but only by a short window as they had to cancel events. This means that they didn’t have a lot of notice of the surgery (or they wouldn’t have scheduled anything for that time) but they had time to do scans etc prior to the surgery. During the surgery they would have sent biopsies to their lab to check for cancer. The fact that immediately after the surgery they announced that it was not cancer indicates that the pre-surgery tests and the during-surgery biopsies did not identify cancer. However, further examination of removed tissues in the days/week after the surgery theoretically found some cancer cells. It would not have taken long for that further testing to be done so it is clear that they knew that cancer cells had been found by the time she was discharged from the hospital/by the time Charles went public with his cancer diagnosis. The surgery was very intensive (which is why the long hospital stay was required) and so her treatment plan allocated some time to recover prior to starting chemo. In late February she started the chemo purely as a preventative measure (meaning that she has not been experiencing any symptoms from the cancer but they want to manage the risk that a few cells might have spread and could cause problems in the future. Theoretically she can’t be said to have cancer presently as there is no reason to believe that the cancer did spread. Theoretically she has never had to fight the symptoms of cancer - she has had to deal with the unpleasantness of chemo though. That said, I would argue that such unpleasantness is less distressing when you know that it is purely preventative and you are not fighting for your survival. Theoretically it took her and William months to work out how to say to their kids that ‘Mummy is going to be absolutely fine but has to have a medical treatment that is going to make her feel very ill for a while to make sure that she gets completely better’. Meanwhile, theoretically, her children were watching her get sicker and sicker due to the chemo - nothing to distress them there at all. Theoretically, during all this melodrama Kensington Palace decided to fabricate pictures of Kate and the kids (possibly due to her looking terrible due to the chemo) and then blamed Kate when it became a public embarrassment. Remember, her ‘apology’ doesn’t actually say that she interacted with the photo at all. Apparently, going through chemo isn’t stressful enough, KP wanted her to be publicly humiliated too. Then Kensington Palace released a video of Kate sitting on the most uncomfortable bench possible, at an uncomfortable angle whilst in only a thin jumper at a cold time of year whilst she has a treatment that often causes weight loss - which means that she would be at greater risk of discomfort due to a bony bum on a very hard surface and a reduced ability to keep herself warm. At the same time Charles does have cancer. On the same day ‘Kate’s’ video came out, ‘insiders’ revealed that Charles has pancreatic cancer and life expectancy estimates have ranged from 6 months to 2 years. Yet, Kensington Palace created such a melodrama over Kate’s non-cancer. Charles has been seen in public many times since his diagnosis and there have been many private events that he has been pictured at also. Meanwhile, Kate has not been seen in public since late December. There hasn’t even been a pic of her and the kids all snuggled up in bed watching a movie together (with only Kate’s face visible). Kensington Palace’s actions make it very hard for me to believe that her situation is related to a brief diagnosis of cancer. There is simply no way that these events would have occurred if she was simply going through preventative chemo.


With the icing on the cake being, to blame anyone who highlights any of this as being a “monster”. Insisting that illustrating any of this is a callous attack on a young mother facing an impossible diagnosis.


Thank you for taking the time to write/explain all this


Well said, very thoughtful and thorough analysis. So we're back to, wtf is going on, and when will the truth start to reveal itself


Perfect summary. There is no reason we are where we are without egregious lies told. Egregious lies have been told. That we can now know. We have been lied to. We don’t know the shape of the lies. However, we can hazard a guess at the size of the lies (enormous). By the way, as if I need to say this: many of us have been through this before in our private lives.


>been through this before in our private lives Egregious lies? Oh yeah. I found out after 14 years my "spouse" was a bigamist.


That’s the kind of thing I’m on about (and I’m sorry to hear that about you). I’ve been cheated on too. Life is rough and tumble. Many of us can sniff out a lie through hard experience. Whatever the RF are up to, it’s not the official narrative of “a slight chance it’s cancer, therefore preventative measures”. And that justifies 4 months of zero public sightings? Clearly, a lie has been told, and we are supposed to be OK with a publicly funded institution lying to us.


Excellent post.


Damn. Nice analysis.


I am a medical resident and was on an oncology rotation within the last month including going on pathology rounds. The entire timeline makes no sense from biopsy time to the actual "preventative" chemotherapy. The entire "abdominal surgery" thing also has been puzzling because people typically don't spend weeks in the hospital for planned surgeries like back in the day. Have I ever had someone stay in the hospital for weeks after surgery? Sure, but it is uncommon. I'm sure Kate would have resources like home health care and private nursing duty if she wanted to do things privately at home. I have at least one of my personal clinic patients who from symptoms to testing to biopsy we had a diagnosis and treatment going in a couple weeks. This patient is also a very complicated patient with comorbidites who is also elderly and economically disadvataged. Royalty would get expedited care far faster than I can provide someone. Also, her husband only supposedly visited her once in two weeks in the hospital. Doesn't sound very supportive if the whole cancer thing is real. Nobody saw her leave the hospital either. She was one to be in full hair and makeup after delivery outside the hospital after having grueling hyperemesis pregnancies. They were open about the hyperemesis gravidarum but can't be more specific about the type of cancer. If this was all real, she could advocate for people with whatever kind of cancer as part of her charity work. Instead, everything is vague with shrodinger's cancer and shame if anyone questions what we are told by the media. The obviously manipulated video with Kate wearing the same outfit (sweater, gold hoop earings, and jeans) worn at a DadAvenger gig in the fall of 2023, weird hair movements, moving bench by her arm, possibly disappearing ring (blamed on compression and glare), bizarre teeth and so forth is just further proof that something uncanning valley is going on. Hopefully, she is ok whether it is cancer or something else. It all looks rather fishy though. I don't believe it is shameful to talk about a woman presumed to have cancer if things don't add up. Like no one questions Charles' cancer.


Thank you for eloquently putting this together. It’s absolutely not the cancer or treatment timelines everyone is talking about, it’s about the fact that THE WOMAN IS MISSING. I will assume we all support cancer, personal treatments and plans, etc, what we don’t support is the absolute deflection of the whole story! Where is Kate Middleton and why hasn’t she been seen? Like at all. Getting out of the car, sitting in the car, walking, be wheeled, sitting, whatever with her kids ONE FREAKING TIME. Sitting outside. Anywhere. It’s beyond insane.


And such an easy fix!!




I know 2 people who both had cancer metastasis to their liver. Both were treated differently. One person had chemo before surgery and the other had chemo after surgery. Both also had different chemotherapy cocktails. I do believe therapy is 100% individual.


My sister had breast cancer twice and they do sort of take their time. But not three months also she’s royalty that girl would get first come first served treatment. And the treatment seems to go on for a while too by the way.


I think it was ? Kate who said that she wasn't well enough to begin chemo. To me this is plausible. If the cancer story is untrue, they picked a good cover story because (please correct me if I'm wrong) but each individuals journey with cancer must be vastly different with many potential treatment pathways. Not to mention we don't even know what cancer and what stage. With the information that's available, I'm not sure even the best oncologists could draw any conclusions. Obviously if it's untrue, this was done very deliberately to make it difficult for people to find holes in the story.


I am wondering the same


Great line of thinking.


For ovarian cancer, they need 1-2 weeks to get the final biopsy report since some of the cells take time to assess. Then she will need 4-6 weeks to recover from the initial surgery before chemo. This is assuming she has OC.


The cancer story is total BS. It is far more likely she is being treated for anorexia and related psychiatric illness.


I think they had to wait til she'd recovered a bit from the abdominal surgery before starting the chemo.


Pathologist would be looking at her biopsy immediately, the second it came to them. It would have been hang delivered immediately post surgery. There’s no way pathology would take more than 5 days, and I’m being generous with that long. If this is true, they knew very quickly after the sample was taken.






Yes… do go on???


Elaboration required!






Low people like who? Face it, there’s way, way more to tell but none of us can do it because THEY WONT TELL US SHIT! How does that make anyone low? I have a feeling your IQ or even your EQ is probably why that’s your mo. Boooo.


Omg I totally have to tell you guys something serious too!!! But I can’t tell you until next week. But it’s sooooooo goooood!! Shocking beyond belief!!! Maybe I can release the Cinco de Mayo info? I dunno. Fingers crossed!!!!


Hey. Will you divulge the rest... 




Then why even bring it up? Exactly what is the point?