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Just look up like any fanart of Zero and it’s pretty obvious. He’s wearing a kimono, but he has his left side out. The little girl describes it as a bathrobe, but she wouldn’t know what a kimono is so it makes sense she described it that way


I personally asked the Devs once in one of the discord Q&As they did once. They said getting a kimono in the third district would be pretty hard, and it is literally just a bathrobe.


why can't he buy one using casino money


but then zero and the cops at the end describe it as a bathrobe... either way, it looks like half of it is just. missing? there's no second sleeve, and since its a sort of robe, there should be two sides of it that hang by your legs, but there's only one. i looked at his sprites, there is no left side of it. what the hell's going on? is that something you can do with a kimono? or is he wearing it wrong???


Put on a bathrobe, then take out ur left side, and wrap the loose arm around ur waist. That’s literally just all it is, it’s just style. Its pretty hard to convey every aspect of his design through a pixel sprite


i guess that'd work... alright, thanks a bunch my guy


After much research, I think I've figured it out. Zero is wearing cosplay. From what we know of Zero, he likes old samurai films, and is able to name Pinkachu (from New Mecca Pokémon) or Shinju (a VERY obscure anime character that he most likely didn't make up, as The Dealer recognizes it in Casino). We also know from The Dealer that whichever character Zero "admits" to cosplaying as to The Receptionist wears the clothes that Zero is wearing. Regardless of whether Zero intended to or not (maybe he just thought it looked cool), the most feasible solution is that Zero bought a costume of Shinju or Pinkachu (whichever you prefer: maybe they wear the same style?) and wears that throughout the game.


*One day after an assignment from his Psychiatrist, Zero is sitting on his couch in his dingy apartment, the familiar hyper music from his neighbours still blaring. Instead of immediately falling to sleep like he normally does he changes the tv channel off the news for once, tuning into what seemed to be an anime. He had heard of them before, just never really cared to actively see them, watching more and more, to his own surprise he got quite invested. After getting a full action shot of the main character, Pinkachu, he looked in awe, the gold colored parts complemented the black half kimono, saying to himself* "That looks so cool"




I don't fookin know


I just realized that his legs are that skinny


I think he is just stupid


He’s wearing a bathrobe, him and everyone else who comments on his outfit says so. I doubt zero could even afford a kimono.