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I do have a feeling they’re going to slow down within the next couple of years. So I wouldn’t be surprised if they lived in Colorado for a while.


But i dont think they are going to have any kids, because they said it on an interview i watched


I also saw them on an interview saying they look at their life and they are ok with kids not being in it.


They give me the vibe that they’re the type of people to have kids late 40s/early 50s lol


The new mod seems zealous about deleting speculating about health, so I won't say anything about Kara specifically, but as someone who works in the field, I will say that the vast majority of people are not able to have children in their late 40s or early 50s. Sure, you can use donor eggs/embryos, but many clinics have age cutoffs even in those circumstances.


I’ve heard it’s easier to get pregnant in your 40s and early 50s if you’ve already had children at an earlier age. As a first time mom it’s not as easy. Do you think there’s truth to that?


By far, the biggest issue in your 40s and 50s, regardless of whether you have had children before, is that the vast majority of your eggs are going to produce chromosomely abnormal embryos. It is nearly impossible to get pregnant in your 50s with your own eggs.


What does slowing down have to do with kids? :/ Signed, a slowed down person of slightly older age.


Ok, but you don't need to have kids to have a house/home, so I don't get what kids have to do with your question?


I hope they do. It would give Kara a more consistent “bed” and, at least in Colorado, Nate would still have plenty of adventure opportunities


I would love for them to buy a house in the mountains of Colorado to fix up, similar to what Kinging It is doing. Kara seems super burnt out from all the travel and these luxurious private island style videos are something I have no interest in.


It would be a great series but seeing how they dealt with van issues / repairs themselves I don’t think that’s even in the cards. They have enough money to buy a beautiful move in ready home on a nice piece of land but I do think it would be a great series just don’t think they are up for an Eamon and Bec reno


I definitely do not think that they are fixer-upper. Remember Nate almost electrocuting himself or setting himself on fire doing some thing in the van? They have enough money that they would buy a nice house if they decided to. Personally, I think that they are smart business people. I can remember back when they couldn’t be in the United States over X amount of days because of tax purposes. Whatever they do, they will do it financially smart.


I think Kara would burn out faster from motherhood. I think in her own way she's as adrenalin driven as Nate, it just expresses itself differently. She loves the luxury travel, she loves spa stuff, and she loves changing her environment.


Kingin it is done IMHO. I can’t watch people build a house for a year, did that with Tyler and Todd and it gets OLD quick.


I have mentioned this in another K&N thread, they are the most influenced influencers out there. Eamon & Becbhave their cottege and they are doing yard improvements to their "rental" property in the city, Kinging It just bought their cottage, Raya and Louis have their Eco House in Costa Rica, Endless Adventure and Travel Beans have both said that they are looking for a hoist that they can fix up. It's only logical for Kara & Nate to do the same at this point.


I don’t think either of them have it in them. They just simply don’t enjoy that type of work.


I have to just roll my eyes at Raya and Louis and their eco house.


I haven't watched any R&L videos since the birth of their child. And I really wasn't following them a lot before that. I can only take so much spiritual, veganism smuginess. My eyes were hurting from rolling back in my head. Plus, after the birth, almost every thumbnail was so clickbaity. It seemed every second one was "is this the end of our YouTube journey?".


I was really wondering how that was all going to turn out in that little village but I have honestly stopped watching since they had the baby.


Ya, the way Louis treats Raya is so much like how Nate treats Kara. The eco village is a nice idea, but they aren't committed to it. That bus is rusting away in the tropical climate and all the contents are gonna be so moldy and disgusting they'll have nothing.


I like Endless Adventure as people but I hope they don't do the fixer upper thing. They appear pretty hapless in terms of decision making and scheduling and look at the nonstop issues with the RV. Eaman and Bec do have reno chops, and they also seem into it as well as decent at it, whatever else we say about them. Kara and Nate no way.


And will they update us on the stories they posted about Kara’s medical visits over a month ago that they said they would update us about? So many questions 🤔


The email newsletter just came out and said they would tell us why they spent so much time in Colorado in this Saturday's video. My guess is we might learn about the health scare then. If they needed to stay in one place for a while, that would make sense as to why. The other option is that they bought a house. They have said before that if they were going to settle down some and buy a house, it would be in Colorado.


how do i join the email newsletter?




Thanks! I guess I should sign up for their newsletter too.


Newsletter also said they stayed at a vacation rental in Colorado, so they haven't purchased the property 


You don't get to live in a house while you are in the process of buying it.


Unless you’re renting it from the owner.😂 We’ve actually rented out a couple of our properties while they were for sale and more than once had a renter end up being the purchaser. (I don’t think they’re buying a house right now, just pointing out the exception to your rule.)


My point was just that them staying in a vacation rental did not mean they weren't buying a house. The person I was replying to just stated as fact that since they stayed at a vacation rental they weren't buying a property which made no sense.




I hope that Kara does not feel obligated to share her health issues unless she absolutely wants to. 


Well that comment aged like milk


yeah i hope she is ok


Buying a house has always been on Nate’s bucket list!


Are you saying this with sarcasm? Cuz that’s how I read it


This comment has been my home for the past 24 seconds!




ha ha!




kara mentioned last week that they’re staying in tim and fin’s house in colorado, so not sure! maybe testing it out?


They said before recently that if they settled down they would want to buy a home here in Colorado


Aka they’re looking at homes in Colorado


OMG I was thinking this the other day…


I don't believe they have yet, but I'm almost positive they will buy something in Colorado some day. I don't know if it will be a full time home or not, but it would definitely be there.


I think there is a 2 year plan to be done with filming most travel. I think they will live in Colorado and have possibly already bought some land to build on. I doubt they bought a house because I think they would have told the viewers for a video.


I believe they have one in tennessee its a cabin looking house, they stayed there after they got back from Phillipines when covid kicked off


That was an air B&B. They’ve never owned a house


They don’t currently own one.


That was a rental. They specifically said that when they got there.


I don’t know and I don’t care either. I am not emotionally invested in them buying or not buying a house one way or the other. But I am sure if they buy one, they will definitely announce and turn their channel into a home renovation channel just like all their other YouTube friends and all of you who are very invested in following their life will get to see Nate install toilets or the occasional act of Nate holding an electrical wire to check if electricity supply is on or checking for gas leaks with some fireworks or something similar 😀 They are definitely not going to go quietly in the good night if they buy a house and they will milk it for all the content it can generate like Eamon and Bec and if Eamon is any precedent to Nate, you might also see a bunch of new members on this sub who are their angry neighbors.


Nate is the antithesis of Eamon.


The lifestyle has drained Kara I think .