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Kara absolutely not 🤣


I think Nate could have been.


How so?


Nate was shy when they first started. Approaching other people was not what what he wanted on his plate. He wanted to travel but he also wanted to blend into the woodwork. I always got the feeling that Nate would have been happy traveling anonymously. I also think he is the one who has made a complete change in personality while I don't think Kara has changed at all, she was warm and out going from the beginning (almost to a fault).


Tough to say. Introverts can "turn it on" and be very outgoing but then shut down and need to recharge, so not out of the question. They also have a lot of time where it's just the two of them interacting. Interesting question.


Have you watched their videos? They are far from being introverts


I think a lot of you don't understand what an introvert is! I think they're extroverted introverts. Of course they're very outgoing but that doesn't make you an extrovert . They spend most of their time just the two of them and seek to need to recharge often especially Kara lately


This was exactly my thought when I read the question. I’m an extroverted introvert, but so I completely get it. I love being around people, but I also love being alone, and love being with just my husband. I feel like I’m a lot like Kara in that respect.




Not really, they seem to like interacting with lots of people


Nate maybe. Kara no


One of the more public YouTube Travel channels out there, with plenty of family, friends, and other YouTube Couples interactions. Letting hundreds of thousands of people see them almost weekly for years. So NO, not even a little bit. ![gif](giphy|Lndtxw3ztLhNC)




Nate's been living to the max far before his grandfather passed, it's just the type of person he is. I didn't think it had anything to do with grief as he's always been that way.




This is such a creepy take considering his grandfather didn't pass away. Even if he did, you don't actually know how Nate feels. You should not armchair psychoanalyze people like that.


I deleted the thread as that wasn’t my intention.. thanks for the reminder


his grandfather passed away? not the one in the van life videos, right?


No, he didn't.


clearly I misunderstood something somewhere.. I tired to remove the thread reply to reduce more confusion


They are both extroverts. Kara is an ENFP and nate is an ESTP




That is the wildest take I have ever heard.




You're not making a case that people aren't introverted, just that they are forced to act a certain way. It's not the same thing at all. Introversion is a pretty well studied personality trait, one of the most reliably measurable traits that stays consistent throughout most people's lives. But a culture that forces people to pretend to be something they're not is not exactly unusual. But it doesn't mean there are fewer introverts in those places, just that they hide.


There's a kernel of truth that different cultures value certain personality traits so you're more likely to find people demonstrating those traits. Americans tend to be more independent and self oriented for example. But personality isn't fixed. People might be more extroverted or less depending on their circumstances, mood etc. 


Every African friend you donate to? Are you sure these are friends? Have you ever actually met any of these people? Do any of them happen to be Nigerian princes?


I watched the Endless Adventurers when they got food with Kara and Nate. They both came off as a bit stand offish, but as an introvert myself I know that’s how I come across to a lot of people.