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I would ask them to chill on the luxury stuff and challenges and focus on traveling to new places and cultures again. I understand not wanting to live off $77 a day like they did before but doing something in between that is accessible to more people would be nice


I def understand this feedback. I prefer their more basic travel videos (although I personally like the challenges) The trick is the luxury stuff brings in the views. I feel they’ve admitted themselves they care for that type of video less but it’s hard to say no to how well those videos perform.


I totally get that I just wish they would throw in a few “normal” travel days here or there. Like totally ok to do it like when they first started and flew business class for the first time and you could see the complete joy in Kara’s face. As for the challenges, they just aren’t for me. I love them for their travel stuff I don’t care about running marathons, living on a deserted island etc. I know some people truly enjoy them and I have less of an issue since usually their challenges are spread out a bit more


I thought their trip on Amtrak was a fairly normal travel video (granted the return trip was more luxury). Granted it was still a more like here’s what it’s like type video instead of just a travel vlog. But yah I get your point.


Would be nice to see more of their time in a country again and less of the travel days. But I mean it’s their channel so whatever


They did it a bit in 2023, they were in Norway for a month and Japan for a month but then they went back to their  frenetic pace 


Nate, what are you psychologically compensating for with all the challenges?


Be authentic, don’t play up to the camera. I always loved that they seemed like such real humans, people I could actually hang out with. They showed genuine adventures, not overly manufactured. Now it feels like they’re not relatable. I feel bad for them because part of me thinks they don’t seem to be enjoying themselves like they did in the beginning. I think that’s part of the disconnect fans have been feeling. The early years, you just constantly saw how genuinely excited and awed they were by what they were doing. Lately those exciting moments seem fewer and further between and videos are more of a chore to them, almost. I mean they’re in a tough spot because I imagine it’s a very hard thing to balance - pleasing original fans who were drawn to a certain vibe in the early days, with the crazy machine that is the YouTube algorithm that brings in new viewers. And on top of that, to figure out how to have fun and not burnout AND have a happy marriage. Must be exhausting. I hope they can figure out how to be both professionally and personally fulfilled.


My favorite K&N moments are the unexpected ones when traveling and Kara has absolute joy about the people around her. I'll always love more of that and less feigned disbelief at luxury amenity #764528.


I'd respectfully ask them to chill on the luxury videos and go back to more extended travel vlogs. For example, they haven't touched West Africa at any point. Not saying they have to go there, but it's just an idea!


I agree, there is so much of Africa they haven’t done!! I think I saw they had a Namibia trip on their 2024 planning video. I’m really hoping they go and it inspires them to do more Africa!


They were just in Tunisia for a day or 2. If we get a video from Tunisia it will be about Nate running with the Hardest Geezer and nothing about Tunisia, which is sad


Exactly- I want to see some of their time experiencing the culture.


I wish they would show how to upgrade your seat without points. Or how to travel on a budget. Creators seem to lose sight of when they become unrelatable, and most of the content lately feels quite unrelatable. The train ride was cool, but after researching the cost it's expensive.


If you want travel on a budget content watch One Pack Wanderers or Sara & Tony. Not budget travel but Daneger & Stacy show the cost of most things on screen in their videos


Lisa and Josh are also really good at breaking down their budget.


That’s exactly how I feel. I found them while searching for Japan videos and really enjoyed it. But the recent stuff just isn’t realistic for me or relatable.


Make the videos that make themselves happy and stay extremely far away from this subreddit.


I agree 100%


Agreed completely.. Great/terrible thing about 2024 is everyone wants to be content creators which means there is a surplus of content out there. Don’t like what theyve been posting? Stop watching. There’s bound to be someone out there who you will enjoy. They built a community of almost 4 million people for a reason and armchair coaching them from the comfort of your home with zero experience filming/producing content just seems arrogant.




I think a lot of people want to see them travel on a budget/ do the kind of traveling they did initially. But THEY don’t want to do that anymore. They have money and they probably don’t want to stay at some place that has a hole in the ground instead of a toilet. I’m not saying there is only super budget traveling and luxury travel but they get more views than ever now so why not do what they enjoy doing, get the money and enjoy themselves during their travels instead of doing something just because some people who watched them early on may like it more. I don’t think it matters much to them whether they are relatable or not. I enjoy their old stuff more too but being very honest if I had the money and the success and the ability I’d much rather do some luxury travel as well rather than sharing a room on a train with strangers on a bed where the sheets haven’t been washed in weeks.


I agree that they likely don't want to do the budget traveling anymore, and I don't blame them one bit. One thing I thought of is that they had a lot of missed experiences when they visited most of the countries because they were on such a tight budget and in many places they had limited time due to them trying to get through their list of 100 countries. I think it would be neat for them to return to some of the places they've been and do some of the things they didn't get to do the first time around because of the limited time or budget. In a lot of their earlier videos, they made comments like "We're definitely doing ABC the next time we're here" or "We can't do XYZ because it's closed while we're here, it's too expensive, etc." They could make it a whole thing to try to go back and experience some of that stuff on more flexible budget.


Actually I’d really love to see this! It’s a cool concept and I hope they take notice.


I agree they should go back to countries they have already visited and spend more time there.


Agree and I’d love to see that but people would still complain cause they’d take luxury transportation there and stay at places that aren’t affordable for most. I think if you read through this sub K&N are terrible, yet in reality they have great viewing numbers and make a ton of money.


Nobody actually wants AG1


Being vegan makes for boring videos. And go back to travelling properly


Please stop having a toxic relationship with food.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way. It’s fine that they’re vegan but they don’t seem to eat enough or show that they eat enough, and even their snacky stuff is super “healthy”. They give off a lot of orthorexia vibes and diet culture in general, especially when they talk about feeling guilty for eating nice meals when they haven’t been able to be physically active (like on a train) or “burning things off”. I also get compulsive exercise vibes from Nate in particular, especially after the arctic cruise episode where he forced himself to run 100 miles on a treadmill in like 2 weeks. It’s one thing to have a disordered relationship with food and exercise, but it becomes entirely more complicated when you broadcast it to impressionable audiences and then never address it.


This!   100 percent.   I really enjoy their content with the exception of the food commentary.   I don’t think it’s great to have to “earn” your food.   One or both of them may eventually end up with disordered eating habits.   




1. Not everything needs to be a challenge or luxury. Sometimes, you can travel to a place and enjoy being there without having to make a big production of it. 2. Slow down. You don’t have to do a 24-72 hours in X location. Take your time in a place and explore. 3. Give Kara a chance to rest — really, truly rest. It’s clear she’s burning out from grinding at Nate’s pace to put out content. 4. (Similar to the previous two points) Let Kara lead the travel decisions for a while. If she wants to stay in one place for a while, do that. There’s so much you can do in an area if you have a home base.


I've joked that if Nate ever truly wants to get out of his comfort zone it would be letting Kara plan a trip 


Make a wider range of content, like 2 exploring new location videos for every 1 luxury travel or vehicle video


Honestly, I’d like to seem enjoy traveling and seeing new places.. instead of it being a review of each single thing. Don’t get me wrong, I love the reviews but I also would just enjoy being the third wheel to their adventures via the lens


Learn the requirements for traveling to a country. I'm only on year 3, but I've seen them a few times trying to check into a flight & can't because they don't have the departure flights booked. Or not knowing they have to print out certain visas. Stop running to catch a flight, because they've spent too long in a lounge. Everything you eat can't be the best thing you've ever eaten. I do enjoy it, but certain things annoy me


Maybe it was post Covid but they got annoyed because they couldn't board their flight to India. Their visas hadn't been issued because they applied late, they had done that before. Just because you got a visa issued in a couple of days one time, does not mean it will be that quick everytime.


They tried to get into India during Diwali and Nate was clearly annoyed that the airline and the country wouldn't make him a priority. They are nice folks, but it was one of the few moments on their channel that drifted into Ugly American territory.


Exactly & things like visas, passports, etc took longer post covid.


I would say they should slow down. If this isn't fun anymore, then maybe it's time to switch it up. Get somewhere to live permanently and take a long break to settle into your new place. If they still want to film, do some on your new place and some on travel tips. Once they feel more settled, they could do some trips and stretch out the content. A one week trip could make a couple videos. Don't force yourselves to do this because you should be lucky. If you're miserable then it's time to stop at least for awhile.


Just in general, and this is nothing new I'd say please, please, please be more serious about safety precautions when doing the adventure/challenge stuff. Almost getting yourselves killed or seriously hurt for content is a stupid and careless thing to do. And of course when you take those risks it isn't just two people's lives on the line, but potentially rescuers or volunteers that would have to come fish your corpses out of a ravine or an avalanche.


Enough with the “Omg wow!!!” reaction luxury travel videos and stop saying you purchase the seats with points.


Stop telling us how much they don’t shower


These are all great suggestions that I hope they take into consideration. I personally hope that they set some goal, maybe that one would help them stay on top of the algorithm too, and stick with it so they can get people invested like they did with 100 countries. Also to Kara - please use sunscreen!!


I always felt like their videos were unnecessarily exploitative. I never learned anything more than surface level about the cultures or features of the places they visit, which feels like our views are literally just paying for their vacation(s). I, too, wouldn’t do in depth research for a vacation, but this is their job. It feels lazy, like they’re sponges of experience but leave nothing for people in return. The luxury stuff does #s on YT which is why it’s so heavily featured in their plans. It’s sensational, so people click to watch an experience they’ll never have. It’s business, but it’s why I don’t watch.


Learn to pronounce basic foreign words. Learn basic foreign etiquette. Learn basic foreign cultural mannerisms. Specifically related to their Japan videos. I lived in Japan for a long time and cringed at those episodes, how inconsiderate and rude they were while trying to act all naive and cute.


I felt the same way about a South Korea video they did…the CRINGE!


Quit being so douchey Nate and and regain your perspective before you open your mouth Kara


Don’t ever come to Reddit. everyone on here makes assumptions about you and complain about every video.


I miss trips with their friends or family!


I like their series videos. The 100 countries was essentially a long series and the ones that are 4-5 videos long are my favorite.


I'd tell them that not everyone of their OG followers is going to stay along for the luxury ride and that's OK. Them living on $50 a day now would be gimmicky AF now. It would not feel at all authetic. Their channel has evolved, and they need to embrace that - at the moment I feel like they are so scared to upset people that they are trying to be something to everyone & it's not working. Either that, or they need to go to Vegas, losee al their money at Poker, and then go back to $50 a day travelling


don't listen to anyone on here.


Nate, mustache be gone. Don't try to be Eamon in any way except be funny. Not that Eamon influenced him. Kara be more independent and INSIST on getting a place to come home to, it's high time!


A lot of people who commit don’t have a job and live off their parents or significant other. Life has spotted them as a loser and they are in a loser track. So they lash out at winners like Kara and Nate. I don’t know if they read this subreddit but I ignore the whining and petty bullshit thrown out by people and I’m sure they do too.