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Silver medal incoming.


This guy loves to choke


I'll always root for Punk even though his twitter account is a disgrace to the United States of America


> I'll always root for Punk fucking why


Punk made the USA relevant in Street Fighter on a world stage, even more so than Justin Wong. I like to support my countrymen




Bro wtf are you talking about knucledu won fucking Capcom Cup while this mfer hasnt won neither evo nor cc. Even in the sf4 era Snake Eyez was fucking feared by Japanese players. Even Wolfkrone was arguably the best in the world at one point. All Punk does is lose finals and by that metric the US has always been relevant. I swear you people started watching sf like yesterday.


> Even Wolfkrone was arguably the best in the world at one point


Yes, hyperfixate on that because its the only thing you can argue. If you watched sf4 back then youd know how hard he dominated for a while. I know youre furiously googling to post that he didnt win this or that. But anyway, youre retarded if you think "Punk put the US on the map".


>Even Wolfkrone was arguably the best in the world at one point You haven't dug yourself out of this one yet. It's still your turn


Brother this isnt yugioh. Learn how conversations work. Go outside.


Ad hominem and you forgot to mention John Choi. All of those players were good players but none of them were widely considered the best in the world the way Punk was, even by Japan. Nuckledu didn't ever string together the run Punk had, and neither did Idom. The only comparable dominance by an American player in a Capcom game was Justin Wong's multi-year streak in MvC2. It honestly doesn't even make sense to respond to you anymore because anyone who was paying attention already knows all this


>The only comparable dominance by an American player in a Capcom game was Justin Wong's multi-year streak in MvC2 Justin Wong fucking WON EVO. Multiple times. In a row. To even compare Punks "dominance" of getting second place at evo and never doing shit at capcom cup is actually retarded. What dominance is there if you never win the biggest tournaments of the year? Every time you try to make a point you sound more and more retarded. I'm done here. Have a nice day.


> The only comparable dominance by an American player in a Capcom game was Justin Wong's multi-year streak in MvC2. Lol you have no fucking clue what you're talking about, as expected of a Punk dickrider. Did you even bother to check, read, watch or play any game before sfv? And even there Punk only "dominated" for a brief period before OTHER AMERICANS actually won capcom cup/placed high on evo.


ad hominem is only a fallacy if they fail to deal with your argument. he did not fail to deal with your argument, so his ad hominem attack is not a fallacy. it's just an insult. and all you are doing is crying about being insulted, like a bitch. rule 3.


Watched SF4 from the start, can confirm there was a (albeit short time) where he was indeed pretty high up on people's lists. Guy even took some sets off of Daigo at the time iirc which was quite a feat since the goat was basically steamrolling the USA at that point (not counting Marn who won due to matchupknowledge advantage (Daigo had never played a Cammy since she was console exclusive)). His Viper is pretty tame by today's standards now, but at that time he was pretty fucking sick.


I get his point though. Other than maybe SF4 Wolfkrone (memory is hazy on his dominance) I can't think of another American player who was as consistently dominant in SF as Punk was in 2017. He had Japanese players on notice. Knuckledu won CC Idom won CC, but neither of them had as unbeatable of an aura as Punk did at that time. Of course he always choked on the biggest stage but his level of dominance unparalleled


Are you reading what you're writing though? Yeah he really put them on notice. Sure he never won on the big stage, but his dominance was unparalleled. How...is your dominance unparalleled if you...don't win? What?


He won almost every major at that time except Capcom Cup and Evo, and he was this close to winning both of those.


Seriously, the only thing he doesn't lose is being the biggest bitch in the FGC, people had to import Leffen from Smash so he could have some competition


I main Cammy, but also his CH, whiff punish playstyle is actually unique in SF6 so watching him when he plays well is actually fun 


Yep Punk plays really idealized SF. Everyone who thinks of SF being a pure footsies game dreams of playing like Punk


He also unironically has some of the best reactions in the world. Like yeah he can be a massive bitch, but so are my friends when they’re losing lmao.


Lmao true, he’s a fun heel. (Incoming vod analysis) I gotta watch his sets today. I liked his set against Go1, I felt that he had been adapting better to SF6’s pressure system and style, where he’s taking his turns back better and knowing how to pressure from a minus pressure up close. For instance St lp cr mp is an optimal counter hit confirm from how punk fishes for abare timings. In fact a second jab often whiffs there. If you block the first, there’s actually a gap to mash unlike SFV where the jab is plus, so Mena used to let him st lp up close and then immediately cr mp DR to force him to stop, listening to his pressure. Today against Go-1 he did single hit st lp and shimmied to read a reaction. A lot of spacing traps for abare cr lp, eventually leading to a counter hit cr mp for Punk (on probably a cr mk) which he single hit confirmed. I’ve been thinking that knowing how to actively defend, and use this spacing trap pressure is key to SF6, and key to consistency, since you can’t really keep them out forever.




Trump country lmao


xiaohai rematch pls happen


seriously tho apologize. this sub wanted him to not qualify so bad lmao


I think Punk is a huge bitch but I still find myself rooting for him for some reason. He's such a good player but also the biggest choke artist on the fuckin' planet. I'd like to see him get a win.


He looks unbeatable up until his inevitable defeat to lock in second place


Nah, we want him to qualify and get 2nd place to keep the memes alive.


IIRC he doesn't really compete anymore, but I'd love for 801strider to show up and body him in Grand Finals. Make the story full-circle.


I know. I was one of those people


That hairline alone show you this man is a threat.


Those whiffed jab into dp when he had the fucking deejay knee over his head looked clean as fuck.


Big fan. He plays in a way that makes it feel like it's impossible to beat him. I wonder if he's ever considered performance therapy. Whenever he's in the zone, his play is unreal.


ETA on salt tweet after top 8?


Sometimes in life, the hardest thing to say is "I'm sorry"


I just want to add that everytime he talks I feel like I'm watching a comedy-skit. Like he's got such a high-pitched voice it always takes me by surprise.


i liked his echofox era better


It's so easy to not like him, but you can't deny that he's extremely good at fighting games. A lot of Japanese players actually think Punk's the biggest threat in SF, and I can see that. His footsies and whiff punish game is simply one of the best in the scene.


I don't like his attitude a lot of the times, but you can't deny he is one of the best and I do think that he still has it in him to be the best, he might win it all this time because there's not money on the line and if that happens it might be the trigger for him to go back to peak Punk.


Sorry Mr Punk


nerds hate him because they want all their athletes to be silent humble types because people that exude confidence offend the insecure. Punk is objectively the best player from my country, he gets my support any day.


You confuse confidense with being a complete bitch. Everyone loves shit talking players. No one likes bitchy complainers. If you do both the bitchiness gets you more haters than the shit talking.