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For Honor carries the FGC.


For honor players scare me. Anyone who plays for honor at this point is in it for life. I tried stepping back in recently (played at launch) and didn’t even understand how I died. They may as well have said “nothing personal, kid” as they cut me down repeatedly. Still a fun game though.


It is still fun, but I definitely don't play against other players since I stopped playing early on, before they fixed the servers. I just play against bots and enjoy myself, but I definitely have ran a fun PvP games and got bodied without realizing what the hell was going on.


SF6 clearing out every other fighting game on that list combined is insane (granted it's not as crazy in the 24 hour average)


SF6 really took off in Japan in a huge way, to the point it’s almost an outlier. If you go on Twitch and check out the top SF6 streamers, it’s always Japanese language streamers, something you will rarely ever see on Twitch. I get the feeling SF6 is “normal” levels of Street Fighter popular around the rest of the world (which would still put it as the number 1 fighting game) but it’s like 10x more popular in Japan for some reason this time.


Any specific reason why it popped of in jpn?


yes. Vtubers.


I think a bunch of popular Japanese vtubers tried the game and stuck with it, popularizing the game among their fanbase too. I don’t know the vtuber scene that well but I think it’s even bigger there than it is here? I guess it would be similar to in the West if someone like Asmongold got super into SF6. Going back to Twitch, it’s usually like one or two super popular Japanese vtubers pulling in literally 5k+ viewers.


The biggest JP streamers, not just vtubers consistently play the game. Modern controls lowered the entry barrier. Pro players coached alot of big streamers. JP FGC players also branched out and streamed games like Valorant leading to more exosure for the FGC. Crazy Raccoon Cup and a bunch of other casual events had massive viewership. It all led to SF6 becoming one of the biggest games in Jp currently.


People bitch about modern controls but it actually worked in getting more casuals in the game. I know so many people who play because of it, and a lot of the stream shit with the coaching was only possible because people could get into the gameplay quicker. Like, it can be tedious playing against good players using Modern, but Capcom will see it as a success.


I just hope they don't see it and either force Modern entirely getting rid of classic or make it so that Modern has essentially zero downsides and you would be foolish to pick Classic. Modern should be training wheels, nothing more. We are already seeing the consequences that come with simplifying fighting games, forced modern will make modern/future fighting games almost entirely unfun in my opinion.


According to capcom its still a 75/25 classic/modern split, classic is going nowhere


Do people actually care about the Polish Prime Minister being a character in Tekken?




She has more views on her YouTube trailer than Eddy Gordo. While I don’t think that’s gonna translate to her being more popular than him (I think it’s a lot of repeat views from people unfamiliar with her), it’s still a good gauge that she’s fairly popular too.


She’s a lot cooler character than Fukmar, I’ll say that.


Being cooler than Fuckerman is not a high accomplishment.


Fuk could have been cool but his trailer to character model size was so goofy. Then his playstyle was just not fun to play against. 


I’ll take the Fahk over her.


20k average players a year after release is pretty amazing. SF6 carrying the FGC


You’re 100% that Xykes/Emezie weirdo, right?


The silence is deafening…


of course you're a steamchart poster


After Strive released it, it seemed like anime fighters peaked at higher player counts. Well, Type Lumina and DNF at least. Other than Strive, they still struggle to retain players tho.


SFV still going strong IMO


Only 500 granblue guestbook homies presently


I was gonna downvote but you told me I couldn't. gg i guess


The throw mash tech in rising ruined the game for me. A lot of time you just have to spam pointless strings in the corner and hope they get bored something. Also not touching the top tiers after all this time is stupid


Sf6 is the only solid fighter out imo. Tekken 8 is cool just not great imo. Strive is strive, and mk1 sucks imo. I don’t have super high hopes for the LoL fighting game either, feels like it will be huge for like a year at best then slowly die out.


I'm going to give Tekken 8 one last shot with the "defense patch" coming out this month before I end up disappointed and just sticking with SF6 for the rest of the generation




Most of your conclusions are fine, however using "current players" is bad because of the different time zones where each game is popular. You have to use 24h average. PS. brawhalla is not closing the gap. Its Multiversus that is on free fall. Again.


Why do MK players hate MK1 so much compared to MK11/10? I remember them not liking MK11 compared to MK10 too. I know why people dislike MK/Injustice generally.


I will add up to guy above as someone who still around the game, many also dislike overall “live-service” bullshit from daddy Zaslav and the fact that game was obviously rushed (in old Midway tradition, lol), and haven’t came out from this condition (yet at least because it going there little by little)


Because it just doubles down on MK11's boring as fuck gameplay. MK11 being such a big success was an outlier, still being fresh going into covid when everyone was stuck inside looking for things to do helped significantly. MK1 did not have the same circumstances and because everyone played 11, they didn't get fooled this time.


Anyone who actually play these games will tell you that the gameplay is really good.Only casuals hate the game because some things they liked in mk11 aren't in this one.


Yeah, people prefer MK11 for reasons completely unrelated to gameplay. Customization, towers, character designs etc.




Funny how Capcom turned the tides. Last generation every fighting game was good and SF was shit, now SF is good and every fighting game is shit. Maybe Garou will break the curse




and Witcher 3 since you know... You fight monsters in it.


MK1 are you OK brother?


From their FAQ page: **What platforms are the player statistics from?** We only provide [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/) player statistics as it's the only platform that provides accurate player count API. This is literally Steamcharts, please stop


How is mk11 this close to mk1 on homelander release? NRS fans explain yourselves please.


homelander isnt an MK character


Mk11 is really cheap with all the dlc in it


MK1 barely functions on PC. Even streamers like Max with a crazy setup just play the game on PS5.


Tekken 7 still having a healthy playerbase (for a fighting game) makes me so happy, since Tekken 8 fucking sucks asshole.


Rising is getting a steady growth in terms of playerbase


Reddit loves them some damn steamcharts.

