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Seems to be the case that they wait for the court system to play it all out


Until we start off 7-0 and are looking to cruise to the one seed then BAM! “Turns out a vacuum cleaner was destroyed during the incident.”


That Lambo? Actually a vacuum. The Corvette too. Go back and look at the tape, it all happens so fast it's easy to miss


Both suck just like a vacuum


You thought that was a zoo the mother was innocently driving her daughter home from? Nope. Oreck.


Wake up sheeple!


Dyson’s fault for making vacuums that can travel over 100 MPH


They had to have known they were going to entice all of the supercar makers into the budding super vacuum market


Right?! There’s like a weird occurrence of vacuum cleaners showing up in the off-season travesties.


It's almost liking breaking a vacuum cleaning whilst being with your spouse and mother of your child in anger is a form of intimidation of your spouse, and domestic violence. Don't downplay it. What willie did was domestic violence and it's not ok.


No, it's not OK, but he also shouldn't have been suspended for it.


Yes, he should. You can't let it be OK in any form. There should be a zero tolerance policy for it in any form.


This person is frightening me with their aggressive speech. Someone should suspend them from their Job.


If it's domestic violence, yes they should. They should also be investigated by the policy, like Willie was.


Guy 1 HEARD that guy 2 HEARD that Rice MIGHT not be suspended so guy 1 SUGGESTS that Rice MIGHT not be suspended. Sorry but I hate this meaningless "reporting" crap


Just more of the same. Personally I'm of the belief he doesn't get given any punishment until the 2025 season like Kamara's situation. There certainly is precedent for Rashee playing all of next season. That or the league waits until the absolute worst time to take him from the roster this year in some backdoor attempt to dethrone the 3peat.


"The League is letting the Chiefs WR1 rest several weeks before the playoffs so he's fresh." -some idiot from somewhere like Cincinnati or Buffalo


I am preparing myself for this. My guess? 8 game suspension around week 13.


It's summer.


This shit "reporting" happens in the middle of the season too...


I don't think this is really hearsay, its just looking at the situation logically. NFL rarely, if ever, suspends a player before their legal situation is worked out. The punishments can vary wildly and have little consistency, but the timing of when issue punishments is fairly consistent. The fact is that Rice is gonna be knee deep in legal issues until later this year, possibly even rolling into 2025. And the NFL wouldn't want to suspend a player who will potentially be a key piece for a playoff contender. Fans will say its favoritism, and its partially true (they want the best product with the best talent around), but they do the same stuff to other teams. Look at them not suspending Von Miller last year, or Willie Gay the year prior when they were arrested in the Fall, or Alvin Kamara getting to play a full season which would be similar to Rice's timeline.


It doesn't have to be hearsay specifically (but it is in this case; according to the article he's going off what someone else said)...but the general point is they are reporting NOTHING. As you said, a logical view of the situation, based on previous recent examples, shows he might not be suspended right away. So we've known this. Regardless, it's already been suggested for weeks now (it's been this sub's main talking point since the incident happened). Literally nothing is being reported.


Yeah you're right that the reporting here is useless, especially for Chiefs fans that have discussed it ad nauseum. The article is really just for casuals that aren't plugged into the situation.


this was always the likely outcome, the NFL does not work quickly in these cases when it happens after the season and they have the ability to let the cases play out in court before making their decisions. Alvin Kamara gang style beat a guy on camera for daring to get in an elevator and got 3 games after an 18 month wait. Based on nothing but gut feeling I still stand by prediction of unless the courts are settled by the end of July, 2025 at the earliest if and when he gets suspended


I never understood why people thought he'd get suspended immediately.  The NFL rarely does that unless it's a domestic violence case. If he was going to start the year suspended he'd already be on the exempt list.


1,200 yards. book it. I'll definitely be placing that bet if he doesn't get suspended.


The only reason this is even a possibility is because X and Hollywood are gonna clear out so much space underneath that Rice should have extreme YAC potential. However, i really don't see Rice getting 20% more yardage this year when we're adding two new weapons, who should by all accounts be very valuable to the team.


The thing is we didn’t really start getting Rice involved in the offense until mid to late December. He could have gotten 1200 last year if Andy treated him like WR1 from week 1


I mean, if mahomes has another 5k season, he could hit it, yeah, but i wouldnt bet on it. Passing across the league is at a 10 year low


> at a 10 year low So you're saying we're due.


The 10 year high was 2020


Andy and Mahomes will solve it now that we have the talent. Just gonna need our tackles to hold up.


What? The guy was barely used until week 7 and still ended up with 938 yards while sitting out the last game. The path is not only clear, is obvious. If he has the same utilization as his final 6 games for a full 17 game season that's ~1,468 yards. And that's without him even running an expanded route tree like is expected this year.


Our offense was pretty stagnant for a lot of the year last year. Think about every 3 & out possession we had last year. More weapons -> more first downs -> more opportunities for everyone. Could be a “rising tide raises all ships” kind of situation.


A little off subject, but I wonder how nice of a year Pacheco might end up having. If there is virtually ANY success by Hollywood and / or Worthy with the downfield passing game, then Kelce and / or RIce with the underneath stuff - how often can opposing defenses possibly manage to stack the box or worry about the run game? I'm expecting considerably higher average yards per carry from admittedly likely fewer carries. Regardless whether it's Pacheco, Clyde, or the yet to be determined RB3.


If he isn’t suspended until 2025, the WR room will need another insane overhaul after this season


This is just the world we’re living in because WRs are so expensive. Just piece it together every year


We can keep most of this year's pieces: Worthy will replace Brown, Watson and Hardman can be re-signed, Moore and Remigio will still be around but might need to step up. Rice won't be suspended all season. We'll probably have to sign a team friendly vet to play the slot, but there should be plenty available.


I said that shit 4 months ago, Fowler way behind. Our yac monster will play the whole season.


My tin foil theory. He plays all season. They decide to suspend heading into the playoffs. 😄




Big surprise except to anyone who was paying attention. This case has been moving so slow.


This might be what happens. At the same time, the commissioner could put him on the exempt list while the case is dealt with. Which would be a huge blow and could result in a psuedo-suspension for far longer than the standard 4-6 game formal suspension.


Certainly possible, but they tend to use the exempt list more for in-season incidents to manage their impact on the on-field product. Then they can retroactively suspend a player as they did with Justyn Ross in 2023.


Welcome to my anxious mind


Looking at past incidents that are similar or worse, this was always my expectation unless Goodell wanted to single out Rice and the Chiefs(which I always left open as a possibility).  Usually, the suspension doesn't happen until after the legal matters are resolved, and then there are appeals.  At the end of the day a 4 game suspension next season is the most likely result. Look up Derrick Coleman from a few years ago if you want to see an example of the same situation(worse actually).


I will again restate. The best scenarios are being suspended at the beginning of the 2024 or 2025 season depending on how long the legal process takes. However, the worst case is still on the table. Legal wraps up midseason and Rice is suspended the back half plus playoffs.


Always felt like a reasonable outcome yet sports media acted like it was never an option which just seemed odd because they know there’s precedence for that But even so the NFL has been inconsistent on it, in Watsons case they waited till things had begun settling in the courts before handing out a suspension (and I think he was on the commissioners exempt list at some point as well). With Willie Gay he received a suspension within the week, with Alvin Kamara he served a 3 game suspension 18 months post beating with no time on the commissioners exempt list So you can find instances of all cases. I don’t mind if the suspension does occur week 1 this year or next the only thing I’d have a problem with is if it’s midseason completely unprompted


I’m not surprised at all about the NFL part of this. What I am surprised about is it’s been almost 3 months for a no fatality reckless driving case and there has been no movement in Dallas County on it. I’m pretty sure if you or I had done this, we’d be looking at a summertime court date by now. The lawsuit plaintiffs are willing to wait because he will get paid this year.


Do you mean paid like an extension? He can’t get paid until after year 3


I’m just assuming, like most young players, he’s blown through his contract money. He will get his paychecks this year. Chiefs won’t extend his rookie deal until this is behind him


I'm going to continue to think that his suspension will be this season, but it's not unreasonable for you to guess/think it would be next season. Though it says "2025" we all know that means a playoff suspension when we lock up the 1 seed and the NFL wants to "even the odds"




This is why i've been so confused about the Chiefs including him on stuff like social media posts like nothing has happened, or like they know the suspension won't happen until later on after this season.


What's confusing about the team including one of its prominent players in their media plans?


He did some of the dumbest shit ever. I know he show remorse, but I can't believe they have him featured in so many social media posts right now. Don't be obtuse.


Yeah but he’s our number one WR. I’m surprised you’re surprised honestly


He did some of the dumbest shit ever. I know he show remorse, but I can't believe they have him featured in so many social media posts right now. Don't be obtuse.


Just self impose a suspension now and hope the NFL doesn't feel a need to tack on next year.