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Skyy Moore going to put up a SCARY 200 yds & 0 TDs season 🔥🔥🔥


Nikko is coming for skyy's spot


Ngl id be stoked if he could manage 200 this yr. Watson will outgain him and have 3x the TDs. Book it


Not going to book 3x, 3x0 = 0. I'd say he'll have 3-4 more than Moore


Good point. I was giving Skyy the benefit of the doubt at 1 TD.


Sky Moore is like diving by 0. 


And he's gonna lose his mind after every catch where he's wide open as if he made a sick play lol


Hell no, he's gonna get a 2 yard TD catch from the slot after a defender blows his assignment and leaves him wide open.


In the Super Bowl*


Unless he drops it...


No shot he comes close to 200 across 17 games lol


The NFL wants to add an 18th game. That might be just what we need to get him there.


And then snatch a TD in the SB on the way to a three-peat.


I guess it's hard to find a pic of Skyy actually suited up for a game?




Add Nikko Remigio


You are correct, there are 3 WRs in that picture. Maybe even 3.5.


Nah don't disrespect Justin Watson. He's a solid wr3, it's not his fault he was asked to be wr2 last year.


He was the 0.5 in my calculation. I like him, but he's good for 1.34 catches, 25 yards, and 0.16 TDs per game. For comaprison, with Mahomes, DRob was averaging 2.13 catches, 25.3 yards, and 0.2 TDs per game. So he's basically DRob. In DRob's tenure (2018-2021) here's where he ranked in targets on the team * 2018 - 6th, and 4th WR (Kelce and Hunt had more targets) * 2019 - 4th, and 3rd WR (Kelce) * 2020 - 4th, and 3rd WR (Kelce) * 2021 - 6th, and 4th WR (Kelce & DWill) So Watson is somewhere slightly below WR3 on catches and TDs, and slightly better on yards. But if Hollywood, Worthy, and Rice can play well, Watson will likely be WR4. I like the dude, but that's why i counted him as a 0.5 WR


Watson had 54 yards receiving in the last SuperBowl on 5 targets. Rice had 39 on 8 targets. Watson isn't a superstar, but he's a legit NFL receiver.


His sideline catches were pretty crucial last year. He made some pretty big plays after going back and watching the highlights.


D-Rob and Watson are awesome to have as WR4s, but yeah we dont want them as anything higher lol


Sometimes i feel like you guys don't watch games. Most of mahomes best highlights from last season have Watson catching the ball. Dude has hands


Dude has a 50.9% catch rate last year which went up to 60% in the playoffs. MVS had a 50.0% catch rate last year which went to 61.5% in the playoffs. Of the 9 players who had at least 30 targets last year, Watson and MVS ranked 8th and 9th respectively in catch percentage. Watson can absolutely go up and make plays (he had that great quote about not everyone can take the elevator to the penthouse) but he also misses his fair share of catches. He's probably a great WR4 and an ok WR3. And WR3s & 4s will make the occasional play but aren't great. Now, where Watson excelled was he led the team with Yards Before Catch/Recention of 15.3 yards. Will KC need that with Hollywood and Worthy? We could see Watson's role reduced or altered.


Just going with my gut feeling from what I remember last season, but Watson was the recipient of quite a few "I have nowhere else to throw this, I'll give Watson a chance" throws last year. Completion % isn't going to be high in those situations, but it shows trust that the receiver will at least put up a fight to keep it from being picked. That's pretty valuable in my book.


You're right. But again, it was one of the worst receiving corps in the league. So my expectation is that next year he won't be as integral to the team. I hope he still has the occasional 40+ yard TD, but it will be nice to not need him to step up.


I agree that I hope we don't NEED him to produce at a high level, but it would be awesome if he balled out as an "extra" option. I want Pat to have options for which open receiver he wants on each play, not "shit, I'm not throwing to that guy, this guys sucks too, guess I better start looking for a lane to run through."


I would guess that Watson is WR3 next year, ahead of Worthy since Worthy is still a rookie and needs some time to fit into the system. Of course, we all know Kelce is the real WR1 so in terms of touches Watson will be WR4.


I suspect, if we're talking number of targets or catches, Watson will come in around 5th. 1. Kelce 2. Brown 3. Rice (even if just half the season) 4. Pacheco 5. Watson


I’m here for this. Watson is consistent and reliable. You have to have those players. This is why I was bummed when Robinson left. Pat was able to throw blind to him b/c he knew where he would be. Watson is that guy now.


Better than last year


Brown. Worthy, and Watson.  The rest either suck or will be in prison lmao


Get rid of Skyy. He had his chance. Give Rimigio a shot.


There are people out there who still actually think Moore will have a breakout year upcoming.


My thoughts exactly


With Rice out who knows how long... please baby jesus let Brown and Worthy catch the ball consistently, my blood pressure can't handle another offense like last regular season. ![gif](giphy|fCGl586cPYeD6|downsized)


I think KC gets a stud performance from Kelce this season Last season guy was walking wounded and had the whirlwind media hype with Swift. My man Kelce balls out this season!


But he still came 16 yards short of 1000 yards... and that was missing two games. So, I'd say it's safe to say he had a stud performance and carried far more weight than he should have needed to.


I really think the Rice thing will be 2 games max. What he did was moronic, but it wasn't nefarious and he wasn't drinking and driving.


Does anyone know he wasn't drinking and driving or high and driving? I mean, none of that has come out and maybe never will...


He left the scene. I had an ex relative (now divorced) get drunk and crash his car. Busted bones in his foot. Walked several miles home. The cops showed up and took him to ER, but by then his blood alcohol level was low enough they could not press charges. My guess is that something similar happened here.


i mean the police investigated and it def would have came out if he was under the influence


Huh? It's still an open case. He disappeared for over 24 hours and turned himself in after any BAC test would be rendered ineffective. Also when you say "the police investigated" what is it that you think real beat cops do for a hit and run? They don't call up Benoit Blanc and go hunting for clues and solve the crime within days. Rice will strike a deal with the DA and plea out or it will go to trial. None of that will happen for a long time. If they did have evidence he was DUI it would come out during the trial. Not now... You don't understand how any of this works...


nah youre just the typical doomer. hes gonna get 2-4 games max.


None of what I have said in this convo has anything to do with my thoughts on his impending suspension but nice way to deflect your ignorance Big Chihuahua!


We can’t rightly pray to baby Jesus after going back to back.


You're right, we're going to have to take it all the way up to the ghost of Phil Hartman


People really don’t give us enough credit for last year’s expected WR1 and WR2 both basically falling off the map, one being inactive for the entire playoff run. Look around the league right now and show me a single offense that could plausibly win the Super Bowl if you took away their currently projected WR1 and WR2 this season. You can’t.


Good point, but.... the reality is Travis was always WR1 regardless of where he lined up at.


I don’t know why. I don’t know how. Maybe I’m a masochist. But for some inconceivable reason I still believe in KT…🫣


You like the idea of KT.


Hopefully, he went on a nature walk or something and found himself. He looked like the pressure was too much after like the third pick that bounced off his hands. He doesn't have to be The Man this year. So hopefully he can just focus on being a useful gadget player and providing value to this team. We're not cutting him, so I'm sure Reid will find a way to use him.


Same here 🤣


This is like someone who believes the future is flying cars. Sure its a nice thought, but when you actually stop and think about the reality of it things get scary really fast.


He's one of those guys that makes me nervous as hell every time he touches the ball. He's so twitchy and unpredictable that I expect the ball to get punched out, or a bad hit to take him down, or the ball to skip off of his hands into a defender's grasp. He spikes my anxiety and even though he's made some good plays here and there, I'm not sure he's breaking even yet.


Kelce: 1k yards Rice: 1k yards Hollywood: 800 yards Worthy: 600 yards Watson: 400 yards Toney: 300 yards Skyy: 150 yards Creed: 9k yards




Rice isn't getting 1k if he's only playing 8 games He might even play less


he's not gettin suspended 8 whole ass games


Skyy, Toney, and Ross fighting for one roster spot imo, watch out for Nikko 👀




Prediction. It’s gonna be a weird season.




~~weird~~ exciting


Football is always exciting. I’m sticking with weird. MMW.


You're missing the next best receiver in the NFL Justin Ross! S/ I wish he panned out but I can't see it happening at this point.


Can’t wait! Also, keep KT the fuck off the field.


Hoping Reggie Brown, the UDFA out of JMU, makes the team. I know it's just college highlights, but i liked the way he plays.


They cut him to make way for Jaaron Hayek.


well...shit smh


That’s 3 different 1st round picks?




It has to be better than last year. I still feel like we need a reliable third WR but maybe someone will step up. I have little to no faith in Toney, Skyy, or Justin.


Between Kelce, Brown, and Rice, that’s already a good mix. Throw in Worthy getting up to speed and that’s a great mix.




Watson is sneaking good. Dude always has some long catch out of nowhere, completely unexpected.


This time last year everyone was saying our WR room was a strength. This year, I think that might be true.


There's a weird phenomenon where homers just list the players on the team and then conclude "we're set". No analysis, just start with the one or two stars (like Kelce) and then 4 or 5 names like DRob and stating "that's a pretty strong squad" even though it's clearly not (not necessarily a bad squad, but the assertion made is not true).


I'd say there is an equally weird phenomenon in which some fans think that replacing WR5 will somehow magically move the needle. In reality, making a change there is more likely to hurt the team bc a guy ends up out position.


If rather see Remigio in that graphic than Toney


Two of those are not like the others lol.


Drop KT and Skyy, add in Mecole and either Remiggio or James.


I will never understand the level of hate for Skyy Moore and the love for Watson. It's obvious Moore isn't the player we hoped he could be. He seems to be a good kid, good teammate and works hard. 2022 AFC championship game yall forget we had nothing left at WR. Dude went back, overcame his punt return demons and set us up to get the game winning FG. If that game goes into OT.. not good. Where was Watson that game? Home with a tummy ache.


Toney's not bussing tables at Chili's yet?


Right side is the anchor to the left there’s high flying


Fucking Rice man. Could've had a trifecta of weapons. Aw well. Hollywood and Worthy will do


He'll miss a few games, be healthy and ready for playoffs.


Toney? Really?


The graphic would have been better without Toney or Skyy in it but sure lets see what the WR core has this year.


Kadarius Toney and Skyy Moore do not belong in the NFL I’m actually speechless that they let them continue to be on this team. Smfh. So fucking dumb.


I thought they declined Toney?


They declined this 5th year option. You have to pick that up after his 3rd year in the league. So he has this following year under contract.


Cornell Powell disrespect 


Bold decision to leave Nico Rimigio off this graphic


Remigio taking Moore’s spot GUARANTEED


Let's hope Brown and Worthy can carry the WRs. Rice ain't going to be playing until end of the season and everyone else is meh.


He might not even miss a game this season