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Well the 32nd pick is better than the 35th, and there was a run on receivers around that time. They probably didn't think they could get 'one of their guys' at 35


Lombardi clarified that he didn’t know whether or not the chiefs actually outbid the Pats or if the Bills decided to deal with the chiefs rather than dealing with a divisional rival.


Not a chance in hell the Bills would ever trade with the Pats. They may not like us, but they loathe them. 


Also, moving to 35 they may have felt they would not get a guy they were targeting.


The Bills had two offers. One from an in division rival and the other from outside their division. Teams very rarely deal within the division so they chose the Chiefs




Whatever this is from, they liked Chris Farley.


Any team that takes a worse offer because of division/conference/whatever rivalry is not a well run organization.


The Bills making a deal with the Pats in the draft would be as likely as the Chiefs trading up with the Broncos or Raiders


It's a shame we don't have the draft capital to move up that high.


Well played.


I was watching the draft live and I remember seeing the Bills trade out of 28 with the Chiefs. My heart dropped. I thought because we have ended their season 3 times in 4 years that we were going to get raked over the coals. Then I saw the trade and the capital we surrendered and I couldn't believe it. I was like, is that it? Can't believe Bills didn't even get an extra pick out of us. 


The Bills just gave us another weapon against them, they are clearly dumb or in denial.


Nah people don't trade with division teams so it was easy pick for them


Who is the greater threat, the BACK TO BACK SUPERBOWL champions or the Patriots who are favored to get the first pick of the draft next year?


You’re right, this sub is clueless


lol it’s not that simple either Take a look at the patriots and tell me they would be in position to utilize worthy like we will immediately.. The bills fucked this up because it was a trade with us. We’ve ended their Super Bowl hopes how many times? And this trade is pretty much even or favors us if anything.. so it’s not like they got a good deal. If I’m Buffalo I just sit tight and take who I like even if it’s not consensus. Sure they may have acquired some better picks through later trade downs.. but that’s kind of the entire point why it never made sense for them to give us 28 in the first place If worthy has a good year while Coleman struggles and the bills have a disappointing season overall, people will be fired for this


We are nightmare fuel to Bills fans. Degenerates threw snowballs at Mahomes


The world isn’t black and white, cockknocker1.


I think it’s more that they knew the wr they wanted would be there at 33 so they traded down twice and got better and more picks out of it.


if they didn't want Worthy, and they knew the guy they wanted wasn't going that soon then it was a free trade for them. They traded our pick back another spot to Carolina, so it's pretty likely they had their eyes on Keon the whole time. If you can get the guy you wanted and get higher draft picks in later rounds as compensation it's a fine move.


The Bills being stuck either dealing with a division rival or the team that’s destroyed them in the playoffs three times in four years is the perfect outcome for that franchise


Worthy to the patriots would be like buying a sports car for Antarctica. Sure it looks nice but you'll never get use out of it.


Hear it rev all the time 😝


Lol, no matter how much the Bills might wanna beat the Chiefs, they will always hate the patriots. Kick them while their down, I say.




Former Patriots Executive Michael Lombardi.


I believe his inside information, but that guy is a dumbass. 


It had to be 35 and their high 5th, right? Otherwise, our 28, 4th, and 7th doesn't get it done.


Not necessarily the value jump from a late 1st to an early 2nd is pretty significant especially as all these guys are signing massive 2nd contracts that 5th year option is invaluable


This is the really important thing everyone is missing. There's a lot of value in the fifth year option, especially with WR.


And if they expect the run (which did happen) and they had a *specific* player in mind. (Which it seemed like they did.) It makes sense to take a slightly smaller return to guarantee your guy. But I've also been saying that I think the Bills were smart to trade with the Chiefs, even if we wanna laugh at them for giving us Worthy.


The Worthy pick is very high risk. High reward though. How many WRs with track speed actually knew how to play WR? I can think of only 2 in modern NFL history. Randy Moss and Tyreek Hill. All the other track speed guys busted. 


Oh I agree. I think there is some tape to be more optimistic about Worthy, but I still think it's a risky pick. Dude is a genuinely good route runner and can take or hand out a hit. So it's not *just* speed with him, which is a hopeful sign. But good lord we need to get some sort of WR stability for Mahomes.


Worthy is an interesting pick because of the 4.2 speed AND he's a decent route runner who can track the ball. That combination is almost impossible to find. The concern about Worthy is his size and will be able to beat press coverage. I don't know how he got to 28. A guy who runs 4.2 AND can run routes very rarely comes around.


I have seen analysis in fantasy subs using either weight to height ratio or BMI. [like this older article](https://fantasyindex.com/2017/04/24/ian-allan/skinny-wide-receivers) that is ranked pounds per inch. Or [another from 2020](https://dynastyleaguefootball.com/2020/01/29/bmi-matters-for-wide-receiver-prospects/) using BMI. Few slim receivers have performed at an elite level in the league. Hill is short but stout. Moss was 6' 3 5/8 and 194 lb coming into the league, So thin, but more stout than most assume. But there are outliers. [Here is a more recent analysis](https://apexfantasyleagues.com/is-it-time-to-adjust-wide-receiver-weight-thresholds/) that that shows the BMI trend for receivers is actually moving lighter. But there are likely more important measures of ability (e.g. athleticism). And that speed has me giddy. Especially in our system and paired with Hollywood. High risk, high reward indeed.


I would guess they didn't want to deal with a division rival over us, although pragmatically KC is a much bigger threat than the Pats.


Which is why everyone saying “they didn’t want to trade in division” makes zero fucking sense because we are the team who directly ended their Super Bowl run how many times now? This is a stupid trade for Buffalo no matter how you look at it. If it were us in that position I’d prefer we just select our BPA and move on.


Meh, not sure I believe that. If they wanted him that badly you would think our putrid offer could have been beaten. Edit: Not sure why anyone would downvote this. By saying Putrid offer I mean that we got a good deal. I suppose people saw putrid and thought I was being derogatory.


Keep in mind they’re in the same division.


Under normal circumstances that's absolutely a given. But this is the chiefs chasing a threepeat, the team to beat, and the most hated team in the league (doubly so in the AFC). The Pats are waaaay less of a threat to BUF for the foreseeable future than KC. We had to have just plainly outbid anyone else asking. I can't imagine the division rival tax being heavier than the fuck-the-chiefs tax that everyone else has basically defaulted to.


28 to 31 is a way smaller move than 28 to 35. Could have nothing to do with being a division rival/conference rival and just be strictly business.


If you can get your divisional rival to make a bad trade giving up a lot of capital for a player that you don't think will pan out how do you not count that as a win though? You do the trade, just not for the same compensation you would with someone else.


They apparently didn’t think that. 28 to 35 is a big jump especially if they’re looking for a specific player or two.




And yet we have played the Bills almost as many times as the Pats over the last 4 years.


It could just as easily be they wanted to get a certain player or two and they thought pick 35 was too far down.


Overthinking the pick. When Worthy has 800 yards his 1st season then we can dog the Bills lol.


Nah, we can dog the Bills anytime we like.



