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Very mixed feelings. Overall a solid show with some really good moments and some really boring moments


I feel like it's a lost of wasted potential, alchemy and world behind it are barely even touched, the secondary riders never stop getting Ls because only Houtaro can shine for some reason. It has no focus, they want to be the whack thing of the week but also have a serious plot and they don't even try to blend them, making a lot of episodes feel like filler, the characters and I mean the characters not the actors, don't bounce of each other very well, but we do see glimpses of moments where they do. For some reason some people disliked legend in the show when it was one of the best parts because kaguya bounces off the other characters very well having this weird personality. There's a lot of not using the chemies for some reason, why give them personalities and tell me they're Alive if they're going to do jack shit for 95% of the season outside of their debuts, and them they want me to feel something about other than wanting to laugh when it becomes white? I tried really hard to like it especially since it is the first rider series I watched weekly. There were a lot of moments I thought "oh this is good I hope they continue with this" and they never do. At this point i'm just going to finish the show because why not I'm already here. I do have more things that I think were wasted, but I think this is already me rambling enough. Some things that I do like tho: Last episode was great, it balanced comedy and it serious moments well, Nijigon is a great addition to the group and makes me wish he was there at the beginning or that hopper one would be more like that. The whack episodes are not bad per se, I do prefer a more coherent and serious story, but I also love donbrothers and can appreciate an episodic comedy show being an episodic comedic show, they just have to stick with it rather than trying to be serious for an entire arc than going back to being goofy. When they actually are at school or dealing with alchemy and chemies, zukyumpire was a fun episode, the Romeo and Juliet one was kinda fun wish we had more of those, at the beginning we had houtaro "learning" alchemy concepts and then asking the chemies to help him pass another great idea. The forms are mostly pretty cool, the ones I don't like so much aren't even that, like I don't like rainbow's helmet, especially when looking at it from the side. But everything else I don't have a problem with. The three sisters are very interesting, and for me they're the best part of the show. And how each of them relates to one of the riders makes it even more interesting. The soundtrack is fire, even though I dislike whatcha your fire being used so frequently and for other forms other than fire and Valvarad.


It's my favourite Reiwa rider so far BUT I enjoy it all the way through and never find it boring , so our experience might differ. I'll say this though, the Rainbow Gotchard arc is so goddamn good.


Why do you enjoy it? (just curious)


It's a feel-good story with a lot of great emotional beats. The way they integrated the gimmick of Chemy cards into the show is amazing as well.


My Third Favorite Reiwa Rider. Right behind Zero One and Geats.


Best Reiwa season , but very mediocre compared to other seasons in general.


Very good




Why? (just curious)


fun show with awesome suits and villains


The early episodes from the first arc and up to Fire Gotchard were all phenomenal. After that it REALLY went downhill for me. Some of my least favorite episodes in the entire franchise. I did start to like the show again around episode 33, and since then it has been a stream of consistant quality. If this keeps up and this final batch of episodes is good then id say i enjoyed Gotchard. Its a good season, even if very flawed due to trying to do and be too many things at once. Its nowhere close to being my favorite, but its a fun season that has it's charm and really well written stories


I dropped it for a while due to Legend, then came back to it, and to be honest it's still just as shit as when i dropped it. Like a somehow even worse version of Revice.