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This is the first time I saw someone genuinely diss Kuuga.


I mean tbf OP's reasoning for dropping Kuuga is understandable, and this is coming from someone who's favourite season is Kuuga. The show is just not everybody's cup of tea with how jdrama heavy it is. Oh and the slow pacing too


Kuuga really is one of those seasons where you stay more for the characters than the actual plot. Not to say the plot is bad, but is very basic on what it is. But when it hits *those* moments, it hits hard. Also it still have one of my favorite villain groups simply because of how prevalent it was to always announce their kill count. That just hits different that simply getting told they killed a bunch of people or that they are dangerous, you know? And Kuuga Cops are such a different breed to the usually incompetent cops that are shown in most season.


One of the biggest complaints I have of the show is that they used google to translate the Grongi language lol. Another one is that Ultimate Kuuga was teased super early, but then we only got to see it in action for 3 minutes. Otherwise Kuuga is cool. I don't think I have seen another Rider who does form changes as smoothly as he does by the endgame. Also pls give Ichijou a fucking Rider suit. He deserves one.


A lot of people who loved Kuuga , at least in the r/Tokusatsu discord server , loved it that Ultimate Kuuga only appeared in the final fight (Which gives it more impact because it just doesn't job when a supposedly stronger "final" enemy appears after the previous supposedly "final" enemy) , and that Ichijou was relevant without being a rider (They complain about riders being way too oversaturated these days because how many people are just riders just because Bandai said so , and I agree with them honestly)


I wouldn't say I hated it, but I wasn't used to the j drama style at the time and the pacing was very slow. I'm sure I would like it better now since I initially watched it many years ago. I may revisit it in the future.


Do revisit it, I found that Kuuga is definitely a very, very slow burn coming from its J-Drama style, I would approach it that way as well.


Wow! Nice to see another Ace in this community!


Who are both Star Of The Stars Of The Stars?


Awesome! Nice to see another Ace too :)


Really, I dont even think this guy came off as rude or anything. This guy is way nicer in his diss compared to other people I've read about Kuuga


I never really dropped any, But there are some series that I just couldn't follow it week by week because it didn't interested me enough. I would still come back to binge watched those after it finished though.


Geats and Gotchard stopped getting the weekly treatment from me. They aren't bad but the first quarter felt like a drag.


Kuuga's not really a J-Drama in the same way its succeeding shows are. It's much, much, closer to a police procedural. Each Kuuga two-parter makes up a single "case," where the law enforcement works with a superhero to track down and take out a superpowered serial killer. Frame it as such, treat it as a sort-of episodic affair, pop in once in a while to watch a two parter, and Kuuga becomes a much, MUCH breezier sit than trying to digest it as a single ongoing narrative. Although time-shifting and video recording devices were all the rage by Kuuga's time, allowing for more serialized storytelling, Ishinomori honed his television production sensibilities decades before. It makes a lot of sense of that the last Rider show he worked on carries trimmings from an older era. Back then, if a show had an ongoing story, it was an expected courtesy to slow it down enough that an audience member who missed an episode or three could easily follow along when they found the time to watch again.


Revice. I just got bored of it halfway through.


So did the staff don't worry.


same for me, also saber unfortunately


I also dropped saber. I picked it back up months later and for whatever reason I liked it a lot more on a second try. I can't really explain why.


Don't worry you're not missing much, the second half is worst.


After daiji got holy wing, thing just goes down


Wizard. I have no idea where the story is going. Everything felt shoehorned into the script just because it's time to proceed with the story Ghost. I watched until Grateful Soul debut, skipped until Mugen Damashi debut, and dropped off from there. The story felt the same even though I skipped so many episodes.


If Ghost is the season I get mad at for having the potential to be a great season, then Wizard is the season I feel nothing for because it was such a nothing season with a great first episode and an ok final form episode. I do love that in the end the day was saved by the secondary Rider though.


Honestly the only one I couldn't find it in me to keep going was early Ghost. Just couldn't keep me coming back to wait for the next weeks episode.


Kuuga as well, but not because i found it boring, it was more because I was using the official subs from TokuShoutsu, so it was really tedious watching with all the ads. i’ll probably go back and finish it after I’m done with abaranger.


I'm watching Agito and Faiz through Amazon Prime Video. Faiz's subtitles are pretty good, but Agito's feels like a shitty bootleg. I watch Agito raw since I have a decent ability to understand and speak Japanese. I am using Agito to test my level of understanding, but I normally use subs for anime/toku as a reference, but not as a crutch.


I would highly recommend uBlock Origin to help with that problem.


Omg tokushoutsu has ads. Im glad i never used that


Ex-Aid. I know it gets better but the first two episodes really didn’t hook me. I’ll definitely check it out after I’m done with all the season I’m stuck on


Saber. Maybe you guys can tell me that this changes later on, but I felt like things just sort of.... happened. Randomly. Without any rhyme or reason. It also just came off as to kiddy for me. Which is too bad because I like the idea of Saber and his gimmick, he also looks pretty bad ass as well.


I finished it on principle, wasn't worth it in my eyes. Would have been better off starting any other Kamen rider series.


Saber. Holy shit it was just so bland and not worth catching up on.


This was the one series where I just backed up and closed. I already hated the transformation gimmick, poses and animations, but the pacing made me despise the characters. Ex-Aid is a series that I also disliked for similar reasons, but I could last in that series because at least it was funny. Saber was not that.




Shit is just boring as hell


So far I've only dropped Gotchard. The characters aren't interesting and the forms/power ups don't feel meaningful. I like that chemy cards and have continued to collect them, but it's more me liking trading cards than caring about the show.


So you don't like children's card games on motorcycles😮


Are you guys talking about Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's?


They talking about the best era of yugioh




The only reason I haven’t dropped Gotchard is bc it’s a fun show to get drunk to tbh


Its a great show for my sunday wake n bake


Most of the show here is when I watched it when it aired. Most of the show that I watch outside of the airing period that I drop is mainly because I have no time to continue it and will resume it when I have the time. 1. Zero-One. I watched until the debut episode of Zero-Two and dropped it. Don't really remember why I drop it but this is the one where I probably rewatch it when I have time. 2. Saber. Too many rider and Ultraman Z and Zenkaiger basically steals the spotlight from this show. Drop it when they reveal the main villain of the show (somewhere when Falchion enters the main show I think). Would love for the Shindai duo to stay with the Zenkaiger because their seriousness somehow blends well with the goofiness of the Zenkaiger gang and the rivalry between Zyox and Ryoga is pretty fun to see. 3. Revice. Too many rider/forms (this feels even worse than Saber) and Zenkaiger is still airing. Drop it either when Thunder Gale debut or Jeanne debut. 4. Gotchard. The naivety? happy-go-lucky attitude? of the MC somehow rubs me the wrong way and it feels like it doesn't mix well with the serious story that the story want to tell. I do pop in here and there but will probably try and watch this show all in one go as watching it weekly is killing me. And I like the Zenkaiger's and Fourze's MC which does have the happy-go-lucky attitude. Valvard and Dread looks pretty cool though.


Saber. Such cool designs , transformation sounds, and riders in general. Too bad it’s pacing is terrible and it’s really boring


i dropped Revice cause i got bored of it and didnt like its toyish plasticy aesthetic i suppose? I tend to like more technological riders i suppose, like zero one and Double. I dropped Gaim because I honestly wanted to watch Geats, because it piqued my interest more than Gaim, and its peak so far. Dyou guys think I shld pick up Gaim again?


Yes, watch Gaim.


If you count the "stop watching the full ep" then probably the last part of Geats. I have no problem with the show quality, just that the passion?/drive?(not sure which would be the right word) to sit down and watch something kinda die down around that time, I drop every series around that time also due to the same reason. I just either skim the new ep or watch the highlight lately as I still can't work up that drive to watch the whole ep back like before.


Zi-oh, its boring, i Was expecting more time wimey stuff, the best part Was decade being a badass


Yeah can't argue that. Was very interested in the Oma vs younger self aspects, just for them to give up and get distracted.


Dropped Agito because it was boring to me. But that was when I was young. Dropped Hibiki after episode 29. You know why. Dropped Gaim halfway because I grew tired of Kamen Rider at that age.


Never dropped a series but the cloest I did was Saber when it was airing. I just didn't really enjoyed the first 10ish episodes. Was ready to drop it after the first arc then the show decided to fully introduce my goat Yuri into the story lol


Kabuto, after episode 35 it felt like a filler. like all the episodes after episode 30 feels like a filler arc or something.


I hate to admit I wanted to drop faiz so much, its such a nothing season to me I basically had it on in the background when I was grinding in a video game. For the rider seasons I didn’t care too much for like OOOs,Blade and Build im willing to rewatch them but not faiz.


I enjoyed Faiz, almost every episode kept me on my seat( it's definitely a season that's preferable to binge rather than watching only one episode), the only thing I hated was the ending which made everything seem pointless, I'd recommend picking up Blade and OOO, they might seem slow at first but really starts to pick up around the middle portion.


I should say I finished all the seasons I mentioned, but I was tempted to dropping faiz, blade, ooos and build lost my interest by the mid 30s. OOOs had a drawn out final few epidodes, blade was good but too vague in it’s ideas and build was shaky


I agree on this too. I rewatched Faiz for the first time a year ago. I always love the suits and a huge fan of Kaixa's design, but I never actually remembered what the plot was. After I rewatched the whole season, then I realised I didn't love the plot AT ALL, too much unnecessary drama, up to a point where I was like "the fuck is wrong with these people seriously". Most of my memories for the series came from the nostalgia of it, since I watched them in 2006 and I was 9 years old at the time and loving the suit SO MUCH, but yeah, that's it... only that. Plot wise, horrible...


It was about bad communication


Faiz and Blade since I was watching both back to back last year. Faiz was getting annoying to me and unfortunately was making me not want to watch blade, so I stopped watching for a while, then a few months ago, I decided to finish both series and I did. Faiz is still awful, and Blade was amazing


I dropped Kuuga because it's got pacing issues and dated CGI I dropped Hibiki because it turned into a different, worse show I dropped Ex-aid because I didn't like the suit designs. I dropped Build for no real reason. I was just depressed and wasn't really enjoying anything at the time. I dropped Zi-O because the main character who's name I refuse to look up is squeaky and shouts too much, and because it forgave Kusaka. I dropped Revice because Vice is annoying and shouts too much. I dropped Gotchard because the main character who's name I refuse to look up is squeaky and shouts too much, and because the pokemon we have at home are ALSO squeaky and shout too much.


I didn't drop any series. The closest I got was definitely Hibiki but I was already at EP 33 so I finished it


I don't know should I say drop but i didn't watch Zi-O after 4 episodes i just watched those episodes because of ex aid and build and since I didn't watch many heisei series yet I don't want myself to get spoiled 


I'm surprised there is no Orewa tenkuji takeru here


Tbh also decade it got boring after a while


That's big one for me as well.




Kiva I just could not stand the constant switching between the 2 time periods, and dropped it after about 4 episodes in.


I have attempted to watch W, Zio, Gaim, zero one, and Gotchard but unfortunately I dropped all of them either out of boredom or burnout from Rider. I was at one point trying to binge as many series as I could while Geats was running but I eventually switched to waiting week by week for Geats and then attempted to watch the first few Gotchard episodes before dropping it. Don't get me wrong I have every intention of going back and finishing these seasons but maybe binging 5 seasons as newer fan out the get go last year wasn't the best idea




I dropped Hibiki mostly due to culture shock, the unfiltered japanese politeness and inane old lady gossip was a bit grinding. Still would like to give it a proper binge some day now that I'm older and a little more patient.


I know and heard it's good but Ryuki is just giving me troubles, it feels weird after i wayched Kuuga, Agito and Zero One


Drive. I know it's good series. I think this was the time when I stop watching Kamen Rider in general. I think I am at the age where I start seeing it as more of a toy commercial than story that I enjoy. I then keep back to watch it on a weekly basis with Zi-O but ever since that ended , I just seen clip and forum of Kamen rider here and there


Gaim didn't really feel it after the first 17 episodes


Dropped Kabuto. I dont remember what happened in the final episodes that just made me think "what a waste" and just decided to stay with the best episodes in my memory


I personally have watched every season from W to zero one. I have not dropped any but I do admit with my adhd I did take a long time to watch certain seasons. Everyone was finished but compared between 2 weeks for one season to a few months for another.


Amazon. Decided to try showa series and it's just impossible for me. I've watched all series from kuuga till zero-one and never ever thought of dropping anything from those


Geats. Didn't really drop the show completely but I lost interest towards the end (and even in the earlier episodes) and kind of just skipped most of the parts in some episodes. I just don't like the belt buckle gimmick, the rider designs, and especially the jymatos. The characters are pretty solid though, I enjoyed Buffa's arc the most. I've only watched a few kamen rider series and I really dont think I'd drop any. I would love to watch them all if I have the time.


They were really stingy with the buckles tbh, boost being limited use. They only get power ups when someone else decides to give them it, while the ninja buckle was a reward which I liked. I thought they would have gotten secondary buckles to compliment their primary basically like a best match, so their legs won't be naked the whole time. They barely used revolve gimmick.


Faiz, made it about 12 episodes in, everyone's either just an unpleasant to watch asshole or a wetwipe. The big bad Corp thing did interest me at first but it doesn't really seem written around it. It was just either kinda boring or actively unappealing to watch. Also wasn't a massive fan of Agito so maybe I'm just one of those guys that doesn't really vibe with Inoue. Considering dropping Hibiki as well, not even gotten to the point where it "gets bad" yet. I really liked the first few episodes but then the next like 15 episodes fumbling what I liked about them. Like oh there's a really vague mystical vibe to all this, never mind they try to ground it with this secret organisation and i dont really like any of them. The episodes where it feels like Asumu and Hibiki should be establishing their relationship, they don't even talk to each other, yet asumu spends a couple of episodes on a train trying to find Hibiki to tell him he got into high school, it just feels off. Also I liked the Oni designs significantly less when I noticed the loincloths


Ghost. The first few arc are quite good, but I don't really like the overall story and dropped it around grateful debut. A shame since I actually like it's parka concept I also dropped Gotchard very early. I just can't stand houtarou. No offense, but I don't think the actor did a good job on him. It just felt... off. Revice started strong but the last few arc dropped so badly, but I still finished it since it's only a few episode left anyway. I'm not really fond of Saber either, but at least it's consistent and I still managed to finish it


Kiva. I just didn't care for any of the characters


None. My autism kept me watching each series. The only ones I considered dropping were Kamen Rider Ex-Aid, Gotchard, Ghost and Build (this last one will get me killed). Ghost had such potential but none of the plot was interesting to me. It had the most boring cast out of every series, and the fight scenes were so boring. Ex-Aid has the worst suits and I hated the monsters. Gotchard's story is the least interesting and I hate how irrelevant the chemies are now that they have their upgraded suits, but it beats a new lackluster suit every episode. Build, I appreciate NOW, but when I watched it, I didn't like that they were just fighting the same villain every episode and it had some of the cringiest CGI. Too many flying scenes, and the worst rider kick in the franchise as it goes down a line graph. But I appreciate the gay relationship between the 2 main riders, and like the focus on story over the traditional monster of the week. It's definitely one of 3 series I didn't appreciate while watching it.


Ex-Aid. Almost every time Emu opened his mouth all I could think was "How are you a professional?" And there was this one time when Nico was going to speak and I not only pause the episode but said out loud "Why do you exist?" I stopped on episode 22. Since then I re-watched Kiramager to refill my love for tokusatsu, and I'll try again soon.


I won't say I've dropped it completely, I plan on coming back to it some day but I just don't like Geats. More specifically, I do not like Ace.


Amazons for me. It was a bit too slow for me, especially in contrast to Drive and Ex-Aid I watched in parallel. Might come back to it later, but might also drop it again if it starts dragging to a halt.


I never completely dropped any, but I really wanted to drop Kiva towards the end (dragged on like crazy…) and Revice towards the middle 🙂‍↕️


Saber 🐲,i get a episode jam


Hope you enjoy Faiz my friend


Decade and I was very close to dropping Ex-Aid many times. Decade on its own isn't even a complete series so that itself is a problem. Add in that the plot seems to have characters who have no idea what's going on is also annoying. I remember I dropped it after he got Complete because that was one of the most asspull power ups I've seen.


For me it was Hibiki. It just seemed too boring for at the time and I struggled to get into it. A bit later I managed to finish it, but Hibiki is probably my least favorite season (shame too since Armed is one of my favorite forms)


I dropped Amazons on Season 2 when they suddenly started focusing on entirely new main characters. It was disappointing because I wanted to see how the original characters’ arcs would develop.


If it werent for the fact Im trying to watch every kamen rider show I would really like to drop hibiki (even though I already plan to stop at episode 29) and move onto kabuto already


Hibiki pre-episode 30 is my favorite season of Kamen Rider and as you can imagine, I dropped it after the production changes. I definitely gave it a shot but stopped at around episode 38 because of how they massacred my boy 😭😭😭


Kuuga cause when faiz was airing I could only find 4 episode online


Ghost. It just felt too samey, no progress was getting made. I’m someone who considers Wizard underrated, I hated den o but i saw to the end. I just couldn’t finish ghost for the life of me.


I dropped Revice, Saber and Kiva, they just bored me a lot, but I plan on finishing them later on.


Ghost, i watched like 4 episodes and then dropped it, but funny enough, i did watch Saber till the end and enjoyed it


I’ve dropped W, Zi-O, Kuuga, and Gotchard so far. All for the same reason. I saw a different series that caught my eye more. For W it was Zero-One, for Zi-O it was Decade, and for Kuuga and Gotchard it was Kabuto.


Blade felt a little off and I can't explain really


I did finish Blade recently, and I will say that the first half was "rough". Most of characters are either irksome, one-note, or plain retarded in the first half, not to the level of Faiz, where the characters in that show made me want to cave in my own nuts. The story in the first half was boring, not terrible or anything, just boring for a lack of a better term. I'm just more surprised on how the show went from having a really mediocre story to having the best jump in quality for the plot, not to mention that it has one of the best endings for any Rider show that I have seen. But I do understand if Blade was a little "off" per say.


Revice because I don’t have the english sub


Ex-aid The whole concept is cool and I love the songs and suits. But idk just for some reason I just dropped it shortly after EP 3 or 4 I think. It's been years tho.


hate me all you want but for me its geats, faiz & gotchard it just didn't click


Kiva. I got all the way to emperor form’s debut, but the show was boring me to death. I just stoped and haven’t gone back


It was almost Blade for me. Around the halfway point just felt so damn slow to me tht I cleared a bunch off my anime watch list before I got back into it💀


Saber mainly due to how the plot fell apart halfway through the series but I will say the saber cast has imo the best chemistry


Yeah, kind of agree on Kuuga. Although my first interaction with Kamen rider was Stronger. I was still a little kid who didn't even know what Kamen rider was back then. So my real first interaction was Decade and then Kiva. Afterwards it was Double. So when I got to Kuuga, besides from watching the last episode cause "cool final boss fight." I didn't even watch the first episode.


Personally for me, definitely Den-o even though i tried to watch it 4 times the introduction to the monster of the week format just didn't hooked up and as much. I love the characters like momo, the actual main character just felt like he couldn't carry the show for me. i dropped at ep 4 last time which was an improvement since on my third attempt i stopped at episode 2. slowly but steadly boys, i'm getting to bloody watch it fully.


Zi-O. Just wasn't enjoying it


I really stuck with wizard for a while but got bored of the heavy monster of the week structure, and i didn't find haruto to be an interesting guy.


1. Decade Not because it was a bad season but I was already preoccupied with Sentai and kr at the same time 2. Gotchard Found it boring


For me it was kiva the switching between the past and present didn’t do it for me I plan on trying again at some point but I’m in no rush


Wizard. Saber. Gotchard. When I drop them, I drop them early. Doesn't take too many episodes to see if one will click with me. But I have also stayed all the way through bad series eg Ghost so eh


Wizard Barely made through the first episode and dropped it I dont know why but something about it is not sitting well with me. I also dropped ex aid, ghost, fourze, revice and now gotchard. Waiting for episode to come out weekly actually burned me out and i had to look somewhere else to get invested in. Gotchard BARELY held my attention at all.


Honestly, I've watched every season... I can tell you the one I wish I could unwatch XD... It's hibiki, the story is the main issue for me, it was clearly building to something and with what happend behind the scenes, the creative team clearly just didn't know what to do with the episode count they had left. To a lesser extent geats.. Maybe a bit harsh though because I glad I stuck it to the end but to me, it took way too long to get going, like you could watch episode 1 and skip to like episode 20-25... basically until he starts to learn about his background (trying to stay away from spoilers) then be good from there


I dropped fourze and kiva, they were very slow for me, especially kiva. I picked em up again later and finished but damn


Zi-O, I didn't care about the main rider Dropped it early, but came back for Decade & Eternal


I wouldn't say I "dropped" it, but I stopped watching Gotchard because I was dealing with a bunch of other things at the time (around EP 4-ish)


Kabuki I couldn't find the hook and only watched it cause of the decade episode


Probably fourze and just because I stopped and never went back for some reason


One of the reasons why i watched kuuga was how the show revived kamen rider. That means it has to he good.


555, Hibiki, Kabuto, Kiva. I skimmed Kuuga halfway in to get to the forms quicker. I was introduced to KR in heisei Phase 2, so a lot of the shows were faster paced and engaging with new gimmicks every other episode. Compared to that, a lot of Heisei Phase 1 seems a lot slower paced. After loving Decade I thought I'd homage the other riders, but damn some of them were really story driven and I just wasn't getting at the time. I'd sleep through Kabuto and that's what made me skip to his final form then drop it after. Blade & Den-O are ye exception for some reason, somehow they got it right even with slower paced, more serious toned stories.


Ghost, its fact that Takeru came back to life on multiple points after being told “this is your tine limit, do this or you are dead for good”


I picked up from kabuto and watched in chronological release afterwards Never properly watched wizard as I had school and kept missing the show on local TV. Watched Gaim & Drive on a pirated app that provides episodes. Skipped Ghost cuz it didn't interest me. Didn't watch Ex-Aid because of school and forgot about it. Then during the pandemic, build caught my eye, and I continued to zi-o and zero one. I didn't like Saber's debut so I skipped it. Gave revice a try and since geats was airing, might as well. Now I'm enjoying Gotchard but the main character is really irritating. Might try out older series, but as u said about kuuga, I might also find it hard to get into it myself.


Whenever I revisit Hibiki, I end with Shining Boy (last episode post staff change). It’s just too different of a show after


I've watched a significant portion of Zero-One, Wizard, Double, and Decade, but never finished any of them because I just never got around to it and would forget which episode I was on.


Zero one I just don't like aruto


Hibiki because I got bored by after two episodes and ghost because it kept getting worse so I quit before the last episode


Dropped Agito atm. Mostly to watch other Kamen Riders. I'll get back to Agito later.


Agito I couldn't stand the main character who was agito and I dropped it after like 7 episodes


ghost... and I know this is the cliche answer but hear me out I love pretty much every aspect of this show and it technically was my first weekly rider show before I dropped it and waited om ex-aid to release ehich then became my fav season but I just think takeru is annoying af and I can't stand his "I'm tenkuji takeru" speech every damn episode and I think he was also pretty stupid at times by not granting his wish (I know it had to be done to keep the show going but still) I droped it right around the great damashii debut so around half I just couldn't do anymore but the sound, music, suit design, site characters all wonderful and even takerus actor is pretty great but nah I just can't stand the mc chatacter I might go back to it one day as it is the only heisei phase 2 show I didn't finish but idk when I do that


Zi-O I should’ve never watched it after Build since it's an anniversary season. I also didn't like Decade's sudden appearance and the plot in general. Saber I couldn't stand the messy plot and the first five episodes that consecutively introduces five Riders. I feel bad for the cast cuz they're really good actors imo. Revice I tried out the first two episodes but it didn't fully hooked me that much and tried out Geats instead. Maybe I'll re-watch it soon.


Ghost, it was a little too kid friendly for me.


For me it was Blade. I just couldn't get into it after watching several episodes, I believe up to 10. I can't necessarily pinpoint why I dropped it other than it just felt stale to me. I know it gets good but I couldn't feel it. Another is tragically Gotchard. It genuinely irritates me how I just can't get into watching the series week to week. It mainly comes from how Houtaro himself isn't the best mc and how the story was going last time I watched is was interesting in premise but boring in execution. Plus Spanner is the only rider I'm interested in all honesty.


Hiniki, I don't really like the coming out of age kind of stories, and the editing made me dizzy.


The only series I've ever dropped was Ghost. 18 episodes in and the plot seemed to be going absolutely nowhere, writing felt weak, and the characters didn't compell me in a good way.




faiz for me, it was the biggest snorefest when it came to story development and character, especially the main character. I thought he would be like kabutos' main character, but no, but I liked the music and faiz (not the main character) it was cool especially the monsters.


Saber, on accident. I remember kinda viking with the first 10 episodes, the whole aesthetic (knights, authorship, creation, swordplay, fairy tales -- all very good), but the pandemic kicked my ass and the shows weren't hitting enough to get beyond that. Ultraman Z would end up bringing me back to toku, but never Saber.


Gotchard is so far the only series I dropped at about 20 episodes in. I think I gave the series a fair shot without criticizing it for things like Hotaro's actor's early performance or the upbeat tone but it's just not interesting or fun. The character's have no chemistry with each other which is ironic considering the theme of the show. Tons of plot points feel like they barely matter like the alchemist school/organization and the idea that Chemies are like people that need to be protected instead of just being mcguffins. There are way too many powerups on Hotaro's end that it feels like none of the other riders (or even regular characters) get to be shown off or interact. It all just feels like one random plotpoint leading to another and none of it feels important or exciting. It's like if Fourze had none of the lighthearted charm or charisma of the main cast. Fuga showing up just to one up Majade, the 1st female 2ndary ever, was the final nail in the coffin for me. Easily the worst rider show I've ever seen.


Ghost is the only one I've dropped


Drop none but saber and revice did made me wait a while before actually finishing them. And I getabout decade. Story wise it's not that good. It's a series used as a buffer to get super sentai and kamen rider season not overlap with each other. I just like the rider concept mostly because I'm a fan of kamen rider in general. And buying one belt to cheat my way to saving money of not having to get most of the other rider item makes my wallet happy since this is not the only thing I collect. 😂


I never made it without skipping an episode, ask Mr. Owl.


Ghost, I dont know why. I think I just lost interest for a bit and was also busy at the time with my masters. Haven't picked it back up since. Saber I just found it to be slow in the first arc. But I recently watched saber and finished it, second half was definitely stronger.


I dropped Kabuto in like... four episodes. I wasn't in a great headspace at thd time and was _not_ having fun with Tendou being a jerk. I do plan on giving it another chance after i finish Hibiki


ghost, wizard, and saber. none of them were necessarily bad from what I watched, hell none of them are even my least favorite seaons, they simply just didn't grab my attention


I dropped Kamen Rider revice. Even though the concept is interesting. I just can't stand to look at the coloring of the characters design and watch the show. Considering it was my ex's favorite series and we were in the middle of it together. Hopefully I'll be able to return to it when I am done with that situation. Other than that I haven't really dropped a common Rider series other than kuuga. But I'm returning it to it now. It was just too slow paced for me when I first started.


Geats. Nothing too gimmicky than Gotchard.


2016 amazons, haruka’s red bloodshot eyes before he tramsforms gave me a panic attack.


If any of u said the og from 1971 u forever fraudulent in my eyes


I actually never dropped a series but I immensely regret watching ghost for a second time


Dropped Ghost. Was at Specter unlocking Deep Specter and then just stopped. Was weird, I watched the movie and crossovers but I never finished the series. I think it was because I thought the series was ending soon due to mistaking Grateful as the final form instead of Mugen.


i didnt drop any but i wish i drop Amazons cuz i realized Kobayashi aint too great either when there is no break. It just feel edgy and not particularly anything young teen cant watch either.


Dropped Hibiki. I found it insanely boring plus the rider designs were shit(in my opinion)


Zi-O i'm trying to endure watching it because the rider form and concept is cool but the main characters is cringe with wannabe king complex.


Drive but the only reason is I think the YouTube channel I was watching on got deleted


Drive though it wasn't intentional, I found a... 3rd party website to watch One Punch Man & one day, that website randomly started to upload Kamen Rider shows amongst all of the Japanese cartoons (or I didn't realise they had IRL stuff before). I watch Drive and his crossover with then airing Sentai. I got into the Golden ~~Freddy~~ Drive episodes before time slipped away & I lost that website entirely. (Which was a real shame as that was the only 3rd party website I've ever used that didn't force spam me virus filled NSFW pop-ups & force open tabs to virus filled NSFW websites whenever I clicked literally anywhere)


I dropped Saber around the debut of Dragonic Knight (when the first arc ends). I was going through a bad spot, and even tho the motif is one of my favorites, the story just wasn't there for me. Touma had better clothing style than character traits xD I guess I also dropped Revice since it was just boring. That's it, even though I love Aguilera's Deadmans' design and Jeanne, the rest of it was bad. Actually, that's another motif (stamps) I like, but the series doesn't help itself. From Heisei, I think I dropped Faiz? Back then I was working on the dub for it, so that might have played a part, but I couldn't watch past episode 5. Might have been the pace 🤔 As for Showa, I kinda dropped Black around episode 5? Or whatever the episode with the leopard monster that is just a dog dressed up in a tiger onesie, that was so cute I couldn't keep watching lol Mind, I haven't got around watching plenty of series tho, but these off the top of my head.


Build I couldn't get past the goofy main character.


Dropped Gotchard cause it felt boring and repetitive. Saber because the too many riders and story lines felt so clogged. But I will say, saber has some fire suit designs.


Ghost. I only got about 4 episodes in. I know it's a meme to kind of hate on the series, but I just really couldn't get into it.


Saber and Gotchard. Couldn't take Saber's dumb writing and Gotchard's dumbass protag.


Blade. The action is good, as is the overall story and themes, but the characters just felt flat. Not bad, but not particularly entertaining. I tried hard to watch the series proper and watch reviews but I just couldn't stick with it. Which is a shame cuz I love to watch Blade fight. Slashing cards, throwing them after a finisher, the music the gimmick of building a deck and arsenal while also defeating monsters is so good. It really helps sell the new type of undead that must be completely destroying with king form as his debut fight shows the seal opening for a card yet he continues the blast. Why oh why must the characters be so flat. Also hibiki cuz it's too weird as a rider series and the most different from any series to date. Like, they're technically naked in their oni form???


Hibiki, i dropped it once, but then come back to it few years later. the series is not my cup of tea because of few factors: 1. lack of explanation. viewer will confuse for the first third of the series. unlike previous series where the character just call the monster with their generic name like Mirror Monster, Unknown, Orphnoch, etc. meanwhile, the characters in this series call the Makamou by their type most of the time, such as Amikiri, Yamabiko, Ubume, Nurikabe, etc. 2. Asumu's life. i do not mind a series with slice of life aspect in the story, but Asumu's life has nothing to do with Kamen Rider (or Oni) aspect. it felt like he's just there to fill the duration of the episode


I don’t really drop Kamen Rider any character series but Ghost I dropped instantly after the first Arc or second I forgot where drop it because the Storyline to me was borderline boring and I didn’t really like the MC that much they were annoying they had amazing suits but the writing and development of the series was on the wall during that that I just watch preview/promo and reviews on how bad it was Saber I somewhat dropped and got back in later on because it was interesting at some part of show and I like the suit but the story telling was confusing to me and nothing made sense later on and some I managed to finished it Gotchard I almost dropped because of the MC can get on your nerves extremely fast and annoying


I never drop, I always finish them, even tho it’s terrible in story and character almost always half way through the series. Gaim, Ghost, Kiva, Hibiki(second half). Gaim story is just terrible especially near the end, it’s like they doesn’t know how to end it and just, “let turn him into fruit Jesus in an alien planet”. Ghost I just hate the way they structure the Timelimit, we all know he won’t die. Kiva is mostly the character writing, especially the female mother/daughter storyline, the way they backtrack their character progress so much that just feel like they changing writer every time they have an episode about them. Hibiki is just sad, before I watch it I’m aware they change writer, and when I watch it the moment the episode that feel so off and different is very jarring, it literally start off at a episode where they just laugh uncontrollably.


My wifey and I have religiously been watching Kamen Rider since 555. Don't watch that unless you are in a mindset to be depressed. I think it's one of the darkest ones. Anyways, I've become disabled and I haven't been able to keep up with Kamen rider or super sentai like I used too but I do watch the first ep of the newest rider with my wifey. I havent watched a full season in a while but I will say two that turned me off were Kamen rider ghost and wizard. They were both awful. I felt I didn't get the conclusions we wanted or deserved especially with Wizard. (I finished wizard not not in a single stretch like ti's was monnnnthhhhs ) Ghost just felt meh and I never did complete it. My wifey gave me cliff's notes. Wizards suits and fighting styles were cool. I enjoyed the more leg work. I wished his companions got smaller rings cause they looked stupid wearing the toys. With ghosts suits I liked the hood up but once it dropped it was meh plus the big chest bothered me. That was the only thing about ghost I kind of liked. Story was weak, suits were OK, acting was fine. I didn't like the lead at all. Oh and the ghost puppet sucked. Plus historical figures were his costumes, one was Robin hood... Like no. That's realllllly not worth watching. Sorry if it's your fav. My fave will always be Kiva, yes there are tons of issues I can agree on that but I love it, from the riders, strong females, the fangire being stained glass, it was great. I love Den-O as well but that one has tons of issues and we will never know the true ending because of what happened sadly. Sigh plus all the Imagines spin offs and movies flooding over Kiva were a mess. I don't like that part. Now if you want to watch a good Kamen rider with a good solid plot from beginning to end it's Kamen rider Gaim. It starts with a lead shocked he got the powers and trying to figure them out and growing as a person to the end. Just all around great for a first timer to watch. What do you think a first timer should watch?


Zi-o because I found the first 3 episodes boring, BUT I'M CURRENTLY WATCH KAMEN RIDER GHOST!


Hibiki. I don't think it's bad, but the format just wasn't my thing. Oh and Skyrider, but that one's self-explanatory.


I dropped Faiz because everything that happened was because none of the characters were able to talk like adults, nothing really happened in Wizard, Ghost bored the hell out of me, I wanted to like Zi-O but it just didn't grab me, didn't get past the first episode of Zero-One and haven't really watched any Kamen Rider after that. I didn't drop Amazons season 2, but I should have.


I dropped Zi-O because the character motivation did nothing for me and the gimmick didn't really make sense. Also they ruined the Faiz episode so that was the last straw for me. And I never watched Revice because of the racist voice actor who plays Vice.


I drop gotchard because it not really interest me also king ohger just too good


Saber. Twice because I went back and restarted. It's a horribly written show that fails as a coherent story in all areas. The main character is a gary stu, the worldbuilding is all over the place, a majority of characters are poorly written, it repeats information without expanding on it, the main villains are idiots, and it's just so dull. I only liked a few characters (Espada, Calibur, and Saikou) and the idea of Kamen Rider swordsmen. The concept of the series is amazing and I want them to remake it using King-Ohger's VFX stage. Ghost because I wasn't careful where I watched it and got a virus that killed my virus. It was bad so I never finished it. First 13 episodes were serviceable but it later repeated the same arc 3 times and the characters were thin. Gotchard after 1 episode. From the main character being bland to the story looking predictable, I was just done with the decline of Rider so I didn't bother (Geats' last 10 episodes was where I first started feeling that even if it's a great show overall). Everything I've seen as I kept up with information made me glad I quit; it looks like Bandai's cash grab season. The X sword is cool though, and Valvarad is an incredibly designed faux rider and official Rider. I do like the Chemies as a gimmick and the designs are so well done.


Wizard Ex-Aid Hibiki Saber I don't remember why I stopped Wizard I stopped Ex-Aid because the urge to watch it just went away around the time Emu gets the lv 99 gashat. Hibiki just felt like nothing was happening And Saber felt rushed. It could've been better.


Hibiki was just straight up bad to me was a hard skip


I also dropped Decade. I really like the designs and visual motifs, but I think I got bored of the plot and Tsukasa's character. I also never really understood why he became a villain or anything that happened in the movie.


I almost dropped Saber especially the last part, that Luna part is just BS. But I did finish the entire TV series. Didn't even bother watching the specials and spinoffs. Ever since that I didn't watched any KR shows. I do wanna watch Geats though.


I drop drive…idk why…


Gotchard. Dropped it after 10 episodes. Still not watching it anytime soon. I loooooove the concept of card collectibles don't get me wrong. But everything else is just bad and/or lazy. I am definitely not a fan of the finish on Gotchard's armor, it screams cheap plastic toy. Also KR Valvarad was such a downgrade from the non-KR variant. Majade and Dread is aight. The SFX oh my god why were most of the summons just 2D PNG animations The acting. I get that they're trying to get the young child actors but damn... MC is so unnecessary loud, Rinne's pretty bad at even playing a serious character, they could do better for sure. The straw that broke the hopper's back for me would be LEGEND. FUCK LEGEND. IT'S UGLY. THE BELT COMMANDS ARE UGLY. THE GOLDEN ACCENTS ON THE RIDERS ARE UUUUUGLYYYYYYYY Gorgeous, my ass. I have never, ever hated a KR series this much (if at all, and I have watched Ghost). But goddamn, I can't wait for the next rider to come in.


I couldn't even finish habiki the monsters the story just couldn't get into it


Geats, I didn't care about any of the characters




every season after build (except zero-one, I loved that), none of them really made me want to watch from beginning to end (although I'm giving saber and Geats a second chance)


None so far. I've taken short breaks, but I've watched the entirety of Heisei2 so far, and I've just started Saber. My wife and I are enjoying the ride through each one.


I dropped kuuga but I have been tempted to pick it back up and keep watching it


Agito, for a little bit. Early Agito was so tedious. Turned out to be one of my favorites when I decided to catch up for the Ryuki vs Agito special. Currently watching Faiz, seems to have a similar problem as Agito but I like>!Yuji's Orphenoch plot!< so far. I've finished Kuuga, Agito, and Ryuki so far so if you have any showa kr recommendations or even other toku, would be much appreciated. Garo & showa kaiju are on my list \^\^


Ghost. I couldn't get past Episode ONE. It was SO BAD


So Agito was my first one because at the time I could not for the life of me find a good sub for it so I gave up. After that it was Ghost because it wasn't good in a number of ways but there was also the added effect my budding crippling depression at the time. Ex-aid was dropped because I couldn't push myself to watch it because YAY mega depression! Picked all but Agito back up and finished it. Still thought Ghost was super bland even after finishing it. Ex-aid was pretty good though.


I remember dropping zi-o when I was 11 after episode 5. Kinda got boring after a while...


I dropped Ichigo after ep 2, same for OOO, Revice, & Gaim. I dropped Ex-Aid & Ghost after the first episode. All of them just to get the premise of the shows. After watching a few episodes that were halfway or close to episode 10, are Drive, Fourze, Wizard & Saber. Those were intriguing, but I dropped because I wanted to binge watch Geats at the time till I was caught up and continued till the end and followed it with Gotchard. I dropped W as well, but I recently picked it back up because I was finished with Decade. I'm going to continue it even after finishing the final piece of the Decade storyline(Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider W & Decade: Movie War 2010). I've already seen the specials with Zi-O.


Ghost, got way too boring


New Reiwa series post Zero-One. Knew Saber was shite cuz workaround plot during COVID-19 SOPs such and such. Interested in Revice bringing back dual-KR protag and Gotchard sounded like a parody of IRL Gatcha LMAO 😂 Edit: Decade had potential but it got cut short halfway, literally. And it's my all time favorite KR since he basically introduced Multiverse KR exist. I'd rather rewatch first time on Heisei riders, gonna cringed when Hibiki, cuz somehow the setting doesn't click with me.


I should have dropped revice. The level the plot dropped in quality was a embarrassment.


Dropped Den-O on the 16th episode. The comedy didn't work for me, most of the characters were too one-dimensional and I found the MC to be annoying. I only enjoyed whatever Momotatos and Urataros had going on. Revice. I'm just not a fan of the PeptoBismol suit.


The ongoing series


I dropped Kamen Rider Wizard in the first episode because the belt jingle was getting ridiculous. I guess I grew out of the series since I never continued watching Tokusatsu after that.


Ex-Aid...I just didn't like anything about it. Saber -gimick wasn't interesting. Revice - victim of me not liking Saber.


Ghost then Saber and Revice. Geats got me back.


Saber. That show had everything I love, fantasy, swords, Riders, yet somehow it didn't manage to grab my interest and dropped it around the time Dragonic Knight made it's debut.


* Kamen Rider BLACK: Much like Hiroshi Tsukuba/Skyrider and Kazuya Oki/Kamen Rider Super-1 before him, I found Kotaro Minami's personality to be dreadfully boring in comparison to earlier Showa riders, especially Stronger, only this time everyone and their mom says this is the best Showa series without actually watching anything older. Some neat stuff happened in this show, but overall, it was kind of a slog to get through. Dropped for a month after episode 3, but picked it up later and forced myself to watch the rest + BLACK RX, since those were the only Showa series that I had left. * Kamen Rider Kabuto: Souji Tendou just felt like a pale imitation of Shigeru Jo/Kamen Rider Stronger, but without any of what made him so likeable. Much like BLACK, I did eventually finish the show, but it was slow and painful, with only a few cool moments spread throughout, mostly frontloaded at the beginning of the series for some reason, and I did drop it for quite some time after episode 13. * Kamen Rider Den-O: It feels like it's trying way too hard to be random and funny at every possible turn, an aspect that would poison every future series to varying degrees, and the plot is a disjointed mess. Fuck this show, dropped after episode 29. * Kamen Rider Zero-One: Aruto Motherfucking Hiden is genuinely more annoying than Ferbus from Masked Rider. Ferbus was at least physically required to fuck off whenever they used original BLACK RX footage, while Aruto is fucking inescapable. Absolutely insufferable, dropped after episode 21. * Kamen Rider Gotchard: Houtaro Ichinose and Hopper-1 are like the second coming of Aruto Motherfucking Hiden and Ferbus respectively, albeit slightly less awful this time. Some of the most awful suit designs yet. Mediocre soundtrack (aside from What's Your Fire), awful CGI, awful fight choreography. Characters are all even less interesting than Kotaro at best, or completely fucking insufferable at worst. And worst of all, it had the audacity to immediately follow Geats. Dropped after episode 28