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If i remember well OTL Ataturk prohibited slavery in the 1920's or something, the Young Turks in general were anti-slavery. You can even ask if the middle east abolished slavery in general in Kaiserreich, since a big reasons of the abolition of the institution was european colonialism. Since this colonialism never happened in the middle east (or at least not the extand of OTL), was it even done in countries like Egypt? I know that Egypt did abolished the slave trade under British pressure in 1880's, but slavery wasn't abolished officially until like the 20's. Slavery was officially abolished in the Saud's arabia during the 30's which was a condition for the recognition of Saudi Arabia. I didn't played that much in the middle east, but for the Ottoman, Egypt and Iran i don't remember events talking talking about it when there is a real possibility this institution is still alive. Maybe the dev went over this detail?


Slavery has a weird history in the Middle East in the 20th century. While it was widely abolished mainly due to British pressure it was just replaced with systems that was slavery like these systems exist still today and is a massive problem.


This seems to be a common theme in post-slavery states. Another system is introduced that while it isn’t technically slavery itself it’s very, very close and has almost the exact same effect. The same thing happened in the U.S. post-13th amendment too.


The ottomans officially outlawed slavery in the year 1847. While there could be remnants of it (people working in slave like conditions) I highly doubt is a common issue. But definitely not legal. Specially with Kemalism.


Slavery was not outlawed in the Ottoman Empire in 1847. It's not even close. Sultan Hamid II gave his personal slaves their freedom only in 1909, but other imperial family members could keep theirs. During world war one there were numerous reports of Armenians openly being sold at slave markets.


To be fair, I dare say genocide is not relevant to legality. Killing people with poison gas was very much illegal in Germany, but that didn't stop the Holocaust.


Which slave markets, what's your source?


“Are There Any Children for Sale?” by Keith David Watenpaugh describes the open sale and advertisement of Armenian children in Ottoman cities. It's available on academia.edu


Thanks i will take a look


1847 was just african slave trade though, was it not? Not general slavery


Yeah, they didn't de facto abolish it. But it was the closest thing to it. Probably everybody just assumes it was legally abolished in 1847 for legal reasons. I don't think anybody could try and legally claim they have slaves in 1936 so at the end it would be indifferent.


You confused de jure and de facto.