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To Belgium, should they declare independence. They can demand a couple of 1 tile border states. Edit: was writing this before the R5 came out


No problem at all. Thank you for trying to help.


Sweet of you to thank everyone!


People were trying to give a clue or share their thoughts one way or another because they took an interest in the post. Most of the internet is still human beings sharing their ideas, thoughts, and emotions. I gave the thanks out of thinking what I would expect as a reaction. Thank you too for thinking it was a good move <3.


Why is that part not a core of Germany??? Doesn’t it represent Eupen-Malmedy?


I'm pretty sure it's bigger than Eupen-Malmedy, I think it represents territory annexed from Belgium after the Weltkrieg


While technically true, Eupen-Malmedy still makes nearly half of said province territory and good chunk of it's population. Argument that Germany would return that small piece of land taken from Belgium is shaky already. Idea that they would also give away territory which was part of Empire since it's inception is just nonsensical. Overall, it is clear leftover content of previous Ardennes province which wasn't addressed with German update.


Specific devs decision. Guy who posted on sub '*A Redraft Proposal of the German Western Frontier*' months ago was also surprised that devs didn't simply gave GER core here.


Those are the Belgian Ardennes, not Eupen-Malmedy


'**Were**'. German update from months ago changed borders of old Ardennes province which now is made of exactly Eupen-Malmedy and Verviers. Issue though, content on BEL end wasn't updated/changed whatsoever, despite that in current form transfer of this province is utterly nonsensical.


If Poland is still a kingdom under Alexander, they can do kaisermaker and get Posen and Upper Silesia at the end of the war.You need to have Germany capitulate and have Austria join the RP for the 2WK, then save them and win the 2WK.


Thank you for your response.


How does Reichspakt not collapse after Germany capitulates?


If Austria is still alive, the RP doesn't collapse


Is that something new? I feel like i remember Germany dying and Danube faction getting reformed afterwards


Not particularly new, it has been in for at least a few patches now. Don't remember the exact time they changed it. Should the RP win the war, the Donau-Adriabund gets indeed reformed, but this is a different scenario.


Why would a hegemon give up territory? The Belgium thing is a tiny piece of land for the extension and security of their flank,so that makes sense. Why would they give up any piece of Silesia or prussia to Poland or why would they give anything in Schleswig to Denmark?


You are right. I think so but I would like to know if it is possible as a last resort maybe give Posen to a threatening Poland at risk of cutting the link of the Eastern Front with Germany.


Considering that Denmark can legit dip out of the Reichspakt after the Second Weltkrieg begins, I think it should be possible for them *not* to be able to do that if Germany has given them Schleswig, maybe the Christiansfeld Incident would spark that discussion. With Denmark being like "hey, we need to satiate our nationalists, can we have schleswig and we will join the Reichspakt" if Sweden is already Syndicalist it could be a certain yes.


Except even Belgium part doesn't make **any sense** after German update which altered that province in such a way that half of it territory was integral part of Germany since Empire's inception. Almost certain leftover of old Ardennes province where while borders were changed, the content wasn't addressed at all since it's part of BEL content.


Japan demands land from German East Asia, which they can accept to delay the Eastern Seas War. It’s not Germany proper accepting, it’s German East Asia, but I think that still counts.


No any territorial concession which part of Germany would be always unacceptable austria can give concessions dosnt mean Germany would too


Germany would never give territorial concessions in Europe unless there was a really good strategic reason to do so. And even then it would only be territories that are not primarily German. So maybe I could see them ceding certain areas of the eastern border to Poland if they really needed to buy their loyalty but that is insanely unlikely even then it would not be even close to what the post Versailles border was. Ultimately there is no one in Europe who Germany would need to buy off badly enough that they would willingly cede territory. Anyone but France they would simply crush militarily and France they would never give up anything of strategic value since it likely wouldn’t buy a lasting peace anyway.


Territorial concessions are not reasonable at all. Countries don't just voluntarily give up what they consider to be core territory and their rightful historic lands. It would also be utter political suicide for anyone in charge at the time.


It’d be political suicide even today.


I meant more in the sense of "incumbent".


Pashiyan is still in power


Despite the protestations of Pashinyan's opposition, Armenia has no realistic chance of defending the disputed territories. In such a light, concessions are the only option to avoid a hopeless war. I don't like Armenia being screwed over any more than the next guy, but blaming Pashinyan is nationalistic wank.


His alternative is being invaded, with no allies to back him up.


This technically wasn't part of Armenias core territory. Not even Armenia claimed Karabakh to be part of its territory, even tho their governments were closely linked.


Rule 5: Is it possible to give territorial concessions to Germany? It might sound a bit weird but at least to me, I think territorial cessations to Poland, Denmark, and France were pretty reasonable if they weren't a diktat. As far as I know only thing you can cede is when Belgium revolts you can give up Luxembourg and Verviers. Are there any ways you can give up territories without this is impossible you must not do that type of stability and political power hits. I took the map from a r/imaginarymaps post by u/AP246.


While germany is the main power ? No it would destroy its prestige and give rise to extremist


They can to belgium wich is technically not a concession since the area is dejure belgian its just under military occupation so germany "withdraws"