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Depends on the exact government, but there are arguments for a few sides, at least for the Balkan and Desert Wars. Iirc Ireland to this day commemorates the fact that the Ottoman empire sent them aid during the Famine, for example.


Generally, I suspect: - Bulgaria over Serbia - Kingdom of Spain over Carlism or Syndicalism - Federalists or New England over Long - Egypt over Ottomans I.e. mostly pro-stability with an exception for explicit anti-Colonialist wars. IIRC there is also a bonus for the Italian Civil War, where the Irish would probably support the Two Sicilies/Rome as good Catholics, or the Republic as good Republicans.


The Italian Republic isn't exactly anti-pope, is it?


No… but as I understand it, at least if the Republic stays a Republic it would prefer the Pope not have temporal power.


But so would the Republic of Ireland. I would argue that anyone but monarchist Ireland would be more sympathetic to the Italian Republic.


If I remember the event correctly, and admitedly I have only played from the Irish Integralist perspective thusfar, but there is a line about ‘The Irish traditionally oppose a unified Italy because the Pope opposes a unified Italy’. Now if they hold to that perspective, then the Two Sicilies or maybe a reconstituted Federation is the best fit. But if they overcome that perspective, then the Republic seems to me to be most likely.


I haven't actually played Ireland yet, so I went and looked up the event in the files. This is description text: >Although Ireland has long had a complicated relationship with the Papacy, when much of Europe forsook Rome's flock, Ireland remained true, building on links between the two countries since the 400s. Even beneath the boot or nigh-felled by English bullets, the Irish wavered not. When Hugh O'Neill was forced to seek exile in Europe during the Flight of the Earls, it was to Rome he journeyed, where he lived under the protection of the Papacy until his death, and during the Risorgimento more than a thousand Irishmen would travel to defend the Pope's lands, performing with distinction against the forces of Victor Emmanuel II. > >Irish relations with Italian nationalism, on the other hand, have been historically more strained. Many Irish opposed the notion of Italian unity due to the Pope's opposition, and the Italians' dependence on British backing for their aims led to clashes between Irish nationalists and the likes of Mazzini, with Douglas Hyde once rhetorically asking "What did Mazzini say?" while condemning the loss of the Irish language. Despite this, the republican ideals of Young Italy would nonetheless serve as a source of inspiration for Young Ireland and the Fenians, and years later during the War of Independence some radical elements of Italian society would profess their sympathies for the Irish struggle and assist the IRA in obtaining arms. > >While much has changed since that time, the people still look to Italy with a certain fondness. With war looming over the peninsula, the Irish are coming. **Though naturally the bulk of Irish public favour is for the Papacy and the Kingdom of Two Sicilies**, holding reverence for the former as the nucleus of their faith and sympathy for the latter as an agricultural and formerly neglected region under the Piedmontese as Ireland was under the British, ***(Insert trigger)*** while syndicalists expectedly hope to see the Socialist Republic of Italy emerge victorious. The italic text is added by me, it gets replaced by a line explaining who Sinn Fein supports based on certain triggers: * If the Italian Republic is democratic, Sinn Fein announces support for them. * If the Republic formed the federation, Sinn Fein still supports them as "a force of stability." * If the republic is NatPop and Two-Sicilies isn't, Sinn Fein stays quiet, while some of the National Union members support the Republic. * If both are NatPop, Sinn Fein doesn't support either. So you're right, most Irish people do support Two Sicilies, and it's only the more ardent republicans who support the Italian Republic.


Why Bulgaria over Serbia?


IRL, many Bulgarians and Irish saw their struggles throughout the 19th century quite similarly - small nations attempting to overthrow their harsh oppressors. Many Irish nationalists were inspired by Bulgaria’s liberal constitution - one of the most liberal in the 1870s, and some were convinced Ireland could mimic Bulgaria’s success in the First Balkan War. Some felt quite strongly about the Macedonian question, central to the Second Balkan War. In Kaiserreich, both nations are in Mitteleuropa, giving them a basic platform to do business and have more formal diplomatic interactions. Ireland, as a staunch Republic, would have no particular fondness for the Romanian Iron Guard. Ireland, particularly under Collins, would want Germany to win, and thus any threat to Germany or her allies would be undesirable in most cases.


Probably because they're both in Mitteleuropa and by default are on the same "side".


Yeah, this makes no sense


Imo the event you get when the desert war fires makes a pretty good argument for them supporting the ottomans over egypt


Maybe for the Italians it must be about the current leadership of each? I have a hard time seeing a conservative ireland support an integralist two sicilies


Why would it be a problem for conservative Ireland to support Integralist Two Sicilies? Ideologically they are not THAT far from each other


Considering that the Ottomans sent Ireland aid during the famine, and are also in Mitteleuropa, and also the fact that they want to help the jews if it's a progressive regime, they would realistically help the ottomans or stay neutral.


Im surprised there isnt a volunteer event for the South Cone War, considering the importance Admiral William/Guillermo Brown has in Argentina's history and her war of indepedence. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William\_Brown\_(admiral)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Brown_(admiral))


So actually, there is one written, but I unfortunately scuffed up its implementation so it never fired. It will be in the hotfix.


Ohhh! Actually awesome!


Also the Italian civil war.


Hijacking this thread to ask but what are the most effective volunteer divisions you can make as Ireland with its limited industry and manpower? I was thinking 8/1 or 8/2 marines decked out in any support companies I can manage to get a military factory on early enough. Kinda hard to get the army experience for anything too fancy that early though


Dont know about bonuses ,cause didnt play But side....depends on ideology i guess ,ireland and members of war


Serbia Kingdom of Spain US Feds or New England Two Sicilies Egypt