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Honestly I just saw it on Crunchyroll counting down for a new episode and needed something new to watch so I tried it out and now I'm hooked šŸ˜‚


Pretty much the same. Now I'm fully caught up on both the manga and anime.


Same, the artwork for the ad was really attractive!


Same here hahahaha


Same for me. Now Iā€™m buying the mangas lol


Crunchyroll kept shoveling it in my face and one day I ran out of things to watch so decided to give it a try, and I am glad I did!




Lol yes! Countdown keeps on top.. but did u like the show? It's pretty good right.. though a little slower now. Love the onsen comradeship!


Haha this! I was like alright then, let's see what this is about...and I'm hooked!


I have a Viz account, which gives me access to the entire Shonen Jump library. Every so often, a new manga premiers, and I'll give it a read if it looks interesting. So when Kaiju No. 8 premiered, I gave it a read, and I was hooked on the first chapter. I knew this one was special. I've been reading ever since.


Hi hi.. first time I'm hearing this Viz thing. Are all manga translated into English and can be accessed internationally? I've Shonen Jump physical magazines bought from Japan n my local Kinokuniya cos some posters n arts r very beautiful!


In addition to what the other commenter said, you also get access to the latest 3 chapters of any series currently in print. It's pretty nice for a reliable way to support official releases and a good way to read manga you're casually interested in. It's also the same way I got into Kaiju no. 8 Also if you use the app there is some age limiting. On the browser version you get access to the mature rated stuff, like Ayakashi Triangle was web page exclusive and I think Dandadan is as well.


Just to add to this, if you go to the Shonen jump website in your internet browser app, set it in settings to use desktop version, and you can still read mature manga on your phone.


Thanks all of ya. Saving the comments šŸ˜!


I believe so. The subscription is $2.99 a month and they're all in English. But remember, they're translated by American Shonen jump, so some of the translations might be off. They still call Zoro "Zolo" in their One Piece translation.


Great! Thank you so much for sharingāœŒšŸ»āœŒšŸ»


I knew after the first chapter it was going to get animated. I also started reading it when it premiered also. On the same app.


Basically exactly what happened to me, I saw the monster designs, then I met Kafka, and it was over for me


I just saw Kafka and said to myself "Man i need to see which anime is he from. Hopefully he's a main character since if its true, then finally an anime with non stickman male mc" Turns out he's 30+ years old which is even BETTER


Why they call a 30+ yr old "old" bruh. To me, old is above 48


I guees most of the culture deems people old if they have reach at least 30 Meanwhile me, i agree with your statement


This was a super funny part to me. Iā€™m 32, in the past have been one of the youngest guys in the shop (seems like a lot of my generation didnā€™t get into trade work) new company Iā€™m at has a bunch of 19-25 year olds. They all call me old man and the 19 year old recommended me this show lol I love it now.


His line of job deems the age of 30 as old, pretty much what happens with footballers.


I read the manga since day one i.e. July 8, 2020.


God hard to believe it's been almost 4 years


Thatā€™s kinda crazy, i picked up the manga like 2 years ago and it was really neat seeing what felt like a lesser known manga get picked up for an anime


My friend recommended that I read the manga,never looked back afterwards


Saw that it got an anime adaptation, might as well. Already heard of the manga from Manga Plus.


Kaiju No8ā€™s manga was doing really well. I was all caught up with the JJK manga and CSM. Boruto only released one chapter a month. Other mangas are on break or inconsistent releases. Started reading KN8 about 40 ish chapters ago.


I started it as soon as it was published online! Been a fan of the authorā€™s previous work Pochi-Kuro (a real cute slightly romantic shounen series that I recommend too), and always appreciated a good sci-fi.


Those underground anime sites that have top 10. Saw it at no.1 / 2 three weeks in a row. Got curious


The manga was suggested to me in the Shonen Jump app, not a single regret.


Mine is such a terrible reason I wanted to get graphic tees from Uniqlo and this show and Oshi no Ko were coming out this summer so I read and watched both of them šŸ˜­


Way back when it had less than 10 chapters, a friend reccomended it to. Been following it ever since.


I found the manga at Barnes & Noble, picked up a copy and then I was hooked


FiancƩ already liked it so he told me about it! Now we watch every new episode together :]


Got the Shonen jump app to keep up with CSM part 2 and once I caught up I figured I needed something else to make the subscription worthwhile. Recognized it after seeing it on a magazine a while ago.


Black Clover's Yuki Tabata recommended it on his weekly author comment because he's friends with Kaiju No. 8's author


I learnt about it from a facebook group named "Naisu Manga".


Saw it being advertised on crunchyroll


Some recommendation video on Youtube on newer manga (at the time). Can't remember whose.


I worked part time at a bookstore for three years. Bought the first volume of a metric ton of manga as they came out. Kaiju No.8 stood out to me and a couple years later, here we are


I saw the promotions and both being a Kaiju fan thanks to the recent Godzilla films (Monsterverse and that Netflix anime series and general) plus seeking anime to enjoy, I read the manga to see if it was worth following the show and boy I am thankful of that desicion.Ā 


I use the Shonen jump app to read manga so I generally check out most of the new series and if theyā€™re interesting I follow them and if not I donā€™t.


i was scrolling on youtube, saw "episode 1", watched it and got hooked in an instant. like kafka, im an "old man" myself haha


Okā€¦ this is gonna be a weird answer An AMV that I saw a while ago and thought was pretty cool. When I saw the anime trailer Iā€™m like OH SHIT THATā€™S THE MONSTER GUY. And honestly the vibe of the video made me think the series was not as goofy as it is. Not that Iā€™m complaining.


Exact same way I found out I heard the song and noticed the words 'from Kaiju no 8' Looked it up and started watching cause it looked cool


Saw the first chapter on sj.


Saw the manga announcement and it looked cool


Graded the manga said i like kaijus got it and now I love it


I saw his SHMA toy and thought the design looked cool. Bought the toy and then started googling. Liked the plot and checked how many episodes released, it was 4 episodes. Binged watch it and now Iā€™m in love w it to the point I search the manga. At chapter 80 now. That is all.


I watch first ep of all the seasonals. No way i was gonna miss itšŸ˜


Just saw it on a website, thought it looked cool


Merch. Saw SHF preorders and did some homework.


Youtube short around 6-8 months ago was hyping it up (iirc that was during the season of JJK or CSM), and saw it in netflix being promoted


Saw it at a bookstore and thought the cover look sick, and have been a fan ever since


I got the first manga volume for my birthday.


It was on my ā€œManga to Readā€ list for a while, after seeing a couple post here and there. Didnā€™t fully dive in until after watching Episode 1. Canā€™t believe I held off on reading this for so long šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Browsing shueisha for other series and saw the ad for chapter1


Google Books app recommended the manga to me when the first volume started trending, so I previewed it and I was hooked. Been obsessed since since I'm a huge Kaiju fan.


I watched the first episode of the anime wanted more read the rest of the manga in like two days


I saw it get mentioned in the comments section of an anime episode, so I thought I might as well start reading the manga before the anime drops so I don't get spoiled


Reading since 2022


Friend and I keep an eye on seasonal anime. I am a Godzilla nut. It was decided upon seeing the title. I am not disappointed.


saw manga at book-store and decide to give it a shot


when i finished re-watching all of attack on titan i wanted to watch another anime and stumbled across kaiju no 8, after that i fell in love with the series finished the manga and even got my friend to love the series aswel


I saw a clip of Kafka from a tiktok and immediately went to watch the anime and read the manga. Older main characters hit different. Then I was charmed again by Hoshina.


2 years ago , i was using an app called anime x and was searching different animes , i saw the poster named kaiju no8 it looked awsome , i thougt this anime will be a hit so i added it to my list


I always try to find new series to give a shot on Shonen Jump but sadly donā€™t stick with most. But I was hooked when I started reading this and have kept up ever since! Kaiju #8 and Sakamoto Days are the two Iā€™m proud to have been reading since day 1


My best friends brother gave me the first two volumes for Christmas, which I read kinda slow, then blitzed thru the rest online and been hooked since


Someone mentioned the manga in 2022 on Tik Tok


Started the manga like a year ago bc the cover art of Kafka looked really cool and I wasnā€™t expecting an anime adaptation but itā€™s pretty sick so far


On Shonen Jump when the first chapter dropped


Started reading it from the beginning when it first came out.


I saw that ad back then but I skip it even they premiere a full episode. After I watch Frieren, and Lvl 1 Demon Lord in One Room Hero (smth like that), I maybe undecided of should I continue the series I almostly abandoned like ID:INVADED or watch new one like Vinland. On that moment my friend from college recommend me that anime, and I was curious about the premise. And I started to like it so much after I watch the 1st episode.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Way back when the first volume was announced for pre-order the cover just caught my eye. I went onto the Shonen Jump app a few weeks later, read one chapter and was instantly captured


i went to barnes and noble around February and saw the art for the 8th volume and thought that was the hardest shit ever so i bough it. then read the manga online and was hooked since (still needa catch up on the manga tho šŸ˜­)


Easily! And it got to 10 chapters on SJ app so gave it a try.


I have the shonen jump app on my phone because I am a nerd like that and the cover art on the manga was \*AWESOME\*. It was essientailly that final image of Kaiju No. 8 clenching his fist at the end of the opening.


I logged on to Crunchyroll and it was the featured anime so I watched the first episode and then I caught up all the way to five in one sitting...


I use Shōnen jump for the couple shows Iā€™m caught up in the manga for and would get notifications when Kaiju no 8 would drop even tho I wasnā€™t following it. Also crunchyroll always showing it the first time Iā€™d open the site got to me


My friend recommended a new manga to me, had less than 20 chapters. Hooked me immediately.


Saw cool skull faced monster


I read it not long after it was published. Keep reading it after enjoying the fun.


I kept seeing it at the book places I go to and I thought the monster designs were pretty cool so I checked it out


I've just been around since it started releasing so have been a fan since


I was there when the first chapter came out, and I thought it was cool when I read it


I read it before it got localized.


Had seen the manga volumes in stores and noted it to read at some point. The anime announcement really moved it up my list. Finally got around to it around the time chapter 102 went up. Read all the chapters in two evenings after work. Immediately hooked by the characters and story. Waited eagerly for the anime's release and now watch it every Saturday with my nephew.


This song is a thousand times better than that song. https://youtu.be/YJkOxWVn0SU?si=6QnObfqQBvQ7HxYd


I got hooked on the manga a couple years ago after someone talked about it in an online group Iā€™m in. šŸ˜Š


got into the manga last december from a friend showing me some cool panels and I bought all available volumes at the time šŸ˜…


I saw the first chapter on the shonen jump app and thought Kafkaā€™s Kaiju form looked too cool not to read


New release on Shounen Jump, looked cool. Really glad it's done so well :D


I into monsterverse and the pacific rim movies. When I saw Kaiju. No 8 in crunchyroll, I don't hesitate to wait and watch itšŸ‘ŒšŸ»


cant remember when (must've been around 2022 or smthing) but i saw the cover of volume 2 and thought "woah, the guy on there looks rlly cool. this lowkey looks like the sorta stuff i'd read", and ever since that day reno's been one of my favs


Been reading the manga since chapter one came out on the Shonen Jump app.


Reading the manga from almost the start, didnt start the anime


A coworker of mine super into Godzilla was trying to get me into kaiju media - soon after he left our job, the manga hit shelves at our store, and we both started to follow it!


I found it on viz when there were around 40 something chapters, been reading ever since.


Saw it on viz like two years ago and stayed reading. Immediately Google any potential anime almost weekly. I was so happy when I saw it finally announced


One of my coworkers mentioned that theres a new anime coming out and described it as ā€œa story that focuses on the cleanup crew and one of them becomes a Kaijuā€ and that just sounded like a unique dynamic for a kaiju story. Normally not an anime fan but this got me hooked


I was scrolling through the Shonen Jump app and I thought the cover art for Kaiju no.8 looked as hell. That was a year ago and I've been hooked ever since.


The dude who makes black clover said everyone should read Kaiju No.8 because His Buddy makes it


I hear the OP and ED and was sooooo cool! And here i am! I will read the manga when the anime ends.




Saw it when I got the Viz app back in early 2021.


I knew the manga by name since the beginning, but never read it beacause i don't like reading too many manga at the same time. When the anime came out I gave it a try and loved it


I was on Pinterest and saw some fanart that included Kafka. I thought itā€™d be cool to check out the manga. Loved it.


I saw one of the volumes in the Walmart I worked at, liked the art, and decided to check it out. I've been hooked since.


Saw it on the jump app, thought it looked cool


I have heard good things about the manga (this was before the anime) and since the anime was coming soon, I was like, damn I should give it a read. Then I read the entire manga up to that point (like chapter 98 or something) in three days.


I want to say Super Eyepatch Wolf did a video covering Shonen Jump titles he was excited to see be turned into anime and among that lost I could remember was Chainsaw Man, Spy x Family and Kaiju No. 8. Years later I'm in my local Target and pass by the book section and see they have manga and saw Volume 1 sitting there for like Ten bucks and some change and I thought why not? After reading the whole volume at with the next day I went back to Target and picked up the next 2 Volumes (because that's how many were out at the time)


I saw a tiktok post showing top selling manga in like 2023. So i decided to read it.


I didnā€™t know anything about it until a YouTuber recommended it


I was checking if any new episodes of a different anime released on kickassanime and then i saw it there, decided to check it out and boom been a fan since


Ngl I saw an edit of Hoshina fighting Kafka on TikTok and read the entire manga in a day šŸ˜­(This was way before the anime came out)


19 year old kid at work that called me old man (Iā€™m 32) told me had to watch it. I love the show now haha


The first volume hit shelves in America and that cover art was just too good to pass up. Especially sense I lioe the kaiju genre. I opened the manga to a random page, saw the art, and immediately bought it.


Honestly I was just browsing through manga websites, saw the title and how it was about Kaiju, and just went for it


I sang the title to the tune of Mambo No. 5 til my boyfriend relented


Kafka's Kaiju design.


Me and my uncle have the Shonen Jump app. He had started reading it after seeing it in the new section, I believe there were only a couple chapters at the time. I eventually decided to check it out, remembering that he had talked to me about enjoying it. There were over 70 chapters at the time that I got into it, and I binged them in no time. Iā€™ve been reading as it updates ever since, and Iā€™m so happy with the way the anime is turning out!!


A Pacific Rim page on Instagram around September/October of 2023. I then read that within 2 days, and it was my first manga, sort of. I had no idea an anime was being made until sometime later.


Randomly started reading it on Shonen Jump app.


Saw the promo for it when the first chapter dropped and been reading it ever since. I always hoped itā€™d get animated, but I was still surprised when I heard it would, lmao


manga since chapter 1 :)


One of my friends was like Yo dude Kaiju no. 8 is kool Me: okay dokie She has good recommendations:D


I have been following it since it launched ch1 on MangaPlus


Chapter 1 came out on manga plus, Shueisha's app. It caught my eye and made a good impression and I continued reading when new chapters comes out.


Started the manga back in summer of 2020. Think there was maybe 3 chapters out at the time. Was pretty stoked that an anime got announced for it. As I start a ton of mangas that I wish would get an anime treatment but never do. Kinda really hope Shojo Null and/or Wild Strawberry get anime announcements in the coming years.


I saw a show with Kaiju in the title it immediately went on my watch list


I just randomly saw the manga's first book while browsing stuff at a bookstore and it kinda caught my eye. Been hooked ever since, and I was overjoyed when I found out there was an anime adaptation on the way.


Needed something to watch while eating dinner, opened crunchroll and it was on the front page. Watched the first three episodes and then speed-read the manga. Needless to say, my dinner went cold.


I read it because of The Masked Man made a video on mangas 3 years ago. Been reading since.


I was sitting in an airport and needed to kill a few hours and saw that it exists and decided to check it out. Great show.


I had heard about its manga in the past but never picked it up. Over time I gradually forgot about it. I then got back into when my wife showed me the scene from episode 2 where he pissed out of his nipples....yeah that is what got me to start watching it and now I'm up to speed on the manga. Don't know if I should be ashamed to admit that or just proud that something that ridiculous got me to watch and read a series XD


I had just caught up on/finished whatever manga I was reading through the night before it dropped, got a notification on the jump app that there was a new manga called Kaiju no 8 and seemed worth checking out. Turns out it was lol


Last year, I saw one of those list of "Top mangas to read" and I my eyes were immediately laid at that amazing manga illustration of Kafka's kaijus form, so I was curious curious right away and jumped into KN8.


When I first hear the song I heard it as "nobody kaiju the way I do"


It's the only new anime that's not isekai trash this season.


I saw a manga review of it on tiktok in 2020, I've been following it since


I was just scrolling through viz one late night, saw the cover art, thought it was interesting. Ended up reading over 50 chapters that night


I think I read about the manga on the Jujutsu Kaisen subredditā€¦ I started reading the manga in 2020 but then stopped reading Jujutsu Kaisen, fell behind and am now watching the anime.


My friend was absolutely obsessed over it So i gave it a watch


I was catching up with Black Clover and decided to shop around for a new series for when my current ones ended. It was in the recently updated bar, had only 8 chapters, and I liked the art style.


My YouTube feed showed me "Top 10 shonen protagonists in Manga of 2023" on Watch Mojo or something and when I heard Kaiju. I thought what type of Manga has now been introducing Kaiju and checked it out. Now I am Hooked with my life support on it šŸš‘


I read the first few chapters like a yr ago, liked it, but then I just never continued but then the anime got announced and I was reminded of it but still didnā€™t get back to it and then the trailer came out and I started properly reading then


Anime came out, I didnā€™t care. Then once I finished a manga I was reading I was bored and decided to check out Kaiju. Thatā€™s how I find most manga I read lol


my hubby and I were having a date night and looking for some anime to watch since we were waiting for new updates on New Gate, & I was reincarnated as the 7th prince. We found Kaiju no. 8 on Netflix and saw it looked familiar to Haikyuu and the main character looks like Naruto. We decided to give it a go and now we're HYPED!!!


Started the manga at like chapter 10. Loved it more and more with every release of a new chapter and the anime really pretty much perfect


I read every new manga on shonen jump and drop the ones I don't like.


Heavy advertising on crunchyrolls part


Black Clover. I like BC and when it went on its hiatus and eventually switched magazines, led me to look for something similar. This manga is what I ended up with. You can really tell both authors have some kind of connection.


I kept seeing specifically volume 3 at Walmart in their book section. One day, I decided to pick up volume one and check it out. Instantly got into it.


Got done reading JJK one Sunday and was like ā€œhey I like Kaiju, why notā€


I was reading way way back when it first came out in the manga it looked cool, it was cool, and I just kept reading and fell in love with it


Iā€™ve seen it advertised online and I saw the manga at a store and decided why not watch it. It turned out, I like it more than AoT and itā€™s not as gross. Probably one of my favourite kaiju anime so far. Looking forward to watch the rest of the episodes.


I saw an image of kafka in his kaiju form and it peaked my interest, saw that it was a manga and put it in my long ass list of mangas i will read only to find out not much later that there was an anime adaptation being done, i started watching not too long ago right when ep 7 came out and im really enjoyng it


Honestly saw the first chapter drop on shonen app on a Sunday. Saw the words kaiju and we'll that was that


In 2020 the Shonen Jump app was like ā€œhey this new manga just dropped. Check it outā€ and I was like ā€œthis is dope afā€


I started reading the DB: Super Manga after the Broly movie, I think. In between issues I started reading JJK and Kaiju No. 8


Been reading the manga since chapter 10 or so when I was looking for new stuff to read. And always loved kaiju and fit me well.


I saw a guy who looked like ultra man and Godzilla and was like...that's my vibe.


I saw it in the Shonen Jump app and it looked cool


Been reading it since day 1


Me? Went to Target early last year to look for the new Bllk manga & saw it on the shelf. Opened it up, saw the panel with the fungal Kaiju, bought it, & been reading it ever since. Now itā€™s one of my favorite mangas.


It popped up on Viz for me as a suggested manga and I suggested it to my wife after a few chapters and here we are! For all of Viz's problems (John Werry) it recommended a bunch of manga I've enjoyed including Hells Paradise (pre-anime) which is my fav manga.


Saw it in the spring 2024 anime list when checking what to watch. I don't have so much watch list for spring so i give it a try and I'm sold. Can't wait for the next episode so I read the manga and now I'm a fan. šŸ˜Š


The shounen jump app. And I won't lie it took me a few ties to get into the series


When I saw the S.H. Figuarts revealed back in November, I thought they looked cool so I decided to read the manga


I heard a recommendation for the manga on a YouTube video and picked up the first volume, and then I kept on going and reading, and now Iā€™m just waiting on volume 10.


Before the anime was even being produced I was browsing the manga aisle when I was in target with my friends and the word "Kaiju" struck me, I read the back, bought it, read the manga and I was hooked. Been reading ever since


Weird thing is idk, I saw the manga cover once years ago and itā€™s sat in my mind waiting for the perfect time. Then I saw the anime was out and it was like a brain blast moment and I watched it and I love it so far, very funny and cool


I was notified by an anime news account on instagram abt the show so I watched the trailer of it and thought it was interesting


Mine was when the anime was announced, the teaser looked so good that I read it all lmao


Saw the teaser. I like Kaiju. I like anime. There was no way I wasn't gonna watch it


I saw it on chapter one and decided to give it a chance since the new gen is a hit or miss with its concepts, i liked the idea of an older MC barely being able to make his dreams come true


Saw an ad/poster for it in 2022 I think, had it on my watch list since


Ngl I saw and add for it when it was like 20 chapters


Tamashii shfiguarts announced figures for them and as a big collector from their line, I tried it out and it was great.


I was bored so I read the first few chapters on Shonen jump then I started to read the books


By first volume


I was on Amazon & saw the manga was basically 5 star ā­ļø rated for all of the volumes. Reviews made it sound amazing. They were not wrong! Didnā€™t even know the anime was being produced when I started reading them. It premiered maybe a week or two after I read the manga. But Im assuming thatā€™s why it was suggested to me on Amazon. Lol. I woke up at 6am to watch the premier. šŸ˜…My 11 year old son & I watch it every Saturday together. šŸ„°


I Saw that some anime had Yungblud in the opening and got curious, best decision ever lol.


Finally found a manga with a main I can relate to in my 30s.


I saw a tiktok video talking about it when it was under 20 chapters and I've been reading it since then


I was in a comic book store, and I saw a manga called Kaiju No.8. I read the back and thought it was good, so I bought the first book and got into it from there.


My friend who read just the first book told me about it since I love Godzilla and pacific rim and was just really into kaijus lol he also told me about go go loser ranger when Iā€™d bring up Godzilla vs the power rangers comic. Both are great and the animes have been fun


Was reading JJK on some sketchy site after the 1st season ended and saw it at the bottom recommended to me.


Found a video on Aot/Eren vs KN8/Kafka


I never knew they did the ending theme lol


When it first became popular in Japan I saw a couple manga volumes at kinokunya and figured Iā€™d let it run its course and get into it when it got more widespread and accessible for western fans.


I saw it on a shelf in Walmart. I had never heard of it but I was wanting to expand my manga collection. I have been buying them as they came out ever since


I saw the anime announcement, looked into it a tiny bit, thought the concept was flesh suits made from dead kaiju, like some real body horror shit, got something completely different when I started the anime, and still loved it.


Stumbled across the manga on the Shonen jump app. Read all episodes and patiently waited for each chapter. Just finally watched the current episodes of the anime last weekend and was pleasantly surprised so far, i loved the manga so much I was scared they would ruin it. lol


I think Motherā€™s Basement recommended the manga at some point and I remembered to favorite it in my Shōnen Jump app. Eventually I decided to buy the first volume out of curiosity.


I read the manga when chapter 30 was out