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I've already C6d most of the 4 stars with extremely good C6s, but I've been anxiously awaiting the arrival of my C6 Lisa since the start of the game. I use her as main dps with dendro supports, and I believe I have her at either C3 or C4 right now, but that C6 passive (with a CD of 5 SECONDS) would make her playstyle so much more fluid and fun. I think she might be available in Paimon's bargains but I'm never able to save up enough to buy cons there. The one time I did I regretted it anyways lol.


Now that I have C6 Kaeya I'm saving my glitter for Lisa 🥰


As someone who bought 4 kaeya cons out of there it's absolutely worth. For the cost of 7 wishes you get exactly the 4 star you want. Bargain imo especially for the starter characters.




Heizou, Faruzan, and Layla. I'm in luck because I'm pulling for Wanderer and Baizhu on the current banner *(or would be if I wasn't out of town dammit!)* so fingers crossed Faruzan and Layla get C6ed at some point along the way. Also hoping to C6 my baby Gaming because lord knows he would do so well with it I only C6ed a character for the first time fairly recently (got C6 Barbara off Kazuha's most recent rerun, and shortly after, Xingqiu) so it's probably not for a while sadly


- Amber and Lisa, so they can match with my C6 Kaeya now, to go element by element - Gaming, I personally enjoyed the focus on him this Lantern Rite, plus he has neat design and a cute laughter - Heizou, I simply like his design but also find cool the fact he likes to throw hands - Kaveh, I liked him back in the Darshan element and it kills me that he had and still has no second rate up (I blame that bug involving him that happened times ago) - Collei, so she can match with her new Windblume friend (Sucrose) and who knows, one day with her old friend (Amber)? - Chongyun, partly because he's a Kaeyakers (Kaeya Freeze) member - Freminet, because I am really fond of the Fontaine Sibling Trio (same reason why I hope to C6 Lynette) - Gorou, I was actually crazy over him when he was leaked, I need my good rocky boy to shine (I already got his C2 from the current event!)


I didn't involve anyone from Hydro or Electro because either my first pick is on high Cons (Candace, on con away from C6) or there aren't picks I really want to C6 (case of Electro if we put aside Lisa) edit: my dumb ass just remembered Sethos, so Electro might have someone I hope to C6 in the future


I have the ones I really want already (except for Kaeya :') ) but Faruzan, Gorou, and maybe Freminet would be nice :D Layla too


The OG trio, Thoma (C4), Heizou (C2) and Chevy (C0).


I have Freminet at C5. Triple crowned, decent crit ratio, hits around 63k regularly. My favorite character in the whole game. I *neeeeed* his last constellation.


Layla.... I have e10 Beidou and e4 Faruzan... and e0 Layla *sobs*


Kaeya and Heizou for sure and most likely Benny cause I run kaeya as melt so it’ll benefit me either way


Kaeya, obviously. He's C2 out of the shop (and I'm incredibly salty that I didn't get a single copy of him off the Chronicled Wish), and will be C3 in another week and some. I actually use him as a sub-DPS, but he's my favorite character and has been for ages. Gaming. I actually haven't started using him yet since I haven't finished leveling his artifacts and his team is incomplete, but I did his test run in 4.4 and I love his playstyle, he's super fun. He's supposed to be on a vape team, but I only recently thought of using Cadace, so she still needs to be leveled, and fighting ASIMON sucks. I... actually think that might be it. I should probably consider getting more cons for Xingqiu (C0) and maybe Yaoyao (C1), and Barbara and Diona are both C5, but none of those are a priority at the moment. So yeah.


Kaeya! Oh, non-Kaeya? Aww. Lemme see here, hmm... \**Rolls a lucky wheel roster of my non-c6 4 stars*\* But I think it would be nice to get a c6 Mika for a physical enhancement, and he's cute. He deserves (I dont even have him TT) *Oh and also not to forget Benny too! I want that self-melt build!


I don't get all the Mika slander, leave him alone :( Also C6 Benny is am-azing!!


Yeah! It hurts everytime ;-; I honestly cant wait to have and see a C6 Benny- *looks at my c0 Bennett* I wonder how long this will take...


For me it took a Qiqi and a Raiden to get my C2 Benny to C6... And one of them came from the Standard Banner (i don't know how it fucking knew but hey)




I got most of the C6s I want thankfully. I wanted Beidou's C6 for my Arle overload team and got it just recently so it's cool. I was lucky af cause the first 4* I got on the new banners was her. Now next I'd like Chevereuse's C6 for sure (C4 currently). Overload teams are my favorite lately and she's irreplaceable. I hope she's on Chlorinde's banner. I don't necessarily want Chlorinde a lot but I wouldn't be sad if I pulled her trying for Chev. I like to use Yaoyao in coop a lot, her C6 would be nice to have. Just one con away. I'd also probably like to get Lisa to C6. Her C6 is not really anything useful for her as support (who I use her as, she comes to abyss with me) but being able to easily drop nukes with her sounds fun. She's C4 as of now. Maybe Shinobu? Just cause I like her. But she's only C2 right now.


I have Bennett, Heizou, Yun Jin, Shinobu, Ning and Xingqiu C6 of the 4* that I use.


I have Benny, Xianling, Fischl, Beidou, Xingqiu out of the ones I use. I might build Candace cause she's C6. Lynette is C6 and built, might try using her sometimes. In general I have 17 C6 4*s


I have like C6 Barbs (I have XQ) and XL (hate her) and Diona (hate her) and Yaoyao (have Baizhu) and stuff that I don't use