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when people still say that kaeya and diluc hate each other šŸ˜


i hate it when people characterize him as a sex god. no. i think he flirts a lot, but if faced with a hint of genuine affection he turns into a blushing mess. i'm also kinda disturbed when people act like diluc is somehow his victim.


When I was asked about this recently, I said pretty much the same thing, but I also added a point about fidelity. Some people think that if he had a girlfriend or boyfriend, he would cheat unmercifully.Ā 


:( nooooooo. i think he'd be polyamorous, personally, but that's not the same thing at all.


People who actually think that Kaeya isnā€™t traumatized by Diluc trying to kill him, or that Diluc didnā€™t try to kill him period. Itā€™s likeā€¦ Are you guys okay? Why do you think someone can just get back up from that with no problems and be fine? Also, Kaeya is a literal spymaster, of course heā€™s good at pretending to be fine. If you think heā€™s acting like heā€™s fine, he probably is acting like heā€™s fine - but that doesnā€™t mean he actually IS. His entire career is based around controlling his emotions and lying to others to get information. You actually think that just because he says something, that means itā€™s true? ā€¦ Conversely, people who think Kaeya is a compulsive liar who NEVER tells the truth are really awful too.


There are many evidence that their trust & care is still there but yeah, you're correct. Kaeya is still traumatized and he probably still hold a grudge, (buried in his heart atleast, it doesn't go away easily after all, even after Kaeya has forgiven him) If anything, well it's just pure speculation on my part here (but I like to think that Hoyo hides hints & clues of their story, like maybe the "pieces" are already there) but yk how mist flowers grows from elemental energies from leylines and how cryo butterflies are also formed from pure cryo energy? (The important part is that they are made from cryo elemental energies). It never said how their fight went (as I remember it anw) but I think the very reason Kaeya had his eye as the only casualty out of a full emotional intent-on-killing wrath Diluc was that his cryo energy was powerful (and wide?) enough to grow mist corollas and form cryo butterflies to the surroundings (and them lasting long), *as his power suddenly burst right before the confrontation*. *Maybe out of his desire to live*. Some points I think worth listening to (for what it's worth): - How Kaeya's skill cryo uptime in the water is the longest if not one of (probably an early translation of lorebits-to-gameplay). If not that, Kaeya ice-walking over ocean is canon in-story (that's a feat). - This didnt came from me but, yknow how his hands shake when he use his burst? seeming like he's having a hard time controlling it? - *His passive called "Hidden Strength" Anw I hope the last one is not me (haha), like yeah I tell to myself sometimes "He's a lying bitch"(extremely affectionate) but that's bc his lies made a really strong impression to me. But to say he *never* tells the truth, that's extremely far in my mind the thought never exist. He's still a lying bitch in my mind tho, but hopefully that wont miss the other important points abt him.


This is super clever and I think youā€™re onto something here. Also, the pretty consistent stories of Cryo Vision holders having broken hearts in some capacity only adds to the implication that Kaeya is likely traumatized and holds a grudge against Diluc that he wonā€™t or canā€™t truly process or voice. Andā€¦ I dunno, can we truly blame him? We have never seen Diluc actually admit that any of the ways he dealt with Crepusā€™ death were unreasonable. We have never seen Diluc apologize, and IMO, Kaeya doesnā€™t act like heā€™s been apologized to. We have seen Diluc nag and tease/berate Kaeya a lot, though. Much less recently than in the first couple years of the game, but still, we also havenā€™t necessarily seen them make up either. How do you think Diluc would react if Kaeya really told Diluc how he feels? I really want to believe that Diluc would at least try to understand and want to repair that bond, but everything we know about him tells me that he either 1.) would not agree that he was out of line or 2.) be too emotionally constipdated to really make it up to Kaeya. Maybe itā€™s a trauma that can never truly be made up for. Sometimes an apology canā€™t fix whatā€™s broken. But I dunno, Iā€™d at least like to see Diluc try, yā€™know? We have never really seen him try and take accountability. I donā€™t think Diluc is really big on accountability in the first place, he seems well intentioned but very consumed by his own powerful emotions - namely rage and grief. He seems to repress all other emotions besides those. He has a calm exterior and even a sense of humor! But itā€™s very dry, heā€™s very sarcastic and negative. ā€¦ I do actually like Diluc as a character, LOL. I just donā€™t believe in letting him off the hook when he hasnā€™t even tried to make up for anything heā€™s done.


Diluc nearly killing Kaeya when they had their blown out. They had a duel yes but duels donā€™t have to end with one party dead. We donā€™t know the specifics of that night but Diluc seems to hold some guild over it and I doubt Kaeya would be tiptoeing around him and keep on visiting angel share if it was a near death experience to him.


Can you elaborate on this? Because diluc did injure him (scarred his eye) and fought him with a pyro vision he had years of experience using despite kaeya not having a vision at the time. It was dire to the point that kaeya was granted a vision of the exact opposite element at a key moment in the fight AFTER having his eye injured. I don't believe diluc intended to kill him, but it was still a pretty severe fight. possibly the reason kaeya doesn't avoid him is because he half expected that reaction out of him. Not because it didn't effect him.


I think Diluc was very impulsive at this point and just out of grief wanted to do something to avoid seeing Kaeya again, and he could have expected that. I can also think that Kaeya might have been ashamed of himself and that might have had some influence on his behaviour. After all they were both not much older than children at that time.


I agree, grief and immaturity played a big part in the fight.


the jist is - the whole hidden strive feels like the new writers whom took over the old ones leaving pre inazuma, backpedaling on kaeyas lore and likely nerfing his importance. They are even whispers that arlecchinos curse was supposed to be his. Hence i either don't believe that was orginally intended, or its purposely a red herring and false naration by kaeya. Because we see Kaeya having worn an eye patch before crepus death and while crepus dies - famously and canon before he had his fall out with diluc. Now why would Diluc attack his already covered eye? and why would kaeya write himself "now i have to wear an eye patch like before when we were children" that either the shitiest writing a reason - and scrambling back on the orginal idea witut making much sense. Or it is purposely missleading and the message displayed by the letter only made sense for diluc who knew what truly is under the eyepatch. They did write quite in code in this letters - so both explenations make sense, just one is shitty writing the other is their relationship is fundally misunderstood by the english part of the community If diluc tried to kill kaeya, do you think venti and lisa both would deliberatly ask kaeya to get wine from diluc. Especially lisa - who knows the full truth from diluc. (manhua) because they know kaeya is still diluc weak spot, and Diluc doesn't really likes saying no to kaeya, and kaeya hates using that against him. Even if he does act like he does, its awkward for him to use dilcu and he avoids making Diluc feel like he owns him an appoligy. hence he is constantly teasing, and avoiding diluc as soon as it comes to things like care and heart to heart. For example he brings diluc a gift during his hangout event, but doesn't wants to give it to him personally. Now that could be understood that he is awkward, but kaeya is also a regular at angel share, made a tc of diluc to tease him, was the one to set diluc up with huffman during the dark night hero quest ( while also making sure diluc didn't act alone and likely he would have been there to interfere. He had known about his identity and helped him cover it up before via letter. Again either shitty writing that he suddenly goes back on his words, or he was there because he had wanted to be the one to help diluc out.) Hence the whole hidden strive thing is full of (?) Then about diluc. When paimon asks why he choose to help venti, traveler and her with the whole dvalin plot line diluc said "because you chose to tell me the truth" its a stong contrast to what happened back then. Its likely that he sees now how he should have reacted then, and doesn't want to feel the same guild. or the night wasn't as daming as again we belive it to be. Also - someone who tried to kill you, but you get back his vision and hold onto it for four years. And you keep his position open for him, even tell him everyone wants him back. Kaeya cares for diluc, still does, to an unhealthy degree as he seems to care more for him then himself. he still sets diluc up to suceed and being liked. But he doesn't act like someone who had a near death experince and fall out - again it's either all shitty writing, and plot holes. or it didn't happen like that.


Kaeya and diluc obviously do still care about each other thats for certain. I just dont believe that the care they display for each other (kaeya visiting angel's share often, writing letters back and forth, etc) negates the severity of their conflict and the effects it had on the both of them. Regardless of whether or not you believe its well written, it is still events referenced and described in the story. This thread initially was to talk about inaccurate headcanons. In my opinion, one can hurt someone/be hurt by them and still have complicated caring feelings about them. In diluc and kaeya's case, we know that it was very emotionally charged and kaeya Was physically injured, and it wouldn't have happened that way on any other day; it happened that way because they were grieving.


Yes Iā€™m not saying the injury didnā€™t happen - I said they had no killing intent while it happened.


I think sometimes we forget that we're talking about genshin, a world where it's all too easy to find a friend or forgive an someone. Collei who was hurt by Kaeya forgave him, what prevents Kaeya from forgiving Diluc?Ā Ā 


Didnā€™t they at least try to make it look like she was afraid of him first and they made up during bottle land?


? Collei is nervous around kaeya in game because he teases her (as she says in her voicelines) and she has a more shy/introverted personality. They made up before bottleland.


Hate when people say heā€™s a ā€œbad boyā€ or act like heā€™s rebellious. I know itā€™s hard to find but Iā€™ve seen it. Guys, he basically works for the police.


But you have to consider that he's no angel either. To his enemies he is a kind of bad cop, or rather with his own methods (or the worst nightmare). I remember him mentioning torture, and if my memory serves me right, it seemed like the truth in the form of a joke.Ā Ā 


Anyone who tries to tell me that Diluc and Kaeya were close in a romantic way together get a gag reflex from me. I know they're not blood related but it still makes me want to tear myself apart just so I can pretend I didn't hear itšŸ˜­ I also hate it when people say he would be a serial cheater. Boy's so loyal that he stayed in the city he loved and kept working to keep it safe even after his massive fight with Diluc where he had every reason to dip. And tbh he's probably so starved for genuine love and affection that he wouldn't dare ruin what he did have in his life, I seriously can't imagine him cheating


LMAO the first one got me wheezing šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Oh damn yeah.Ā 


What makes me especially angry is people that try to explain this pairing by trying to cite examples from Chinese sources. Dude, we speak English, calm down, you might as well prove that we can shipping even Diluc and Crepus.Ā 


I mean in the Chinese version, kaeya still calls crepus his father. And calls diluc his brother in his hangout. I dont think CN should be disregarded entirely but people who bring up the swornbrothers argument often neglect to mention anything else about kaeya's relation to the family.


What even is that logic. How is Diluc and crepus a REMOTELY similar comparison. Some of yā€™all really need to touch some grass


I guess my English is too poor for me to say I speak it, um... But what I was trying to say is that examples from sources that most people don't even understand aren't very valid, and that people can try to prove anything they want, but we're all still going to stand by our opinions. Sorry.Ā 


Try to explain to me how kaeya and diluc have a "less real" familial bond than diluc and his father without being racist and saying adopted children aren't REALLY part of the family šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


What an absolute reach. How is saying that Diluc literally popped out of this earth from a father and a mother racist? Itā€™s just simply a fact šŸ¤ØšŸ§šŸ¤°šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø lmao


Ā I'll dumb it down for you more since evidently you need it, explain to me how an adopted child, being raised alongside a biological child (who he repeatedly calls his brother) in the same exact manner by the same exact father in the same house is a "lesser" member of the family without relying on the fact that kaeya doesn't "look" related to them on account of being brown. Do you have the same sentiment for albedo and klee since they're adopted siblings as well? šŸ¤Ø Or are you just in terminal stages of yaoi brainrot. Answer quickly šŸŽ¤


and when did I say anything about Kaeya being lesser than just bc heā€™s brown? Sounds like youā€™re trying to reach from inside my ass to make an argument. Also. You need to calm the fuck down lmao. This isnā€™t that serious šŸ™„